
Christmas party

a week gone by quickly, Alex and Fluer got closer and get to know about each other's likes and dislikes, Gabrielle occasionally sneaked into flamel's house using the portkey in her house, Apolline scolded her repeatedly but she didn't change and Alex taught her some simple spells like levitation charm with a simple wand, he also taught Fluer about wandless casting, silent-cast and multi-cast, she improved quickly even though she didn't succeed in wandless cast.

Fluer reluctantly went to her home after the week, Alex also packed his bags and waved to Nicolas and perenelle, then he used the portkey again to apparate into his home, as soon as Alex arrived a girl tackled him with a hug, making Alex fall on the ground, it's Delphini she then sat on top him and pouted, Alex is embarrassed as his family is watching them and this will cause some misunderstandings for onlookers, Rodolfus is burning with rage when he saw Delphini on top of Alex.

Alex sighed and said," Delph, this may cause some misunderstandings, can you please get off on top of me", he said while patting her head, she turned red when she realised what she has done?, and immediately stood up while looking away from Alex and others.

Lily teased Alex by saying," my, my, what a bold one we have here? hugging Alex and doing something so bold in front of others, I must say Alex your girlfriend here may eat you more than anyone someday".

Alex turned red and said," mom, stop saying that, she is just a kid don't talk about things like that infront of her", but Alex forgot he is also a kid in their eyes and all of them looked at Alex with teasing and mocking smile, while Delphini ran away into her room after she heard Lily.

Rodolfus looks like he is sitting on a hot pan, the air around him is disorting from his uncontrolled magic, James sighed and said," well Alex how is the week with your fiance?, I must say your quite the playboy to make many girls fall for you, well today there'll be a party and we invited the Greengrass family, Bones family, Longbottom family , Weasley's, flamel's and also delacours , they'll be here by evening, and please don't chase the girls in their family, or it'll be disaster for your mom and me".

Alex nodded while James took that as a big no, the evening when Greengrass family came to potter manor Astoria hugged Alex with a silly smile while Daphne is back in her yandere mode along with Delphini making him broke in cold sweat, they then proceeded to the party while others families arrived including Weasley's.