
Chapter 4

As I got over my happiness, I started walking towards the gryffindore common room. Reaching the portrait of the Fat Lady, I muttered the password.

"Balderdash," I said getting myself ready for the commotion that was sure to be happening inside.

The Fat Lady gave me a knowing look before swinging forward on her hinges to reveal the common room.

The blast of noise that met my ears when the portrait opened almost staggered me.

'The noise-canceling on this wall is top-tier.' I could not help but think absentmindedly.

Next thing I knew, I was being wrenched inside the common room by about a dozen pairs of hands, and was facing the whole of Gryffindor House, all of whom were screaming, applauding, and whistling.

"You should've told us you'd entered!" bellowed Fred, his face a mix of mock indignation and genuine admiration.

"How did you do it without getting a beard? Bloody brilliant!" roared George, slapping me on the back like I'd just pulled off the ultimate prank.

I opened my mouth to explain but I could tell they were really not interested in getting any answer from me.

Angelina swooped in, all smiles. "Well, if it couldn't be me, at least it's a Gryffindor—"

"You'll be able to pay back Diggory for that last Quidditch match, Harry!" Katie Bell squealed, practically bouncing in place.

"We've got food, Harry, come on, have some!" someone shouted, shoving a platter of snacks toward me.

People shouted from all directions, their voices overlapping so much that I couldn't even tell how many were talking to me at once.

At some point, Lee Jordan unearthed a Gryffindor banner and insisted on draping it around me like a clock.

Seeing the way everyone was celebrating, their genuine excitement, I realized... what was the point? They wouldn't listen anyway.

I couldn't help but think ' Fuck it , lets just enjoy the party, I am not the original Harry who didn't know how, he had gotten into the tournament'

'I knew everything and with the essence I could even deal with any situation that will come at me.'

I decided right then and there to enjoy the moment. What was the harm? Everyone else seemed determined to have a good time on my behalf, and fighting it seemed pointless.

So, I let Lee drape the banner over me like a cloak of destiny and fully embraced the chaos.

Everywhere I went, snacks and Butterbeer materialized in my hands as people peppered me with excited questions about how I'd pulled it off.

At first, I tried to explain that I hadn't entered myself, that I had no reason to gain from this tournament, but my words were treated like background noise.

So I stopped that as well and Embodied the chill guy in me to just enjoy the party.

If Gryffindor wanted to throw a party, who was I to stop them?

And honestly? It was fun.

One moment, I was dancing with the Gryffindor Quidditch team—Fred and George leading a chaotic conga line while Angelina twirled me around.

The next, I found myself belting out some random, ridiculous song that Lee Jordan had conjured up on the spot.

"We've got Harry, he's the man!

Entered the Tournament, 'cause he's got a plan!"

To my utter horror, everyone joined in. The room shook with the collective chant, and before I knew it, I was singing along too, caught up in the infectious energy of it all.

By the time things started to wind down, I was draped over one of the armchairs with the Gryffindor banner still around my shoulders, feeling a rare sense of contentment.

After a few hours of this chaos, my energy finally gave out.

I managed to slip away from the common room unnoticed—well, mostly unnoticed. I think I heard someone yell something like "Party pooper!" as I left, but I was sure it was directed at someone else.

I trudged up the stairs to the dormitory, pushing open the door, I saw Ron sprawled out on his bed, snoring softly, his arm hanging off the side.

After the night I'd had, I was in no mood for more drama. The last thing I needed was a confrontation with Ron because of his jealousy.

So without disturbing him I quietly got into my bed.

I closed my eyes, letting out a slow breath.

Finally—some well-needed rest.

A small smile tugged at my lips. For all its craziness, tonight had been... fun.

And with that, I finally let exhaustion claim me. Tomorrow was bound to bring more surprises, but for now, I could enjoy a rare moment of peace.


The morning came too fast for my taste.

With a groan I managed to wake up from my deep slumber. The Gryffindors had thrown a celebration fit for a Quidditch Cup victory.

There had been singing, snacks, and way too much Butterbeer.

My throat was still felt a little sore from singing Lee Jordan's absurd chants.

But I had to give it to gryffindore, I don't think any other house throws parties like them.

I swiped the curtains aside, letting the morning light flood in—only to be greeted by Ron sitting on his bed next to mine.

"Oh, hello," he said, his voice unnaturally cheerful.

He was grinning, but it was a strained, odd sort of grin.

"So, Congratulations." He said when I turned to face him.

"What do you mean, congratulations?" I said staring at Ron.

His smile had transformed more into a grimace now.

"Well . . . no one else got across the Age Line," said Ron. "Not even Fred and George. What did you use — the Invisibility Cloak?"

"I don't think the invisibly clock would have worked," I said as I got over my drowsiness.

"Oh right," said Ron. "I thought you might've told me if it was the cloak . . . because it would've covered both of us, wouldn't it?

But you found another way, did you?" 

"Listen," I started, "I didn't put my name in that goblet."

"Right," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "If you don't want everyone else to know, fine, but I don't see why you're bothering to lie."

I took a deep breath. "I've already got more fame and glory than I need. This tournament doesn't offer me anything except danger."

Ron snorted. "You didn't get into trouble for it, did you? The Fat Lady's already told us Dumbledore's letting you compete. And hey, no end-of-year tests either—"


[ A/N If you want to read more advanced chapters , you can do so on Patreon. Link below.]


Creation is hard, make sure to throw your stones at me.


[ A/N If you want to read more advanced chapters of this fanfic, you can do so on Patreon. Link below.]


Creation is hard, throw your stones at me.

Eternal97creators' thoughts