
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense

IHaveNoNamingSense · Book&Literature
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Chapter 72: Crouch Sr Only Trains Me to Be an Auror...

Everything was fake.

Dumbledore and Snape did not know.

The two in the headmaster's office did not know that the person they were scheming against, the third-generation Dark Lord Peter Pettigrew, was actually chatting in the Hufflepuff dormitory, counting his gains at school.

Wilson thought he had gained enough this semester.

Name: Wilson

Gender: Male

Birthday: August 8, 1978

Health: 2090 (average adult male is 100)

Health Regen: 2/sec

Magic Power: 3585 (average Auror wizard is 500)

Magic Regen: 2/sec

Magic Spells:

- [Killing Curse], [Imperius Curse], [Cruciatus Curse], [Occlumency], [Unlocking Charm], [Scouring Charm], [Transfiguration], [Disarming Charm], [Lumos], [Reparo], [Fire-Making Charm], [Levitation Charm], [Petrificus Totalus], [Accio], [Revealing Charm], [Stupefy], [Invisibility Spell], [Apparition], [Aguamenti], [Sectumsempra], [Fiendfyre], [Anti-magic], [Expulso], [Softening Charm], [Levicorpus], [Reducto], [Expecto Patronum].

(Any magic spell will have its magic consumption automatically adjusted based on its power.)

Magic Skills:

- [Purification], [Void Orb], [Void Feast], [Teleport]

Magic Perks:

- [Never Petrify], [Wind Riding], [Parseltongue], [Wizard's Chess], [Meditation]

Potion Recipes:

- [Health Potion], [Magic Potion], [Polyjuice Potion]

Magical Pets:

- [Avinia, an Ice Phoenix, skilled in ice magic.]

- [Tom, an owl, skilled in catching mice.]

In just a few months, Wilson's paper strength had more than doubled since his enrollment, not including the spells he had learned and some magic abilities.

These were his assets for serious business during the Christmas holidays.

As Wilson, disguised as Peter Pettigrew, was a behind-the-scenes mastermind, he couldn't always focus on Hogwarts but should look at the entire wizarding world and its future.

"What are you planning to do during the holidays, Wilson?"

Cedric couldn't sleep, lying in bed and chatting with his friend, earnestly suggesting, "If you have nothing to do, can I invite you to my house?"


Wilson was silent for a while before sighing, "Sorry, Cedric, I'd love to, but Mr. Crouch might have me practice Auror spells during the holidays."

Generally speaking, there was nothing Crouch Sr couldn't use as an excuse. If Wilson wanted to cause trouble outside, Crouch Sr would be his first alibi, although it was unlikely anyone would suspect him.

At least not at this time.

"That's too bad." Cedric was a bit disappointed. As Hufflepuff's future role model, he was already showing his good nature, quickly making excuses for the elder, "I remember Mr. Crouch was once head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He must really want you to become a powerful Auror."

In fact, many people thought so. Even Dumbledore knew that Crouch Sr had been training Wilson to become an Auror, potentially a valuable asset in fighting dark wizards.

"I think so too." Wilson calmly closed his eyes and said, "If I can't achieve something, it would be a disappointment to Mr. Crouch."

Of course, Wilson hoped Crouch Sr wouldn't be too disappointed.

Because they had many things to do during the Christmas holidays, given Wilson's growing power, they couldn't just passively wait for the situation to change.

Most importantly, tasks that couldn't be completed during school could be done during the holidays. The wizarding world had many places waiting for Wilson to explore.

Christmas holidays arrived as expected.

London King's Cross Station.

Platform Nine and Three-Quarters was crowded with parents waiting to pick up their children.

Crouch Sr felt he treated Wilson better than his own son. He had never picked up his son from school, but now he was here for Wilson.

As expected, some pure-blood families who had supported Voldemort openly showed their disdain for Crouch Sr. This old man had been ruthless in dealing with Death Eaters. Now that he had lost his reputation and power, only having an adopted child to live with, there was nothing to fear.

Last time, they hadn't seen Crouch Sr. This time, they wanted to see the child Crouch Sr had adopted, to target him at school as revenge.

Unfortunately, their plans would likely fail.

Perhaps it was not surprising, as their children also wanted their parents to target that kid.

The Hogwarts Express arrived.

Parents waited quietly for their children to appear.

The first student off the train was a handsome gray-haired boy dragging a large suitcase. Crouch Sr stepped forward to take his luggage.

"Long time no see, Mr. Crouch." Wilson handed his luggage to Crouch Sr, observing the crowd at the station, "It seems many students' parents hate you..."

"They always have." Crouch Sr glanced around, dismissively recounting the past, "Seven or eight years ago, I nearly threw those guys into Azkaban. It's normal for them to hate me..."

Time had passed.

He no longer held such power.

"I thought it was because of me." Wilson couldn't help but smirk.

"Because of you?" Crouch Sr immediately became alert.

His pace slowed, and he took a deep breath, looking at Wilson, "The communication from Hogwarts was interrupted for a term. You didn't cause any trouble at Hogwarts, did you?"

"How could I? I'm not the kind of guy who likes trouble." Wilson's expression was subtle. He glanced back at the group of Slytherin students getting off the train, a slight smile forming, "But I'm curious, do you mean trouble as a student or some other kind of trouble?"

(End of Chapter)

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