
Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness

[A Wizarding World Fic]-[Rights Belong with JKR] Join Nathan Alexander Grey as he tackles the issues and problems of a failing society while simultaneously juggling his studies in magic. Watch as this budget Satoru Gojo(The Honored One) rises to the epitome of the world just so that he can change it (Because it hurts his precious muggle senses to acknowledge games like Quidditch). ******* ******* ******** ********* [World Building], [Magic Building], [Mild to Massive Changes To Canon] [Romance]- Fleur Delacour. [Good Guy MC who isn't an Idiot]

dukeofvirtue · Book&Literature
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52 Chs

[1990 Pt.4]

Non-magical combat in ancient times was about how many combat levies a state could raise in a war against an enemy state, modern non-magical combat was all about how much firepower a nation could call upon.

One could say that conflicts were the sole reason that humanity had progressed so much technologically in such a short span of the evolutionary tree.

Magical combat just like its non-magical combat had also evolved in the past three thousand years as shown by the available tomes that recorded history.

Ancient wizards about ten thousand years ago were not very different from their no-maj counterparts. They could at most make use of telekinesis and basic fire-making and water-making abilities. Both instances of magic were used for combat. They used telekinesis to throw rocks at whatever they were hunting while using their fire to cook meat and scare away predators.

Things, however, changed when languages formed within civilizations, like the Indus, Egyptians and the Mesopotamians came about.

Languages altered the way wizards could use magic. Where earlier they were bound by their understanding of the physical world and their own mind, they were now constrained by the intent of spells that they could call upon through the use of magic. Poets and authors who wrote stories about mystical weapons that could turn the world asunder and gave them 'names'.

It would take roughly a few more centuries before these names gained intent which wizards would then use in coordination with unstable, unreliable and magically rigid magical focii like swords, staves, arrows or spears that were made of magical creatures parts to devastating effects on the battlefield. This change also separated the wizards from the no-majs as one would separate the gods from the mortals. It did not make the no-majs weak by any means but the place of wizards had definitely shifted from that of a being that could do some things better than its peers to an unstoppable killing machine that could tear through hundreds if not thousands of no-majs with relative ease.

It was a century before the birth of Christ that things got shaken up in the world of magic again, during this time Gaius Julis Ceaser Octavianus or Augustus shifted the meaning of power again.

Octavius was the first person who armed his forces with magical wands during the Battle of Actinum in which his forces burned and sank roughly two hundred naval vessels.

And with the presence of wands that could perform all kinds of magic with more reliability while costing a tenth of what it would take to create magical weaponry changed the strength of wizards on the battlefield. Octavius gained both the numbers and the firepower to battle the Egyptians who were arguably the best necromancers to have ever lived since Necromancy as an art has been on the decline due to its popularity since those times.

The creation and use of the magical wand, however also created a difference between wizards themselves just like languages did the same for wizards and no-majs. The wand could focus the magic of a wizard through the use of both the intent of languages and the presence of a magical core made out of a very powerful magical creature.  Now a competent wizard could actually take out several wizards and thousands of no-majs without preparation.

Augustus' reign in the following years was the equivalent of a renaissance for magic as its significance grew drastically thanks to the presence of wands while wizardry became a symbol of prestige in the Roman empire.

Things finally shifted once more with Merlin or Myrridin Emrys who was born in 981 AD and died in 700 AD. His age at the time of his death was unknown but it is said that he had lived for at least three hundred years.

Merlin was a historical figure that Nathan would admit truly seemed like a fairytale come to life even if one looked at strictly the historical records and not the fictional aspects made by authors and poets.

He was an exceptional wizard who studied at Hogwarts under Salazar Slytherin himself and was hailed as a once-in-a-century genius by the founders. After finishing his studies, Merlin found himself fascinated with time and destiny. Some people argue that the Prince of Enchanters was the most knowledgeable wizard about the magic of time and fate. A master in the art of Divination, Enchanting, Old Alchemy and ancient Spellcasting.

And it was this thirst for knowledge that led to a magical accident that threw an eighteen-year-old Myrrdin into the sixth century. There are no records of his arrival into the time, but the presence of the wizard Merlin in the court of Arthur lent credence to his claims.

It was also during his stay in the court of Arthur that Merlin created a branch of magic from the ground up. Arithmancy which was created by Merlin allowed for the creation of new intent with which new spells that were independent of any intent in a language could be created through the use of primitive mathematics and the syncograph.

Arithmancy changed how magic was performed once again and made it far more flexible than before for personal use. Allowing Merlin to use magic that was not available to the other wizards of his time.

This method of creating new spells would remain hidden from the larger world until 999 AD when a very concerned elderly wizard found a box addressed to the founders in the tavern room of an eighteen-year youth who had disappeared in a violent explosion leaving nothing but a box that was enchanted to an obscene degree.

The year 1000 AD would be marked by the second renaissance of magic where hundreds of useless and useful spells would be created and branches of magic like charms, transfiguration and the dark arts were properly categorized by their arithmantic properties.

Magic would evolve to be more complex and nuanced in the next thousand years under the headmasters of Hogwarts and other similar schools of Magic.

