
Harry potter Once More novel

A while After 'Liam Murphy' formally known as 'Daniel Chase' reincarnated he finally started to get a grasp on exactly what new world he found himself in when a certain letter arrived to him by post, this is the world that his brother loved so much, what will he do now and how will he let the 'story' play out

mido_the_king · Realistic
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25 Chs

A Plan

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"Well I am very happy to hear your final decision Mr. Murphy and I hope your impression of the wizarding world would improve after your stay at Hogwarts I'll be back tomorrow to take you to Diagon alley so you can buy all your school supplies there is a fund for muggle-born children sponsored by the ministry but I'd advise preparing some muggle money in advance so you can get everything you need the exchange rate is 1 galleon for 5 English pounds, I'll see you tomorrow"

'Good god I thought she would never leave, Crap, Fuck, Shit why did I say yes, God damn it'

"Excuse me mom I think I need to go to my room and think for a while"

"Of course honey take all time you need your life is about to change drastically and I am sure you need to prepare yourself just come down for dinner when your hungry ok, Don't starve yourself in there"

Clair said as she hugged him tightly and followed up with

"Don't you change your wonderful self ok and don't do anything dangerous ok but also let loose a little, Oh and make a lot of friends ok, Oh look at me rattling off sorry honey"

"Don't be mom, And ..thank you for everything ok"

And he hugged her tight and then let go and ran up the stairs to his room and as he closed the door he collapsed onto the ground and stared at the ceiling for about five minutes in silence and then he sat up and said

"Ok let fucking do this"

'I need to plan this I don't know how good my magic is but I am sure it's not strong enough to face Voldemort so I need to play to my strength, What are those exactly again haha, Ok I know what's gonna happen and that's a pretty good leg up, That is of course until I start changing things and then I might even be a con instead of a pro if my preconceived notions of what was supposed to happen color my expectations and decisions so that's a double edge sword that but a sword nonetheless so I'll keep that in mind, Ok what else, What else,

What else ... right I read the books so I know more than just what happens, I know why it happens, I know people's motivations and I can use that to influence them to do what needs to be done but that leads me to two main issues that I need to address right now, One is should I tell someone about what I know, I mean I am not a control freak or an attention hog, At least I hope I am not, So I don't need the credit, As long as it gets done right, But information like mine in the wrong hands can be catastrophic so that narrows the list of people I can tell to one person really Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Fuck that's a long name'

'I am sure he could keep the information safe but if I think about it what does he not actually know, Let's go year by year first he knew the stone was being targeted and I am sure it's not a leap in logic for him to deduce how to want's it and for what and he already had that covered with the brilliant enchantment on the mirror so that voldy can't get because he wants to use it so at best I would be confirming his plan of action'

'And on the second year I guess I can tell him that a horcrux is with ginny weasley and that there is a basilisk under the school but while that first part about the horcrux might confirm his theory of their existence I am sure he should know about the basilisk, I mean it started 50 years ago I am sure he found out which raises the questions why did he not take care of it, Did he think it was a nonissue and then when talk of the heir started he knew who it was so he let continue to find out for sure about the horcrux ??, Maybe but then why let Harry deal with it, I mean he sent fawkes and all but one wrong move by Harry and he was gonna be eaten, How close to acting was he, I mean I know he is not omnipotent but given the amount of information he had and the time he had he should have done something, I am sure he figured it out he is very intelligent, Which makes the fact that he was killed by Snape of all people who he was sure of as loyal very suspect, But now I am skipping years'

'Third-year I could tell him about peter and Sirius being innocent but what can he do without proof, But that I know for sure he didn't know along with marauders being animagus so that might be useful'

'Fourth-year if I tell him about Crouch, Moody, and the cup before Harry enters that might be very important and could lead to the dark lord not being reborn, But if I told him about peter the year before maybe he would be caught and none of the following information would be viable, Thinking about it if he changes something in the first year canon, Ginny might not be the one that gets the diary and now we will have an unknown student running around with a fucking basilisk on their tale, Shit everything is connected and if I change one single thing that might make Malfoy sr change his actions by just a bit and that in response would change everything else making everything moot, Shit'

'Let's keep going by year five I think he knows everything that happens even the shit with Umbridge and quill I mean with all those students how could he have not, Whatever happens, I will not allow for the fifth year to go like the books because that was a shit fucking year'

