
Harry potter Once More novel

A while After 'Liam Murphy' formally known as 'Daniel Chase' reincarnated he finally started to get a grasp on exactly what new world he found himself in when a certain letter arrived to him by post, this is the world that his brother loved so much, what will he do now and how will he let the 'story' play out

mido_the_king · Realistic
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25 Chs

The First Life

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Daniel's first life had its moments he had a loving mother and a younger brother who thought the world of him, His father passed away when he was still four, He didn't remember much of him just that he was tall, his eyes were green, And he could also remember the feel of his stubble on his fingertips, Some old sense memory of when he used to grab his face.

In the way of money they somehow never had enough even with them living the life of a frugal monk and his mother working two jobs a teacher by day and a waitress by the night shift, Oh and that was all three of them to one monk's budget but they made it work.

His brother was two years younger than him and between his mother's two jobs and also when she would pick up shifts bar Tending to make ends meet he was basically raising himself and his younger brother Harry but he never held against his mother, He knew she was doing the best she could a single mother with two boys living in New York City and he was determent to be the best kid that could ever be and not make it harder on her.

Harry was full of energy a storm of sorts but he idolized his older brother so following him around and doing whatever he was doing was his main priority, Daniel resolved to center his brother and give him focus and in the same time develop in him an inexpensive hobby, By reading to him, By reading whatever book he could get his hands on and on Harry's fifth birthday he took out a used book that he had bought off of one of his school mates for half price from his bag and he called


His brother tumbled out of their room knocking into a chair in the process while saying

"Daniel what took you so long, You said you'll be home right after school, Today it's my birthday you know and I have been just sitting here alone doing nothing all day "Daniel responded with a smile on his face "Oh come on I left you that great book that you like to keep you company, Anyway I am sorry I missed the bus cause I was getting you something form a friend of mine"

Harry walked up to his brother looking at his hand while saying

"You know I can't read that on my own yet the words are too big and you already read it to me thre … is that a new book !!"

Daniel's smile widened and he said "Yep, And guess what, The main character is named Harry too buddy, My friend told me how fun it was and I decided I was gonna get it for your birthday"

Harry ran into his brother nearly tackling him to give him a hug and he said

"Will you read it to me now Daniel pleeaasss"

"Sure thing buddy what else are we gonna do on your BIRTHDAY "

Daniel said grabbing his brother and carrying him to their room and throwing him on his bed why cackling and he sat down opposite him while opening the book and saying

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, Were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, Thank you very much"

And so it became a yearly tradition for the next three years on Harry's birthday Daniel would buy the book for his brother and they spend the day reading it and when it was ten o'clock their mother would come home with a cake that uncle Moses made for them in the diner, And they'd eat and sing and then go back to reading through the night until they finally finished and Daniel would spend the next morning sleeping and his mother would call in sick for him with a happy smile on her face.

And by the time Harry was eight they were now reading in shifts and it was two in the morning and they were close to the end of the book with potter and Cedric grabbing the cup and the whole series talking a very heavy tone shift and once Cedric took that Avada kedavra Harry turned to Daniel and said

"He didn't really die did he, Daniel, I am scared what's gonna happen to Harry"

Daniel answered

"I don't know yet buddy but I am sure he is gonna be alright okay just hang in there".

By next year as they were walking home from school Daniel told Harry they should take a different way home and on their way, Harry asked his brother

"Daniel did u get this year's book yet"

And he replied with a frown

"I am sorry buddy but I asked jimmy in the book store and he said it's not out yet and that it might even be a year more before it comes out, But I do have some good news".

"A YEAR !!"

Harry shouted with a look of disbelief ignoring the last sentence.

"That's way too long"

He continued, Daniel chuckled as they had now reached their destination and he stood facing his brother while holding his hand upward showcasing a poster hung on the wall that featured a certain young boy with a lightning-shaped scar on the side of his forehead and said

"As I was saying there is some good news".

Harry just stood there gobsmacked his mouth open and staring forward until Daniel shook him and said

"You okay there buddy, I didn't tell you when I heard the news because I wanted to surprise you on your birthday, So what you think a good surprise right"

It seemed like what Daniel just said sailed out of Harry's other ear so Daniel just smiled and grabbed him along to the ticket booth and got two tickets with the money he has been saving up for a couple of months now and said

"Come on buddy let's see if the movie is as good as the book"

Two and half hours later they walked out with Harry literally skipping around his brother and saying

"That was the best movie I have ever seen, This is the best birthday ever, You are the best brother ever "

Daniel laughed and said

"Okay there champ take it easy that's a lot of bests, Not that I mind now how about we walk around a bit before we go home"

Harry nodded and said

"Daniel do you think it can be real ? you know do your think there are wizards out there and maybe we can be one of them, Maybe we can get a letter on our eleventh birthday?".

