
Harry potter Once More novel

A while After 'Liam Murphy' formally known as 'Daniel Chase' reincarnated he finally started to get a grasp on exactly what new world he found himself in when a certain letter arrived to him by post, this is the world that his brother loved so much, what will he do now and how will he let the 'story' play out

mido_the_king · Realistic
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Pranks and Points

Here is the discord server if you want to discuss the novel The link is in the comment.


"Well done Harry, I told you it would all go alright, you even caught your first snitch and won the game for your team. What was up with your broom though, it was like it had a mind of its own ?"

"Oh you didn't know yet, Hemione saw Snape casting a spell when my broom was going berserk, and when she distracted him the broom went back to normal, I am telling you something is off about that guy, this coupled with him trying to get past the dog"

Harry said looking with contempt at Snape sitting at the head table before stopping abruptly having noticed that he spoke about the three-headed dog with Liam around, but after turning around he found Liam eating his breakfast without any follow-up questions about Snape getting past any dogs, so he decided to act like he said nothing and hope Liam hadn't noticed.

At the same time, Hermione was looking at her food and just moving it back and forth with a fork and without looking up she nonchalantly asked

"And how did you know about the broom Liam?"

"Well It seemed to be acting strange and jerking around in a strange pattern it wasn't really that subtle Hermione"

still, without looking up she asked again

"No, I mean how did you know that something happened with the broom, you weren't there"

"What, you didn't come to see my first match Liam, where were you?" Harry asked a bit annoyed.

"Of course, I saw it Harry it was very entertaining, especially the way you caught the snitch, I just lost track of time in the library so I was a bit late and had to sit somewhere else"

"Is that so?"

Hermione said in a deflated voice before she looked straight at him and said seemingly changing the topic to everybody else but hammering her point to Liam by saying

"Did you hear about the fire that spread in the forbidden forest Liam, I heard it happened while the game was still going and that the way it started and spread so fast that it had to be deliberate "

Liam looked back with a meaningful look and said

"Oh really, I hadn't heard about that, nobody was hurt right?"

Ron who impossibly so far had been quiet while eating his food, interjected

"Oh, who cares, it's the forbidden forest mate, as far as I am concerned it should all go up in flames, have you heard of the sort of beasts that lurk in that place, we are all safer now that it is smaller and more filled with ash"

Hermione just sighed, got up, and walked away

"I guess she is in one of her moods again"

Ron said while Harry looked between Liam and Hermione not knowing the subtext to the conversation but recognizing that there was one

"Ron, I'd strongly advise you never to say that again, especially in front of Hermione, you know, if you like your head above your shoulders"

"Whatever man who cares, what I want to know is what is going to happen in Snape's class today"

"Well, I am afraid you are going to have to wait my friend, but dare I say the wait is worth it... um I actually don't know, I am not really your run of the mill prankster, I guess we will all see then and there"

And with that Liam ran off leaving the two boys wondering what his plan was


Malfoy was walking on his way to his potions class with his two henchmen walking behind him when he noticed that annoying Gryffindor that he had seen hanging around the trio recently, he has been trying to make things worse for Potter, and based on Potter's reactions getting to his friends and costing him house points where the Potter's biggest buttons.

But this damn kid seemed to evaporate when it was not time for class or if he wasn't already with the trio, so this appeared to be a rare opportunity to show the kid what being a superior wizard really means, they were walking in a hallway on the ground floor and it seemed like nobody else was around.

"Crabbe stay here and make sure nobody comes through this way for five minutes"

"What? stay where?"

"Stay here you plank and don't let anyone follow us, why am I stuck with these goons, Goyle follow me"

Draco quickly caught up to Liam who was holding something in his hand and looking very excited at least until Draco cornered him while pointing to Goyle to stand ahead of them and to block off his path

"Aren't you that filthy little mudblood that Potter keeps around to make himself look better"

"Umm.... hi Draco look I really need to..."

"I don't care what you need your bug, you are going to do what I need, which delivers a message to Potter, but don't worry I am not cruel enough to make you memorize it, its the kind of message you don't really need to speak"

At this point, the kid stumbled back and hit the wall then slid down it putting his hands in front of his face and saying

"Please don't hurt me, I won't hang around Potter anymore I promise"

Malfoy was surprised by how smoothly this was going, he was even embarrassed for the kid and how quickly he capitulated, now it felt like it was too easy he didn't even know what to do, he wasn't planning on actually hurting the kid, he just wanted to put pressure on potter, but now that it has come to this, he couldn't just let him be then he would come off as weak.

And that was when he noticed what the kid was holding in his hand, It looked like a potion bottle with a red potion inside it

"And what do you have there ?"

he said while snatching the potion from his hand

"NO no no, please I have been working on that potion for a week for Professor Snape's class, I get so nervous in there that I forget everything, And in this class, we are going to have to cure ourselves of boils, so I can't afford to mess up, I have trying to make it for a week, and this is what's left of the only time it worked, please I need it, anything but that"

Again Draco was astonished by how much of a coward this kid was, he was basically bullying himself at this point.

"Since I am a very kind soul I will give you a choice, take a beating or leave the potion"

"Come on man I need that potion, there is no way I can remake it in cla...."

"I SAID make a choice you worm"

"Fine I leave the potion"

The kid said dejectedly staring down at the ground his hair covering his face, and all Malfoy could think was

'And to think they let this loser become a wizard'

It was at this point that Crabbe walked up and said

"Can I come back again now Draco or do I still have to stay back there??"

Draco put his palm on his face in frustration before saying

"It doesn't matter now that you are here you blathering idiot, let's just go to class we are done here"

he said that and walked away without sparing a look at Liam who was still sitting there on the ground his head looking down.

