
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense

IHaveNoNamingSense · Book&Literature
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Chapter 29: Everything Back Then Was My Plan!


Peter Pettigrew has been dead for seven or eight years.

No matter what, it would be impossible for him to appear at Hogwarts now.

However, Snape did not believe it was someone else impersonating Pettigrew; he directly concluded that Pettigrew survived back then.


Who would bother to transform into Pettigrew?

Now, this Pettigrew came to the school to steal magical items left behind by Potter, and even knew the spells for those items...

Who else could it be but Pettigrew himself?

But how on earth did this guy survive!

Even though Snape was very surprised in his heart, he forced himself to appear unfazed. He didn't want to lose his composure in front of Pettigrew!


When Snape mentioned Sirius, Peter's face showed a hint of nostalgia, "He was one of my best friends in school. I could never understand why he would risk his life to hunt me down..."

Peter seemed lost in this question, muttering to himself and shaking his head: "Could it be just because I secretly leaked the Potters' safe house address to Voldemort?"

"...What did you say!"

Severus Snape's face suddenly changed!

Even Snape didn't expect to hear such an unimaginable answer from Pettigrew, an answer that made him furious!

Because back then, the leaking of the Potters' safe house directly led to the deaths of James Potter and Lily Evans, leaving only Harry Potter as a surviving orphan.

All along...

Everyone believed Sirius Black betrayed the Potters.

Severus Snape truly did not expect to hear another answer from Pettigrew!

And this bastard...

He actually regarded causing Lily's death as a minor matter?

Snape's eyes were filled with rage. He stepped forward to grab Pettigrew's collar, unable to maintain his composure in his fury!

"It was you who leaked the safe house to Voldemort?"

"Show some manners, you're a Slytherin..."

Peter suddenly let out a playful laugh, twisted Snape's hand, and forcefully pushed him away, causing Snape to fall heavily to the ground!

"Let me think..."

Peter slowly walked to Snape, bent down, and said slowly: "Where should I start... from when we were in school?"


Snape glared at him angrily.

Just as Snape was about to quietly raise his wand, Peter suddenly spoke: "Severus, you know, James and Sirius never cared about family backgrounds because no one had a more illustrious family than theirs..."


Snape fell silent.

Because indeed, both Potter and Black's families were among the most distinguished in the wizarding world...

Even Snape had to admit this.

Peter glanced at Snape and continued leisurely: "Distinguished families allow people to choose their own lives freely, but it didn't change their arrogance; they always looked down on me, treating me as a lackey..."

At this point, Peter suddenly let out a cold laugh: "Even after we graduated and were fighting Voldemort, they thought someone like me wouldn't attract Voldemort's attention, so they made a decision they would regret for the rest of their lives..."


Severus Snape raised his head as if sensing something.

At this moment, Peter's face became ferocious, no longer showing any sign of the coward he once was!

"They made me the secret-keeper for the Potters' safe house."

Peter sneered at Snape, his eyes full of uncontrollable anger: "Originally, Sirius was the secret-keeper, but that arrogant Black thought he would be targeted by Voldemort..."

"And so..."

"He found me, someone who Voldemort wouldn't notice!"

"And then..."

"He made the Potters switch the secret-keeper to me!"

As Peter spoke, his face was full of malicious intent. At this moment, his ugly face looked especially terrifying in the night!

This face made Snape feel a chill; he knew what Pettigrew was about to do!

No wonder Black had been chasing Pettigrew!


Snape's lips trembled slightly as he recalled that nightmarish evening: "You told Voldemort about the safe house location..."

"Hehehe, how naive and laughable..."

Peter couldn't help but sneer again.

He squatted beside Snape, chuckling: "Severus, you think you figured it out? You think I did it just to get revenge on them?"

Peter slowly shook his head, then gave a sinister smile: "If it was just for revenge, wouldn't that be too cheap for Voldemort? You're wrong, Severus. I'm not like you, who only acts for others..."

Peter suddenly stretched out his hand and clenched it into a fist: "The only person you can trust in this world is yourself, only yourself!"


Snape felt his mind explode.

Peter slowly stood up, laughing: "Hehehe... And who said that Voldemort is the only one who can become the Dark Lord?"


Snape looked at Pettigrew in disbelief.

"Slytherin fools are so naive..."

Peter sneered, shaking his head as he revealed his scheme: "I discovered that Lily had learned a powerful spell!

"And this spell could become a trap for Voldemort, a trap that could kill him instantly. What an interesting and grand masterpiece, hehehe..."

"So you deliberately told Voldemort about the safe house..."

Snape felt his hands and feet go cold. He never imagined that such a coward could have such a scheme, manipulating everyone in the palm of his hand!

This guy...

His mind is terrifying!

Even Snape, who prided himself on being astute, was alarmed by Pettigrew's plot, knowing how terrifying Voldemort was...

Facing such a terrifying opponent, Pettigrew still dared to plot against him!

This guy is the most terrifying mastermind in the wizarding world!

Even Dumbledore could never imagine this!

"As I expected, Voldemort walked right into the trap."

Peter's emotions gradually calmed as he spoke about his successful plan, his face also becoming cold: "Fools are incurable, even a Potions Master can't change the inherent stupidity and arrogance of Slytherins."

At this moment.

Peter Pettigrew seemed to have everything under control.

At this moment.

Peter Pettigrew was a truly terrifying mastermind.

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