

Hearing the words,'Kid, I have a job for you.' I knew he knew about my situation here. I asked," What is it that you want me to do?" He told me," You see, a few centuries ago, Chang' e, the Chinese Goddess of the moon was playing throw using a fist-sized moonstone with her rabbit. But the dumb woman used a little more force and threw it out of the moon and it landed on this earth. She couldn't retrieve it as we higher beings are not allowed to directly interfere on mortal matters nor are allowed to enter the world of mortals." " What would I get if I help you?" i said trying to make him give out important information.

He thought for a second and said," You can't be too greedy kid but since it's your first time doing my work I will you some important piece of information. You know how to awaken the bloodline of your familiars, right? you know they need too consume blood of their kind to awaken but this is not the case for your pet Fen. His father was the wolf God and guardian of this forest that you must have figured out when you listened the old serpent's story and the Thunderbird is Horus' father and the friend in Europe was Byakko's father. Fen's father was just a normal snow wolf but later he found the moonstone and ate a finger nail sized piece giving him his powers. So other than a snow wolf's blood he needs a piece of moonstone. You don't to worry I have already talked to Chang'e about this. Another information, you can revive the egg by transferring some nature energy from your plant power and 2½ bowls of blood from Ouro. But Ouro will enter a weakened state for 2 weeks after that. So you must do it after the revenge and make it eat one of the corpses from the father-son duo. Of course I know you will make the other devoured by ouro to awaken his blood. Kid, I beg you do it within 2 years. That woman Chang'e is a good sister of my wife . My wife kicked me out of the house giving me 2 years to make you return the stone otherwise I will be homeless. I am currently staying with Apollo because of this. Chang'e has waited for many centuries to retrieve that stone because someone finally came to this Harry potter world. "

I took time to digest the information and was happy to find out about fen's blood awakening and the egg's revival. But what caught my interest were the words 'this world' and 'this Harry potter world'. I know the theory of multiverse is true since I came to this world but this Harry potter world, do we have multiple HP worlds. I asked him," I will do it but can you explain 'this Harry potter world' that you mentioned? are there other Harry potter worlds beside this one and can I travel other dimensions?" " Yes, there are other Harry potter worlds as well. where do think other reincarnators went though there have only 31. And for the last question, you need to it out yourself because I have already given out too much information. Take your revenge fast, put those damn father-son duo under a genjutsu or illusion using those damned eyes that you wished which you still hadn't used on your enemies and attack them. I can't believe you were once the one of smartest guy on your previous world. The faster you do the job the faster I return home. And when you get the stone and take the nail sized piece for fen put the big piece near the ring it will directly transferred to me."

I nodded and immediately turned to the two serpents and told them that the king prince are going to die today. The old serpent, whose name was just the letter J which the former king gave him , said," But how are we going to do it?" I called the remaining 3 familiars. Seeing Fen and horus, he was shocked as he clearly felt the power of Wolf God and the Thunderbird royal bloodlines. He was relieved to see them but was shocked to know that all lived on my body but he didn't say anything. I did not tell them about the egg's revival yet which I plan to tell them after the revenge.

We made our way towards a place on the opposite side of the lake where we were standing. There we saw many horned serpents of which many had scars on their bodies which was done by the royal duo. We made our way towards the inner area where the duo lived only to see five horned serpents, one of which had many scars and only one eye. J said," the one in the center is Selene. she is the most trusted person of Norman. the punishments meted out to the commoners are mostly carried out by her." I nodded and spread out magical aura from my eyes making a barrier containing them and put them under genjutsu. I learnt this while training my sharingan and finally could use this. They went blank for moments. I do not know what they were dreaming because I put them under genjutsu by spreading aura and not directly looking into the eyes. I told the fantastic 4 * My familiars* to attack them on the nape and not damage their bodies too much. Being under stasis for too long they didn't what happened at that moment. only to see a man with 5 beasts standing behind him. I shrunk their bodies and put them in my pouch. * the bodies of magical beasts remain fresh even after years in the pouch* Surely Ollivanders going to like it when I give him these beasts .

We made our ways inside the area which was the palace as the serpent's said it. we say the duo feeding on the common horned serpents. seeing this J got angry," you 'beasts', how can you eat your own kind after killing them ? and I was thinking why some of the serpent's went missing?". They saw me and ouro and the others. seeing ouro they he was the child of his younger cousin/uncle and felt threatened. Before they could attack me , I looked them in the eye and used genjutsu and they started screaming. I clearly saw what they were dreaming. they were repeatedly devoured or chewed by the serpents they killed. I gave out a sigh of relief as I knew we were not their match if they stayed awake. We all attacked them with our strongest attacks and killed them. they didn't even knew how they died , they just knew the culprit, the prince who came for revenge. after the revenge was taken I turned to the 5 beasts and said, " now's the time to revive the egg." Hearing this, J got excited. I proceeded to insert my plant magic in it while I told ouro to give 2½ bowl amount of blood to it and after that he can devour the king's body. he did as I told and went devour the body . As the egg slowly started to shine and hatch, ouro's jewel on his head turned blood red while his scales became darker and horns turned black. The egg hatched and what came out was a horned serpent but with scales being a mix of light green and black shiny scales. the jewel was small and light green. I told it in parseltongue that he needed to devour the prince's body to strengthen. it just nodded its head as it could not speak right now because of just being born. after an hour or so the little serpent finished devouring and we saw the changes happening. the body larger and shiny and the jewel and horns grew bigger and more green with mixture of indigo. The serpent said," thank you big brother " in a female voice and I saw ouro was actually blushing. I was shocked to see ouro's reaction but later smiled after all men will be men. I secretly said to ouro to wait before we at least get information about his father's killer. He was reluctant but agreed. I told J to train Medusa, yep that't the I gave her, till the time we get any information on ouro's father's killer and announce her as the heir to the throne. We left quickly not noticing the newborn princess looking in our direction with a sense of longing.