
Harry Potter: I am a model wizard

One sunny afternoon, Kyle finally received the admission notice he had longed for and came to Hogwarts, a prestigious school with thousands of years of history. Here, Kyle lived a very fulfilling life. In addition to studying every day, he would also use his spare time to plant vegetables and flowers or go to a dark underground chamber to provide psychological counseling to a small animal that had been abandoned for thousands of years... Dumbledore: Kyle is a good student who is upright, brave, kind, and sincere. Professor McGonagall: The Headmaster is right, Kyle never breaks school rules. Snape: Ah, yes, yes... Quirrell originally thought so, but one day, he pushed open the trap door and jumped into a room full of chomping cabbages... ************************* This is a Chinese fanfiction that I quite enjoyed and wanted to share with other readers. Disclaimer: This is a fan translation. Chapter update every day at 17:00 GMT+1 Current schedule: 9ch/week 1ch on weekdays 2ch on weekends For those who are interested in reading ahead: patreon.com/Testingz51 Discord: https://discord.gg/DZFSq5vD4m

Testingz51 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 44: Wanting Chomping Cabbages

The third day of school at Hogwarts was probably the day that Hufflepuff freshmen looked forward to the most, because not only was this day a Friday, but the classes were also the ones they were most interested in.

In the morning, it was Herbology class taught by Professor Sprout, and in the afternoon it was Defense Against the Dark Arts and flying classes.

Early in the morning, they arrived at the greenhouse outside Hogwarts Castle with Gryffindor.

"Good morning, students and welcome to Herbology class."

Pomona Sprout was a short witch with flowing gray hair. Because she usually spent most of her time in the greenhouse playing with flowers and plants, her clothes were always covered in dust.

Compared to the prestigious dean, she looked more like an inconspicuous gardener.

However, Professor Sprout herself didn't care about this. She stood at the entrance of the greenhouse and looked at the little wizards in front of her seriously.

"Before entering the greenhouse, I have to remind you of some important things.

First of all, all the magical plants grown in the greenhouse are dangerous. Even ordinary white vegetables have sharp thorns, so you are not allowed to touch any plants without my permission.

Also, loud noises and screaming are not allowed after entering the greenhouse. It is because there are several new plants temporarily stored here which I just received from Hogwarts. They are still adapting to the environment, and the harsh sound may scare them.

Did you understand everything?"

"Understood!" everyone replied in unison.

"Very good." Professor Sprout nodded.

After entering the greenhouse, she arranged everyone on the left side, leaving the right side empty.

In fact, even if she didn't arrange it this way, no little wizard would be willing to go there.

"Professor, what the hell are those!" A Gryffindor freshman looked at the row of strange yellow plants opposite him, and his face turned green.

Merlin's beard, this was the first time he had seen a cabbage with fangs, and its mouth was almost as big as his head. If he was bitten, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, he moved back again.

"Chomping Cabbage. You'd better stay away from it." Professor Sprout pretended to be relaxed and said: "But don't be too nervous. Although they look scary, they are all good children. As long as you don't provoke it, there is absolutely no danger.

After a few days, they'll be moved to a bigger greenhouse after they have adapted to the environment here. You won't be able to see them in the class next."

"Alright." Professor Sprout clapped her hands and said, "Let's start the class. Now, turn the book to the first page, we are going to learn Dittany today.

Does anyone know what Dittany is..."

If one ignored the scary-looking Chomping Cabbages, this Herbology class would be perfect.

Professor Sprout had a wealth of knowledge in Herbology. Her detailed explanations and physical references made it easy for little wizards to learn.

By the time the class ended, almost everyone was able to answer every question she asked perfectly.

This made Professor Sprout very happy. She gave each house three points and gave each of them a Dittany leaf.

This thing was equivalent to a "Band-Aid" in the magical world. Kyle had used it many times before, and the effect was very good. As long as it was cleaned and fixed on the wound, it will basically heal the next day.

Of course, it was only limited to the small wounds encountered in daily life. If it was too serious, Dittany's essence would be needed.

After class, everyone walked out of the greenhouse together.

Mikel found Kyle in the crowd, ran to him, and asked curiously: "What did you pick up just now?"

"What did you say?" Kyle looked at him doubtfully, "I was handling the soil of Dittany plant."

"I saw it all." Mikel said confidently: "When Professor Sprout turned around to get the shovel, you ran to the other side and picked up something under those flower pots."

"Oh, you're talking about!" Kyle suddenly said: "It was nothing. The fertilizer bag the Professor gave me fell over there. I went to pick it up."

"Fertilizer bag?" Mikel looked at Kyle suspiciously, obviously not believing what he said.

It was a very small, light bag, and it was not round. No matter how he thought about it, it couldn't have fallen that far.

"Well, I accidentally kicked it and was scared someone would notice it." Kyle said with a scared look on his face: "Those Chomping Cabbages are really scary. To be honest, if I wasn't afraid that Professor Sprout would deduct points, I wouldn't have gone to pick it up."

"Is that so?"

Hearing Kyle's explanation, Mikel gradually dispelled his doubts. He nodded and said, "Those Chomping Cabbages do look scary. If it were me, I wouldn't have dared to go there."

"Who says they aren't." Kyle spread his hands and said, "By the way, did Professor Sprout say when she would teach you how to control your magic?"

"Well, the Professor told me to look for her on Saturday and Sunday mornings."

Mikel said dejectedly, "This is the first weekend at Hogwarts, and I still have to go to class..."

"It can't be helped." Kyle patted his shoulder and comforted him, "You can't keep drinking Magic-Suppressing potion, can you?"

Hearing the words "Magic-Suppressing potion", Mikel shuddered subconsciously, shaking his head repeatedly, "You are right, I would rather not have weekends in the future than drink that stuff again."


After returning to the castle, Kyle asked Mikel and Ryan to go back to the dormitory first. He used the excuse of going to the library and went straight to the eighth floor, where he found the tapestry of the troll beat Barnabas the Barmy with a club.

Barnabas the Barmy was a wizard who was beaten by six trolls when he tried to teach them how to dance ballet.

Judging from the content of the tapestry, he should have been beaten quite badly.

After confirming that the location was correct, Kyle took a deep breath and walked around three times while thinking silently in his mind.

"I need a greenhouse for farming."

When Kyle passed the tapestry for the third time, a circular arch appeared on the opposite wall.

Kyle didn't hesitate. He grabbed the brass handle, pushed the door open, and walked in.

A unique fragrance of soil immediately hit his face.

Although he had expected it, the scene in front of him still stunned Kyle.

The room was almost the same size as the Great Hall, with fertile soil beneath his feet, and he could even see the sun when he looked up.

It was probably some kind of spell.

Kyle whispered tentatively: "I need rain."

The next second, there was a downpour in the room where the sun was shining brightly. Moreover, the rainwater seemed to have a mind of its own and would only fall on the soil. Kyle stood there and didn't even get a single strand of his hair wet.

"It's amazing," Kyle said sincerely.

This was worthy of being called the Room of Requirement.

Treating this place as a storage room for second-hand goods was simply a waste of resources.

(End of chapter)