
Harry Potter: Stuck

Harry Potter has been in love with his best friend, Hermione Granger, for quite a long time but managed to hide it. He thought she wouldn't feel the same way for him as she looked to be infatuated with his other best friend, Ron Weasley, but the Horcrux hunt they were currently in said otherwise. Now, the issue was not about Hermione returning his feelings but what to do with the knowledge. Looks like he'll be stuck with two choices: loving Hermione or protecting her.

Uchiha_Midato · Book&Literature
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39 Chs

The Cup

Cold. It was cold- ice cold, really. That's all he can feel right now. He was so drained, physically and emotionally. He was floating, surrounded by darkness. His lungs were burning but at this point, he just wants to succumb to the darkness. He hasn't felt peace like this since... well, never. The darkness was tempting. It was calling out to him. He could just close this eyes and just...

Two large pairs of hands roughly pulled him up until he could feel air where he took a huge, rough gasp. The hands were pulling at him. He didn't know who it was and he was too drained to struggle against his captor. He was pulled until he could smell sand- the shore. Though his eyes were still closed, he could tell that they were nearing a beach.

He was lifted up suddenly and lowered onto the sand. He could hear and feel two people beside him. He forced his eyes open, only to see two teary brown orbs and tawny tresses hover over him. He smiled in relief.

"'Mione," he rasped.

Said girl lifted his upper body and embraced him tightly.

"Thank Merlin you're alright, Harry. Don't scare me like that again!" she scolded half-heartedly.

He chuckled weakly. "I'm fine, just a bit drained."

"Yeah, you almost passed out, mate," he could hear his best friend's voice behind Hermione.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Hermione said, helping him up.


"So... who wants to do the honors?" Harry asked, holding out the Sword of Gryffindor and rubbing his scar.

They were presently at the backyard of Shell Cottage with the cup on a chopped log. Only the three of them were there. The current predicament that they were facing was who would want to destroy the cup.

"You do it, Harry," Hermione said. "I've destroyed one already."

"Yes, well, you forget my bloody scar hurts when I'm close to a Horcrux so one of you do it," Harry said.

They both turned to look at Ron. His eyes widened and he gaped. "Wha- me?! I-I can't-"

Hermione cut him off. "Whether you like it or not, you have to do it. It's only fair, after all. I've already done it and Harry probably won't be able to stay conscious to destroy one. You do it, Ron. It's just easy. You swing the damn sword and it's all over."

She was met with a glare from Ron. "Fine. Give me the sword, Harry."

Harry did so. With shaking hands, he told them to stand back. They stepped back and watched as he swung the sword overhead and brought it down on the Horcrux, creating a loud clang. Black smoke came out from the cup. Harry screamed in agony and dropped to his knees, clutching his scar with both hands. Hermione was by his side in a second, embracing him, brushing her hand through his hair, and whispering comforting words in his ear. It took a few moments but he calmed down when the smoke disappeared.

Ron panted, his heartbeat facing. Seeing his best friend looking like that shook him to the core. Is this going to happen every time they destroy a Horcrux? Guilt consumed him as he thought about it. They found a Horcrux when he left. Did this happen to then as well? Their situation had never felt more real until this moment. He wanted to take his best mate's pain away.

He approached them and offered a hand to Harry. Said young man looked up at him, awe in his eyes. He shrugged then smiled. Hermione was watching the exchange with a smile. Ron was finally growing up and she couldn't be more proud.

Harry took his hand and stood up with Ron's help. He clapped Ron's shoulder. "Good job."

Ron nodded then looked at him with worry. "You alright?"

Harry saw the underlying guilt in his eyes but did nothing to reassure him. He could say everything he wants to say to reassure his best mate but Ron needs to come to terms with this on his own. And with the help with Luna... well, let's just say he'll get over it.

Harry nodded as a reply to his question. "I'll be fine, Ron. I'm just a bit sore."

Ron nodded back.

