
Harry Potter: MageX

In a surprising twist of fate, Harry Potter discovers that he possesses the elusive X-gene, unlocking a whole new realm of possibilities within the wizarding world. As he navigates the challenges of adolescence at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry grapples with the awakening of his mutant abilities, which allow him to absorb magical powers and abilities. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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Chapter 14

Harry and Jean found themselves standing once more in the vast, fiery landscape of their shared mindspace. The oppressive heat and crackling energy were familiar now, as was the towering figure of the Phoenix Force, its majestic wings spread wide, casting long shadows across the scorched earth.

The Phoenix's eyes glowed with an intense, otherworldly light as it regarded them. Its voice, a deep and resonant rumble, echoed through the mindspace. "You return, young ones. Have you come to seek answers?"

Jean, her curiosity piqued by recent events, stepped forward. "Why do I have magic now? I've always been a telepath and telekinetic, but ever since our connection, I've been able to perform spells, manipulate magical energy. What's happening to me?"

The Phoenix's flames flickered, casting eerie shadows across the mindspace. "Jean Grey, the power I bestow is not limited to the realm of psychic abilities. The Phoenix Force is a cosmic entity, encompassing all forms of energy and potential. When you embraced my essence, you unlocked latent abilities within yourself, including a natural affinity for magic. This power was always within you, lying dormant, and my presence has brought it to the surface."

Jean's eyes widened in understanding. "So, this magic is part of me now, just like my other abilities."

The Phoenix nodded. "Indeed. But be mindful, Jean. Magic, like all forms of power, requires discipline and balance. Your journey to master it will be arduous, but you are capable."

Harry stepped forward, holding his wand, which still felt unnaturally warm in his hand. "And what about me? My wand has been overheating since our connection. Is this related to the Phoenix Force too?"

The Phoenix turned its gaze to Harry. "Harry Potter, the wand you wield is a conduit for your magical energy. My influence has amplified your powers, and the wand, crafted for a lesser flow of magic, struggles to contain this new intensity. It is not uncommon for such conduits to falter under heightened strain."

Harry looked at his wand, feeling a mix of concern and curiosity. "So, what can I do? Do I need a new wand, or is there a way to adapt this one?"

The Phoenix Force's flames flickered, casting long shadows across the mindspace. "Harry Potter, you and Jean Grey possess a unique connection to magic through me. While you do not require a wand to perform magic, wands are useful tools for channeling and focusing your power, especially when learning new spells. To handle the intensity of your enhanced abilities, you will need a wand capable of withstanding the force of the Phoenix."

The Phoenix Force extended its fiery wings, revealing two shimmering shards of a dark pink gemstone. "These are fragments of the M'Kraan Crystal. They possess unparalleled strength and stability, making them ideal cores for wands suited to your power."

Harry and Jean gazed at the crystals in awe. The Phoenix continued, "These crystals will harmonize with your enhanced abilities, allowing you to wield your magic without overwhelming your wand. Use them wisely."

Jean reached out, taking one of the crystals. "Thank you. This will help us a lot."

Harry took the other crystal, feeling its power resonate with his own. "We'll make new wands with these cores. They should be able to handle the intensity of our magic."

The Phoenix nodded. "Remember, these crystals are a part of the M'Kraan, a source of immense power. Treat them with respect, and they will serve you well."

With that, the fiery landscape began to dissolve, and Jean and Harry felt themselves being pulled back to consciousness. They awoke simultaneously, lying not on the floor of Jean's room, but in the medical wing of Xavier's Mansion. The sterile white walls and the soft hum of medical equipment surrounded them, a stark contrast to the intense, fiery realm they had just left.

As they stirred, they realized they were not alone. Gathered around their beds were Professor Xavier, Ororo, Logan, Hank, Sirius Black, Andromeda Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks, and Albus Dumbledore. Concern and relief were evident on their faces.

"Harry, Jean," Sirius exclaimed, stepping forward with a mixture of worry and relief. "You're finally awake."

Professor Xavier nodded, his expression serious yet kind. "You both gave us quite a scare."

Harry and Jean exchanged a glance, the weight of their recent encounter with the Phoenix Force still heavy on their minds. Harry spoke first, his voice still a bit shaky. "We... we saw the Phoenix again."

Jean nodded, her eyes meeting each person in the room. "It gave us these." She held up the shard of the M'Kraan Crystal, which she had instinctively clutched even in unconsciousness.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with curiosity and understanding as he stepped closer. "M'Kraan Crystals, if I am not mistaken. Remarkable artifacts of immense power. They must be treated with great care."

