
Harry Potter: MageX

In a surprising twist of fate, Harry Potter discovers that he possesses the elusive X-gene, unlocking a whole new realm of possibilities within the wizarding world. As he navigates the challenges of adolescence at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry grapples with the awakening of his mutant abilities, which allow him to absorb magical powers and abilities. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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Harry's Mutant Powers

Harry's Mutant Powers

Harry's mutant powers could work in a few different ways, depending on how they're developed and integrated into the story:

Power Absorption: Harry gains the ability to absorb the magical essence or abilities of other magical beings or artifacts he comes into contact with. This could include absorbing the residual magic of the Basilisk and the dark energy of Tom Riddle's diary.

Adaptation: With the absorbed powers, Harry's body adapts and integrates them seamlessly into his own magical repertoire. This allows him to rapidly learn and master new spells, skills, and abilities, adapting to any situation he encounters.

Energy Manipulation: Harry gains the power to manipulate magical energy on a molecular level. He can shape and control magical forces, He can also perform wandless magic.

Possible abilities gained from Absorption:

The Basilisk:

Absorbing the Basilisk's essence could grant Harry a range of powerful abilities:

Parseltongue Mastery: Harry already possesses the ability to speak Parseltongue, but absorbing the Basilisk's essence could enhance this skill, allowing him to understand and communicate with snakes on a deeper level.

Enhanced Regeneration: The Basilisk's venom possesses potent regenerative properties. By absorbing its essence, Harry could gain enhanced healing abilities, allowing him to recover from injuries at an accelerated rate.

Enhanced Strength and Speed: The Basilisk is a large and formidable creature. Absorbing its essence could grant Harry increased physical strength and agility, enabling him to perform feats beyond normal human capabilities.

Venomous Gaze: The Basilisk's gaze is lethal to anyone who meets its eyes. Harry may gain the ability to emit a similar paralyzing or weakening effect through his gaze, albeit with less deadly consequences.

Serpentine Transformation: In extreme circumstances, Harry could have the ability to partially transform into a serpentine form, complete with scales, fangs, and heightened senses, allowing him to navigate tight spaces or evade danger.


Absorbing Fawkes' tears could grant Harry a range of uplifting and healing abilities, reflecting Fawkes' association with rebirth and renewal:

Healing Touch: Harry could gain the ability to heal injuries and ailments with a mere touch, channeling the rejuvenating properties of Fawkes' tears to restore health and vitality to himself and others.

Emotional Empathy: Fawkes is deeply connected to the emotional well-being of those around him. By absorbing his tears, Harry may develop an enhanced sense of empathy and emotional intuition, allowing him to understand and connect with others on a deeper level.

Fire Manipulation: Fawkes possesses the ability to conjure and control flames. Harry could gain a similar affinity for fire, allowing him to manipulate flames for both offensive and defensive purposes, harnessing their cleansing and purifying properties.

Phoenix Rebirth: In moments of extreme peril or sacrifice, Harry may have the ability to undergo a transformative rebirth, emerging from the ashes of adversity with renewed strength and purpose, much like Fawkes himself.

Flight: As Fawkes is capable of flight, Harry may gain the ability to soar through the skies with grace and agility, using his newfound wings to navigate the world from a higher perspective.

Tom Riddle's Horcruxes (The Diary and Harry's scar):

Absorbing the soul shard within his scar and Tom Riddle's diary could grant Harry a combination of dark and powerful abilities, reflecting the influence of Tom Riddle's fragmented soul:

Dark Magic Mastery: Harry might gain an understanding and proficiency in dark magic beyond his years, tapping into the knowledge and malevolent intent embedded within the soul shard. This could include spells for curses, mind control, and manipulation of life forces.

Legilimency: Voldemort was a skilled Legilimens, able to penetrate the minds of others to extract information or manipulate their thoughts. By absorbing the soul shard, Harry could develop a natural talent for Legilimency, allowing him to delve into the minds of others and perceive their thoughts and emotions.

Obscurial Rage: The presence of the soul shard could trigger bouts of uncontrollable rage and destructive power within Harry, akin to an Obscurial. In moments of intense emotion or vulnerability, he might unleash bursts of dark energy capable of causing widespread destruction.

Soul Manipulation: With the soul shard integrated into his being, Harry could possess the ability to manipulate and fragment the souls of others, exerting control over their thoughts, actions, and destinies.

Horcrux Resilience: Absorbing the soul shard could grant Harry enhanced resilience and longevity, akin to that of a Horcrux. He might become more resistant to physical harm and possess a heightened capacity for survival, even in the face of mortal danger.

