
Harry potter Once More novel

A while After 'Liam Murphy' formally known as 'Daniel Chase' reincarnated he finally started to get a grasp on exactly what new world he found himself in when a certain letter arrived to him by post, this is the world that his brother loved so much, what will he do now and how will he let the 'story' play out

mido_the_king · Realistic
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Stones Unforged

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Christmas break was fast approaching and in rare form, Liam was sitting in the common room thinking about what it would be like to go home again now, to a normal home that has no magic, After actually coming to Hogwarts, it had been one thing after another, he didn't take a moment to think that this was his life now, that he was a wizard, he had come to accept everything early on because of his knowledge of this world, and knowing what's to come he knew there was no room for doubt and second guesses, he had to save this world, or else who knew what was going to happen, but he hadn't considered that he would have to live in it, he had planned to live a fulfilling muggle life before, but now perhaps there were other options.

He had made his peace with his second life a long time ago and had decided to live it as best he could, but that was before he knew there was such a thing as magic, or rather that it was real, now there was a question that hung at the back of his mind that he didn't dare ask himself, a question that would change his goals dramatically, a question that was only possible thanks to this new toolset that fell into his lap, but alas that question was irrelevant for the moment and bound to stay there, hanging over his every thought, because for now, no matter what, there was a threat that had to be taken care of before any pondering was to take place, a threat to him no matter the life he chooses, and so before any choices were to be made, threats needed to be obliterated.

Trying to take his mind off that he started thinking of what gifts to give his family and then his mind wandered over to his new friends, he wasn't planning to get this close to them, but now that he had, he thought it would be rude if he didn't get them anything, he thought of some gifts that would suit their preferences but then he reconsidered thinking about the differences between the characters he knew and the friends he made, he was struggling with the separation that sometimes seemed razor-thin

Every time he acted based on what he thought they would do based on his knowledge he felt a hint of guilt like he was tricking them somehow like he was intruding on something private that belonged to them and only them, but at the same time he was doing for their sake, he was trying to make sure they came out of this in one piece, but he still recognized that this was still just a justification and that he needed something independent of himself to keep him in check.

'I need something to warn me when I am too far, like If I start doing something using my foresight that ultimately doesn't affect the cause but helps me benefits me personally, and what if it benefits both me and the cause, what then, is self-benefit even a bad thing to want, people want what's best for themselves why can't I, and I know myself, I am not a saint or some altruistic person who would forfeit all privilege and opportunity afforded to me, as long as I don't take something that is meant for someone else it should be fine right?'

'But that is not how this world works is it, that isn't how any world works, nothing is free for all to have, I don't belong here, If I take something then surely I took it from someone else, yet here I am in Hogwarts as a student and as far as I know, I didn't take the place of some other student, but I have caused many changes already and I am certain that there are many others that I don't know off, can I say with certainty that none of those changes, in the long run, aren't going to cause a negative effect in someone's life

'Damn it, this happens every time I am left alone with my thoughts, I am here and therefore I belong here, and I am doing what I am doing for the greater good

'You know that old authoritarian excuse, well if I repeat it long enough maybe I'll start to believe it '

'Plus I can't have some impartial judge tell me what to do, as convenient as that is, it doesn't exist, Unless whatever entity sent me here feels the urge to say something right about now '


'Great now I am waiting for divine messages just what I needed'

At this moment Liam saw Harry coming down the stairs heading towards him, and so he took out the ring that he made with transfiguration and put it on quickly and discreetly as he could, and then he, when Harry approached, Liam raised his hand to give him a high five in greeting while energetically saying

"GOOD MORNING Harry, are you going home for Christmas"

Harry was surprised a bit by Liam's change of energy but he responded by raising his hand to meet Liam's and saying

"No, I am staying in Hogwarts what about ... aww what was that, something pricked my hand"

Liam looked at his own hand and then quickly took off his ring

"Oh I am so sorry Harry, I have been working on my transfiguration by making rings from rocks, but I still haven't really made it work, it still has some bits sticking out of it, I am sorry mate I forgot I was wearing it"

"It's fine, it didn't hurt that much anyway, Oh I was saying where are you going to spend Christmas"

"Well I am going home, I haven't seen my parents in a while, And they don't really have anyone else around the house to help out since their older children moved out, though I guess some of them might be coming for Christmas if they have enough time, are you sure your hand is fine ?"

