

"How reliable are these rumors?" asked James.

"They're not entirely wild. My father has some connections, and he told me that they are floating this idea around the Hogwarts Board of Governors," replied Gwen.

The Hogwarts Board of Governors was a group of twelve wizards or witches who oversaw the running of Hogwarts. The governors had authority over the staff and could inspect the school to see how it was running daily, and even close the school completely if they felt it was necessary.

'This is bad. If they close the school, I won't be able to get back into the vault and fix the problem,' James thought. He had to accelerate his plans.

"I can't let them close the school temporarily. Emily can't go home to my crazy mother," said Gwen, who had plans to investigate the cursed ice.

During this time, James and Gwen looked for ideas that would work so that Gwen's mother wouldn't mistreat Emily when she had to go home, but they couldn't find a solution. 

Now, James could understand why Gwen wanted to solve the ice curse problem. 

"No matter how much I tell you it's dangerous to try to solve the ice curse you will do, won't you?" asked James.

"Yes. No matter how much the professors catch me, I will go back and keep researching until I find the solution," replied Gwen with determination. She knew she didn't stand much of a chance of solving it, since Dumbledore and the professors still didn't get it.

Still, she would not stand. She didn't want Emily to be mistreated again, and if Hogwarts was closed she would have to go home.

'Ugh... She cares so much about her sister,' James thought, sighing. 

He had no choice but to tell her about the ice vault. He wouldn't let her investigate the cursed ice alone. It was too dangerous. If she went along with him he could protect her. 

"Why are you sighing like that?" asked Gwen uncomprehendingly.

"I have information about the cursed ice. I will help you. Together we'll figure it out," replied James, and Gwen made a surprised face. 

"Do you know anything about the cursed ice?" asked Gwen in surprise.

"Yes, I have some information... Come on, we have somewhere to go. On the way, I'll tell you," said James as he took Gwen's hand and started walking toward classroom 11. He must meet Regulus or he will be late.

Gwen happily agreed to take James' hand and walked beside him. Wearing the invisibility cloak it was more comfortable to go hand in hand, but this couldn't be done with the marauders as it would be strange....

On the way to the second floor, he tried to summarize to her everything about the ice vault. How he met Allan with Professor Eustace. Then the scrolls that Regulus solved and the entrance to the ice vault. The fight against the knights, the treasures, and how cold it was in the vault.

They walked slowly as if they were taking a stroll. Since it was a bit of a long story. Besides, they both enjoyed holding hands, so the longer the better.

From the first time they held hands on the hidden balcony, they continued to do so. James was a little embarrassed at first but got used to it. It was the same for Gwen, who was looking for excuses to hold hands, and James ended up agreeing.

"So... You think you're the one to blame for the cursed ice?" asked Gwen with an expression rarely seen on her hegemonic face.

"Yes. By opening the vault door we released Regulus the curse of the cursed ice that is spreading through Hogwarts. Although if I hadn't opened it, Professor Eustace would have done it," replied James justifying himself only slightly.

"That bald guy always gave me a bad feeling. More importantly..." said Gwen, stopping and looking at James angrily.

"What's wrong?" asked James, stopping.

"You tell me about what I do being dangerous, and you took on five knights cutting spells with their weapons in a vault with freezing temperatures. You could have gotten hurt," Gwen said, scolding James.

"Nothing happened to me. Just exhaustion. The one who was in the most danger was Regulus," said James.

"I don't care about Regulus. Besides, if you got hurt. Here," said Gwen, resting her free hand on James' cheek. She gently caressed his cheek where he had a barely visible cut below his eye.

"I-It was just a small cut... It's already healed," said James, stuttering and nervous as he was caressed by Gwen's soft hand.

"Stop making excuses. It was dangerous, and that's it," said Gwen in a bossy tone stroking James' cut.

"Yes. I'm sorry," said James, who knew that no matter how much explaining he does, he will be scolded anyway.

"I know why they put you in Gryffindor. You always do reckless things. When you saved me that time it was the same thing. What kid would jump off a dark cliff to save someone?" 

They both stood in silence staring at each other. Gwen was still stroking James' cheek, who wished his heartbeat could not be heard in the silence.

The sound of a door opening broke the silence, and they both turned their heads towards the sound. James came to see Regulus enter classroom 11.

"Ejem, better get to the classroom," said James, coughing.

"Yes. Let's go," said Gwen, who was slightly blushing.

Before they entered the classroom they took off their invisibility cloaks.

"James. Who is she?" asked Regulus as he noticed an extra person next to James.

"Gwen Shafiq, third year. Your senior," said Gwen dryly. 

"Oh, sorry for my rudeness. I'm Regulus Black. A pleasure," Regulus said, politely introducing himself. He usually introduced himself haughtily, but since this was a Slytherin student older than him he had to show respect. And especially since she seemed close to James. He didn't want to piss this monster off.

"She already knows all about the vault and stuff. So what did you want to see me about?" asked James, cutting to the chase.