The Sword of Gryffindor:

Absorbing the essence of theSword of Gryffindor, a powerful magical weapon could grant Harry a range of abilities related to the sword's unique properties and magical enchantments:

Enhanced combat prowess: The Sword of Gryffindor is known for its effectiveness in battle, especially against dark creatures such as basilisks and Horcruxes. Harry might gain increased proficiency in swordsmanship and close-quarters combat, allowing him to wield the sword with skill and precision in battle.

Fiendfyre resistance: The Sword of Gryffindor is capable of absorbing and controlling Fiendfyre, a highly destructive magical fire. Harry might gain increased resistance to Fiendfyre and other forms of magical fire, allowing him to withstand intense heat and flames without harm.

Basilisk venom immunity: The Sword of Gryffindor has been impregnated with basilisk venom, making it one of the few substances capable of destroying Horcruxes. Harry might gain immunity to basilisk venom and other deadly toxins, making him resistant to poison and venomous attacks.

Loyalty and bravery empowerment: The Sword of Gryffindor is closely associated with the qualities of bravery, courage, and loyalty. Harry might gain increased courage and determination, bolstering his resolve in the face of danger and inspiring loyalty and bravery in those around him.

Dark creature detection: The Sword of Gryffindor has a magical affinity for detecting and combating dark creatures and entities. Harry might gain the ability to sense the presence of dark creatures, dark magic, or malevolent entities, allowing him to track them down and confront them with the sword's power.

Magical enchantment absorption: The Sword of Gryffindor has absorbed and retained various magical enchantments over the centuries. Harry might gain the ability to absorb and store magical enchantments, spells, or properties from other magical objects or artifacts, enhancing his own magical abilities or imbuing objects with magical properties.

The Phoenix Force:

After absorbing the Phoenix Force, Harry experienced a significant enhancement in several aspects of his abilities:

Heightened Healing Factor: Harry's healing factor accelerated to an unprecedented level. Wounds that would normally take days to heal now closed almost instantaneously, thanks to the regenerative properties of the Phoenix Force.

Enhanced Magical Abilities: The Phoenix Force amplified Harry's innate magical potential. His spells became more potent and precise, and he exhibited a greater degree of control over his magical abilities. Additionally, he gained access to new spells and magical techniques that he hadn't been able to perform before.

Moments of Precognition: Harry occasionally experienced brief glimpses of the future, indicating a newfound ability to foresee events before they occurred. These moments of precognition provided him with valuable insights during battles and allowed him to anticipate his opponents' moves.


Mental Clarity: Harry felt clearer and more focused than ever before. The Phoenix Force seemed to heighten his mental acuity, enabling him to think and strategize with remarkable speed and clarity, especially in high-pressure situations.

Resistance to Mental Influence: While the Phoenix Force could potentially affect the mind, Harry showed resilience against its influence. His mental fortitude and strong sense of self helped him resist any attempts to manipulate or control his thoughts and emotions.

Acromantula Colony:

After absorbing the powers of a colony of Acromantula in the Forbidden Forest, Harry would likely gain a range of abilities associated with these giant magical spiders. Here are some possible powers and abilities he might acquire:

Enhanced Strength and Agility: Acromantulas are known for their incredible strength and agility. Harry would likely gain enhanced physical abilities, making him much stronger and more agile than an average human.

Web-Spinning: Harry could develop the ability to spin webs, using them for various purposes such as creating traps, swinging between structures, or forming protective barriers.

Venomous Bite: Acromantulas possess venom that can incapacitate or kill their prey. Harry might gain a venomous bite or the ability to produce venom, which he could use in combat.

Wall-Crawling: Like spiders, Harry could gain the ability to crawl on walls and ceilings, enhancing his mobility and allowing him to navigate difficult terrain with ease.

Enhanced Senses: Acromantulas have keen senses, particularly their vision and ability to detect vibrations. Harry could develop enhanced senses, allowing him to perceive his surroundings with greater clarity and react more quickly to threats.

Camouflage: Some spiders have the ability to blend into their surroundings. Harry might gain some form of natural camouflage, making it easier for him to hide or ambush opponents.

Silk Manipulation: Beyond web-spinning, Harry could gain the ability to manipulate and control spider silk, using it for a variety of creative applications, such as creating weapons or tools.

Psychic Communication: Acromantulas have a rudimentary form of communication among their colony. Harry might develop a form of psychic communication or a heightened ability to understand and control other arachnids.

Durability and Regeneration: The tough exoskeleton of Acromantulas provides them with significant protection. Harry could gain increased durability and potentially a limited regenerative ability, allowing him to recover from injuries more quickly.