The room fell silent as everyone exchanged puzzled looks. It was clear that nobody else recognized the name.

"What are M'Kraan Crystals?" Sirius asked, breaking the silence.

Dumbledore stroked his beard thoughtfully. "The M'Kraan Crystals are extremely rare and powerful gemstones, known to have connections with cosmic entities and vast energies. They are said to be able to enhance magical and psychic abilities significantly."

Hank McCoy, intrigued, leaned in closer. "I've never heard of these crystals before. Are they related to any known Earth minerals?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "No, Hank. These crystals are not of Earthly origin. They are often associated with the Phoenix Force and are believed to originate from deep within the cosmos. Their properties are still largely a mystery, even to the most knowledgeable sorcerers and scholars."

Tonks, her hair shifting to a contemplative purple, looked at the shards in Harry's and Jean's hands. "So, they can help channel your powers? But what does that mean for your wands?"

Harry nodded, recalling the Phoenix Force's explanation. "The Phoenix Force said that while we don't need wands to perform magic, they're helpful for learning and focusing new spells. These crystals can be used as cores for new wands that can handle the intensity of our powers."

Jean added, "It's like the Phoenix Force wants to make sure we have the right tools to control and harness its energy."

Storm, always practical, asked, "But how do we make wands with these crystals? And where do we even start?"

Dumbledore smiled gently. "Creating a wand is an intricate process. We will need to consult with a master wandmaker. I believe Garrick Ollivander would be the perfect person to assist us with this. His knowledge of wand lore is unparalleled."

Professor Xavier nodded in agreement. "I can reach out to Mr. Ollivander and explain our situation. I'm sure he will understand the urgency and importance of this task."

Logan, ever the realist, crossed his arms. "So, we get these new wands made. Then what? More training? More control exercises?"

"Precisely," Xavier replied. "We must ensure that Harry and Jean can wield their new powers without losing control. It will take time, patience, and the support of everyone here."

Andromeda, looking at the young pair with maternal concern, added, "And we'll be here for you every step of the way. Whatever you need, we'll make sure you have it."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled once more as he addressed Harry and Jean. "Your journey is just beginning, but with the right guidance and the right tools, you will learn to master the powers within you. The M'Kraan Crystals are a gift, and with them, you will achieve great things."

Harry and Jean felt a renewed sense of determination. They knew the path ahead would be challenging, but with the support of their friends, mentors, and the promise of new wands crafted from the powerful M'Kraan Crystals, they were ready to face whatever the future held.

Dumbledore turned his attention to Jean, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Jean, I would like to extend an offer to you. If you can pass the exams for the first two years of magical education, you are welcome to study magic at Hogwarts alongside Harry."

Jean's eyes widened in surprise and excitement. "Really? I can study at Hogwarts?"

Dumbledore nodded with a warm smile. "Indeed. It will require dedication and hard work, but I have no doubt that you are capable. With Harry and Susan's help, I believe you can achieve it."

Harry grinned, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of having Jean at Hogwarts with him. "We'll help you, Jean. You'll be a brilliant witch."

Susan, standing beside them, nodded eagerly. "Absolutely. We'll make sure you're prepared for those exams."

Jean's determination shone through her eyes. "Thank you. I'll work hard and do my best."

Later, in the quiet of the medical wing, Jean sat down with Harry and Susan, her mind buzzing with excitement and determination. "Alright, where do we start?"

Harry and Susan exchanged a knowing look, then Harry said, "Let's begin with the basics. We'll go through all the subjects you'll need to know for the exams. You'll be a redheaded Hermione Granger before you know it."

Susan added, "We'll cover Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, and everything else. Just take it one step at a time, and we'll get you there."

Jean smiled, feeling more confident with her friends by her side. "Thank you, both of you. Let's get started."

As they delved into their studies, the room filled with the quiet hum of learning and the rustle of turning pages. Jean's focus was unwavering, her mind absorbing the magical knowledge with an eagerness that matched her determination. With Harry and Susan tutoring her, Jean began to see a future where she could master her newfound powers and join her friends at Hogwarts, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

A week passed in a blur of intensive study sessions for Jean, with Harry and Susan by her side, guiding her through the intricacies of magical theory and practical spells. Jean's natural aptitude for magic, combined with her determination, allowed her to absorb the material quickly. By the end of the week, she felt ready for the assessment at Hogwarts.

