
American Wand

Currently standing outside the Wolfe family house, for which I searched for at least 3 days. the house was dark themed. looking at the house, i think back to my journey to US.

*Flash Back*

I convinced my dad about me going to America for a week. he loves me a lot. * nah begged to him holding his legs crying*

I teleported when I thought about white house. as soon asI arrived I puked, I am still not used it. i stealthily ran out afraid of being seen. while I was searching for Wolfe family, Morgan contact me,"did you recognize the materials for the wands at Ollivanders, I delivered them personally. if you tell me the name of at least two things in them I will give you the Wolfe family's address. how about it?"

I agreed,"the brownish green wood is a part a tree of life as it was emitting life aura. the egg looking thing was the heart of chimera, I guessed it as it gave a powerful feeling."

"correct. now take the address" a paper appeared on my hand, it was an address of san andreas* hell I have to go to West cost*. he then told me about the other materials," the colourful wood is from tree of chaos which stimulated your core as you should know that that you have the same body and veins. the bone is from a dementor's skull. and the last core are kelpie's whiskers. they hold most of the powers of a kelpie.now hurry, there's still more surprises left. don't die.don't die.hahahahahaha."

*Flash Back ends*

Standing their with the viles of one drop of blood from my familiars in my pocket. After a moment, I entered the building. As soon as I entered I saw a middle-aged handsome looking man staring at me. "greetings mister, I am Lucifer morningstar, I request you to make a wand for me." I said.

he looked at me for a few seconds and then said,"lucifer morningstar, peculiar name. we don't make wands now. you should go to another shop and judging from your accent you should be British. why not from Ollivanders?"

"i don't like people tracking me. and I can guarantee you this be your greatest creation ever. how so , you ask. just bring me to the place where you keep your materials and let me pick."i said.

amused by what I said, he took me took the basement where different woods and cores.

I closed my eyes and sensed five woods this time and 6 cores again.

He was shocked to see this and amazed . trembling with excitement he walked towards me and took out his hands and said ,"Stephen Wolfe is the name of this poor man, now shall we begin the procedure."

"yes, the faster the better" i said. he took out a cauldron from the back started making it. while the mixture was getting hot I told him to bring me 2 bowls* 2 bowls of his blood needed to make the wands along with his mana reserve(wish restriction)*.he asked me why, I told him I want a blood connection to it.

He put the five woods together in the to make a 15½ inches long twisted wand. I give him some half of the pieces of the egg shells of Horus and ouro to make the wand's outerframe strong and sturdy. he put six cores inside the hollow wand. as the cores where getting integrated into the wand the wolf's fang flew out of my pocket made it a seven cored wand. I gave him the vials of a drop of blood from my companions. he mix the it well till now no mistakes. lastly me pouring my blood into the cauldron pouring my mana and 2 bowls of blood from my left hand. just as my mana finished and Wolfe finished speaking his spells the cauldron exploded and a greyish black wand flew out of it absorbed into the boy's chest. I faint due to exhaustion and fainting I hear Wolfe saying a word just like Ollivanders "monster.." *I think I know why he called me monster. it's because of my mana reserve. it's too much for a kid like me who hasn't started school yet*

In my dream I found about my wand's materials:


1) trees of chaos

2) tree of space and time

3) yggdrasil

4) Bodhi tree fallen wood

5) Nang takian branch


1) snow wolf fang

2) sphinx tail hair

3) lethifold remains

4) werewolf heart

5) unicorn blood and horn

6) arcromantula's eyes

7) Hungarian horntail tail

isn't it too OP? well the things I got till now are too powerful. why do I feel like Morgan is going to give me a hard first task as a mission and those surprises what are they?

unbeknownst to him, he is being carried on the back of a man upstairs when the main door opens.