
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense Join my new Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/DPcmAzAy

IHaveNoNamingSense · Book&Literature
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Chapter 47: Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor - Amelia Bones

Most people in the world long for a peaceful life. However, some peculiar individuals enjoy helping others lead thrilling lives, like making enemies of the world.

Wilson was such a person.

As this enthusiastic person entered deep sleep, the mastermind he created, Peter Pettigrew, had become the public enemy of Hogwarts.

Late at night.

In the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts.

Professor Minerva McGonagall had learned some truths.

For instance, Peter Pettigrew had betrayed everyone, orchestrating the downfall of Voldemort and the Potters, and framing Sirius Black for the explosive tragedy.

The cowardly Gryffindor from back then had revealed his true colors, announcing to the world his intent to become the third Dark Lord.

This was not good news!

The reputation of Gryffindor House would be utterly ruined!

As the Head of Gryffindor House, Professor McGonagall couldn't stand by and let this happen. She cared deeply about Gryffindor's reputation, even being stricter with its students to uphold it.

"Don't worry, Minerva," Dumbledore reassured the anxious professor, calmly explaining, "We should have been prepared for this. Gryffindor can't always produce only kind-hearted wizards. We both know that..."

"What should we do now?" she asked.

"There's not much we can do for now." Dumbledore walked to the window, gazing at the starry night sky, thinking deeply before speaking again, "If Pettigrew is a high-level Animagus capable of transforming into three animals, our chances of finding him are slim..."

In truth, Animagus animals are like ordinary animals. Given that Peter could transform into three animals, he might even be able to take on other forms, a fact that left Dumbledore helpless.

Reflecting on Peter's actions that night, Dumbledore spoke in a low voice, "What worries me more is that Peter is deliberately showing off his magical prowess. He can't hide forever if he wants to become the Dark Lord..."

"What can I do?" Professor McGonagall frowned, muttering, "How could Gryffindor produce a Dark Lord? Even Dark wizards are rare..."

"Unexpected events are always unstoppable." Dumbledore shook his head slowly, continuing softly, "Minerva, don't take this too hard. As a Hogwarts teacher, your success is always reflected in your students..."

McGonagall remembered what Peter had said earlier that night, her face growing stern. She clenched her fists in frustration. "The Weasley twins broke curfew again..."

Indeed, the Weasley twins were incorrigible!

If not for their accidental interference with Dumbledore's traps, Peter wouldn't have had the chance to infiltrate the school!

The next day.

The news spread across all houses at Hogwarts.

Due to the Weasley twins' rule-breaking, Gryffindor had lost a hundred points.

That morning, as all the students gathered for breakfast, Professor McGonagall angrily announced the punishment in the Great Hall, having been up all night fuming.

This was excellent news.

Wilson was particularly pleased.

Last night, he had gone to considerable effort!

"Wilson, let's head to class," Cedric said, patting his friend's shoulder.

Cedric noticed Wilson seemed in a good mood today.

Their schedule was busy with three classes in total.

Apart from a brief Charms class with Professor Flitwick, Hufflepuff's main focus was on two long Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

Speaking of Defense Against the Dark Arts...

One must mention the Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position.

Long ago, when Voldemort was still young, he was known as Tom Riddle. After graduating from Hogwarts, Riddle sought employment, unable to find a suitable job.

So, Tom Riddle approached his teacher, Dumbledore, hoping to become the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Dumbledore refused him.

He had noticed Riddle's obsession with Dark Magic and deemed it irresponsible to give him such a position.

This decision, much like the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna rejecting a self-taught artist, brought immense trouble to the world.

Tom Riddle never forgot this.

So, he cursed the Defense Against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts, ensuring no one could hold the job for more than a year.

Although it's unclear if young Voldemort truly cursed the position, every Defense Against the Dark Arts professor since then has left after a year for various reasons.

Consequently, Dumbledore tirelessly searched for suitable candidates every year, perhaps regretting his refusal of Voldemort...

Of course, this became a secret.

With the new school year, the Defense Against the Dark Arts position was vacant again. Dumbledore personally invited a witch named Amelia Bones to take on the role.

Everyone in the wizarding world knew Amelia Bones would serve only a year, not just because of the curse, but because she was poised for a promotion.

Amelia Bones had just left her role as head of the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects, retaining her seat on the Wizengamot.

However, it was widely expected that Amelia Bones would be promoted to Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement next year, leaving her unable to continue teaching at Hogwarts.

Even if for just one year...

Amelia was warmly welcomed by many students.

Especially the Hufflepuffs, who adored her, knowing she was from their house.

Including her nephew, Elvin Bones.

Now, Elvin was quietly complaining about his aunt to Wilson. "At home, she's very strict. No one can sway her decisions..."

"That's because their reasons aren't convincing enough," came a calm woman's voice from the classroom entrance. A broad hand gently patted Elvin's head.

Amelia Bones.

'This was undoubtedly a serious professor.'

That was Wilson's first impression of her.

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