
Blood Magic Unleashed

"Stark, you've got a few strays sniffing your tail." Barton said after shooting down two chariots with a couple of well aimed arrows.

"Oh you mean those things that are firing at me? Thanks Barton, I don't think I would have noticed if not for you." Stark said sarcastically just before dodging another blast, he fired back and took out a chariot before turning a corner, the chariots possessed speed but were not the best at turning so in their effort to keep up with him they crashed into a building. "Oh shit." Stark softly cursed when he saw a group of ten chariots fly towards him.

Before he could come up with a plan of action, he saw a red beam hit one of the Chitauri chariot pilots, the beam then transferred to the passenger and then did the same with the nearest chariot pilot and continued the process until all of the Chitauri soldiers in front of him had died, the beam then rushed towards him. Iron Man flew out of the way but it appeared to be unnecessary as the beam had flown past him and towards the Chitauri soldiers that were chasing him.

"What the fuck...


"...is that?" Cap asked.

"That's a very deadly spell." Grim explained. "It's an army killing blood spell, where I come from you get a death sentence if people even think that you plan to use that spell."

"What is it?" Natasha asked.

"The spell involves blood, now blood magic is very dangerous. What this spell does is track the blood that it's given and in simple terms it kills all those who have similar blood, so if I gave it cat blood then it would attack the nearest cat, then the next one, the next one until either there are no cats left or it goes more that five minutes without attacking another cat. If I had used human blood then I could wipe out a large amount of the world's population. The reason the spell took so long is I had to make sure it would stay limited to the Chitauri."

"Would it go up there?" Natasha asked as she gestured to the portal.

"Probably not," Grim replied. "I don't know how it'll react in space but I think as long as Chitauri are coming here the spell will be satisfied, and at the rate that they are coming in, there's going to be a lot of dead Chitauri."

"That's amazing!" Natasha exclaimed.

"Thanks," Grim replied before he glanced towards a Leviathan. "excuse me, I have to try something." Grim said before he flew off and towards the Leviathan, he flew at its side and waved his wand and the armour piece that he had waved his wand over had changed into wood, he was beyond happy when he saw that he could transfigure it, he wasn't sure at first since it was alien material but apparently he could.

Grim waved his wand again and large amounts of the Leviathan's armour were transfigured into hippogriffs, and griffins, hippogriffs being a combination of eagles and horses while griffins were combinations of eagles and lions. Harry didn't make them permanent so they would probably change back in an hour or so, but since he had transfigured them from inanimate objects they would listen to him until then, he sent them to attack Chitauri soldiers before he waved his wand over the leviathan so he could see what it looked like from the inside.

After locating the general area of the heart Grim cast a drilling spell into an exposed area of the Leviathan, the spell drilled through until it struck the heart, the Leviathan screeched in pain but Grim didn't let up and cast some more destructive spells into the exposed flesh, he kept going until the Leviathan fell out of the sky and landed on top of a building. Grim didn't waste time and transfigured the rest of the creatures armour into hippogriffs and griffins.

"Hey guys," Grim said into his ear piece. "if you see an army of half horse-half eagle creatures along with and half eagle-half lion creatures then know that they're on our side and it's best to leave them alone."

"Wait what?!" Stark blurted out.

"I'll explain later, just don't blast them."


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