Magic and magical combat were always evolving and if Nathan wanted to master magical combat, he needed to understand how it was used in combat by a standard auror in the field.

Thus, as he stood in front of Mr Watson, who had just told them to take out their wand in the northern corner of the warehouse, Nathan felt himself get excited with the thought of fighting much like his friend Alan.

"Do you two know how to cast the Petrificus Totalus?" Watson's inquiry prompted a simultaneous nod from both Nathan and Alan.

With a gesture toward two robust dummies positioned a short distance from the wall, Watson urged, "Show me."

Alan's face lit up with a mischievous grin as he directed his wand towards the wall, intoning, "Petrificus Totalus," and executing the spell's wand movement. In response, a vivid blue plasma beam surged from the tip of Alan's wand, accompanied by the familiar hissing sound characteristic of such spells. The beam struck the dummy, causing it to slide back slightly.

"Is that satisfactory, Mr. Watson?" Alan inquired.

"It is indeed, Mr. Waynewood," Watson acknowledged. "Now, Mr. Grey, if you please."

As Alan demonstrated his spellcasting prowess, Nathan's mind raced with thoughts on how to approach Judas Watson. Observing Watson, he discerned a man unafraid of life's challenges and possessing formidable willpower. Nathan faced a crucial decision: to blend in as an ordinary student or to reveal his exceptional abilities. Concealing his talents entirely would hinder his quest to consolidate power, particularly concerning individuals like Hestia, Tonks, Cedric, and Watson himself. These people while seemingly nice were also indulging Nathan and Alan as one would indulge a cute puppy, they did not acknowledge or truly admire Nathan, which reduced how much Nathan could influence them.

No, Nathan realized he needed to loosen the chains of caution that held him back slightly, allowing him to reach these individuals and make himself look like someone they could turn to when things went to shit.

"Petrificus Totalus," Nathan intoned just like his friend, his wand unleashing a brilliant, thick blue plasma beam. It traversed the distance to the target in the blink of an eye, striking the dummy and pushing it back to a position identical to Alan's earlier attempt but unlike Alan, Nathan's attempt had left small burns at the spot it had hit.

"Merlin, Grey," Alan exclaimed, a mix of astonishment and admiration in his voice. But Nathan's attention remained fixed on Watson, who regarded him with a grin that soon evolved into a sly smirk.

"Well done, both of you," Watson praised. "However, before delving deeper into spellcasting, there are some fundamental principles you need to grasp. Take a look at the board." The man pointed to a board that was hanging on one of the walls of the warehouse.

Drawing his own wand from a wrist holster, Watson made a sweeping gesture—a detail that Nathan noted for future consideration, intending to create one himself once his arm grew sufficiently in a year or two.

"The philosophy behind magical combat tactics changes every few decades and it is necessary to understand that all wizards have personal styles. The current most popular method of combat is Battle Transfiguration, though most wizards are inept at truly utilising transfiguration in a battle. Albus Dumbledore is a master of Battle Transfiguration.

When I was at Hogwarts, the most popular method of fighting an enemy was spell flinging- it is a method in which a wizard points his wand at an enemy and uses the most basic spells like small hexes, prank spells and other such charms to create openings that you fling a curse at such an opening to end the fight. If you want to look at the peak of spell-flinging, you just have to look at Professor Flitwick.

Now there are many other variations where people try to mix up things but just transfiguration, charms and a small amount of dark magic is all you need to take out the strongest of wizards."

As the man explained, Nathan could see the blackboard showing details about both methods along with the people who used them.

"If you want examples of how both methods are used on the ground, then follow me."

Nathan and Alan glanced at each other before grinning in excitement and following the man.

They walked to the other side of the warehouse before coming to a stop in front of the large area that was partitioned off from the rest of the warehouse with the use of plywood, Watson pushed the door open and Nathan and Alan could see a total of five more teenagers inside the room. Four of whom Nathan recognised to be Hestia, Cedric, Tonks and a fellow seventh-year Hufflepuff that he recognized only by his face. The fifth teenager was not someone Nathan recognized.

"Hestia, Nymphadora- Get into the circle, only defensive transfiguration and non-impact charms! Rest of you standard counter-charming."

"Oh? A demonstrative duel?", The oldest and the unknown member of their group asked before looking at Nathan and Alan and saying, "Name's Aria, so you two are the ones who are joining father's group, huh? Not many people go for combat these days."

"YOU are his daughter," Nathan could agree with his friend's surprise. Judas was a man with a large belly and looked like he would keel over any minute due to liver and heart damage. Aria, on the other hand, satisfied all the points for the bad-girl checklist.

'Seems like we found who Tonks emulates,' Nathan inwardly grinned before deciding to give his name, "Nathan Grey, Ms Watson."

"A-Alan Waynewood," Nathan nearly fell down laughing as he saw the look on Alan's face. The boy was giving Aria the same look that he gave Tonks.

'Good lord, I love kids.'-- Nathan inwardly cackled at the flustered look on Alan's face.

"Yeah, she is my daughter, lad," Judas smirked as if he was used to the question. The man seemed very proud and smug of his daughter's looks.

The smirk however disappeared and was replaced by a stern look as he nodded towards the duelling ring and said, "Now watch, the others will begin soon."



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