
Harry Potter: Please Graduate From Hogwarts Soon and Go Away!

Future Chapters and more stories at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict Transmigrating to the world of Harry Potter, Wayne awakens the Demon King System. As long as he creates chaos and violates rules, he will be rewarded. As a result, Hogwarts ushered in its most lively period. Dumbledore: "No student life is complete without breaking school rules, but Wayne...please restrain yourself." McGonagall: "I thought the Weasley twins were fearless, but I didn't expect Wayne to be braver than them!" Professor Sprout: "Ever since he arrived, Hufflepuff has transformed! In a bad way." Snape: "Azkaban! He should be sorted into Azkaban!" Voldemort: "Don't worry about the Children of Prophecy. I just want to kill Wayne Lawrence! Now, immediately, immediately!" Wayne spread his hands helplessly: "I'm just a little lively, why do you keep urging me to graduate?"

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Chapter 14

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McGonagall described what happened that day in great detail, especially the part about selecting the wand. Dumbledore gradually formed a general impression of the young wizard named Wayne Lawrence. 

Both of Wayne's parents were dead, but he was born into a noble family. He also had a high-ranking Muggle uncle. Wayne didn't always follow the rules and even took gold to Gringotts to exchange for gold Galleons for the first time. Most importantly, his talent was clearly visible. When he came into contact with the wand that suited him best, he instinctively cast the Patronus Charm. Even with Dumbledore's vast knowledge and experience, he had never heard of anything like this.

"It looks like we are about to have a talented student and future famous alumnus," Dumbledore said happily, his snow-white beard moving slightly.

"I hope he will be more obedient," McGonagall recalled the questions Wayne had asked her at the Leaky Cauldron and expressed some concern. "The Weasley twins are enough of a headache."

Dumbledore didn't mind much. "It's better for students to be lively," he said. Whenever he saw those energetic students, Dumbledore always felt gratified from the bottom of his heart. These young wizards were his most precious treasure.

After exchanging a few more words, Professor McGonagall left the principal's office. Dumbledore also put the matter of Wayne behind him, as he had many other problems to think about. The Boy Who Lived was about to arrive at Hogwarts. As if drawn by fate, Voldemort, who had been dormant for ten years, had also reappeared and was eyeing the Philosopher's Stone.

Dumbledore had specifically borrowed the Philosopher's Stone from Nicolas Flamel and had let the news spread intentionally. This was bait. Not only could it be used to test Harry, but it could also attract Voldemort's attention and allow Dumbledore to observe his condition. To be sure, he needed to make thorough preparations. 

Sighing, Dumbledore took out a copy of the Daily Prophet. The headline on the cover was about the theft at Gringotts a few days ago.


"The tea cups are flying!" Wayne lay comfortably on the sofa, picked up the wand on the table, and chanted a spell. A cup filled with black tea floated steadily out from the kitchen and landed in his hand. Throughout the whole process, not a drop of tea was spilled. 

After drinking all the tea in one breath, Wayne put down the wand and tapped the teacup twice. The water flowed, and the teacup filled again. According to the first of Gamp's Laws of Transfiguration, food cannot be created out of thin air. Wayne had not conjured black tea out of thin air but had used a charging spell to 'summon' the black tea from the teapot in the kitchen into the cup.

"Silent spells and wandless spells can be considered basic skills, but they can only be used on simple spells," he mused. The charging spell was very simple magic, so he could cast it without a wand and didn't even need to recite the spell. But the Flying Charm was much more difficult. It was taught only in the fifth grade. For now, Wayne could not cast it without a wand.

Wayne's magic level had long surpassed the standards of first-year students, or rather, most young wizards at Hogwarts. But as he learned more about magic, he appreciated its depth. The magic in the world of Harry Potter was too idealistic, and it was not an exaggeration to call it the power of imagination, a wish that comes true. The level of a wizard did not depend on how many spells he had mastered.

The key aspect lies in how deeply Wayne understands magic and how much he knows about his own soul. At least now, Wayne feels similar to Hermione in the original book. He knows many spells but is not strong enough and is not very skilled yet.

"Forget it, why push yourself so hard?" Wayne laughed and shook his head, realizing he had been a bit impatient lately. He wanted to unleash all his talents immediately.

But in reality, he is not even a first-year student yet. He is just a preparatory little wizard. 

After drinking all the black tea in his cup, Wayne got up and went to the kitchen to prepare a casual dinner. The servants and chefs at home had been transferred to other positions. Although he felt much more comfortable, it was a bit troublesome to prepare three meals a day by himself.

Today is the tenth day since he got the pet egg. By his calculations, it should hatch soon. When the meal was ready, Wayne didn't finish it in the dining room. Instead, he took the plate and returned to the bedroom to watch over the egg. He did not want his mother to be missing when the little one was born. No, it's dad.

After he finished eating, the little guy still showed no sign of coming out. Wayne simply stayed there, lying in front of his desk and thinking about which house would be best for him to enter. 

Slytherin was definitely not an option. He wouldn't go even if the Sorting Hat recommended it. He was a Muggle-born wizard who would only attract hatred by entering Slytherin. If he wanted to survive there, he would probably have to defeat all the little snakes like Voldemort did back then. While it might earn him lots of points, it would be too troublesome and would also draw attention from Dumbledore.

Gryffindor wasn't a good choice either. Being too close to Harry meant living under Dumbledore's watchful eye, which would feel very restrictive. Additionally, Wayne himself was not interested in Gryffindor. While they are known for being courageous and adventurous, they are also noisy and reckless, often rejecting those who don't fit in with the group. Just like Hermione at the beginning. They were all happily mischievous and noticeable, while she was buried in her books. 

Gryffindor also places great importance on collective honor. Even if Harry lost points for the house, he would be criticized and subjected to cold behavior. It's a strange contradiction: on one hand, they are the biggest group of pranksters, yet on the other, they crave collective honors like the House Cup.

Wayne didn't want those complications. That left Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff as the only options. Which would be better?

Click! Click! The crisp sound of the eggshell breaking reached his ears, bringing Wayne back to reality. He quickly raised his head. Carefully taking out the Pokémon egg and placing it on the soft velvet cushion, Wayne's eyes filled with anticipation.

Of course, he hoped for a cute Pokémon like Gardevoir, Fairy Eevee, or Meloetta. He wouldn't mind Rayquaza or Ice Dragon Kyurem either. 

Click! The upper part of the eggshell completely separated, revealing the little creature inside. Wayne leaned closer and his eyes widened.

"Is this... a toucan?"