Harry didn't seem to register the question as he was focused on how Liam referred to his siblings

"Their older children? don't you mean your brothers and sisters?"

"Oh right I haven't really told anyone here, well you see my parents passed away when I was really young, and so I live in a foster home that is run by this very nice couple, and yes you are right they are technically my brothers and sisters but by the time I was old enough they had all moved out except for Madison my sister so I am not used to calling them that, we get along and everything but I just call them by their names when they drop by"

Harry was looking at Liam like he had an extra arm when he said

"you live in an Orphanage, how come nobody knew about it, why didn't you tell me ?"

"Well honestly I wasn't trying to hide it, I just don't talk about it all that much, and it's a foster home, not an Orphanage Harry, its similar but it has fewer kids and is more like a big family that is run by a couple"

"OH, ok, sorry I didn't mean to get it wrong"

"It's fine Harry, anyway I've got to run, to make sure I have all my gifts ready but I'll see you later ok, happy Christmas"

And with that Liam made his way to the room he required and five minutes later when he was inside he took out the ring and put it between his eye and the light, in the light the ring turned somewhat transparent to show that in its frame was a very small aqueduct connected to a needle at the outer frame of the ring, and it in he could see the viscous blood, he had tested it on himself a couple of times and the blood always dried before he could use it, so he imbued the ring with a Glacius charm to keep it cool, the only downside was that it was so cold to keep wearing it for a long time.

He put it to the side and started preparing for his spell, First, he laid out four fist-sized stones on the table, starting from the leftmost stone he cast a string of transfiguration spells, and by the end, the stone looked exactly like what he remembered the philosopher's stone to look like, and in the end, he cast Colovaria the Color Change Charm to make it look ruby red like it should, Once it reached the right hue, he took the ring with Harry's blood in it and he pressed on the top of the ring which released the blood on the top of the stone and then he cast another charm on it with the blood as a catalyst, then he put the stone back at the table and moved on to the next one.

With the second stone, he again started casting spells to shape the stone but this time he made the shape into a ring, a specific ring, having not actually seen this ring but only reading about it, he did his best to try and remember the description while molding it and when he was done he raised it up and against the light to inspect it satisfied with his work he laid down his best approximation of Marvolo Gaunt's Ring on the table, then moved on to the third stone.

This time he didn't require a specific form from the object so he opted to make a circular shaped band, then he also raised it up against the light to see if was the right size, the size that fits a fat rat, when he was done he placed it again on the table.

Moving on to the last stone he once again opted for a ring but this one held his initials made in the font of the Harry Potter franchise, but it wasn't LM, no he used his old initials DC, then he laid it back on the table.

With his four objects completed he let the tension leave his body for a moment and took a breath, then he got serious again, that was only the prep for the spell, after all, the rest couldn't be done yet, he had to be in the right place to do that, and that came with its own host of problems, he had a lot of steps to do and a short amount of time to do them, and a specific order that he had to follow, if it was only two objects it would have been simple but he had to do all four, having prepared for this moment didn't but him at ease at all, he still felt like he was missing something, but after double-checking his itinerary and with no time to waste, he finished making the Christmas gifts for his family and friends, after all, he had to wait for night to carry out his plan, and once he started he didn't know when he would find some free time, after he was done he made his way out of the room of requirements and making sure the hallways were empty he sneaked all the way to the third floor even crouching down while he was on the staircase like Hermione once hid from him

'Right Hermione is still pissed at me, I should probably make sure I give her something other than what I made already, maybe a good book, though I doubt that will be enough, I think we are going to need to have another frank conversation, though I can't tell her anymore that what I already did, she is not stupid, if I keep dropping hints, sooner or later she will figure it out, aw well that is a problem for future me, present me is busy with a reverse heist at the moment'

And with that thought, he walked through the third-floor corridor heading to the right hand side.

Hi everyone, first of all thanks for the reading my work i started this because i wanted to get used to the feel of writing while having a structure and a world that i could rely on and was familier with, But i didn't expect it to find so many readers so soon, So thank you

But if i could ask for one more thing from my dear readers its for them to write me some reviews, since my novel still has "Not enough ratings" written instead of a number of stars, the few reviews i got were very positive and i am very thankful for them and i just hope we can up the number so i can get an offical rating on the site

So if you have a few minuets and you like the novel please share your opinian there

Also here is the discord server if you want to discuss the novel


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