
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense

IHaveNoNamingSense · Book&Literature
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Chapter 53: Who Would Have Thought That Voldemort Used to Snitch?

The cold spread rapidly!

The ice phoenix broke free from its icy prison!

Hogwarts once again plunged into a cold night, as tiny snowflakes started to form in the sky, gently falling down.

"So beautiful..."

Rubeus Hagrid looked up at the ice phoenix flying in the sky. The half-giant couldn't help but admire the sight of Anivia soaring and dancing.


Fred shivered, wrapping his clothes tightly around himself and muttered, "Hope everyone turned on their fireplaces tonight..."


George huddled closer to his brother and Hagrid, whispering, "Merlin help us, hope they don't get sick tomorrow... Praying for them is all we can do now."

Fred nodded, agreeing with his brother, then looked at Hagrid and asked softly, "Hagrid, what do we do now? Can we freeze it back?"

"I'm afraid that's beyond us..."

Hagrid shook his head gently and pondered for a moment before continuing, "But wi' the commotion Anivia's caused, Wilson will surely ken an' come soon..."


Wilson did not come.

The gigantic ice phoenix had already begun to showcase its magical power!

Up in the sky!

Affected by its magic, Hogwarts' protective enchantments started to crack and freeze!

A thick layer of ice quickly formed on the Black Lake near Hogwarts, and the falling snow turned the entire lake into a vast white snowfield!

As the ice phoenix's ice magic grew stronger, its influence expanded, with ice spreading from the ground towards Hogwarts Castle!

If it wasn't stopped soon, the entire school could be frozen!

Dumbledore and the professors quickly realized the situation.

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Snape were the first to rush to Hagrid's hut, followed by Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor Amelia Bones and Care of Magical Creatures Professor Silvanus Kettleburn!


Dumbledore called for his phoenix.

As Fawkes flew to him, Dumbledore waved his wand, drawing fire from Fawkes to create a circular shield that stopped the cold from spreading into the castle!

At least the castle was safe for now.

However, as long as the ice phoenix was still flying, the crisis wasn't over.

"What on earth is happening?"

Professor McGonagall looked up at the ice phoenix, then at Hagrid and the Weasley twins, "Hagrid, do you have an explanation?"


Hagrid fidgeted with his hands.

Not stopping the Weasley twins from disturbing the ice phoenix's sleep had led to this incident, and it was indeed his fault.

"It's not Hagrid's fault, Minerva."

Dumbledore extended his arm for Fawkes to perch on and spoke up for Hagrid, "I allowed Wilson to bring his pet to school and had him leave it with Hagrid..."


Professor McGonagall frowned and protested, "You shouldn't have allowed it in the first place. Keeping a dangerous creature at Hogwarts is irresponsible to the students..."

"No, no, no..."

Hagrid quickly interrupted, "It's ma fault. It should've stayed asleep..."

If McGonagall continued...

They might have to send the ice phoenix away tonight!

"Professor, we woke it up..."

Fred cautiously peeked from behind Hagrid.

"We're also to blame."

George quickly admitted from the other side.

"You two..."

Professor McGonagall felt her blood pressure rising. She held her forehead and suppressed her anger, "Fred Weasley and George Weasley, return to your dormitory immediately!"

After saying this, Professor McGonagall glanced at Dumbledore and Snape, "Once this is resolved, I'll announce your new punishment tomorrow. Prepare for detention and losing points."


The Weasley twins left quietly.

Only after they were gone did the professors discuss the real issue.


Professor McGonagall looked at the ice phoenix in the sky, still insisting, "Keeping a dangerous creature at school is irresponsible. I still believe Wilson should send it away."

She even glanced at Hagrid to stop him from speaking, "Hagrid, you shouldn't argue if you don't want a repeat of past events..."


The tall half-giant stiffened.

Facing the strong-willed deputy headmistress, especially when she mentioned the old Hogwarts story, Hagrid couldn't oppose.

Years ago, when Hagrid was a student, he kept an Acromantula, which later caused trouble and injured a student, leading to Hagrid's expulsion.

Of course.

Dumbledore and Hagrid believed something was fishy about the incident.

Because the person who reported Hagrid was none other than a young Tom Riddle, who later became Voldemort.


Hagrid and Voldemort were actually schoolmates!

And Voldemort once snitched on classmates!


Dumbledore called to Professor McGonagall, suggesting gently, "Let's deal with the current problem before discussing whether Wilson should send his pet away..."


Professor McGonagall turned to Hagrid, "Hagrid, do you know how to calm that ice bird?"

"We need Wilson's help..."

Hagrid swallowed nervously, "When Anivia arrived, Wilson soothed it tae sleep... He must be on his way now?"

Typically, Wilson would not stay put in such a situation.

However, strangely, Wilson hadn't appeared, while Hufflepuff's Professor Sprout brought bad news to Hagrid's hut.

"Professor Flitwick has been attacked!"

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