
Harry Potter: Please Graduate From Hogwarts Soon and Go Away!

Future Chapters and more stories at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict Transmigrating to the world of Harry Potter, Wayne awakens the Demon King System. As long as he creates chaos and violates rules, he will be rewarded. As a result, Hogwarts ushered in its most lively period. Dumbledore: "No student life is complete without breaking school rules, but Wayne...please restrain yourself." McGonagall: "I thought the Weasley twins were fearless, but I didn't expect Wayne to be braver than them!" Professor Sprout: "Ever since he arrived, Hufflepuff has transformed! In a bad way." Snape: "Azkaban! He should be sorted into Azkaban!" Voldemort: "Don't worry about the Children of Prophecy. I just want to kill Wayne Lawrence! Now, immediately, immediately!" Wayne spread his hands helplessly: "I'm just a little lively, why do you keep urging me to graduate?"

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Chapter 7

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After trying hundreds of wands, Wayne can be considered an experienced user who has just started on the right path. If a wand doesn't match him, his magic becomes very unstable and violent. If he feels neutral or doesn't feel anything at all, it results in a little water spray and some fireworks. If a wand is somewhat suitable, the magic mostly involves transformation.

But there had never been a wand like this one. When he held it, it felt as if they were in perfect harmony. It was like finding the most beautiful princess and wanting to show off his heroic side. Wayne subconsciously raised his wand. Silver-white mist filled the air, floating and gradually taking shape.

After the initial confusion, Professor McGonagall immediately realized something and exclaimed, "Impossible!" Ollivander's lips were trembling. "The Patronus Charm... it's the Patronus Charm..."

The Patronus Charm is an advanced defensive spell against dark magic that even many adult wizards cannot master. But which little wizard spontaneously casts the Patronus Charm upon getting a wand?

The silver-white Patronus finally took shape. Both McGonagall and Ollivander stared closely at it, their eyes becoming dull. "Is this... an egg?" Wayne was speechless. What a mess! Whose patronus would be an egg? Would he throw the egg to defeat dementors in the future? Hatch it quickly!

Wayne wondered if it had something to do with the Pokémon eggs that were hatching at home. He lowered the wand, and the Patronus faded. Ollivander and McGonagall finally recovered from the shock.

"Perfect performance, Mr. Lawrence," Ollivander said, taking a deep breath. "This will be recorded in the history of the Ollivander family forever."

"Legend has it that the Suxuan tree was used by Hercules to honor his father, Zeus. It was called the holy tree in ancient Greece. And unicorn feathers are the purest material, very loyal and stable to their owners. I believe you will excel in defense against the dark arts and maybe become the next Dumbledore."

Wayne laughed and joked, "You wouldn't say that to every little wizard, would you?" Ollivander smiled and said nothing. He does say nice things when selling wands, but this time, he was sincere.

After paying seven Galleons for the wand and spending another fifteen Galleons on a complete set of advanced wand care tools, they left Ollivander's store. Now he understood why such an important weapon as the wand costs only seven Galleons. The Ministry of Magic subsidizes every little wizard's first wand, and Ollivander gets reimbursed for the shortfall.


On the other hand, after-sales service is just like the Four Sons store in the Muggle world, where the money is made.

It's too late to be too happy about getting the wand for too long. Since too much time was wasted, you must hurry up now.

Bookstore, clothing store, cauldron store, astronomy store. 

After shopping around, Wayne finally bought everything he needed for Hogwarts. He also bought a lot of books that interested him. 

Fortunately, Flourish and Blotts Bookstore and other stores offer owl delivery services, and the courier fee is only three silver cents. Wayne had to praise how cost-effective the prices in the wizarding world were. Three silver coins--this was no different from free shipping.

The only pity was that because Professor McGonagall was accompanying him, it was inconvenient for Wayne to buy many interesting gadgets, such as itching powder, joke eggs, and other prank items.

Before leaving, McGonagall asked Wayne again if he needed to buy a pet. First graders are allowed to bring owls, toads, or rats as pets. 

Wayne had little interest in any of these three creatures. Even the cutest Scottish round-faced owl didn't seem necessary to him. Owls are usually used to deliver letters, but he didn't have many magical friends to contact right now. In the future, if he needed an owl, he could borrow one from his classmates or use the school's.

"Mr. Lawrence, my mission has been completed. The next time we meet will be when school starts."

After using Disapparation to send Wayne home again, Professor McGonagall was preparing to leave. She was going to visit another young wizard's home in the afternoon. Before leaving, McGonagall added, "Although the Ministry of Magic does not allow young wizards to cast spells outside of school, there are exceptions to everything."

McGonagall said meaningfully, "In the next month, you can try to preview your homework and learn some less dangerous spells. If you don't understand anything, you can go to Diagon Alley and send me a message with an owl."

After experiencing the shock at Ollivander's store, McGonagall was very optimistic about Wayne's talent and was willing to give him as much help as she could.

After hearing her words, Wayne's eyes lit up. "Wouldn't that bother you, Professor?"

Although he had talent and help, learning magic is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Realizing his potential also requires a lot of knowledge and practice. With the help of a master like McGonagall, Wayne could avoid many mistakes.

"Of course not. I'm happy to answer questions for a studious young wizard."

After saying that, McGonagall waved her hand and started to Disapparate away. After Wayne watched her leave, he turned around and walked back to his home. 

Though he appreciated McGonagall's enthusiasm, Gryffindor? 

That wasn't the house Wayne wanted to go to.