
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense

IHaveNoNamingSense · Book&Literature
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Chapter 43: Peter Pettigrew Appears Again

Late at night.

Hogwarts Castle was no longer peaceful.

Professor Minerva McGonagall, in her tabby cat form, quietly patrolled the third floor and quickly discovered the Weasley twins sneaking around for another late-night adventure.

As the head of Gryffindor House, she felt that the Weasley twins' admission into Gryffindor might take ten years off her life. These two little rascals were too bold!

The twins had even made special shoes for their midnight escapades, shoes that reduced the noise of their footsteps to avoid being heard.

Fortunately, she heard them tonight!

Otherwise, if they had gotten into trouble, how could she explain it to their parents?

"Mr. Weasley."

Professor McGonagall took a deep breath, suppressing her anger, and said sternly, "Haven't you learned your lesson from being caught in the magical trap a few days ago?"


Fred Weasley looked nervous for a second, then suddenly grinned and asked, "Professor McGonagall, didn't you find that trap intriguing?"

George Weasley, standing by his brother, nodded enthusiastically, agreeing, "Yeah, yeah, what secret could such a powerful trap be hiding?"

Professor McGonagall was momentarily at a loss for words.


That magical trap was indeed interesting.

Professor McGonagall knew it was set by Dumbledore.

As a witch from Gryffindor, she had to admit she was a bit curious about what Dumbledore might be hiding behind the trap.


Curiosity was no excuse for the Weasley twins to escape punishment!

"Mr. Weasley."

Professor McGonagall, no longer swayed by their words, calmly announced her decision, "Because you two have once again violated the Hogwarts curfew, Gryffindor will lose fifty points for each of you…"

"Fifty points!"

Fred and George Weasley couldn't help but look at each other in shock at the high penalty.

Professor McGonagall calmly continued, "To be precise, you've cost Gryffindor one hundred points in total. I hope you'll learn your lesson from this."

"Professor McGonagall, you're our head of house…"

Fred and George Weasley's eyes darted around as they tried to ingratiate themselves with their head of house.

If their older brother Charlie knew they lost a hundred points, he might feel a bit regretful, but Percy would definitely give them a thorough scolding!

Percy, always striving for the House Cup and working hard to earn points for Gryffindor, often complained at home about students who lost points. Who would've thought his own brothers would be major point-losers?

Of course, this was just a small matter.

More importantly, their friends in the house would look down on them!

"Because I am the head of Gryffindor, I must make this decision. I hope you remember today's lesson."

Professor McGonagall looked at the two dejected boys who didn't seem to learn their lesson and added, "Besides the point deduction, I will notify Hagrid tomorrow so you can join him on a patrol in the Forbidden Forest as punishment."

The twins looked puzzled.

They glanced at each other, then simultaneously blinked. If they remember correctly, the Forbidden Forest was also a restricted area!

This didn't seem entirely bad!

The twins' mood brightened.

This made Professor McGonagall feel worse.

Why did Gryffindor always get all sorts of troublesome students? Fortunately, that kid Wilson didn't end up in Gryffindor…

Professor McGonagall felt a bit relieved, though also a bit regretful, as Wilson was really talented in Transfiguration.

To make sure they wouldn't sneak away, Professor McGonagall had Filch escort the twins back to the Gryffindor dormitory before returning to her office to rest.

The night returned to silence.

As Professor McGonagall pushed open her office door, she saw a somewhat familiar, short, plump man inside.

The man heard the door open and slowly turned his head, stuttering, "P… P… Professor McGonagall… why are you back so soon?"

"Mr. Pettigrew?"

Professor McGonagall's eyebrows knitted together.

This short, plump man was one of her former students, Peter Pettigrew, who always hung around with James Potter and Sirius Black, two students prone to trouble. Though his friends caused trouble, Pettigrew rarely did himself.

Eight years ago, the news of Peter Pettigrew's death at the hands of Sirius Black had saddened her…


Peter Pettigrew was supposed to be dead!

Unaware of Pettigrew's resurrection, Professor McGonagall quickly drew her wand and pointed it at him, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I… I am your student…"

Pettigrew forced a flattering smile, placing his claw-like hands on his chest as if desperately trying to explain, "Professor McGonagall… don't you remember me?"

"Answer my question!"

Professor McGonagall remained vigilant.

She noticed her office had been ransacked, indicating the man wasn't there for good.

"It's really me… Professor…"

Pettigrew's face showed hurt, his hands waving as if trying to explain, looking saddened that his former teacher saw him as a stranger.

As Professor McGonagall pointed her wand at him, deep in thought, Pettigrew's expression suddenly hardened!

The next second.

His face turned cold and sinister, "It seems Dumbledore hasn't told you about me…"


Professor McGonagall frowned, "I'll ask him myself. Now tell me, who are you and why are you here?"

"Professor McGonagall, you've already recognized me."

Pettigrew shook his head helplessly, "Whatever your questions are, you'll believe me once you ask Dumbledore. As for why I'm here…"

Pettigrew sighed, "The entire wizarding world is abuzz because a new student pulled out the Sword of Gryffindor…"

"Unfortunately, I was late. The night I snuck in to get something was the same night the Sword of Gryffindor appeared. I could've almost got it…"

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