
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense Join my new Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/DPcmAzAy

IHaveNoNamingSense · Book&Literature
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118 Chs

Chapter 99: The Usefulness of Peter Pettigrew

To be honest, Grindelwald was very interested in this matter. After all, Dumbledore was the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the past, they were so similar and close. Now, Grindelwald felt he could compete by becoming the headmaster of Durmstrang Institute.

—Durmstrang, one of the three most famous magical schools in Europe, had always enjoyed a great reputation on the continent. Many pure-blood wizard families in Britain even wished to send their children there because Durmstrang only admitted students from pure-blood families. Located in Northern Europe, Durmstrang was more tolerant of dark magic compared to Hogwarts. Grindelwald himself had been a student there in his youth.

However, Grindelwald was expelled when he was 16 years old. Even Durmstrang, known for its tolerance of dark magic, couldn't condone Grindelwald's extreme research into the dark arts—This showed that he was a dangerous figure even in his youth.

"I'm quite interested…" Grindelwald chuckled, putting away his pocket watch before letting it dangle again. "But it's unlikely that the Ministers of Magic in Europe would agree to this."

"Give it a try," Wilson said nonchalantly, as if he didn't care about the outcome. "Britain is too small to accommodate so many Dark Lords…"

Wilson glanced at the trembling, silent Peter Pettigrew standing by the door. He continued with a smile, "I'll figure out a way to keep our third-generation Dark Lord occupied, distracting Dumbledore. The Headmaster won't abandon his school."

Wilson's eyes met Grindelwald's as he continued, "If you go to the north of the continent, Mr. Crouch might be able to relay messages for you. I hope you can manage it within a year or so because I need him back to help us."

Once Grindelwald became active on the continent, the Ministries of Magic would have to unite, and Crouch Sr. would have to act. The British Ministry couldn't ignore this matter. However, Crouch Sr. held an important place in Wilson's plan because their future stronghold was in the British Ministry of Magic.

Wilson had already begun to plan for Crouch Sr's return to power and eventual rise to the position of Minister for Magic.

"And remember the most important thing," Wilson said seriously to the relaxed Grindelwald. "Stand with the majority because they can elevate you."

"Is that so?" Grindelwald raised an eyebrow, spread his hands, and chuckled. "No need to worry about that. Wherever I stand, more and more people will eventually stand with me. We will become the majority."

This was the confidence of a Dark Lord. Despite the passage of time and the disappearance of those who once served him, Grindelwald was confident he could regain control.

The only problem was Albus Dumbledore. Even in the past, many of Grindelwald's followers admired Dumbledore. Now, Dumbledore's reputation was even more formidable.

Grindelwald's comeback wouldn't be easy, especially since he had no one by his side except for Crouch Sr., who could provide insider information.

Of course, these challenges didn't faze the Dark Lord. If Grindelwald wished, he could rally a group of followers willing to die for him at any time by merely mentioning his name.

Wilson, however, felt a bit uneasy. The grey-haired boy leaned back in his chair and said softly, "By the way, the current headmaster of Durmstrang is Igor Karkaroff, a former Death Eater who survived by betraying his comrades…"

"Karkaroff?" Crouch Sr. finally looked up at the familiar name. "I remember him. He betrayed many Death Eaters…"

"Including your son, Crouch Jr., right?" Wilson interrupted, stroking his chin. "Since he once served Voldemort, he should have no qualms about serving Grindelwald."

Crouch Sr. was momentarily speechless. Realizing something, he frowned and voiced his concern, "Karkaroff might betray us as well!"

"No worries," Grindelwald interjected, calmly playing with his watch chain. "Because no fool stays around me for long…"

Crouch Sr. fell silent. As a ruthless Ministry official, he didn't care about the lives of certain criminals. His support for Aurors using Unforgivable Curses showed his ruthlessness.

"Alright, let's leave it at that," Wilson said, rising and signaling Peter to follow him to the basement. "Come on, Peter, I want to introduce you to a friend. I hope you get along…"

"Y-yes…" Peter stammered.

Crouch Sr. followed closely, seemingly intent on seeing his son in the underground bunker, while Grindelwald remained on the sofa, toying with his watch chain.

Once they reached the basement, Crouch Sr. leaned closer to Wilson, pushing Peter behind him and whispering, "Don't get too close to Grindelwald. He used to treat wizards as tools…"

Crouch Sr. continued earnestly, "A Dark Lord is more dangerous than we imagine. If he finds us useless, he'll discard us all…"

"Alright, I understand," Wilson nodded seriously, then said thoughtfully, "You reminded me of something. Please fetch me a bottle of Polyjuice Potion made from Peter's hair…"

With Peter in their grasp, they could produce Polyjuice Potion indefinitely, another advantage of capturing him.

Crouch Sr. looked confused. 'Why bring up Polyjuice Potion now?'

Wilson ignored his confusion and opened the basement door with his magic.

"One more thing," Wilson said, stopping Crouch Sr. from entering. "I need you to guess something…"

Crouch Sr. looked puzzled. Wilson's eyes warmed as he continued, "Do you think your son wants to see his mother?"

Wilson held up a translucent black stone. "I found the Resurrection Stone at the Gaunt house…"

Crouch Sr. stepped back in shock, and even Peter looked uneasy, his small eyes darting nervously.

"If you want to see Mrs. Crouch…" Wilson stepped closer, "I can help you summon her spirit. But I need to know if she died from Dementor's Kiss or illness in Azkaban…"

"She was strong, her will unbreakable… No, she was gentle, the kindest woman… She can still come back…" Crouch Sr. babbled, staring at the stone as if mesmerized.

Just as Crouch Sr. was about to touch the stone, Wilson watched him calmly, not stopping him. However, Crouch Sr. ultimately pulled back, retreating to the wall and shaking his head, "No, she can't know… she can't know Barty is still the same!"

Wilson quietly pocketed the stone. Peter, wide-eyed, tentatively asked, "Mr. Wright, may I see it again?"

"Of course," Wilson replied kindly, stepping aside. "But first, you need to prove your loyalty."

"Of course, of course," Peter agreed eagerly.

Since Crouch Sr. was too distraught to see his son, Wilson led Peter into the bunker. The rat-like man cautiously followed Wilson's directions, memorizing the safe path and taking in the layout of the basement with wide eyes.

Once Peter entered the bunker, Wilson's gaze darkened, watching the door slowly close behind them.

(End of Chapter)

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