
Reunion with Dobby

"No, not yet anyway. I would probably put her on the short list of people we can trust, if only we knew she wouldn't tell Professor Dumbledore, but that's unlikely right now. We are going to need help though, and we have to figure out how to give people information, without them knowing where it came from."

"True. I really don't want to break into Gringott's again. If we can find a way to get someone else to get that Horcrux, all the better," Harry said. "Well, at least Sirius is safe. I won't be leading a bunch of students on a foolhardy mission, will I?"

"No, you won't, but Harry, we have to do something about it," Hermione replied.

"What do you mean?"

"It was more than Sirius dying that evening. The Ministry discovered that Voldemort was really back that night. If we just ignore it..."

"Then Fudge keeps his head in the sand, Umbridge keeps her job here, and Professor Dumbledore doesn't get any support. Not to mention all of the Death Eaters who were captured that night, and the Prophet continuing to attack me. Great," Harry groaned. "We could easily make this worse, couldn't we?"

"We could, but only in the short term. Unless we really do something stupid, we should be able to make things work. I mean, we know about the Horcruxes and where they are this time."

"So we destroy all the Horcruxes, get Riddle to kill me, so I can then kill him?" Harry asked.

"Works for me, though I really don't care for the part about Riddle killing you. Do you know if it has to be him who casts the killing curse?" Hermione asked.

"Are you wanting the job?" Harry asked grinning at Hermione. "I've only been married for a short time and my wife is already planning my murder."

"Prat. You know what I mean."

"I don't...wait," Harry said as Snape's memories from just a few hours ago came back to him.

"So the boy…the boy must die?" asked Snape quite calmly.

"And Voldemort himself must do it, Severus. That is essential."

Harry sighed and nodded. "One of those memories had Dumbledore telling Snape that it was essential for Voldemort to be the one to kill me."

"Then we'll just have to be smart about it."

It was then that they noticed a small creature moving silently around, picking up the trash and cleaning. "Dobby?"

"Harry Potter, sir. Dobby was tryin' to be quiet," The house elf who spoke wore a multitude of hats upon his head, and a mustard yellow sock on one foot and a bright pink one on the other.

"Dobby!" Harry repeated as he rushed over to the little elf. He dropped to his knees, wrapped his arms around the elf, and gave him a hug. Tears flooded Harry's eyes as the memory of the grave at Shell Cottage where he'd buried Dobby two years in the future engulfed this mind.

"I'm so glad to see you, Dobby," Harry said through the happiness of seeing his friend. The death of the little elf saving his, Ron's, and Hermione's lives had hurt Harry almost as much as losing Sirius had.

Hermione had been right behind Harry in the race to the elf and had her arms around him too. She hadn't been as close to the little elf as Harry had been, but she knew he was the one who had saved her when Bellatrix had the knife to her throat, and helped them escape from Malfoy Manor, giving his life to do so.

Dobby, not understanding all the affection, had a nervous smile under his tennis ball sized green eyes, "Dobby is always glad to see Harry Potter and Miss Grangy. Though the other house elves don't like Miss Grangy."

Hermione looked perplexed.

"Uh, Hermione did I ever tell you that Dobby was taking all the things you knitted?" Harry asked looking nervously at Hermione. "The other elves started refusing to clean the tower because of the clothes you were hiding. They found it insulting. Dobby has been doing it all himself."

"You mean, you just let me keep knitting and leaving stuff out when you knew it wasn't doing any good?" Hermione asked her husband a little forcefully.

"Well, you weren't willing to let it go, Hermione," Harry said shrugging his shoulders. "I was just glad you stopped putting stuff out the next year."

"And when did you find out?"

Harry strained to remember back over two years to when Dobby had told him about the Tower. "When did Dobby tell me about the Room of Requirement? That's when."


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