
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense

IHaveNoNamingSense · Book&Literature
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Chapter 23 - Is there really no danger? I don't believe it!

Hogwarts Great Hall's door quietly opened.

Professor Minerva McGonagall led the young wizards inside, and almost every one of them couldn't help but clench their fists as they entered the Great Hall.

Because the Great Hall was filled with people.

Students from other years at Hogwarts were all gathered here.

These students from other years were dressed in wizard robes and wore pointed wizard hats, sitting in their respective positions according to their houses.

These students quietly observed the new students entering the Great Hall, as if they could see their past selves, who were once naive and nervous, in these new students.

Every new student at Hogwarts walked in like this.

The new students dared not look back at the older students, only glancing around the Great Hall randomly, quickly being drawn to the decorations of the hall.

The hall's ceiling...

was a beautiful night sky.

And under the night sky, rows of lit candles floated in the air, countless candles shining together with the fireplaces, illuminating this quaint and elegant hall.

All the sights were magical masterpieces.

Just as a group of young wizards were looking somewhat fascinated, Professor McGonagall stopped and stood by a tall stool in front.

On the tall stool...

was placed an old wizard hat.

This was where the Sorting Hat ceremony for the new students was held.

Professor McGonagall stopped, holding a list in her hand, glanced at it, and said softly, "Before we begin our Sorting ceremony... Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words to everyone."


A group of young wizards looked towards the area behind the tall stool where the old wizard hat was placed, the most conspicuous position in the entire Hogwarts Great Hall.

That area was a circle of special seats, where Hogwarts faculty sat in their respective positions, observing the new students about to undergo the Sorting ceremony.

And in their midst...

sat an elderly man with a white beard.

Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts.

No introduction was needed for him at all; any new student present would have heard of Albus Dumbledore as soon as they touched the wizarding world.

With the voice of Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore, seated in the middle, slowly stood up, speaking calmly and gently, "Here, I have a few simple opening remarks to announce. First-year students, pay attention..."


First-year students listened attentively immediately.

Seeing the expressions of the first-year students, Dumbledore began his remarks: "It is strictly forbidden for any student to enter the Forbidden Forest, as it is off-limits for the school..."


First-year students immediately remembered this.

Wilson probably already knew what Dumbledore was going to say next. It was just a bunch of meaningless nonsense, mainly to warn the new students.

In fact...

these nonsensical warnings were meaningless.

Instead, they might arouse the curiosity of some adventurous fellows.

For example, the twin brothers Fred Weasley and George Weasley blinked, wondering what they were planning.

"...and our caretaker, Mr. Filch..."

When Dumbledore got to this point, he pointed to an elderly man standing next to a small door, "Mr. Filch would like me to remind you that the corridors at night are off-limits, thank you..."


Wilson was a little sleepy.

The twin brothers' eyes were still blinking.

Through Dumbledore's words, all the new students present received the message they wanted: those who were timid remembered the places the school didn't allow them to go, while those who were bold had already planned their castle adventures starting tomorrow...

"Now let's begin the Sorting."

Professor McGonagall's words brought the spirits of the young wizards back. Holding a list in her hand, she introduced softly, "Students called, come forward, and I will put the Sorting Hat on your head, then determine which house you will go to..."


The young wizards became nervous again immediately.

"Cedric Diggory!"

Professor McGonagall pronounced the first name.


Cedric clenched his hands nervously.

Wilson kindly patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Cedric, I'll come find you right away..."


Cedric nodded earnestly, and he slowly walked towards the Sorting Hat, sitting calmly on the high stool under everyone's gaze.

When Professor McGonagall put the Sorting Hat on Cedric's head, a strange voice shouted from the Sorting Hat!



A smile instantly appeared on Cedric's face.

Because he and Wilson had both said they would enter Hufflepuff House, and now he was indeed sorted into the house he wanted to go to!

With Cedric, the first one to complete the Sorting ceremony, sitting in the Hufflepuff dining area, applause resounded through the Great Hall like a tide!

"Morris Flint!"

Professor Minerva McGonagall's voice echoed again!

A boy who looked somewhat familiar to Wilson walked up, his face full of nervousness as he sat on the high stool as if enduring some torture...


Only when the Sorting Hat was placed on his head and loudly shouted "Slytherin," did this boy named Morris Flint finally breathe a sigh of relief.


A group of Slytherin students clapped with cold faces.

Wilson finally noticed why this boy named Morris Flint looked familiar; it was because he had dealt with this little guy on the train in the morning...

No wonder he was under so much pressure...

If he hadn't been sorted into Slytherin, he would probably be beaten when he got home, right?

Just as Wilson was mentally noting down the name Morris Flint, Professor Minerva McGonagall suddenly pronounced his name unexpectedly!

"Wilson Wright!"



Wilson Wright responded calmly.

This was one of the habits he had left from his previous life because, in his world, it was a habit that every child who received an education would develop.

Wilson straightened his robe slightly.

At this moment, Wilson looked more serious than any other new student.


This scene was seen as too fearful of others.


This might also be too cautious.

Under the gaze of everyone present, the gray-haired teenager with an indifferent expression walked step by step to the side of the Sorting Hat, and asked in a deep voice, "Professor McGonagall, is the Sorting ceremony really without danger?"

"Mr. Wright?"

Professor McGonagall was still somewhat puzzled holding the Sorting Hat, as if she had remembered something and suddenly smiled, "Don't worry, there's no danger at all, just put on the Sorting Hat..."

That hat has always been someone who liked to scare young wizards during the Sorting ceremony.

In fact, the Sorting ceremony was particularly simple, requiring only putting on the Sorting Hat.

"Really? I'm not quite sure..."

I'm translating another fic called "Lord of Mysteries: My Identities Echo Across Time." If you love "Lord of Mysteries," definitely go and check it out.

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