
Harry Potter: Love's Second Chance

In the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Hermione are offered an extraordinary chance by the Goddess of Love: the opportunity to travel back in time and rewrite their destinies. As they navigate the challenges of a new timeline, they uncover startling truths about those they once trusted, revealing the true natures of Ginny, Ron, and even Dumbledore. ============= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

ScarlettRose00 · Book&Literature
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42 Chs

Facing Challenges Together

"Probably not forever, but after so much work to get you two together I've grown quite attached to you. Even if my hair became detached because of you. Now you two get back to that chat, it's very touching."

"So glad you're enjoying it," Hermione replied and she heard a giggling in her mind as she returned her gaze back to Harry, searching his eyes for answers, "What's it costing you Harry? For me to be happy?" The images of her eighteen year old self standing nude in the antechamber and other images a married couple would be engaged in flashed into her head, causing Hermione to blush.

"Oh, please don't tell me you saw that?" Harry exclaimed as his face turned red. "I…well…look, I'm seventeen, uh, I guess now fifteen, and still you know…never... I mean, I can't help but think…" He sputtered helplessly to a stop.

"Harry, I'm eighteen and have never, either," Hermione said as she looked at Harry's hand, which was still holding hers. "That you find me desirable like that is," her eyes returned to Harry's, "very flattering. I never thought that anyone would ever…well, think of me that way," She couldn't help but think about Harry's seventeen year old body, and what he had been trying to hide before the clothes had appeared, and how much she had enjoyed the sight, causing more blushing between the two of them.

"I would like the dating and romance, Harry. I would like to feel I'm more than a walking book of knowledge," She once again silenced his reply with a finger to his lips, "It's more of how I see myself sometimes. I was always the bookworm, lost in my books," She smiled, "I don't know if I can give up my books, but when I do look up from one, I would love to see someone there looking at me with love in their eyes and in their hear,t and know it's for me and only me. I know that probably sounds silly."

"No it doesn't, but you won't even have to look up to know my love is there and only for you."

"Don't let me ignore you either, Harry. No book in this world is more important than you," Hermione replied.

"Not even 'Hogwarts, a History'?"

"Not even 'Hogwarts, a History'," Hermione replied, as she continued to gaze into Harry's eyes. "But I am serious. Tell me if I'm not paying enough attention to you, or if you get annoyed. I guess at least I'll know if you get frustrated at my constant reading, but I hope you'll tell me before that happens. Your happiness is just as important to me as mine is to you," Hermione let out a little laugh as she continued out loud, "I want romance and I was going to date Ron? There's definitely humor in that, somewhere," She looked back down at the Marauder's Map that still showed Hermione Potter and smiled as she realize she was getting more comfortable with the idea. "How long ago was it that I knocked on Harry's door? How can things change so fast? My heart, my life and, my future all because of a single kiss."

"But it was a magical kiss, remember?" Harry replied.

"It was, at that," Hermione said, as she remembered her dream really coming true. She smiled at her husband and then leaned toward him, offering her lips for a repeat performance. "Oh Merlin, I love magic," was the last thought she had as Harry's lips touched her in accommodating her desire.

"I want you to have all the romance you want Hermione, just please, not Madam Puddifoots," Harry said pleadingly to his lovely wife when the kiss finally ended. "I can't step back into that place."

Hermione giggled as she remembered the Valentine date Harry had with Cho two years ago, or several months depending on what reference she was using. "Okay, no Madam Puddifoots, but Quidditch games don't count as dates either."

"Deal," Harry replied, "Though I would have never considered that a date."

"What do you consider an appropriate date then Harry?"

"I was hoping you'd tell me. I really don't have that much experience."

"And just how many dates have you seen me out on?" Hermione asked with a questioning glance.

"But you have parents and read a lot; I mean I know we can go to Hogsmeade and maybe to the Three Broomsticks, but what does Mrs. Potter think of when she thinks of being romanced?"

"Well, in the muggle world it would be dinner and a movie or the theatre, maybe dancing sometimes, but please don't think I want that all the time, just occasionally it would be nice."

"I'll see what I can do if we ever can get out safely in the Muggle world."

"There is that problem. Just another reason to make sure we succeed in what we need to do," Hermione said. "Now, until sometime in the future we are going to keep our marriage a secret, but be openly dating. How are we going to break that to Ron?"

"Does it matter?"

"I don't know, Harry. But it was just hours, or maybe even minutes ago, that he was our friend and someone I thought I fancied. It's hard to come to grip with what Miranda told us. I mean, I believe her and I know I love you, but the conflict still exists in my mind," She explained. "Do we distance ourselves from him and Ginny, or try to be their friends now that they can't hurt us?"

"I know what you mean. I have the same thoughts of Ginny," Harry said. "But the deliberate way Ron hurt you by making you jealous of Lavender, and then flaunting his relationship with her all over the castle just….." Harry's voice trailed off as his emerald eyes hardened at the thought of what Ron had done.

"Well, Ron's never been subtle about anything has he?"

"I guess not," Harry replied. "I guess we just wait and see how it goes tomorrow. But," He looked Hermione in the eyes, "If you're not comfortable in any way, we'll get away. Remember," that look of sincerity and determination reappearing in his eyes, "you are my future as well as my now. I don't just consider you family; you are my family, Hermione Potter. We might hide our marriage, but you are my wife and the woman I love, I will not let anything or anyone hurt you."

"Just remember that it goes both ways, my husband," Hermione reminded him, "You are my future as well. I will not walk behind you or be left behind as you left Ginny. I will be beside you protecting you as well, just as I have always been."


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