When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
Grim reared his head back and bellowed towards the sky in anger, the suit became covered in magical fire, the flames weren't quite blocking the suit from view as they were thin and light but they were clearly there. Grim could not feel the heat though, his eyes were focused on Loki who had stopped fighting Cap, Loki and Cap were now looking at him. Grim charged towards Loki, Loki quickly fired a blast at Grim who easily side stepped and quickly closed the distance.
Loki swung his scepter like a bat, hoping to hit Grim in the head, Grim ducked and hit Loki with a right hook to the jaw. Loki flew backwards but Grim did not stop and chased after him, Grim had managed to get two more punches in before Loki had fallen to the ground. Grim had dropped a knee on Loki's chest and began quickly throwing punch after punch at Loki's face. It took several seconds before Loki was able to push Grim off but Grim didn't let up, he got back on Loki and punched him once more before he raised his hands and tried to shove his thumbs into Loki's eyes.
Loki managed to grab Grim's wrists and keep him from striking his eyes, but Grim kept pushing and Loki was quickly realizing that Grim was somehow stronger than him. If Loki had known the Hogwarts motto of 'Never tickle a sleeping dragon' then he might have been able to appreciate it at the moment. Loki shoved Grim off once more, before quickly getting back up onto his feet. Grim growled as he got up and charged at Loki, he grabbed Loki by the throat and raised him in the air before slamming him down with a very vicious chokeslam, Loki did not get much time alone with his pain as Grim had grabbed him by the ankle and span him before throwing him a great distance.
Grim teleported where Loki was about to land and as Loki flew towards him he hit Loki in the face with a strong roundhouse kick, Loki flew back even more and landed on the top of his back before quickly using his momentum to roll to his feet. There was a rather healthy dose of fear in his eyes as Grim charged at him, Grim's hits were not just strong but also incredibly hot and Loki was not really wishing to experience more. Grim threw a punch but Loki ducked and tried to stab Grim in the leg, only to be surprised when he was unable to pierce Grim's armour.
Grim's wand appeared in his hand, Grim waved his arm quickly and Loki went flying back before crashing into the first floor wall of the building behind him. Grim aimed his wand at Loki and four red beams shot out at once and headed towards Loki, the beams hit him and shoved him into the building, Grim teleported after him.
"Agent Romanoff," Cap said into his ear piece. "is that normal?" He asked.
"No," She replied, Cap could almost hear her frown. "I've never seen that from him before."
"You mean he's not usually this violent?"
"I mean he's not usually this out of control, he's normally a lot more calm than that. Whatever Loki did to him must have had some effect on him."
Cap was about to respond when Loki and Grim suddenly appeared out of the air and landed in front of him, Loki kicked Grim off of himself before standing up, Loki was now supporting a black eye the right side of his face and a bruised lip. Cap charged at Loki and was able to hit him in the face with a jumping knee to the face. Loki growled and shoved Cap off, he raised his spear but was not able to do anymore as Grim had struck him with a kick to the chest and sent him backwards.
Grim was about to follow up when suddenly he felt as if a massive bucket of cold water was dropped on him, his energy levels had hit rock bottom and he fell to his hands and knees, it was taking a lot of effort to stop himself from simply lying down and going to sleep. He was panting and breathing heavily, it appears that he might have 'slightly' underestimated how much energy the 'rage' feature would cost. He made a mental note to speak to the suit later about it, including telling it to wait for his direct approval before activating that particular feature.
"Are you alright?" Cap asked in a concerned voice as he kneeled down next to him.
"Tired." Grim gasped out as Loki got to his feet.
"You hurt me." Loki growled as he spat some blood out. "I..." Loki's words were cut off by the sound of music playing from the jet's speaker, he along with Cap and Grim looked towards the jet as they saw something fly towards them. A blast was shot from this new arrival that struck Loki in the chest and dropped him onto the floor just as the new arrival landed in front of them.
"Make your move reindeer games." Iron Man said as he aimed arms and a lot of weapons at Loki. Loki paused before raising his hands, his helmet and gold armour disappearing as he did so. "Good move." Iron Man said in an approving voice as he lowered and deactivated his weapons.
"Stark." Cap nodded to him as he helped Grim up to his feet.
"Captain." Stark nodded back before he looked at Grim. "The name's Grim, isn't it?" He asked in a knowing voice.
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