The morning of their departure, Harry, Susan, Jean, Tonks, Ororo, and Sirius gathered in the mansion's courtyard. The sun had just begun to rise, casting a golden light over the scene. They were all prepared for the journey, with Harry at the center, ready to demonstrate his newly developed ability: Flame-Travel.

Harry had been practicing this form of teleportation, which he had absorbed from Fawkes, with Kurt's guidance. Unlike Apparition, Flame-Travel involved engulfing oneself in a burst of flames and reappearing at the destination, much like Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix. It was swift, elegant, and quite dramatic.

Harry turned to the group, his expression serious yet excited. "Alright, everyone. Remember to stay close and hold on. Flame-Travel can be a bit intense if you're not used to it, but I've practiced enough to make sure we arrive safely."

Tonks, always the playful one, grinned. "A bit of fire never hurt anyone, right? Let's do this!"

Ororo, or Storm, nodded gracefully. "We're ready, Harry."

Sirius clapped Harry on the back. "Lead the way, Harry. I've always enjoyed a bit of adventure."

Jean, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves, stepped closer to Harry. "I'm ready."

Susan squeezed Jean's hand reassuringly. "You've got this, Jean."

Harry took a deep breath and held out his hands, motioning for everyone to gather around. They all formed a circle, clasping hands. Harry concentrated, feeling the familiar warmth of the phoenix fire begin to build within him. Flames flickered around their feet, gradually enveloping them in a warm, bright light.

"Here we go," Harry said, his voice calm and steady. In a flash, the flames flared up, surrounding the group completely. The world blurred for a moment, and they were consumed by the fire.

In an instant, the flames vanished, leaving them standing in the courtyard of Hogwarts. The ancient castle loomed before them, its towers and spires reaching into the sky. The cool air of Scotland greeted them, a sharp contrast to the warmth of the flames.

Harry looked around, a satisfied smile on his face. "Welcome to Hogwarts."

Jean gazed at the castle, awe-struck. "It's even more beautiful than I imagined."

Tonks laughed, patting Harry on the shoulder. "Smooth landing, Harry. Well done."

Sirius grinned. "I have to admit, that was impressive."

Ororo and Susan shared a look of appreciation, both nodding in approval. "Nicely done, Harry," Ororo said.

As they approached the castle, Dumbledore awaited them at the entrance, his eyes twinkling with amusement and pride. "A fine arrival indeed. Welcome, Jean. I trust you're ready for your assessment?"

Jean nodded, her determination unwavering. "Yes, Professor Dumbledore. I'm ready."

Dumbledore smiled warmly. "Then let us begin. You have a bright future ahead of you, my dear."

With that, they followed Dumbledore into the castle, ready to embark on the next chapter of their journey. The path ahead was filled with challenges, but also with the promise of discovery and growth, and they were ready to face it together.

As Jean, Harry, Susan, Tonks, Ororo, and Sirius followed Dumbledore into the castle, the grandeur of Hogwarts surrounded them. The ancient stone walls seemed to hum with the echoes of countless generations of students, and the atmosphere was charged with a sense of history and magic.

Dumbledore led them to a spacious, well-lit room where several professors awaited their arrival. Jean felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as she entered the room, her eyes scanning the faces of the teachers who would soon evaluate her magical abilities.

Among the professors stood a tall, thin man with sallow skin and greasy black hair. His expression was one of skepticism and mild disdain, which softened into something akin to shock when he laid eyes on Jean. The resemblance between Jean and Lily Evans, Harry's mother, was uncanny, and for a moment, Severus Snape was speechless.

Recovering quickly, Snape's eyes narrowed slightly as he regarded Jean. "Miss Grey, I presume?" he said, his voice silky and controlled, but with a hint of something more beneath the surface.

Jean nodded, feeling the weight of his gaze. "Yes, sir."

Dumbledore stepped forward, his presence commanding yet reassuring. "Professors, this is Jean Grey. She will be undergoing an assessment to determine her magical proficiency. Please extend to her the same courtesy and rigor we would any prospective student."

Professor McGonagall, standing nearby, gave Jean a welcoming smile. "Miss Grey, it is a pleasure to meet you. We understand you have had quite a unique path to Hogwarts."

Jean smiled back, her nerves settling slightly. "Thank you, Professor McGonagall. I'm looking forward to learning all I can."

As the introductions continued, Snape's gaze flickered to Harry, who stood close to Jean, ever the protector. "Potter," Snape said with a slight sneer. "It seems trouble follows you everywhere."

