When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
"Excuse me." Harry said as he walked up to the counter in the game store. He was currently in the closest local mall, there were few things that Harry had no idea how to make, video games were one of those. Harry had decided that he wanted another video game and figured he could buy his game and then go to a McDonalds or something to get something to eat.
So Harry shifted his clothes into a pair of blue trainers and jeans, and a white hoody before he drove over to the mall on his bike.
"Yes?" The person behind the till asked, a thin man with brown hair.
"Do you by any chance have a PlayStation version of this game?" Harry asked as he handed the man a game that he had picked off of a shelf.
"Hmm, yeah...give us a sec." The man said before he browsed the collection of games behind him. "Here we go." He said as he placed it on the counter.
"Thanks." Harry said as he pulled out the right amount of money and handed it to him.
"You're welcome." The man said as he scanned the video game case and took the money before putting it in the till and producing a receipt for Harry. He put the game and receipt in a small bag before handing them to Harry. "Anything else I can help you with?" The man offered.
"No, thank you." Harry said as he gave the small nod, he was about to start walking away when the man talked again.
"Nice hair by the way." He said. "My sister's been thinking of dying her hair as well."
"It's not dye." Harry said before he turned and walked off, Harry hoped he didn't seem rude but in all honesty he did not want to talk with the man more than necessary and he did not want to spend a lot of time talking about the guy's sister or hair either.
Once Harry was out of the shop his first stop was a bathroom, once Harry entered the bathroom he looked around for security cameras and other people, when he was confident that neither were in the bathroom with him he summoned his wand and turned the bag carrying his game and receipt into a small portkey. He placed it down and watched as it activated, taking itself away so it could land in his apartment.
A rather inventive way of not having to carry around his shopping even though it made him feel a bit lazy. Harry did take a minute to relive himself before he washed and dried his hands. He leaned against the sink and thought about something he could not help but notice. He was being followed.
Harry did not know by who or why but he knew that he was being followed, he didn't last as long as he did without developing a sixth sense for danger. Harry was on guard ever since he left his apartment, thankfully whoever this person was he or she had not tried anything yet. That didn't mean that Harry was not on guard, right now Harry was tempted to just teleport back to his apartment or to his bike and drive off but then that could cause problems if the person started wondering how he got back without leaving the bathroom.
Harry was suddenly brought out of his thoughts by a loud sound coming from outside the bathroom. The sound was gunfire and it was followed by screaming, before Harry could even think up a plan of action the door opened and a man dressed all in black and wearing a ski mask entered the bathroom while holding a gun in his hand.
"Oi dickwad! Move!" He said as he pointed the gun at Harry and gestured to the door. Harry simply raised an eyebrow at the man who quickly grew impatient with Harry's lack of reaction. He fired a bullet at a wall before aiming his gun back at Harry. "It's a real gun! Move it!" He demanded.
"Fine," Harry said calmly as he raised his hands in the air. "I am not going to do anything crazy, I am going to cooperate." Harry said as he slowly took a few steps forward.
"Hurry it up dumbass!" The man demanded.
"What did you call me?" Harry stopped moving and blinked at the man.
"Are you deaf?! I said move asswipe!"
"You've gotta stop insulting me." Harry said with a hint of warning.
"Or what dumbfuck?" The man snorted. "I am..."
Harry quickly burst into action as his wand appeared in his hand and he fired off a disarming spell followed by a summoning spell before the man could react. Since Harry moved it had taken one second for the gun to fly out the man's hand and two more seconds for it to fly into Harry's free hand. The man didn't even get a chance to protest as Harry had quickly hit him with two more spells, the first being a body bind that caused his legs to snap together as his arms snapped to his side while also causing him to lose the ability to move his body.
The second spell was a silencing spell to stop him from making any noises. As the man fell to the floor Harry cast a locking charm on the bathroom door, he walked over to the man and looked down on him. The man was looking at him with a look that Harry easily recognized as fear, Harry pressing the gun against the man's temple probably didn't help. Harry looked into the man's eyes and began reading his mind.
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