
Harry Potter: I am a model wizard

One sunny afternoon, Kyle finally received the admission notice he had longed for and came to Hogwarts, a prestigious school with thousands of years of history. Here, Kyle lived a very fulfilling life. In addition to studying every day, he would also use his spare time to plant vegetables and flowers or go to a dark underground chamber to provide psychological counseling to a small animal that had been abandoned for thousands of years... Dumbledore: Kyle is a good student who is upright, brave, kind, and sincere. Professor McGonagall: The Headmaster is right, Kyle never breaks school rules. Snape: Ah, yes, yes... Quirrell originally thought so, but one day, he pushed open the trap door and jumped into a room full of chomping cabbages... ************************* This is a Chinese fanfiction that I quite enjoyed and wanted to share with other readers. Disclaimer: This is a fan translation. Chapter update every day at 17:00 GMT+1 Current schedule: 9ch/week 1ch on weekdays 2ch on weekends For those who are interested in reading ahead: patreon.com/Testingz51 Discord: https://discord.gg/DZFSq5vD4m

Testingz51 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 50: I Have A Way

Kyle was a decisive person. Once he had an idea, he sent Kanna back to the dormitory and immediately went to Gryffindor Tower.

Unfortunately, Percy wasn't there, and inquiries yielded no information about his whereabouts. The matter had to be temporarily set aside.

It seemed that Scabbers was not destined to benefit from this.

Upon Kyle's return to the Hufflepuff common room, he found Kanna clutching her rat, nervously watching a large owl in the corner. The owl, with a menacing look, occasionally snapped its beak at the rat.

Raton had never seen such a plump rat before. With its shiny fur and plump body, it was a delicacy in the eyes of the owl, and it was a little hungry.

Of course, it knew the rat was the girl's pet and couldn't be eaten. It satisfied itself with admiring the rat and occasionally making snapping sounds.

However, Kanna was oblivious to the owl's intentions. When Kyle arrived, she looked pale, gripping her robes tightly, and had visible sweat on her forehead.

Only when Kyle distracted Raton with a Murtlap jerky did Kanna's face regain some color.

Approaching, Kyle spread his hands. "I couldn't find Percy; he was not in Gryffindor Tower."

"Alright," Kanna replied.

She hadn't thought too much about it. In her view, all other rats were ugly, and Pochi wouldn't like them. Besides, Kyle ran too fast and did not give her a chance to refuse.

Now, the result could not be better.

After Kanna sent Pochi back to the dormitory, she came out looking much more relaxed. She even retaliated against Raton by baring her teeth.

Raton flapped its wings, flew out the window, and before leaving, cast a disdainful glance back at Kanna as if looking at someone mentally challenged.

This angered the young witch.

"Why are you mad at it?" Kyle chuckled, then placed ten Galleons on the table.

"I don't want them!" Even before Kyle could speak, Kanna firmly shook her head. "Thanks for your kindness, but I really don't need it."

"But there's still a long time until Christmas," Kyle frowned. "Even if you don't worry about meals, what about parchment and ink? You can't just not buy them. Did you bring enough supplies from home?"

In Hogwarts, the consumption of parchment and ink was rapid. The requirements stated in the acceptance letter were never enough, only lasting a month at most.

So, usually, young witches and wizards asked older students going to Hogsmeade to bring some back for them.

"I..." Kanna hesitated. Kyle's words reminded her that even at Hogwarts, she still needed money.

However, she shook her head. "I'll find a way."

Kyle insisted a few more times, explaining the practicalities, but on this point, Kanna unexpectedly stood firm. Except for the rat tonic, she rejected everything else, even the parchment Kyle gave her.

"You're really kind to that rat." Kyle rubbed his forehead, then suddenly asked, "By the way, do you know the new Slytherin students?"

"I should know them. A few years ago, I met Rowle and Yaxley at a banquet. They were both in Slytherin, first-year students. But I don't know if they remember me. I haven't attended those banquets for a long time."

"No problem, having an impression is enough," Kyle said after some thought. "Kanna, do you want to earn Galleons on your own?"

"Earn Galleons by myself?" Kanna seemed a bit slow to react.

"Yes, by yourself, like adults do."

Kyle tapped the table with his fingers. "I have a way in Hogwarts. Although it might be a little difficult for you, the profit is high. If successful, you won't have to worry about parchment and ink, and you might even buy a lot of snacks. What do you think? Do you want to try?"

Kanna didn't speak, but she seemed intrigued.

Kyle continued, "Remember the map Cedric gave you yesterday?"

"Yes, I remember."

After the flying class ended yesterday, Cedric gave each of them a map of Hogwarts. Kanna remembered this clearly.

"This is it." Kyle placed Cedric's gold-edged map on the table. "This is the Slytherin version, but we need an intermediary to sell these to them. Do you want to try it? Five Galleons per map, and we split the profits fifty-fifty."

"Five Galleons?!" Kanna looked at Kyle in disbelief, her eyes looking just like Raton's earlier.

How could these few maps be worth five Galleons? It was too expensive. Who would buy them?

"The Ravenclaw version is only a few Sickles," Kanna whispered.

"But this is a gold-edged limited edition, different from those ordinary ones." 

Kyle raised his eyebrows. "We used the best materials and craftsmanship to make them all by hand. It took three full days to make only ten. Think about it, among hundreds of students at Hogwarts, only ten can own this limited edition map. This is a symbol of identity and status. Isn't it worth five Galleons?"


Kanna felt a bit dizzy, but listening to Kyle, it seemed that these five Galleons were indeed worth it.

She pondered for a moment and asked, "But we've been at school for three days, and all the classes have been held. Can these maps really be sold?"

"You don't have to worry about this," Kyle said calmly. "Hogwarts has not only classrooms but also the library, the infirmary, professors' offices, and other places. 

The new students don't know where these places are and don't forget, the stairs in the main building also change.

Who knows where they'll be the next day? If it's a path you haven't taken, what should you do? Waiting in place is not possible since it's a waste of time.

However, taking the stairs might lead to getting lost. No matter how you choose, you'll be late.

At this time, the importance of the map becomes evident, especially a map that marks most of the stair changes. So, rest assured, someone will buy it."

(End of chapter)

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