Fear Inducement: Acromantulas are terrifying creatures, and their presence often induces fear. Harry might gain the ability to project an aura of fear, intimidating opponents and gaining a psychological advantage in conflicts.

The Werewolf Curse:

Absorbing Remus's werewolf curse would likely grant Harry a unique set of powers and abilities, tailored to both his existing magical capabilities and the nature of the curse itself. Here are some possibilities:

Enhanced senses: Werewolves possess heightened senses of smell, hearing, and sight. Harry may gain the ability to perceive his surroundings with greater clarity and sensitivity, allowing him to detect things that others might miss.

Increased physical strength and agility: Werewolves are known for their superior strength and agility, which could translate into Harry becoming more physically capable and agile, especially during moments of heightened emotion or danger.

Regenerative abilities: Werewolves have accelerated healing abilities, allowing them to recover from injuries much faster than ordinary wizards. Harry may find that wounds heal more rapidly and efficiently after absorbing the curse.

Transformation control: One of the most significant challenges of the werewolf curse is the involuntary transformation during the full moon. However, by absorbing the curse, Harry might gain the ability to control his transformations at will, allowing him to harness the werewolf's powers without losing control.

Enhanced resilience: Werewolves possess a degree of resilience to magical and physical attacks. Harry may find himself more resistant to curses, hexes, and injuries after absorbing the curse.

Empathy with magical creatures: Werewolves are often treated as outcasts in the wizarding world, leading to a deep empathy for magical creatures. Harry may develop a stronger connection with other magical beings, understanding their perspectives and emotions more profoundly.

The Dementors:

Absorbing the Dementors' energy would grant Harry several powerful abilities:

Aura of Hope: Harry would emit an aura of hope and positivity, which could uplift and inspire those around him, dispelling feelings of despair and fear.

Improved Patronus: His Patronus charm would become even more potent, capable of repelling Dementors and other dark creatures with greater ease and effectiveness.

Psychic Shielding: Harry would gain enhanced psychic shielding, making him more resilient against mental attacks and dark influences.

Ability to Sense Dark Entities: He would develop the ability to sense the presence of Dementors and other dark entities from a distance, allowing him to anticipate and prepare for their arrival.

Energy Absorption: Harry would have the power to absorb negative energy and emotions, converting them into positive energy that he could use to fuel his magic.

Aura Cleansing: He could cleanse dark auras and dispel negative influences, bringing light and purity to those affected by dark magic.

Enhanced Perception: His senses would be heightened, allowing him to perceive subtle changes in his surroundings and detect hidden threats.

Empathic Abilities: Harry would develop empathic abilities, enabling him to understand and connect with the emotions of those around him on a deeper level.

Resilience to Dark Magic: He would become more resistant to the effects of dark magic, making him a formidable opponent against dark wizards and creatures.

Inner Strength: Absorbing the Dementors' energy would also strengthen Harry's resolve and inner courage, allowing him to face future challenges with unwavering determination.


Absorbing the essence of a Thestral would indeed grant Harry several unique powers and abilities, enhancing his already impressive skill set. These might include:

Invisibility to Certain Individuals: Thestrals can only be seen by those who have witnessed death. Harry might gain the ability to become invisible to specific individuals, particularly those who have not experienced significant loss or death.

Enhanced Resilience and Healing: Thestrals are known for their resilience and ability to survive in harsh conditions. Harry could gain an enhanced healing factor and greater resistance to physical and magical attacks.

Death Sense: Thestrals have a natural connection to death. Harry might develop an intuitive sense for detecting death or the presence of death-related magic, allowing him to sense when someone is near death or if an area has a history of death.

Silent Flight: Thestrals can fly silently, a useful ability for stealth and reconnaissance. Harry could gain the ability to move silently, making him almost undetectable when he wishes.

Empathy for the Grieving: Thestrals are gentle and empathetic creatures. Harry might develop a heightened ability to sense and understand the emotions of those who are grieving, allowing him to provide comfort and support more effectively.

Night Vision: Thestrals can see in the dark. Harry would gain superior night vision, enabling him to see clearly in complete darkness.

Enhanced Strength and Agility: Thestrals are strong and agile. Harry could gain increased physical strength and agility, making him more formidable in combat.

Ethereal Communication: Thestrals have a mysterious connection to the afterlife. Harry might develop the ability to communicate with spirits or sense the presence of ghosts more clearly.

Enhanced Sense of Direction: Thestrals have an uncanny ability to find their way, even over long distances and through difficult terrain. Harry would gain a heightened sense of direction, making it nearly impossible for him to get lost, whether navigating a forest, an unfamiliar city, or even a complex magical labyrinth.