
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense

IHaveNoNamingSense · Book&Literature
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Chapter 59: Professor Sprout, You Will Regret It!

Professor Minerva McGonagall finally felt at ease.

It was only because Wilson's Ice Phoenix had awakened, because of that Professor Flitwick was not seriously injured or worse, killed. She didn't want to mention sending away Wilson's pet anymore.

"Where is Peter Pettigrew?"

Professor McGonagall eyed Dumbledore, her gaze filled with questions and unease. "Why did he attack Filius tonight?"

"For Ravenclaw's diadem."

Dumbledore didn't hide anything, even looking at the astonished Professor Sprout as he spoke softly, "We no longer need to keep this a secret... Sprout, Peter Pettigrew, the disgrace of Gryffindor, is the one who attacked Filius."

Now, it was impossible to keep these matters hidden from any Hogwarts professor.

Peter was becoming more reckless. Even though Professor Sprout preferred to stay out of conflicts, she might still encounter Peter when he sneaks back into Hogwarts again.

At least…

All professors needed to be on alert.

To let them know that a student who was supposedly dead had become a looming threat to the entire wizarding world.

Once Dumbledore explained Peter's recent activities to Professor Sprout, her first thought was to ensure the students' safety: "In that case, shouldn't we reconfigure the school's protective enchantments?"

"Yes, that's for their safety."

Dumbledore nodded, then sighed, "Tomorrow, I will notify the parents. To ensure the children can study in peace, Hogwarts will be closed at least until Christmas break."

If Dumbledore's Christmas plan didn't resolve the Peter problem by the holiday, they would have to find another solution.

"Speaking of safety, there's one more thing..."

Professor McGonagall recalled the scene she and Professor Sprout had witnessed in the Great Hall, which still made her shudder.

Professor McGonagall looked at Professor Sprout and then at Professor Snape, speaking softly, "Tonight during dinner, there was a severe large-scale brawl in the Great Hall. Almost all students from Hufflepuff and Slytherin were involved..."


Professor Snape furrowed his brow, glancing at the now serious-faced Professor Sprout. He instinctively thought Hufflepuff had come out worse in the brawl.

Because, in terms of magical skills and spell mastery, Hufflepuff students couldn't match those from Slytherin with their strong family backgrounds...

"This happens every year..."

Professor Snape frowned.

"Professor Snape, please let me finish."

Professor McGonagall interrupted, continuing, "The cause was a Slytherin student deliberately humiliating a Hufflepuff first-year during dinner. Following a verbal dispute, they initiated the fight..."


Professor Snape quickly grasped the situation and defended, "Inter-house rivalry has existed for over a thousand years at Hogwarts, this incident..."

Professor McGonagall glanced at Snape, shaking her head, "Alright, then as the head of Slytherin, what do you propose? After all, it was your students who started the unreasonable fight..."

Really, McGonagall felt speechless.

The Slytherins were just too stubborn!

As a Slytherin head, was it appropriate to keep excusing such behavior? He didn't even know the outcome of the fight yet!

After a moment of contemplation, Professor Snape looked at Hufflepuff's head, Professor Sprout, and said softly, "The instigators, for initiating an unjust conflict, will each lose ten points from Slytherin. Additionally, I will have them do chores in the potions lab."


Professor Sprout looked oddly at Snape and slowly nodded in agreement, "Alright, I have no objections..."

"Then that's settled..."

Professor McGonagall rubbed her forehead in resignation and asked softly, "But, Professor Sprout, aren't you planning to discipline that bold Hufflepuff student?"

"Why should I punish him?"

Professor Sprout smiled and shook her head, her eyes full of affection for her students, "Today, we all saw that Wilson was the one who followed the rules the most..."


That was true.

Because Wilson Wright could be considered the most rule-abiding student. Even when his pet almost turned Hogwarts upside down, he didn't break curfew...

It was absurd.

Really, who knew what went through this new student's mind...

Professor McGonagall remembered the scene she and Sprout had witnessed in the Great Hall and couldn't help but add, "But Mr. Wright hung all the Slytherin students on the walls..."

That scene was the stuff of nightmares.

Each Slytherin student, like corpses, neatly hung on the walls of the Great Hall, which was perpetually lit by rows of floating candles...


Professor Sprout smiled at McGonagall, asking rhetorically, "But Wilson still didn't break any rules, right?"


Professor McGonagall felt she couldn't continue this conversation.


Finally, the belatedly reacting Professor Snape caught on, his fingers pinching together as he frowned tightly, "Did you just say... that little brat Wright hung all the Slytherin students on the walls?"


Everyone looked at Snape.

Even Dumbledore, who had been listening to the professors' conversation, couldn't help but be curious about Snape's expression.


Young head of Slytherin, Snape, noticing the stares, just huffed coldly, wrapped his robes tighter, and left the infirmary.

These old folks…

They're acting so mischievously!

What angered and humiliated Snape more was that after losing the fight, the Slytherin students were hung on the walls, and this had happened again with more people this time!

Before leaving, Snape paused, looking back at Professor Sprout, "Professor Sprout, I hope you won't regret having a student who always fights in Hufflepuff. He will bring great trouble to Hufflepuff eventually..."


Professor Sprout smiled at the clearly frustrated Snape and continued, "You don't need to worry about that. I am the head of Hufflepuff."


Snape said nothing more and slammed the door behind him.

The next day.

Professor McGonagall announced the punishment for the twin brothers.

For disturbing the animals in the Forbidden Forest and causing the Ice Phoenix to destroy Hogwarts defensive wards, they were assigned a week of chores.

This punishment wasn't severe.

Privately, Professor McGonagall thought the twins somewhat inadvertently saved Professor Flitwick, so she only intended to teach them a lesson.


This couldn't be publicly declared.

And their disturbance of the Ice Phoenix wasn't out of goodwill; from their motives, they didn't plan to do anything good...

This was what McGonagall couldn't tolerate!

To be fair...

Professor McGonagall just hoped the twins wouldn't actively break any school rules, like Wilson...

That was already a very low bar.

Of course.

Professor McGonagall couldn't have expected.

Wilson was no longer the obedient student she imagined. Yesterday, that obedient student had completely achieved his goal.

This meant...

Wilson didn't need to hide anymore.

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