Harry met Snape's gaze evenly. "Professor Snape. We're here to help Jean, nothing more."

Tonks, ever cheerful, broke the tension. "Jean's been working really hard, Professors. I'm sure you'll be impressed."

Professor Flitwick, standing on a stack of books to be at eye level with the others, chimed in with a cheerful tone. "We shall see! It's always exciting to meet new talents."

Professor Sprout nodded enthusiastically. "Indeed. Miss Grey, welcome to Hogwarts. We're delighted to have you here."

Dumbledore gestured towards the chairs arranged in a semicircle. "Shall we begin with the practical examination? Jean, if you're ready, please take your place in the center."

Jean stepped forward, her confidence bolstered by the support of her friends and mentors. As she stood in the center of the room, she felt the presence of the Phoenix Force within her, a source of strength and power.

The assessment began with simple spells and progressed to more complex magical challenges. Jean performed each task with precision and grace, her natural talent and the intensive week of study shining through. The professors watched with a mix of curiosity and approval, taking notes and exchanging glances.

Snape, though initially skeptical, couldn't hide his surprise at Jean's proficiency. She handled each spell with a skill that belied her limited formal training, and the raw power she displayed was undeniable.

As the assessment continued, Jean felt a surge of magic within her. Drawing on the lessons from Harry and Susan, she conjured a Patronus, a magnificent, fiery phoenix that filled the room with warmth and light. The sight left the professors momentarily speechless.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with approval. "Remarkable, Jean. Truly remarkable."

Professor McGonagall nodded, her expression one of admiration. "You have exceeded our expectations, Miss Grey."

Snape, though still guarded, gave a curt nod. "Impressive, indeed."

With the practical assessment complete, the professors convened for a brief discussion. When they returned, Dumbledore spoke with a warm smile. "Jean, you have demonstrated exceptional skill and potential. We would be honored to have you study at Hogwarts. You will, of course, need to pass the written examinations, but based on what we have seen today, I have no doubt you will succeed."

Jean's face lit up with joy. "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore. Thank you, everyone."

Harry, Susan, and the rest of the group shared in her happiness, their camaraderie and support unwavering.

Dumbledore concluded the meeting with a twinkle in his eye. "Welcome to Hogwarts, Jean. Your journey here is just beginning, and we are excited to see where it will lead."

Later that afternoon, after the successful assessment, Jean, Harry, and their companions were invited to the Great Hall, which had been arranged for a special meeting. At the center of the room stood a distinguished old man with wide, pale eyes that seemed to take in every detail. Garrick Ollivander, the renowned wandmaker, had been summoned to Hogwarts by Dumbledore to assist with the unique wand needs of Jean and Harry.

As the group entered the Great Hall, Ollivander greeted them with a warm smile. "Ah, Mr. Potter, it is always a pleasure to see you. And you must be Miss Grey. I understand you both have quite a remarkable situation on your hands."

Dumbledore, standing nearby, nodded. "Indeed, Garrick. Harry and Jean have been gifted M'Kraan Crystals by the Phoenix Force, and we believe they may serve as powerful wand cores. Your expertise is needed to help craft wands that can handle the intensity of their powers."

Ollivander's eyes sparkled with interest as he examined the dark pink crystals Harry and Jean handed to him. "M'Kraan Crystals," he murmured, turning them over in his hands. "I've read about these, but never had the privilege of working with them. They are said to be extremely potent and attuned to the energies of their wielder."

He looked up at Harry and Jean, his expression serious. "These crystals are not to be taken lightly. They will enhance your magic significantly, but they will also require great control and discipline."

Jean nodded. "We understand, Mr. Ollivander. We are ready to do whatever it takes."

Harry added, "We trust your expertise. We need wands that can help us channel our abilities without overwhelming us."

Ollivander smiled, appreciating their determination. "Very well. Let's begin by discussing the wood. For a core as powerful as the M'Kraan Crystal, we need wood that can match and complement its strength."

He led them to a table where various types of wand woods were displayed. "Each of these woods has unique properties. Given the nature of the Phoenix Force, I would suggest considering woods that are known for their strength and adaptability."

He picked up a piece of ebony. "Ebony, for instance, is excellent for those with a strong sense of self. It provides great protection and is especially good for combative magic."

Next, he held up a length of vine wood. "Vine wood is known for its unusual flexibility and its affinity for those who seek greater purpose. It is very sensitive to the wielder's needs and intentions."

