
Harry Potter / Highschool DxD : A deal with the devil

Thomas Grayson is just an ordinary eight-year-old boy, or so he thinks until an incident at the zoo reveals a shocking truth: he's a wizard. While visiting the reptile exhibit, Thomas accidentally sets free a dangerous snake that nearly kills his parents. But before disaster strikes, he discovers that he has the power to speak to snakes and control them. Soon after, Thomas receives a letter inviting him to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As he begins his magical education, he learns that he's not the only one with extraordinary abilities. In this shared universe between Harry Potter and Highschool DxD, Thomas discovers that the world is filled with supernatural beings and factions vying for power. As he navigates this new world, Thomas faces challenges and dangers from all sides. Dark wizards, demons, and fallen angels are just a few of the threats he must overcome. But with the help of new friends and allies, Thomas begins to uncover a sinister plot that threatens not only the magical world but also the human world. As he delves deeper into the mystery, Thomas realizes that he may be the only one who can stop the coming catastrophe. Will he be able to harness his newfound powers and save both worlds, or will he succumb to the forces of darkness? Find out in this thrilling crossover between Harry Potter and Highschool DxD, filled with magic, action, and suspense. Notice : I do not own Harry Potter and Highschool DxD, nor its characters.The only thing I own is my own MC and the way the world would end in the end. Also the photo is made using an AI,for those who are wondering.

MeatBunKun · Book&Literature
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127 Chs

Chapter 72 - Back to Hogwarts...

After seeing that the young boy her older daughter had brought home has greeted her younger daughter's queen, Selene smiled warmly at Thomas and leaned forward slightly as she asked, "Thomas, how has your school life been? I would love to hear about your experiences."

Thomas's eyes lit up with excitement as he began to share his tales. "Oh, where do I even begin? Well, one time, my friends and I encountered a massive troll in the dungeons of Hogwarts and we had to fight him to save our friend. Then, there was this incident in the forbidden forest. I was in detention and Filch took us to the groundkeeper of Hogwarts. He then had me, one of my friends and another boy from another house come with him in the forest to search for an injured unicorn and most likely for the thing or person that hurt it. After we entered the forest then Hagrid, the groundkeeper had us put in two teams with me and the boy from another house in one team and my friend and Hagrid in another. After leaving, we stumbled across a man eating an unicorn, and before we could attack a devil attacked us. I fought against her summons, using my magic and their appendages. "

When Thomas finished his story, the room fell silent. Selene listened attentively, her smile fading into a sad expression as she imagined the horrors the boy had faced at such a tender age.

Serafall, despite being a Satan-class devil herself, couldn't help but be shocked by what challenges Thomas had encountered. She had seen her fair share of battles over the years, but to hear that someone as young as her So-tan had fought against trolls and a devil, and even a rather strong youkai assassin made her quickly look at her So-tan fearing that she might too have to deal with such matters.

Lucius, too, was taken aback by Thomas's experiences. The idea that this young boy had been exposed to true combat at his age made him consider the boy's potential. He began to see how, if persuaded to join his daughter's peerage, Thomas could become a formidable fighter and asset, but in the end, that will have to depend on his daughter's ability to make this boy join her. In the worst case, even if he wouldn't join her, he would still remain a friend considering that the boy was nothing but respectful, friendly, and above all, not even slightly arrogant like most boys of his age would be with a little bit of power in their hands.

Meanwhile, Sona sat there, trying her best to understand what she had just heard. The idea of fighting trolls, and a devil, and battling to protect his friends seemed almost impossible when he was only eleven years old or maybe twelve.

Tsubaki on the other hand, observed Thomas intently, as her amethyst eyes were sparkling with interest. The boy's stories painted him as someone far more intriguing than she had initially assumed. He was far braver than she had thought he would be in the face of danger and despite him being, most likely younger than her by a few months, he had fought more battles than she and her "king" have done and that captured her attention.

Just as the silence became almost uncomfortable, Serafall, broke it when she clapped her hands. "Ah, well then! Let's not dwell on these heavy thoughts for too long. I believe it's time for us to enjoy a delicious meal together!"

Her words jolted everyone back to the present, and the tension in the room began to dissipate. Serafall quickly called out to the maids, instructing them to bring forth the food. The maids swiftly moved into action, setting the table with quite a lot of dishes.

As the maids served the food, everyone calmed down and return to normal. Lucius decided to inquire more about Thomas's studies at Hogwarts, being curious about the magical curriculum and the boy's favorite subjects. Even though she didn't interrupt her father and Thomas, Sona listened intently to their conversation, she too being quite curious about how a magical school was.

In the end, after almost an entire hour, Thomas excused himself for not being able to stay any longer since he start feeling rather sleepy, and with the help of the same maid that helped him come down here, he return to his room. Sona and Tsubaki left as well to their rooms, since tomorrow the two of them will have to be tested by Serafall.

While the kids left for their rooms, Selene, Lucius, and their older daughter, remained in the dining room. At first, none of them said anything, but after a few seconds of silence, Selene decided to break it by asking out a question.

"I must say that I didn't expect to hear such things from a boy no older than my Sona. But that begs the question if the boy is truly human considering that he's already middle-class."

Before his daughter could say anything, Lucius responded to his wife, sharing her curiosity. "I don't know about that dear. While it's faint, there are traces of holy, devil, and even draconic magic around the boy making me wonder if there is more about the boy that he was willing to share. Then again, if I would have been in his shoes, then I too might have chosen to hide some things about myself.

Just as the words left Lucius's lips, Serafall, who had been listening intently, decided to reveal what she had learned from Ajuka.