'And by year six he dies, Shit why does he die, I can't convince myself that that performance was not just an elaborate suicide, But why to draw tom out, But he already fought him in the last book, What good is making tom think he has already won, Ok .. ok make him arrogant make him underestimate Harry, But he never did hear the full prophecy so it would be idiotic of him to underestimate Harry at any point and while I know he has the capacity to be an idiot I wouldn't hinge my plan on it '

'And what kind of fucking plan that need both Albus and Sirius dead and a whole lot of people scared emotionally and psychologically and the problem is I don't even know if it'll work I mean if he went as far as die for it you would hope he made sure it will work'

'God damn it Dumbledore why does your plan have to be so convoluted and scarring to everyone involved I mean he was lecturing tom be saying that there are worse things than death while letting his allies go through those worst things as long as they don't die'

'Fuck the prophecy,... if tom went to all that trouble to get the prophecy how far will he go to get me who knows so much about the future

'I am afraid if I give Dumbledore all the knowledge I have he will just make another convoluted plan because he has to win a certain way and I will be tied to his idea of how to do things while if I act on my own I am probably as good as fucking dead, I guess I understand why he does it if he just goes and kills some people that will just make people afraid of him but it won't change what's in their hearts and minds so he thinks he needs people to experience the war, To see what it's like and to make each side really push for ideals and see if they will stand by them or they will fall short and know more about themselves but that's is too idyllic and pie in the sky for my taste'

'Maybe I should I act on my own and write everything I know down so if something happens to me it gets to Dumbledore, No stupid...stupid I shouldn't write anything down that just a flag for that shit being found by the wrong people and misused'

'Not to fucking mention legilimency shit I don't even know if I can learn to practice occlumency, Ok who can use it, There is Snape, Dumbledore but I think he doesn't for some reason and of course Voldemort '

'Ok let's put a pin in this and handle the second issue if I interfere too much I might risk derailing the main characters' developments and so render them unable to act in the end and at the very least Harry will need to act in the end it's his fucking fate or whatever so if do something I need to closely monitor the people involved and make sure their arcs are complete'

'FUCK... FUCK what the fuck am I saying, ARCS those are people with feelings and lives and families and I reduced them to 'characters' whatever the fuck that means, Ahhhh I am already exhausted just thinking about all of this'

'Okay calm down, Take a breath and ask yourself some questions, Am I ready to kill some vile people ... yes '

'Good then I am not telling Dumbledore but I'll try to help him out indirectly'

'Question two am I strong enough to handle being caught and maybe tortured to get the information out of my head,... I don't think so then I need to have a plan for that maybe even something like a cyanide pill if comes to it, It is the fate of the free world after all '

'Question three how much should I impact events ..... fuck it let's go balls out I might as well try it to go for broke instead of fixing tiny details that might either not matter or make a big difference any way just not the way I want it '

'Question four how much should I stand out,..... none at all I need to be a ghost, Too bad doing all this shit is gonna be hard enough but doing it without being seen once is gonna be a tall fucking order but I can't be caught not even once I need to think of 50 fucking excuses in advance and be ready to roll with the punches which leads me to'

'Question five what house should I be in... will not Slytherin that's obvious while it may be helpful at some points it will mostly hurt my relationship with the trio, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are both good options and both carry some benefits but I need to be in Gryffindor to put some brakes on the trio when I have to and help them out when I need to'

'Good, Good, I am making some progress, Fuck I am gonna need to study as my life depends on it because it kind of will, Well at least I'll the sufficient motivation to get some outstandings I guess'

'Ok I think I should start with a hit list, People that need to die the sooner the better '


Dolores Umbridge: yep she needs to fucking go before the third year if possible so she won't do the werewolf doctrine shit

Voldemort: I meant I just want to affirm my goals

Peter Pettigrew: after I get Sirius acquitted

Crouch jr: as soon as fucking possible

Malfoy sr: as soon as I can get jr out from under his thumb

Bellatrix Lestrange: as soon as I can


'Ok that's enough of that for now, Let's do an opposite list to make the mood lighter'


Harry Potter: help be more confident, Less rash, And realize his potential

Ron Weasley: help him get over his jealousy issues and make him feel seen and realize his potential

Hermione Granger: she is pretty well off but I guess I can tell her to mellow out so she won't get bullied at the start

Neville Longbottom: get him to get a new wand and help his confidence

Sirius Black: save him

Amelia bones: save her and make her minster oh that reminds me, Add fudge to the hit list


'What else, What else, Oh it's already night outside, Shit I should get some sleep before I can't sleep for the next however many years this well take'

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i am a new author and i would appreciate the feed back

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mido_the_kingcreators' thoughts