
Harry Potter: MageX

In a surprising twist of fate, Harry Potter discovers that he possesses the elusive X-gene, unlocking a whole new realm of possibilities within the wizarding world. As he navigates the challenges of adolescence at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry grapples with the awakening of his mutant abilities, which allow him to absorb magical powers and abilities. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

Vikrant_Utekar_5653 · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Chapter 2

"Harry, would you mind accompanying me outside the Hospital Wing for a moment?" Dumbledore asks, his tone gentle but firm.

Harry, sensing the importance of Dumbledore's request, nods in response. "Of course, Professor," he says, rising from his seat and following Dumbledore out of the room.

As they step into the corridor, Dumbledore turns to Harry, his expression a mix of curiosity and hope, his eyes alight with the spark of possibility. His long, flowing robes swish softly with each movement, lending an air of wisdom and authority to his demeanor. As he stops in front of Harry, he inclines his head slightly, his gaze fixed on the young wizard before him.

"Harry," Dumbledore begins, his voice carrying a gentle yet determined tone, "I wonder, could your newfound abilities extend beyond helping Miss Granger?." He pauses, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Might you have the power to aid the other petrified students as well?"

Harry, though unsure of the full extent of his powers and the implications of using them, nods in agreement with Dumbledore's suggestion. There's a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes, tempered by a growing sense of responsibility and determination.

"I'll do my best, Professor," Harry responds earnestly, his voice tinged with resolve. "If there's a chance I can help them, I'll try."

Dumbledore offers Harry a reassuring smile, his confidence in the young wizard's potential evident in his gaze.

"Thank you, Harry," Dumbledore says warmly, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder in a gesture of support. "Your willingness to help is greatly appreciated."

As Dumbledore and Harry are deep in conversation, the Hospital Wing's door creaks open, and Lucius Malfoy strides in, flanked by the House Elf Dobby, his demeanor oozing with arrogance and disdain. His sleek silver hair falls perfectly in place, and his cold, calculating gaze sweeps across the room.

His eyes narrow as they land on Dumbledore, a hint of suspicion mingling with his usual air of superiority.

"Dumbledore," Malfoy sneers, his voice dripping with contempt. "What brings you here? Last I heard, you were suspended from your duties."

Dumbledore, maintaining his calm demeanor, addresses Lucius Malfoy with a tone of polite authority, "Mr. Malfoy, I understand there may have been some confusion regarding my suspension. It appears that the other board members overturned the decision when they learned of a grave situation: the abduction of a student from our school."

There's a subtle shift in Dumbledore's expression, a hint of inquiry as he continues, "However, I must admit, I found it curious that some of the board members seemed under the impression that you had made threats against them. Perhaps you could shed some light on this matter?"

Dumbledore's gaze remains steady, his eyes piercing yet polite, as he awaits Malfoy's response, subtly probing for answers while maintaining his composed demeanor.

Lucius Malfoy's mask of arrogance momentarily falters, replaced by a flicker of unease at Dumbledore's direct inquiry. He clears his throat, regaining his composure as he responds with a smooth, practiced demeanor.

"Ah, yes, well, you know how rumors can spread, Dumbledore," Malfoy replies, his voice dripping with false charm. "I assure you, I would never resort to such crude tactics. My interests lie solely in the well-being of Hogwarts and its students."

Despite his words, there's a subtle tension in Malfoy's stance, a hint of defensiveness beneath his polished facade. He meets Dumbledore's gaze with a calculated mix of defiance and apprehension, wary of revealing too much in the presence of the esteemed headmaster.

Dumbledore studies Malfoy for a moment, his gaze unwavering, before nodding in apparent acceptance of the explanation.

"Of course, Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore says, his tone courteous but tinged with skepticism. "Thank you for clarifying."

"Abducted student, you say?" Malfoy inquires, trying to change the subject, his tone a blend of feigned concern and thinly veiled curiosity. "How distressing. Pray tell, who was the unfortunate individual?"

Dumbledore meets Malfoy's gaze with a measured look, his expression guarded yet discerning.

"It was our dear Miss Weasley," Dumbledore replies, his tone grave. "Thankfully, she has been returned unharmed, but the circumstances surrounding her abduction remain a cause for concern."

There's a subtle tension in the air as Malfoy absorbs this information, his features schooled into a mask of mild concern. Behind his facade, however, a spark of interest flickers in his eyes, hinting at hidden motives and ulterior agendas.

"Indeed," Malfoy responds, his voice carefully neutral. "A troubling turn of events, to be sure. And who, pray tell, was the culprit of said abduction?"

Lucius Malfoy's inquiry lingers in the air, a subtle challenge veiled beneath his polite facade. Dumbledore meets his gaze with a measured look, his expression betraying little of his inner thoughts. His voice carries a weight of solemnity as he addresses Lucius Malfoy, his gaze unwavering despite the gravity of his words.

"Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore begins, his tone measured but firm, "the abduction of Miss Ginny Weasley was orchestrated by none other than Lord Voldemort himself."

There's a palpable tension in the air as Dumbledore's words sink in, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on both men.

"He acted through a particularly insidious means," Dumbledore continues, his voice tinged with sadness. "A diary, enchanted with dark magic and imbued with a fragment of Voldemort's soul, served as his conduit."

Lucius' expression darkens with realization as he absorbs Dumbledore's revelation.

Dumbledore's gaze remains fixed on Lucius Malfoy, his expression inscrutable yet probing as he poses the question.

"Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore begins, his voice calm but tinged with a hint of curiosity, "I couldn't help but wonder: where do you suppose Miss Ginny Weasley obtained the diary in question?"

The question hangs in the air, laden with implications and unspoken accusations. Dumbledore's keen eyes bore into Lucius, silently challenging him to provide an explanation for how such a dangerous artifact could have found its way into the hands of an unsuspecting student.

Lucius Malfoy's demeanor remains composed, though a flicker of unease passes through his eyes at Dumbledore's pointed question.

"Well, Dumbledore," he begins, his tone measured, "as you know, dark artifacts have a way of finding their way into the wrong hands. It's possible that the diary was acquired through less than reputable means, perhaps through the black market or some other clandestine channel."

There's a subtle deflection in Lucius' response, a careful avoidance of implicating himself or his associates in the acquisition of the diary. His words are carefully chosen, designed to cast doubt rather than provide concrete answers.

Sensing Dobby's silent communication, Harry glances at the house-elf, who nods subtly towards Lucius. Understanding Dobby's unspoken message, Harry approaches Dumbledore and Lucius with a determined expression, his gaze unwavering.

"Professor Dumbledore, Mr. Malfoy," Harry begins, his voice earnest, "I believe I may know how Ginny obtained the diary. When we were in Diagon Alley to buy our school supplies before the start of the school year, we had an encounter with Mr. Malfoy at Flourish & Blotts. It's possible that he slipped the diary into Ginny's cauldron when we weren't looking."

There's a moment of silence as Harry's words sink in, the implications of his accusation hanging heavily in the air. Dumbledore's gaze remains steady, his expression thoughtful, while Lucius' features darken with a mixture of indignation and unease.

"Is this true, Mr. Malfoy?" Dumbledore asks, his tone calm but firm. "Did you have any involvement in Ginny Weasley's acquisition of the diary?"

Lucius' jaw tightens imperceptibly, his gaze flickering between Dumbledore and Harry as he formulates his response. Lucius Malfoy, his tone firm yet tinged with warning, addresses Harry with a steely gaze.

"Mr. Potter," he says, his voice carrying a weight of authority, "accusations made without concrete proof can have serious consequences. It would be wise to exercise caution before levying such allegations."

There's a subtle undercurrent of threat in Lucius' words, a reminder of the power and influence he wields within the wizarding world. Despite the veiled warning, his demeanor remains composed, his expression betraying little of the turmoil beneath the surface.

Dumbledore's voice carries a note of caution as he addresses Lucius Malfoy, his tone measured but firm.

"Mr. Malfoy," he begins, his gaze steady, "I trust you understand the gravity of the situation. It would be in everyone's best interest to ensure that no more items associated with Voldemort find their way into Hogwarts."

There's a subtle warning in Dumbledore's words, a reminder of the potential consequences of further involvement with dark artifacts. He knows that Lucius is well aware of the risks, but his words serve as a subtle reminder of the stakes at play.

"Arthur Weasley has a keen interest in such matters," Dumbledore continues, his tone carrying a hint of warning. "It would not be wise to attract his attention by allowing any more of Voldemort's belongings to cross the threshold of Hogwarts."

The implication is clear: any further involvement with dark magic or artifacts associated with Voldemort could draw unwanted scrutiny from Arthur Weasley and the Ministry of Magic. It's a warning veiled in diplomacy, but its meaning is unmistakable.

Lucius Malfoy's demeanor shifts, his composure slipping as he regards Dumbledore and Harry with a sneer of disdain. With a dismissive wave of his hand, he addresses Dobby in a tone laced with arrogance.

"Dobby, we are leaving," he commands, his voice dripping with contempt.

Dobby, ever obedient despite the rudeness of his master, bows his head subserviently and moves to follow Lucius out of the Hospital Wing. However, before he departs, he casts a worried glance back at Harry, his large eyes filled with concern.

Harry meets Dobby's gaze with a reassuring nod, silently conveying his gratitude for the house-elf's loyalty. As Dobby disappears with a soft *pop*, Harry turns his attention back to Dumbledore, his determination undimmed by the encounter.

With a determined set to his jaw, Harry prepares to continue his investigation into the mysteries surrounding Ginny Weasley's abduction, knowing that the road ahead will be fraught with danger and uncertainty. But with Dumbledore by his side, he is confident that they will uncover the truth and put an end to the dark forces threatening Hogwarts once and for all.


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