"What for? Hogwarts can be shut down and it's our fault. We opened that cursed vault, and it most likely has something to do with the ice that is spreading across the fifth floor," said Regulus in a nervous tone. If the Shafiq girl already knew about the vault, she would know that it was him and James had opened it.

"Yes. Opening the vault released the curse of the cursed ice. I checked it in the book that was in the chest," James said, and Regulus' expression turned ugly. He didn't want to be expelled and have Hogwarts end up frozen because of him.

"We must stop the curse. We must return to the vault. The key to the chest must be good for something," Regulus said. He wasn't planning on telling the Hogwarts staff since if he did, he may be expelled and be without his new invisibility cloak.

"Yes. We must go back. The current problem is the cursed ice that must cover all the hidden stairs and the vault itself. That ice is much more powerful than it was when we went in," said James as he cast a Silencio Barriera on the classroom just in case.

"Will you let me go?" asked Regulus in surprise. He thought James would be reluctant to let him tag along.

"Yes. I will let you accompany me," James replied.

He needed Regulus for several matters. First, he searched the vault for the secret door or whatever they needed to use the key. Perhaps there was a riddle, and Regulus showed great skill in this area. 

And the most important reason is that more people. This way Gwen would be safer if they faced more enemies. Since the enemies would not focus their attention exclusively on Gwen.

"How will we protect ourselves from the ice?" asked Gwen, looking at James. She knew he had the answer. She could tell by his confident tone of voice, and that she knew him.

"In the book that was in the ice chest, it explains about the Protego Glacialus potion. This potion protects you from the cursed ice. We need to collect the ingredients," James replied. Reading the book had been very helpful.

"That's good news. Doesn't it explain how to heal once you're frozen?" asked Regulus, as his friend Allan was still frozen in the infirmary.

"No. The book only talks about protecting yourself before being affected by the ice. It doesn't give a cure for a victim," said James, shaking his head.

"A potion that can protect you from that cursed ice must have rare ingredients," Gwen commented.

"Indeed it does. That will be your task Regulus," said James as he pulled out a list of all the ingredients and passed it to the Black boy.

"How will I collect these ingredients?" asked Regulus, reading the list. It was impossible to find this at Hogwarts.

"You have a house elf, right?" asked James, and Regulus nodded.

"Summon him and ask him. Tell him it's a secret and not to tell anyone," added James.

House elves could be summoned despite not being near their masters. They could appear and disappear without the need for a wand and could do so despite Hogwarts' restrictions on apparition. The perfect accomplices for obtaining ingredients illegally.

James couldn't ask Henry for the ingredients, as his grandfather wouldn't let him do something so dangerous. It wasn't simple revenge against a professor.

"It's true. Kreacher will be able to help me," Regulus muttered. He got along very well with his house elf unlike the other members of his family who treated him like dirt. Which was why the old elf always helped him more willingly than the others.

"I'll take care of it. How many ingredients do we need?" he added.

"Try to get as much as you can. We don't know how long we'll be there and if we run out of the effect it will be the end of us," replied James.

"Right..." said Regulus, and at that very moment, he summoned his house elf. He exclaimed: "Kreacher come! And a few seconds later an old house elf appeared in front of him.

James and Gwen were not surprised by this. As heirs of pureblood families they already knew about this. While Regulus was talking to his house elf, Gwen looked at James.

"Do you need me to do anything?" asked Gwen.

"Train with me. It will be dangerous if we face the ice knights again. I'll tell you the best way to fight them," James said, and Gwen nodded with a beautiful smile as she noticed that James cared about her.

"Cof cof... It's done. Kreacher in a couple of days will get the ingredients. Will you be making the potions? I'm not very good at making Potions. I don't think I can handle a potion of such difficulty," Regulus said.

"I'm not very good at potions either..." said Gwen, embarrassed. Even though she joined the Dragon Club, she did so because she likes dueling and combat spells.

"It will be hard to make so many potions, but somehow I'll manage," said James.

Protego Glacialus Potion was advanced. Brewing just one potion would already take a lot of work. Besides, James wanted to bring more useful potions for his adventure in the ice vault. 

'Maybe I can ask him for help...' James thought with a frown. He never thought the day would come when he would need Severus Snape's help.

If Snape helps him brew the potions they will have it in no time, and they will be of the best quality. He had to think about it more carefully, as he doesn't fully trust Snape. 

If the Slytherin boy found out that he was the one to blame for the cursed ice he could accuse him in front of the Hogwarts staff and that would not be good.

Regulus left the classroom first. James and Gwen stayed talking for a while longer. Then James escorted Gwen to the Slytherin common room.

Over the next few days, while they waited for Regulus to bring the ingredients, James and Gwen trained in the dragon clubhouse. They didn't have much time. 

James also took advantage and brewed several potions. The strengthening potion. This gives the drinker superhuman strength. He had already been brewed in potions class this year. So he had the materials to make it. It would be very useful for Gwen and of course Regulus...

He also brewed the girding potion that gave the user prolonged stamina. This would be useful for all three of them.