He was holding his head down until they walked away to hide the wide smile that forced its way on his face once he started laying it on a bit too thick

Draco walked into class just before it started, he always gave himself some time so if anything happened on the way he wasn't late and that was especially true for Snape's class.

Snape wasn't there yet but Malfoy was sure he was about to burst through the door at any second so he went to his desk and laid out his things, among them the potion bottle that he took off that wimpy kid, he couldn't wait to see him fail to make the potion, lose some house points and on top of that walk out of the class with boils.

It was then he noticed that Potter and his sidekick the last edition to the pathetic saga that is the Weasley existence, they were both looking at him with a cheery expression for some reason like he was wearing something funny on his head, and after resisting the urge to check his head he was about to throw on of his patented barbs that ends with the name Potter, but then the class door opened, he straightened up expecting to see Snape.

Instead, he saw the visage of the kid he had just stolen from entering the class, he seemed strangely calm for someone who was about to experience disaster, but before he could ponder that Snape walked in the door that had yet to close, looking venomously at the kid that entered right before him, if only he was seconds later it would have cost him points Draco expected and then Snape gaze shifted to Potter and Weasley still holding the animosity, it seemed like he was looking for something on them or about them to start reprimanding them, but upon finding nothing apparent he kept walking locking eyes with Draco for a moment before giving him the weakest of nods

A nod that to Malfoy was a badge of honor, after all, it came from his father's friend, and having his father's approval was Draco's unspoken wish, so to have his friend's approval was somewhat his father's approval by the association.

The class started and Malfoy started working on his potion, he was partnered up with Goyle but he wouldn't let that oaf touch anything to do with the potion with a ten-foot pole.

After almost half an hour it was time for Malfoy to take the cauldron off the flame and add the porcupine quills, but just before he did that another kid in the class, a kid that Malfoy thought he had humiliated earlier covered his mouth with his hands and whispered something, and the next thing Draco knew was that he was standing over the cauldron his hand empty having just released the porcupine quills into it, Draco was confused at the momentary loss of time but then that confusion disappeared when he noticed cauldron was still on the flame, and it was instead replaced by shock, fear, and disbelieve.

before he could do anything to try and rectify the situation, the cauldron started melting and letting off this reddish hue of smoke that blasted into him and then spread around the room causing yelps and yells of fear and confusion, and then he started feeling like his skin was getting very itchy all around, and he raised his hands and looked at them, only to be horrified at their new boils covered appearance, and then just as quickly as it happened, the room went back to order, aside form the students who were around Draco fidgeting and itching.

Draco looked up to see Snape imposingly standing above him with a look of disapproval, trying to find a way out of this mess, Draco's first move was to point to Goyle and say

"He missed it up professor, it wasn't my fault"

Snape didn't say anything merely just looking at Draco in silence not even looking at where he was pointing, and it was then that Draco saw the red potion he had taken from the kid earlier and he decided to pivot.

"Look professor I had already finished my potion earlier and was just watching him, look I'll even take it right now and cure all the boils on me as proof "

At this Snape looked mildly intrigued by the fact that Malfoy had already finished his potion in that small a time frame, but was still silent and stoic.

So Draco seeing he was making some measure of headway walked to the table and struggled to open the Potion with his hands covered in boils, pushing through the pain he finally managed to open the bottle and chugged it down all in one go, he found that it was despite the many disgusting ingredients it tasted somewhat sweet.

He looked down at his hands waiting to see them go back to normal, but they didn't, he looked at the where he got the potion from originally, the kid was looking at him without a hint of fear or worry, with a smile on his face, that was when he realized he fucked up.

he opened his mouth trying to let the professor know that he was swindled by that shifty Gryffindor, he was sure that he would take his side.

"Dad,please,mudblood,potion,now,no,git,goon,potter,what,Quidditch,what, who,how,times,dead,father,"

Draco stopped talking looking back at the kid and seeing his smile widen, he was now horrified and not sure what to do, he couldn't control what he was saying, he opened his mouth again trying to say one word, but a slew of incoherent and non-connecting strings came out instead.

He shut his mouth and looked back at Snape whose expression was as cold as ever, and he debated in his head if he should point to the kid, but he was scared if he did that his finger would detach and turn into an ape or something, it seemed like he was dancing in this kids hands

'Damn it I don't even know his name

Snape finally broke his long silence and with his eyes trained on Draco he declared

"Five points from Slytherin"

And in his eyes Draco saw so many things, He saw disappointment, he saw anger, he saw questions like how dare you make me have to do this you imbecile, and in front of Gryffindor of all people, and right then and there he knew that even if he could tell Snape that it was all an elaborate plan to frame and humiliate him, it wouldn't matter, his response even if he punished the kid who basically did nothing other then get robbed, he would even be more furious for him for falling for it.

So he decided then he wouldn't tell snape, having reached one decision, he was standing there in the middle of the class with everyone staring at him, trying to make the second decision and struggling with his basic emotions, at one hand he was so angry and wanted to make the kid's life a living hell, on the other hand, he was pondering if he should stay the hell away from that shady bastard, he was for the first time from someone other then his father he was feeling fear.

Hi everyone, first of all thanks for the reading my work i started this because i wanted to get used to the feel of writing while having a structure and a world that i could rely on and was familier with, But i didn't expect it to find so many readers so soon, So thank you

But if i could ask for one more thing from my dear readers its for them to write me some reviews, since my novel still has "Not enough ratings" written instead of a number of stars, the few reviews i got were very positive and i am very thankful for them and i just hope we can up the number so i can get an offical rating on the site

So if you have a few minuets and you like the novel please share your opinian there

Also here is the discord server if you want to discuss the novel


mido_the_kingcreators' thoughts