
Harry Potter: No More Simping

What will happen when harry stops simping? How will the age-old tale change as Harry unleashes his full potential, emerging as a genius. Will Dumbledore's manipulation still work on the new and improved Harry Potter? Will Harry sacrifice his life for the greater good or will he take his rightful place as the King? Stay tuned to find out... ======= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Mystic_Verse · Book&Literature
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88 Chs

A Professor's Pledge

Neville was stunned. Not only had Harry had a similarly hard life like him, he was probably one of the few people who could understand what he felt about his parents. If Harry could be this strong despite what had happened to him, couldn't he as well? He took a deep breath. This was hard, but Harry had revealed much of his past, how could he not?

"My parents were tortured to insanity by Death Eaters after the fall of V-V-Vol-Volde-Voldem-Voldemort." Neville finally brought out and Harry smiled encouragingly at him.

"They were aurors; they chased Death Eaters and the also worked with Professor Dumbledore in the fight against them. The Death Eaters that came to our house, Rodolphus, Rastaban and Bellatrix Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr used one of the … unforgivable curses … the cruciatus curse … on them. They wanted information about where V-V-Volde-Voldemort was. They used the curse many times. The curse makes you feel … unimaginable pain. And if you are under it for too long … there can be nerve damage. That's what happened to my parents. They are in St Mungo's … in a long term ward. The healers say there is nothing that can be done, … but I don't believe that. There has to be a way to heal them.

"My family doesn't understand why I can't give up on them. They always tell me it is impossible to get them back and that I should be proud to be the son of heroes like them and live up to their example. But I just want them back. Want that they recognize me again. Talk to me. My Gran thinks I'm stupid to keep the gum wrappers that mum gives me every visit, but … but they are the … the only present … I ever … got from her." Neville said.

Hermione had tears in her eyes and spontaneously hugged Neville. He looked confused as if he hadn't been hugged for a long time if ever. When she let him go, she, to Harry's absolute surprise hugged him too. Harry tensed. He still had problems with sudden physical contact. He awkwardly returned the hug.

"If this wouldn't be the worst time to make a joke I could say something about finally having found something the great Harry Potter isn't good at." Miranda said, trying to loosen the mood.

Harry had to smirk at that.

Hermione let Harry go and stood back next to Neville.

"Okay, I'll talk with Professor McGonagall if there is a way for me to get to Ollivander to get my own wand. I have saved enough to buy one. If my Gran thinks I'll dishonour Dad, she can talk all she wants to. I think mum and Dad would have wanted me to have my own wand." Neville said defiantly.

"That's the spirit, Neville." Harry said.

"Thanks, Potter." He answered.

"I think you should all just call me Harry. With how much I told you, I guess I can call you at least friendly acquaintances. I don't make friends easily so please don't expect me to call you friends until I really know you." Harry said.

"We understand." Miranda said. "And don't worry, we won't tell anything what you just told us."

"Yes, we promise." Hermione confirmed.

"Thanks. I wouldn't like the whole school to talk about it. It's bad enough that they'll find out the rough outline soon as the trial will be of public interest." Harry admitted.


Horrors of Halloween

Professor McGonagall was surprised to have three of her Gryffindor first-years visit her in her office.

"Miss Granger, Miss Lillowe and Mr Longbottom, what can I do for you?" She asked.

"I wanted to ask if you could arrange for me to go to Diagon Alley for me to get my own wand. My Gran said I should use my Dad's old wand to honour him, but from what we found out after asking Harry if he had an idea just why I couldn't get the spells we learned in Charms and Transfiguration to work for me, Dad's wand is incompatible with me. I had to concentrate a huge amount of magic for a few minutes until I got a colour changing charm on Hermione's hair to work and then I overloaded the spell." Neville said pointing at the still decoloured hair of his friend.

To say Professor McGonagall was angry with Augusta Longbottom was an understatement. To force her grandson to come to school with an incompatible wand wouldn't only be detrimental for his performance in class it would also undermine his already shaky confidence. She would definitely change that.

"Of course we can arrange that. Let me think. You are in the Wednesday Astronomy classes, so you have Wednesday afternoons free. I'll see if Hagrid can take you to Diagon Alley then to get you a proper wand. To not let you have your own wand; don't worry, I'll send Augusta a few well worded lines. She should know what problems an incompatible wand could cause. I'll inform you tomorrow at breakfast. Do you have enough money with you, or do you need to make a trip to your trust vault at Gringotts first?" She asked.

"Trust vault?" Neville asked confused.

"Don't tell me she didn't tell you about the trust vault your parents set up for you shortly after you were born. I am absolutely sure you have one. Alice and Frank and James and Lily took both you and Harry to Gringotts to open the vaults in your names. I know this because I was part of their guard to not be surprised by a Death Eater attack without additional protection for them. If she didn't tell you, ask at Gringotts if there is a possibility for you to get your own key and recall the one she has. Normally that isn't a problem. You just have to give a sample of your blood to prove who you are. As the vault is in your name and your parents stated that the vault should be yours to do with as you see fit once you turn eleven, you should have been given the key on your eleventh birthday.

"I'll tell Hagrid to take you to Gringotts. And Augusta gets a few more lines. If you want some good advice how to treat the goblins properly and in case you are interested how to manage your money successfully, I can recommend Mr Potter. I have seen how impressed the goblin who took us to his trust vault was during the first visit there. Only remember that goblins are a proud warrior race. They respect strength, cunning and if you treat them with respect as well. Never bow down though." She said.

"I will, thank you, Professor." Neville replied.

"You're welcome. And in case your grandmother reacts, let's say unpleasant, well, there are still many months until summer break." She said smirking.

Neville nodded with a small smile and the three first-years left her office. Professor McGonagall set up a rough draft for a letter. While she felt like sending a howler, she knew that wouldn't go over well with Augusta. But she was really disgusted with how she treated her grandson. She had heard the long-time rumours about Neville being a squib just because he didn't show magic early on. To put him under pressure like the Longbottoms did could only have made the problem worse. Perhaps she should let Poppy have a look at him. She didn't want to risk overlooking another case of abuse like it had happened with Harry.


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