"Aju-chan, examined Tommy closely when I brought him here from Hogwarts," Serafall began. "He found something rather fascinating about Tommy. Not only did he find traces of godly blood within him, but he also discovered that Tommy's Sacred Gear was different from what the doctor that checked on Tommy way back when he awoke told him."

Selene and Lucius exchanged a curious glance, urging Serafall to continue.

"Also, Aju-chan mentioned that the holy magic we sensed was mostly due to a ring Tommy wears on his finger," Serafall explained. "It's similar to the ones used by some exorcists that are somewhat capable. As for the devil magic, it may be related to Tommy's friend, Latia Astaroth. She belongs to the branch family of Aju-chan's family so he might have learned that from her, but that would mean that he managed to use his own magic and tweak it in such a way to use our magic."

What their daughter said made both Lucius and Selene even more curious, but something that his daughter didn't mention caught Lucius' attention. "And what about the draconic magic? Do you have any idea about that?"

Serafall shook her head slightly. "No Dad, not even Aju-chan could pinpoint the source of the draconic magic. However, he strongly believes that it is somehow tied to Tommy's Sacred Gear. But when he tried to see if he could take a look at it, nothing happened almost as if Tommy didn't have the sacred gear anymore."

Selene on the other hand, had reacted the exact opposite as her husband, "Poor boy, Satan knows what he went through to be involved in some many things with so many factions."

Two days had passed since Thomas's woke up at the Sitri household, and now he was getting ready to leave for Hogwarts once again. The Ministry of Magic had caught wind of Thomas being awake and better, but his staying among devils was not good for them so they made a big deal of this, spreading rumors about one of the Satans intending to force a poor injured young wizard into becoming a reincarnated devil.

Even though she didn't want to, Serafall was forced by her friend and fellow Satan, Sirzechs to send Thomas back to Hogwarts. As much as she had grown fond of the young boy, and even her So-tan had started showing Thomas how some of the spells he knew were being used wrong, the fact remained that he was a wizard and not a devil, at least not yet.

It didn't take all that long to get his luggage ready and as soon as he climbed down the stairs, he was surprised to see Sona and Tsubaki waiting alongside Serafall. Sadly Selene and Lucius were busy with their work and could be here, but they told him to be careful and rest well.

When Thomas got down, he was surprised to find Serafall, Sona, and Tsubaki waiting for him. Serafall, unable to contain her emotions, quickly approached him and enveloped him in a warm hug. "Tommy, take care of yourself, okay?"

Sona rolled her eyes at her older sister's dramatic display of affection. She couldn't help but find it amusing how Serafall always teased and fawned over Thomas. Tsubaki, on the other hand, smiled knowingly, after all, she too was targeted by this Satan when Sona saved her.

Thomas returned Serafall's hug, before turning to Sona and Tsubaki. "Thank you, Sona, for teaching me how to better conserve my magic and improve the precision of my spells. And Tsubaki, your basic techniques and footwork have been incredibly helpful. I'll make sure to practice them diligently," he said while smiling at them

"You're welcome, Thomas. "

Tsubaki beamed at Thomas, pleased to hear that at least he wasn't like the other boys his age who will not admit that he could learn something from another person. "I'm glad I could help, Thomas. Don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need further assistance."

After their heartfelt exchange, Serafall gently pulled away from Thomas. She then turned to Sona and Tsubaki, her mischievous side resurfacing. "Alright, you two. Give us some space," she said with a playful wink.

With a final wave to Sona and Tsubaki, Serafall and Thomas stepped back, creating a small distance between them and the two girls. Serafall then raised her hand and a magic circle formed beneath their feet. The circle glowed brightly, enveloping both of them, before they vanished from sight.

A second later, Thomas and Serafall reappeared just outside the castle gates of Hogwarts. Waiting for them were the familiar figures of Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Snape. The trio had been informed of Thomas's return and had gathered to take him back.

Dumbledore was the first to step forward, and his eyes were filled with concern. "Thomas, my boy, are you alright now?"

Thomas nodded, putting on a brave face. "I'm fine, Headmaster." He chose not to tell them anything the Mars and Bahamut, since that would only create more trouble for him.

Professor McGonagall looked at Thomas in relief that one of her best students was alive. "You had us worried, Mr. Grayson. And while I still think that what you and your friends have done is nothing short of certain death, I can't bring myself to punish you."

Thomas offered a sincere smile. "Thank you, Professor. But rest assured, I will do my best to stay out of trouble."

Professor Snape, though not one to show overt concern, observed Thomas for a second before he too spoke. "You have returned, and unscathed at that, Mr. Grayson. I hope you have learned the importance of caution and the consequences of impulsive actions."

Thomas met Snape's gaze before he responded in a respectful tone. "I know that what I did was stupid, Professor Snape. And believe me, sir, if this wasn't about the school and the lives of our friends then I assure you that I would have been the first one to stay away from it."

After exchanging pleasantries with the Hogwarts faculty, Thomas turned towards Serafall and approached her before he whispered, "Levi-tan, thank you for everything. I'll miss you and the others. I promise I'll try to keep in touch."

Serafall's expression lit up, as she smiled at Thomas. "Oh, Tommy, you better keep that promise. I'll be eagerly waiting to hear from you. Take care of yourself, alright?"

She then stepped back, preparing to leave through a magic circle.

"I will, Levi-tan. Thank you again for everything. Goodbye."

Giving a flying kiss, Serafall entered the magic circle, disappearing from sight as it closed behind her.

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Special thanks to my Tier 3 patrons : 

Bartosz Waszak,Nick Young

B,Ayub Abd

scifighter,Shannon Smacher

Rick Villarreal,Travis cox

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