
Chapter 07 : Lessons(1)

After sorting Dumbledore Stand up.

"Welcome, welcome to a new year of Hogwarts. So then, Let the feast begins".

Suddenly food magically appeared on tables. All the students started to eat chatting with each other. I took a steak and eat it elegantly like most Slytherins.

A ghost came thru the floor near me. He was covered in silver blood and had a gaunt face. Even the Slytherins were uncomfortable in his presence.

"We must win this year too." A hoarse whisper came.

"But, Gryffindors have Harry Potter now. It will be hard this year" One of the older Slytherins said.

"So what? He doesn't look that impressive." Pansy said.

"One person can't make much of a difference," Theodore Nott said joining the conversation.

"True, We need to show them who is the best," I said.

"Oh Malfoy, how are you?" Nott asked.

"I am fine. Thank you for asking."

"I thought you were going to join Durmstrang after all those talks." I could feel the mocking tone in his voice. When we met before I was boasting about going to Durmstrang. Now he is using it to mock me. Even though we never show openly we had a between us. Even our fathers were each other's necks on the political battlefield.

"Oh, I thought if I didn't join Slytherin, the house will be lost only genius in the first year. So here I am." I said sarcastically.

At that moment all of the students were done eating and Just like how food appeared, It disappeared. Dumbledore stood

up again. "Ahem, just a few more words now we are all fed and watered. I have a few start of the term notices to give you"

Then he started giving notices and I wasn't Paying attention to it. I secretly looked at Quirrell who was glancing at Harry from time to time. Then I look at Snape who glanced at me before looking away.

"And now, It's bedtime. Goodnight to you all." Dumbledore said ending his speech. I was quite thankful we didn't sing that song I saw in one of my visions.

"Slytherins first year follow me." One of the Slytherin prefects, Gemma Farley led us to the castle dungeons. There was the entrance to Slytherin Dungeon. After going down a staircase we were facing a stone wall.

" This is the entrance to Slytherin common room, once you are in front of this wall say the password. Password will change every fortnight and it will be displayed on the noticeboard. And no one is allowed to reveal entrance or password to others. Never bring students from other houses to our common room." Gemma said seriously.

"Password is 'superior'"

When she said it the stone wall split open revealing a passage leading to the common room.

Slytherin common room had a quiet mysterious look. The Male prefect came in front and started to explain about the Slytherin house.

"Our emblem is the serpent, the wisest of creatures, our house colors are emerald green and silver. As you'll see Slytherin common room is located under the Hogwarts lake. Its Windows show the depths of the Hogwarts lake. We often see the giant squid swooshing by and sometimes more interesting creatures. We like to feel that our hangout has the aura of a mysterious, underwater shipwreck."

"We do not tolerate getting cached lawbreakers. Of course, if you break laws to make sure not to get cached and if you caused a loose points you need to take responsibility for it." Saying that He ended his speech.

"we snakes need to stick together. Make sure to show other houses their place, especially to those Lions. We will win the house cup this year too." Gemma said.

"We are Slytherin. We are the greatest." With that, all students cheered. I joined too.

"First years, the right side is the boy's dormitory and the left is the girl's."

After that, we went to the dormitory. The beds were all green just like most of the things in Slytherin. Our trunks were already there. I went right into bed, it was a pretty exhausting day but I was excited for tomorrow.


I got up early in the morning and went to the great hall for breakfast.

"Good morning, Draco." Pansy who was already there said. Other than a few older students only Daphne Greengrass was there.

She had blonde hair and blue eyes with a cold look.

"Good morning, Pansy. Good morning to you too Daphne." She merely looked at me and said "Morning".

She is not much known among the pure-blood children. Mainly because her family stay neutral during the first war, they were isolated from other old wizard families. And my father had a hand in their misfortune.

I started to eat then Snape came and distributed schedules. Pansy said, "Oh, we have Charms as the first class-"

"with Gryffindors," I said completing her sentence.

"Look like we can find out Potter is good as they say."

Even though I said that Charm class went peacefully. Mainly because we didn't try any advanced spells. It was mostly about introducing to magic and how to access your magic correctly. I could say it was mainly for muggle-borns. Then we tried Lumos charm which most of the students successfully completed on the first try.

Second class was a History class which was absolutely brilliant if you have sleeping problems. After that we had lunch. I was checking my schedule when I noticed it was Transfiguration next.

" Come on boys, let's go," I said to Crabbe and Goyle who were still surfing on dessert.

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