
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense Join my new Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/DPcmAzAy

IHaveNoNamingSense · Book&Literature
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Chapter 101: Dumbledore, Maybe This Time I Really Will Win

—Most people wouldn't want to provoke the Dark Lord.

After all, none of those present were Aurors, and they wouldn't risk offending the third Dark Lord for the sake of a woman known for her wild fabrications. Many even showed a look of relief.

All eyes turned to a corner.

In that corner, a bespectacled blonde woman was trembling, her hands icy as she clutched her pen, muttering that she hoped no one could see her.

It was Rita Skeeter.

Her arm swung back and forth, covering her face, trying not to be noticed by Peter Pettigrew. But her colleagues' glances rendered all her efforts futile.

At this moment, Rita grew increasingly fearful.

No one knew the temper of these Dark Lords. What if Peter wanted to kill her? Such a thing was too likely. They were not wizards like Dumbledore!

The next moment!

The blonde woman suddenly ducked under her desk, rapidly transforming into a small beetle!

Rita was an Animagus!

And an unregistered one at that!

—She used her ability to transform into a small, unnoticed insect to secretly gather information, allowing her to be the first to break the news.

As the beetle cautiously tried to fly away, Peter's two rough, yellowed fingers caught it...

And then...

He casually tossed it into a nearby teacup.


The beetle immediately despaired.

It didn't know if it had been exposed.

As it cautiously climbed to the edge of the cup, Peter's fingernail flicked it back into the tea, a slightly cruel way to bully a bug...

"Stay put."

Peter's words made the beetle comply.

Rita knew she was completely exposed, making her instantly tense. If her illegal Animagus status were revealed...

She'd be sent straight to Azkaban.

The beetle tucked its wings in, its eyes behind glasses nervously darting around, fearing Peter might crush it!

The editor-in-chief of the wizarding newspaper approached.

The man cautiously eyed the new Dark Lord, wringing his hands as he softly said, "Mr. Pettigrew, it seems Rita has already left..."

"It appears so..."

Peter casually nodded, picking up the news draft on the table, carefully reading the fabricated story before putting it down.


He was curious after reading it.

Did Ginny Weasley really want to join Grindelwald? Was Grindelwald so powerful he could recruit followers with just a few words? Was this report exaggerated? Maybe because Grindelwald always inserted his own agenda?

"If she's not here, I'll leave."

Peter picked up the cup containing the beetle and slowly said, "This report is interesting. Make Grindelwald seem even more evil..."


The editor-in-chief didn't react immediately.

Seeing Peter still there, he nodded quickly, planning to have Rita rewrite the article as soon as she returned. Who knew if Peter would come back!

Of course.

The editor-in-chief also promptly reported this to the Ministry of Magic, resulting in a group of Aurors arriving, inspecting the place, finding nothing, and leaving...

On the street.

Peter held the cup, then tossed it into a trash can, grinning as he stood under a streetlight.

"Quite an interesting transformation."

Peter glanced at the trash can and continued softly, "An illegal Animagus. How many years you'll be in Azkaban for that?"


A small beetle wobbled out of the trash can.

It soon fell to the ground and reverted to Rita's form. Her once extravagant clothes and makeup were now in disarray, making her look particularly wretched...

Rita's clothes were filthy, soaked, with dirt on her face, and her glasses were smudged...

"How dare you..."

Rita was almost furious.

But seeing Peter's cold smile, she quickly calmed down. This wasn't the kind-hearted Dumbledore but the Dark Lord Peter!

Good people can be bullied...

But you don't easily offend demons!

Rita knew this well. Regaining her composure, she quickly tidied herself and took on a more serious demeanor.

"Mr. Pettigrew, what do you need from me?"

It seemed he didn't intend to kill her...

At least that was a relief.

Peter folded his arms, standing by the lamppost, his sharp voice asking, "Do you have photos of Dumbledore and Grindelwald when they were young?"

If anyone in the wizarding world had those photos besides Dumbledore, it would be this woman.

She had written books hinting at an inappropriate relationship between Grindelwald and Dumbledore, often using floating photo images. She might have gotten some from Bathilda Bagshot...


Rita's eyes darted around as she thought of something, proudly folding her arms, "I spent quite a bit of money to find those..."

She did have them!

Anyone buying her books could see them!

Of course, she had the originals, which she kept for future stories about Grindelwald and Dumbledore. She wouldn't give them away easily.

Peter's mouth curled into a smile. He extended his hand, "Name your price! And tell me, how much do you think your life is worth in Galleons..."


Rita immediately withdrew.

Why did she always instinctively take a high stance?

This was a deadly habit! Rita shook her head quickly, pressing her fingers against her temples to calm down!

Her attitude softened, becoming cautious again, "If you need them, I can give them to you..."

"I don't like taking things for free."

Peter shook his head, smiling, "How about this, you give me the photos, and I'll give you a hot news story."

"What story?"

"About Voldemort."

Peter extended his hand, his smile deepening, "I designed his death at the Potter house. No one knows him better than I do..."


Rita took a deep breath.

Getting detailed information about Voldemort would be a big win for her tonight. She didn't think Peter was lying!

In fact.

Peter didn't lie.

Because the Daily Prophet altered their news, not reporting the Grindelwald attack on the Weasleys, instead using a more sensational headline!

"The Secret of the Second Dark Lord! The Battle Between Dark Lords Has Begun!"

This news was far more explosive than Grindelwald bullying a little girl!

Many wizards felt relieved after reading the news, though some former Death Eaters were extremely anxious because the content was terrifying...

The report revealed the secret of Voldemort's immortality, mentioning Peter had destroyed two of his Horcruxes and that only five were left...

This made many feel uneasy.

Had the Dark Lords' conflict escalated so severely? The third Dark Lord, Peter, had already taken action against Voldemort before his resurrection?


Crouch Manor, on the outskirts of London.

Grindelwald, seeing the Daily Prophet's news, gave a knowing glance at Wilson, who had just returned.

This young man...

Out delivering news in the middle of the night?

"I'm going to rest."

Wilson glanced at Grindelwald, then stopped.

He took out an exquisite pocket watch from his pocket and tossed it onto Grindelwald's sofa, "I had this watch made last night. Maybe you old folks prefer this way of telling time..."

"Do you think I'm that old?"

Grindelwald caught the pocket watch.

Since his appearance in Godric's Hollow, he used transfiguration to maintain his middle-aged look, thinking it suited his actions best.

From appearances, Grindelwald didn't look old.

Wilson didn't explain, just chuckled lightly and went to his room to rest. He did seem a bit tired.

Grindelwald's expression calmed.

The first Dark Lord slowly opened his palm, holding the exquisite pocket watch. He expressionlessly opened it.

Inside was a floating photo.

On the left, a young man smiled charmingly, while the one on the right looked serious. But both were clearly happy.


Grindelwald closed the watch, his face puzzled, then quickly opened it again. The same photo remained.

It was a picture of him and Dumbledore when they were young.

"Maybe I am indeed that old..."

Grindelwald's fingers caressed the watch, a faint smile forming as he looked at the photo, "Ah, Dumbledore, never underestimate these young ones. Their methods are far more advanced than ours. Perhaps this time, I really have a chance to win..."

(End of Chapter)

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