
Harry Potter: Necromancer's Legacy

Ryan Lance died an untimely death all thanks to his bad luck and was given a chance to be reborn in another world. He chose the world of magic. However, his bad luck seems to have followed him to the next world and he woke up in the worst place in Harry Potter world, Azkaban. Endless torture... A voice in his head, claims to be him from the future... The whispers and promise of power beyond anything this world has ever seen. The power of Necromancy. Although Necromancy isn't new to the wizarding world, it's a failed area of magic that no one ever truly mastered. Follow Ryan's journey as he masters his newfound abilities to prepare for his revenge quest, but things soon got complicated when trouble comes knocking on his door. The beginning of the First Wizarding War... ---- Heavy AU. Characters age might vary. ___ [I don't own Harry Potter except for my own OC.] [Cover pic isn't mine. Found it on Pinterest. I will remove it if the owner wants it gone, but give proof.] ---- A WARNING TO RULATE SITE > DON'T STEAL MY WORK AGAIN OR I WILL JUST DELETE IT

Xcalibur_Xc · Book&Literature
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68 Chs


The undeads unleashed torrents of curses, killing dozens of dark wizards in the blink of an eye. The enemies fought back, but it was basically useless. The undeads have the strongest defense and they are undeads, so regular spells won't kill them and they are immune to the forbidden curse too.

The battlefield looked so colorful as spells flew everywhere. Some of the dark wizards tried to flee from the battlefield but to no avail, as Ryan made sure to restrain them with his restrain curse.

'Vincula Umbra'

Spectral chains burst out from the ground, restraining the fleeing dark wizards.



Screams echoed as spectral chains pinned them down on one spot, making it easier for the undeads to kill them off with ease.

The four of them watched as the undead army continued to push forward. During this fight, Ryan figured out his current limit. He can restrain around thirty-five to forty of them at once, but if he tries to exceed that limit, his brain starts hurting.

'I guess I still need some practice.'

The next thing he noticed about his army of undeads was that although they were strong and their defense was off the charts, they were kinda slow. Yeah, they are capable of spamming nonstop spells, but their wand movements were slow. So, Ryan concluded that going further, he'll need to level up further and get stronger than his current self.

Everything was going just fine until those three Death Eaters decided to step forward.




Three powerful explosions occurred consecutively, wiping off a dozen undeads instantly. Ryan narrowed his eyes as he saw those three Death Eaters stepping forward. He recognized them, Bellatrix Lestrange, Mulciber, and Rodolphus Lestrange.

"Hahahaha! How the hell did you guys create this many Inferius?" Bellatrix laughed loudly as she launched a Bombarda curse followed by a Confringo curse. Another dozen undeads got blasted to bits.

"Look out! These Inferius are tougher than expected. Be careful not to underestimate them," Mulciber warned Rodolphus as he unleashed another Bombarda curse toward the incoming undeads.

Rodolphus nodded, "Thanks." He too launched a Bombarda curse, followed by Reducto and Confringo.

Ryan clicked his tongue as he saw his undeads getting wiped off easily by the trio, 'Damn! Their level of casting is far superior to those I've encountered so far. Guess, the undeads won't be able to stop them...'

James, Sirius, and Lily too noticed those three Death Eaters and they too realized Ryan's undeads wouldn't be able to handle them.

"They are strong..." Sirius narrowed his eyes.

"Two Lestrange and Mulciber. If we manage to somehow capture one of them..." James muttered as he gripped his wand tightly.

Lily nodded, "...we'll have a clue to find out the identities of the remaining Death Eaters."

Ryan chuckled as he overheard the trio, "Don't bother. I know someone who knows them and that one will be easier to capture. For now, be ready to back me up from behind. I don't want any one of you to die in my presence."

"I know you are strong, but after casting that many spells, will you still be able to fight against three of them? You do know, they are not your regular Dark Wizards, right?" Lily asked Ryan worriedly as she knew how draining high-level magic can be.

"Someone's worried about me?" Ryan teased Lily with a smile.

Lily blushed as she averted her face.

Ryan smirked, "Relax! Those three aren't even worth my sweat. Just wait and watch. Oh, by the way, why are you blushing? We just met a few minutes ago." He teased Lily one last time before walking toward those three Death Eaters. 'Let's exhaust you freaks,' He pushed his remaining ten undeads to their limits and they began to spam the killing curse continuously.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"


The ten undeads chanted repeatedly as they targeted Mulciber.

Mulciber swished his wand to pull the nearby debris to form a shield to block the incoming killing curse.

