
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense

IHaveNoNamingSense · Book&Literature
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Chapter 18: Hoping this year's new students have good physical fitness.

In fact,

It's rare for wizards to sell their pets.

And Wilson Wright's intentions are clear. He wants to use Percy's pet mouse to feed his owl...

This idea is too cruel!

And he was cruel when he was bullying the mouse just now!

Hearing what Wilson said, the Weasley family's faces were full of shock and confusion.

How could this little guy say such things so calmly!


Barty Crouch Sr hurriedly grabbed Wilson's shoulder and quickly changed the subject: "Let's send the children to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters first..."

"Um... okay..."

Arthur Weasley reacted and nodded quickly.

"Don't push me."

Wilson refused while walking forward, looking back at Percy: "Mr. Percy, if you want to sell your mouse, you can contact me at school. Tom hasn't caught a mouse in a long time..."


Crouch Sr looked at him strangely and pushed him hard.

It wasn't until Crouch Sr led Wilson to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters that the Weasley family finally reacted.

"What's going on?"

Mrs. Molly frowned, unable to help but smack her lips: "That little boy... he's just a child, right? How could he be so cruel!"

The eldest son of the Weasley family, Bill Weasley, with his hands in his pockets, spoke slowly: "Perhaps he's spoiled at home, so he's become arrogant..."

"Percy was scared by him too, right?"

Charlie Weasley, the second eldest, patted his younger brother's head and gently comforted his emotions: "Once he enters Hogwarts, he won't have such thoughts anymore..."

"... No... he didn't."

Percy slowly shook his head, then looked down at his pet cage. The ugly mouse inside, named Scabbers, whimpered for a moment before falling asleep again.

This mouse is really ugly.

Even its toes are incomplete.

It often sheds its fur, making his room messy, always sleeping stupidly in its cage, without any special abilities.

If he could use it to gain some friendship, especially with that new student named Wilson Wright and Barty Crouch Sr, a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic...


Percy has been keeping it for a long time.

After pondering for a moment, Percy suddenly grabbed his pet cage and handed it to his younger brother behind him: "Ron, Scabbers will be yours from now on. Haven't you always wanted a pet? Scabbers might be in danger at school..."


Ron looked a little surprised at his brother. He slowly looked at the mouse cage in front of him: "Are you really willing to give Scabbers to me?"

Little Ron has been longing for a pet!

But the Weasley family's financial situation is a bit difficult, so it's impossible to buy a wizard's pet for a child under eleven.

"Hurry up and take it!"

Mrs. Molly urged her youngest son to take the mouse cage. She looked at the scene of brotherly love in front of her and couldn't help but reach out and rub Percy's cheeks: "What a considerate little brother, Mom loves you so much..."

Before she could finish her words, Mrs. Molly turned to her husband: "Arthur, why don't we wait until next year to buy Percy an owl?"


Arthur glanced at Percy, who now looked a little dejected, and quickly nodded in agreement.

On the other side,

Crouch Sr looked at Wilson and said in a deep voice: "Do you know? You almost offended the Weasley family just now..."

"Don't worry."

Wilson leaned against his luggage cart and shrugged indifferently: "It's just a little mouse... besides, who can predict the future?"

That mouse.

Sooner or later, it will fall into his hands.

Without waiting for Crouch Sr's response, Wilson turned his head and ordered casually: "You go back first, tonight let Anivia bring me some materials for brewing complex potions."


Crouch Sr felt a little exhausted. He could only nod helplessly and advise, "Don't be too reckless at school... in case Dumbledore notices..."

"There's no need to worry about that."

Wilson couldn't help but chuckle: "The headmaster already knows what kind of person I am. Do you think an arrogant freshman would be someone who hides their true intentions?"

"... ..."

Crouch Sr fell silent.

Because of Wilson's deep calculation against Dumbledore, even he felt it was too cunning. There was really no need for him to say more.

Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.

This boarding platform is located on the wall between Platforms 9 and 10 at King's Cross Station, and ordinary humans cannot perceive any abnormalities in the wall.

Now it's lined up in a long queue.

As long as you rush into the wall, you can reach the boarding point for Hogwarts.

Both seventh-year students and first-year students are queuing obediently, pushing their luggage carts into the wall to enter Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.

Wilson is a very rule-abiding person.

So Wilson also queued up obediently, pushing his cart into the wall.

When Wilson passed through the platform wall, he felt as if he had walked into a cloud of mist. When his whole body entered the platform, he had appeared in another place.

The real Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.

A black and old Steam train is parked here.

This is the express train for students. They will take this train to their school—Hogwarts.

Wilson checked his reward.

[Exploration Mission: Enter the station through Platform Nine and Three-Quarters (1/1), Task completed, reward: magical illusion spell.]

[Invisibility Spell: The caster can achieve invisibility by changing the color of their body. If the caster's magical power is enough, they can even achieve complete invisibility.]

This magic might come in handy...

Just don't know if the invisibility effect can match that of an invisibility cloak.

While Wilson was still thinking about the illusion spell's effect, a gentle voice appeared in Wilson Wright's ear: "Hi, Wilson, shall we go together?"


Wilson turned his head slowly.

Cedric stood beside him, with a warm smile on his face, like sunshine: "It looks like it's going to be a long journey to Hogwarts. It's really great to meet a familiar friend..."


Wilson smiled and nodded towards Cedric: "Let's go, let's find a more spacious compartment..."


Cedric smiled and nodded.

"Hope we'll find a good spot."

Wilson Wright whispered as he pushed the luggage cart, "Otherwise, I'll just have to hope that this year's new students have good physical fitness..."

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