"I don't know buddy if there were wizards I doubt they'd let muggles make a movie about them and show the whole world and even if I am pretty sure Hogwarts only takes British students"

looking at his brother's face losing steam he rebutted himself

"But what do I know maybe they can have a student exchange program or something and you saw the fourth book wizards have no common sense maybe they are out there and don't even know what a cinema is .. hahaha"

Harry just nodded and said

"I really hope it's real I would love to have magic then we can do whatever we want make whatever we want and go wherever we want and we would never have to watch for money again, I have no idea how there could be poor wizards when they literally have magic on their side"

Daniel sighed and said

"In this and every world there is unfair stuff and unfair people buddy and as long it's like that there will always be people on the other side of the coin suffering for it but enough of the depressing shit lets go home and eat your birthday cake, Mister, Oh and don't tell mom I said shit".

They both laughed and made their way home and now there was a new addition to their yearly tradition, Now they would either go see the movie or buy the book and now the year was 2005.

And it was a double whammy the sixth book came out in July and the movie was released in November right after Harry's twelve's birthday.

As they walked out of the movies Harry was saying

"Man that was great the end wasn't as scary as I remembered though I mean I feel bad for Cedric and all but I remember being terrified when you read the part of the book"

"That's because you're a chicken you nerdy bitch, You actually read the books what a waste of time you just need to watch the movie"

They heard a voice behind them.

Harry turned around hissing

"What did u just call me"

The unknown kid laughed and said

"Hah look Derek this little bitch actually looks like him, Look he even has round glasses"

The now identified Derek looked at Harry and said

"No shit, Yeah you're right all he's missing is that scar your think we should give it to him?? oh and he called you a nerd and bitch, Bitch"

Harry stepped towards the two older kids aggressively but Daniel grabbed his shoulder and stood in between and said

"Calm down Harry it's not worth it"

And then faced the other two and said with a Cold face

"That's enough back off "

The first kid smirked and said

"Holy shit man his name is actually Harry now we really need to give him that scar, And you don't get to tell me to back off bitch"

He said coldcocking Daniel that wasn't expecting this level of escalation and took the punch in the face and went down hard.

While Derek laughed and lunged at Harry and grappled Harry from behind him and faced his buddy while saying

"Now that's a novel idea I'll hold him while you lay it on him haha "

The other kid stood still for a second then took out a pocket knife while Daniel was getting up holding his nose and noticing what was happening with a look of horror in his eye while Derek said while letting go of Harry and pushing him to the other side away from his friend

"Dude why did you take the knife out I was just kidding you know to scare the kid I didn't me we should cut into his head with a knife, What are you a fucking psycho?"

But Daniel wasn't listening at the moment he just saw the knife heading towards his brother and he lunged onto kid unknown pummeling him with punched until he let the knife fall on the ground and he bent down to grab it like it was the British Guiana 1 cent Magenta made in1856 stamp and then he turned to face Derek holding the knife and yelling

" LET HIM G....."

But the words died in his mouth when he saw his brother away from Derek and next to the sidewalk getting up and then he was about to let out a sigh of relief when it also died in his mouth as he saw a car on a collision course with Harry and he just froze for less than have a second then he unfroze himself, Dropped the knife and he ran, He ran and ran the distance between them was less than four or five steps but he felt that he ran a marathon but fortunately for Harry he made it there on time, Fortunate for Harry but unfortunate for him as he was fast enough to push Harry out of the way but not fast enough to get out of the way himself and next he knew he felt something pushing him hard.

It was a strange sensation not painful at least no at first but forceful like an adult pulling a month old baby with all his strength the baby has no chance to resist, Reminiscent of a wave pulling and pushing him under times ten, And the feeling after was also reminiscent of the sea that feeling of weightlessness and equilibrium then, Then came pain, A pain so strong it made him feel like he was larger than his physical body like he was a giant and he wanted to scream to collapse on himself and take the fetal position but his body just wouldn't respond and then he realized something and for some reason, It felt like the greasiest realization in the world, His eyes were closed and he decided to open them and then he saw the sky, It looked kind of bare today for some reason no clouds but the sun wasn't that bright it felt empty and then he had a second realization he was rotating in the air and soon he would see the ground.

But he didn't the next second he was conscious he could hear someone calling his name it must be Harry, Yes he could see the outline of someone next to him and he was staring at the sky he turned his head to look at Harry but next second he wasn't on the street anymore he was moving in a car he thought and there was a man standing over him and saying something

"________ng in _______ son ______________at the hos_________"

And that was it that was his first life and now it was over.

Please comment and reviewe to let me know what you think

i am a new author and i would appreciate the feed back

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mido_the_kingcreators' thoughts