Green explosions occurred as the debris shattered into tiny pieces due to the impact of the killing curse. Mulciber staggered backward as sweat trickled down his forehead.

Bellatrix and Rodolphus were surprised to see ten undeads spamming nonstop killing curses.

"Hold it Mulciber, I'll take care of the caster," Bellatrix apparated behind Ryan.

Sirius, Lily, and James used their spells, trying to blast off those two Death Eaters, but Mulciber used 'Confundo' to distract Sirius, Lily, and James as he too apparated out of those undead's way. He ran away, leaving Bellatrix and Rodolphus behind. The trio's body froze as they blacked out for a moment.

"Avada Kedavra!" She aimed her wand at Ryan's head, hoping to blow his head clean.

"Avada Kedavra!" Rodolphus too apparated before Ryan, targeting his heart.

"Idiot!" Ryan smirked as he used his unfinished charm that he never got to practice much or use in real life. So, he has no idea of this charm's side effects. Although he won't die even with that since he can just put his soul into a new body, the rush he was feeling right now when two Death Eaters apparated before him trying to kill him, gave Ryan a sense of excitement like nothing else.

'Tempus Glacius!' Ryan used his charm.

Chronofreeze Charm: Incantation: Tempus Glacius

Effect: When cast, this charm creates a localized temporal distortion, causing time to slow down within a designated area. It can be used to gain a tactical advantage in combat or to evade danger by freezing time temporarily.

Time stopped around Ryan. He looked toward his attackers. A green stream of light was coming out from Bellatrix's and Rodolphus' wands.

"So, this is Chronofreeze Charm," Ryan walked past Rodolphus leisurely as he inspected Bellatrix's frozen movement.

He poked Bellatrix's tits using his wand tip, "So, this is what happens when time stops? Gotta say... this insane bitch got some nice jugs..." He massaged her tits using his wand tip and pinched her nipples playfully before looking toward Rodolphus, "And you..." He kicked his dick hard six times in a row, "You are gonna feel an incredible sensation after the time resumes..."

Ryan wasn't just satisfied with that. He was gonna torture those who dared to attack him. He used 'Tarantallegra', the dancing spell on Rodolphus, just to see him dance while grabbing his groin, but Ryan thought that it wouldn't be enough for that Death Eater, so, he also used 'Rictusempra', the tickling charm on Rodolphus, just to increase his suffering more.

Next, he shifted his attention toward Bellatrix.

"Now, what should I do with you?" Ryan smirked as he used another spell, 'Langlock' to glue Bellatrix's tongue to the roof of her mouth and then used 'Rictusempra', the tickling charm to increase her suffering too. "Now, hope you fuckheads would have fun... Oh, I almost forgot..." He swished his wand, severing both their wand arms.

Blood and their severed arms were frozen in time as their spell flickered. He then moved them out of their way, so that after the time started flowing, their curses wouldn't kill each other.

"Huh!" Ryan touched his nose feeling a wetness. He looked at his fingers, seeing blood dripping out.

His nose was bleeding. Looks like using Chronofreeze Charm took a toll on his body.

"Tsk." He released the spell as time resumed.

Both their curses flew in another direction without hurting anyone.

"Arghhhh!!! Ahahahahahah!" Rodolphus began to laugh as tears gushed down from his eyes. He felt his dick burning like hellfire while dancing involuntarily. His right arm was lying on the ground and blood was spraying out of her wrist.

"Mummm!!" Bellatrix's face twitched as a burning sensation swept over her body. She grabbed her severed left wrist and began to dance. She wanted to laugh and scream, but her tongue was glued to the top of her mouth, so all she could let out was muffled screams. Blood sprayed out of her left wrist too.

Rodolphus collapsed on the ground, laughing uncontrollably due to the tickling charm.

Bellatrix also fell on the ground, rolling left to right. Her entire body felt ticklish.

"What happened?" Sirius stared at Rodolphus and Bellatrix. They suddenly began to laugh and cry as if they were tortured.

"What the?! You alright!" James rushed over to Ryan.

"I saw them use the killing curse. How did you survive?!" Lily gasped.

Ryan wiped the blood using his robes and replied, "Questions and questions... Well, left two alive... Use something to stop their bleeding or they won't last..." His vision turned black as he stumbled forward.

The last thing he heard was someone calling his name...



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Next, Ch: 17: Ryan and Lily 

Ch: 18: War causes desperation

Ch: 19: Pervy Lily

Ch: 20: Lily's first time

Ch: 21: Ministry under attack

From the earlier comments, some are confused about the characters' ages. So, let's make it clear, they are all legal age and graduates.

Xcalibur_Xccreators' thoughts