"Come on. Let's bury that somewhere then go back inside," Hermione urged.

"Wait. I have a better idea. Dobby!" Harry called.

Said elf popped into existence. "Master Harry Potter called for Dobby? What can Dobby for Master Harry Potter and his friends?"

Harry smiled down at his friend. "Yes, Dobby. Can you please get rid of that cup there? I don't want anyone to touch it. You can bury that somewhere no one can find it."

Dobby nodded enthusiastically. "Dobby will do as Master Harry Potter says!"

With a snap of his fingers, he, along with the cup, disappeared from sight. When Harry turned to his friends, Hermione glared at him and crosses her arms. "Master? Mind telling me what was that about, Harry?"

Harry gulped nervously. "Um... 'Mione... you see..."

Hermione continued to glare at him. Sensing the tension in the air, Ron laughed shakily. "C-Come on, guys. Let's go inside. Mum'll be worried by now."

Hermione hesitantly relented and went into the house first. Ron and Harry exchanged nervous glances. Ron clapped Harry on the back and said, "Good luck, mate. Don't worry, I'll give you a 15-foot eulogy."

Harry rolled his eyes and shoved him then followed after Hermione into the house. But for some reason he felt like he was walking to his own doom. He gulped nervously at that.

Ron noticed the conflicted look on his face and chuckled lightly. Yup, Harry and Hermione are going to be just fine. He was happy for them. He was happy he didn't pursue Hermione officially or those two would never have found each other. He was quite happy himself. He never would've thought twice about Luna before... but now he understood. He and Hermione would never have worked because they were polar opposites. He cursed the person who thought that opposites attract because he and Hermione certainly don't work.

Hermione was studious, hardworking, organized, understanding, and exceptionally bright. He had none of those traits that she possessed. They quarrel often as well. He didn't know how they would've survived a relationship like that. The only thing common between them was Harry.

Harry would be good to and for Hermione, he decided. Harry treated her better than he ever did. He compliments her personality and whenever a decision needs to be made, they rationally discuss the situation and not resort to a screaming match that wouldn't actually solve anything. Harry is often supports Hermione. He always compliments her intelligence and he supported S.P.E.W. even when he didn't really want to just because he wanted Hermione to be happy. He always listens to Hermione and in anything he does, he would always need her input. And there was even one time when Harry confessed to him that his conscience sounded like Hermione. Ron laughed it off at the time but he didn't know how much it made sense until now.

And Hermione... darn, that girl. He admits, he only liked her just because he wanted something the great Harry Potter didn't have. He still feels ashamed for that.

Hermione is usually logical and rational but when it comes to Harry, its like her whole world shifts. She sacrificed a lot for Harry. She studies so much so that she could help Harry in anything he does. Even when her life is in danger, she would still support Harry. He remembered fourth year. He had been a git that time, not believing his best mate when he was told that Harry didn't enter his name in the cup intentionally. Hermione was the only shoulder he could lean on that time. Bloody hell, she even Obliviated her parents and sent them to Australia just so she could go with Harry to hunt the Horcruxes. He could only hope Harry would survive this war. Hermione wouldn't be able to survive without him.

That thought scared him. He knew Hermione would rather lose everything she had but Harry. She lives for Harry. That's how much she loves Harry. He shuddered at the image of a dead Harry. He could see it now. Hermione would be devastated. He could almost see her gaunt and skinny form, unkempt hair, pale complexion, and once bright eyes now dull, sunken, and devoid of life. Without Harry, Hermione is nothing. She would better be dead.

And with that thought in his mind, he came to a decision. He would help his best mate survive. He failed them once, he would not fail them again. And he knew he could do it as long as Luna was with him. The thought of his newfound love brought a smile to his face.

"Ronald! Get in here, dinner is ready!" his mum called him from inside the house.

And with that, his head was filled with the thought of food. His stomach grumbled loudly. Shaking his head, he entered his eldest brother's house.