Finally, he displayed a piece of yew. "Yew is exceptionally powerful and enhances the magical capabilities of its owner. It is rare and often associated with those who are destined for greatness."

Ollivander turned to Jean and Harry. "The choice of wood is deeply personal. You must select the wood that resonates with you, one that feels like an extension of your own essence."

Jean reached out and touched various pieces of wood, closing her eyes and feeling the energy of each one. When her fingers brushed against a piece of holly, she felt a strong, warm resonance. "This one," she said, lifting the holly wood with a sense of certainty. "It feels right. It feels alive."

Harry, on the other hand, was drawn to a piece of elder wood. As soon as he picked it up, he felt a powerful connection, a sense of authority and control. "Elder," he said, his voice firm. "This is the one."

Ollivander nodded approvingly. "Holly for Miss Grey and elder for Mr. Potter. Both excellent choices. However," he paused, examining the woods and crystals together, "there seems to be something missing. These wands need an additional element to balance their immense power."

Reaching into his pouch, Ollivander produced several small vials filled with different metals. "These are rare metals, each with unique properties. Perhaps one of them will complete your wands."

Jean and Harry examined the vials carefully. Jean was immediately drawn to a vial containing a golden metal. As she held it, she felt an incredible strength and resilience radiating from it. "This one," she said, handing the vial to Ollivander. "It feels like it can amplify the holly and the M'Kraan Crystal perfectly."

Ollivander smiled. "Ah, adamantine. A metal of extraordinary durability and power. A fine choice, Miss Grey."

Harry, meanwhile, felt a pull towards a vial containing a purple metal. When he picked it up, he sensed a unique energy, a blend of strength and flexibility. "This one," he said, his eyes meeting Ollivander's. "I think it's the right fit."

Ollivander examined the purple metal closely. "Vibranium," he murmured. "A rare and powerful metal known for its remarkable properties. It will complement the elder wood and M'Kraan Crystal beautifully."

Ollivander worked diligently, his hands moving with practiced expertise as he crafted Jean and Harry's wands. With each precise movement, the materials melded together seamlessly, forming wands of extraordinary power and beauty.

For Jean's wand, he carefully integrated the adamantine with the holly wood, shaping it into a sleek, elegant spearhead. At the tip, he delicately embedded the M'Kraan Crystal, its vibrant energy pulsating within the wand. The result was a wand 11 inches in length, with a sharp, pointed tip that gleamed with an otherworldly light.

Harry's wand took on a different form, reflecting his unique personality and strengths. The vibranium was expertly fused with the elder wood, forming a sturdy, formidable grip. At the upper portion of the grip, Ollivander placed the M'Kraan Crystal, encased within a specially crafted setting that resembled a pommel. The wand measured 13 inches in length, its sleek design evoking the image of a dagger, a symbol of power and protection.

As Ollivander finished the final touches, he stepped back to admire his work.

"Here you are," Ollivander said, "Your new wands."

Jean and Harry gazed in awe at the wands in their hands, feeling a deep connection to the powerful artifacts. "They're incredible," Jean breathed.

Harry nodded in agreement, a sense of excitement bubbling within him. "Yeah, they feel... right."

Ollivander smiled knowingly. "Remember, these wands are more than just tools. They are extensions of yourselves, reflections of your strength, courage, and determination."

Jean and Harry shared a determined look, their confidence palpable. "We're prepared," Harry announced. "No matter what challenges arise, we'll tackle them side by side."

As Dumbledore, Sirius, Susan, and Tonks admired the wands, Dumbledore's gaze lingered on Harry's wand, crafted from Elder wood. A thoughtful expression crossed his face, and his hand instinctively moved toward his own Elder Wand, triggering a moment of deep contemplation.

As Dumbledore pondered the significance of wands crafted from Elder wood, he reflected on the rarity and symbolism attached to them. In wizarding lore, the Elder tree holds a special place, representing wisdom, power, and the passage of time. Wands made from Elder wood are exceptionally rare, often associated with witches and wizards of great skill and experience.

Elder wood is notoriously difficult to master, requiring a deep understanding of magic and an innate connection to the mystical forces of the universe. Wands crafted from Elder are said to be powerful conduits of magic, capable of great feats in the hands of a skilled wizard.

Dumbledore understood the weight of choosing Elder wood for a wand, recognizing that it symbolized not only Harry's potential but also the challenges he would face in mastering its formidable power. As he continued to contemplate the significance of this choice, Dumbledore resolved to offer Harry his guidance and support as he embarked on this new chapter of his magical journey.


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