

Today's Jan 9th. My mother got in labour around afternoon and after 4 or 5 hours of pain and violent cursing while drinking some kind of potions, she gave birth to me. she was hellava exhausted but took me in her arms rather roughly. my father also came in room after my birth and looked at me. I cannot see Clearly because of being a baby but they had seen my eyes.

Rudolphus :- "He has your eyes and face but my black straight hair." said stoicly.

Bellatrix :- " Atleast not your stupid face, he will look good with my genes. Got a name for thisss thing..." said indifferently.

Rudolphus :- " Corvus Rudolphus Lestrange " said angrily with a tone of finality.

Bellatrix :- " yeah... yeah... alright go out now, I want to sleep... *yawn* " said while rolling her eyes.

And conversation between them over just like that. she placed me in crib and went to sleep.

While in crib, I was thinking about their conversation. judging individually, they both have hate for each other and are crazy fanatical bunch. well, I have to endure them for 4 and half years for the messiah of the Wizarding world to kill the noseless bastard and my parents get imprisoned *sign*. For now, Let's sleep.

Next morning, I wake up and was hungry as fuck. So, I cried so that someone can make me shut by feeding me milk. suddenly a dwarf with long ear and ET alien looking creature with rag clothes appeared in front of me with a pop. I was startled and suddenly realized my mistake. I am from house lestrange so, atleast it would have 1 or 2 house elf. The elf is a male with a tired face. with a snap of his finger, bottle containing milk appeared. Then he placed it in my mouth and stand guard watching me. As soon as my bottle finished, he take bottle and pop away tuging me in blanket.

Now I had my belly full. So, I started to concentrate on finding my magic which I found very easily. My core was dark Grey in colour. so I should be able to do full powered magics from both light and dark side. my core is in some kind of gaseous form and the quantity is quite heavy means I am magically more powerful than average witches and wizards. As I was trying to inspect more, my mother walks in my room in somewhat awkward style.

Bellatrix :- " OH... you woke up, that's good... LARRRRYYY "

said indifferently and last words loudly.

Larry :- " Mistress calls Larry " said fearfully.

Bellatrix :- " Have you feed him?? if not do so. I am going on the hunt for the order members with my dear lord " said fanatically.

Larry :- " yes Mistress, Larry will be doing what you ask ".

And she left after instructing him.