
Harry Potter: Go To Hell

Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.

LordSilvere · Book&Literature
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78 Chs

Harry's Harsh Words

"You three disgust me. I thought you girls at least would know what that term means and be ashamed to be taking coin underHarry's Harsh Words such a classification. You do know what the term 'services rendered' means, don't you? Or are you really that stupid?" He gave them a look of total disgust.

"Now I can see the girls spreading them for a little extra cash. Clearly they are just little whores looking for a nice bed to cash in on. And there are plenty of nice little rich boys here in the Castle who'd be happy to gain a little experience in that area before they graduate and marry their chosen brides. Granted, those brides won't be the girls willing to lay down and spread them for a fee but you can't have everything, now can you?"

"But Ronald, you surprise me. I never would've thought you'd follow their lead that far. Bending over and baring your arse for a chocolate frog? Really? Disgusting. I mean I knew you don't actually do any real studying but come on. Where's your pride man? That's really how you plan to get through Hogwarts? On your belly like a worm? Sticking your bare arse in the air for someone else's pleasure?"

People were grinning wolfishly as they realized this was the showdown the whole school had been waiting for. Some were wincing at the language Harry was using as they'd been gently raised and his language was rather crude. But they also knew Ronald Weasely and knew crude was sometimes the best way to deal with him. Nor were they about to leave the room. They had front row seats for the long awaited showdown and they weren't about to miss it just because of some crude language. Harry Potter against Dumbledore's Triad. And Harry Potter was winning.

"I know being the sixth son has always stuck in your crawl. But to go that far! . . .How degrading! Guess you really did want to become known for something none of your brothers ever did. But then, they actually take pride in themselves don't they? You can't even scrape together enough pride in yourself to use table manners when dining in mixed company. So why should it surprise me you're nothing but a bought and paid for boytoy for your school mates?" He fixed Ron with a look of disappointed disgust before turning the same look on first Hermione and then Ginerva before turning his attention back to Ronald.

"However, even if you did sell your virtue down the river, it sure as hell wasn't to me and as I'm the last living Potter in the whole damn world as far as I know, I'd say whomever you rendered your services to, is who you should be speaking with now. Servicing that person's deviancy certainly doesn't give you a right to access my school vault to buy yourself consolation chocolates and trinkets so you can face your own image in the mirror the morning after."

He spared a glance at Hermione as he added, "Or books either."

Looking in their general direction but not making eye contact with any of them he said, "Nor does servicing whomever you chose to sell yourselves to in any manner do me a service. Therefore, access to my vaults as payment, wasn't something your john or johns had to offer you as payment. And since each of you implicated the Headmaster in your claim on my vaults, I do believe you should be going to him with your petty little complaints of being locked out now. Just because you want to ride his jolly stick doesn't mean I should be paying for your fun." Quills under silencing spells were scratching desperately now as no one wanted to miss a word of this explosive argument.

He waited for them to get the message before continuing to tear their reputation to shreds. His voice was getting rough from the effort to actually say so much. He wanted to rub his throat but didn't dare as that would take away from the image he was trying to present right now. From behind him, someone hit him with a Soothing Throat charm normally used in the medical wing when a student had a bit of a cough or sore throat.

Harry's shoulders relaxed slightly as the charm made his throat feel a great deal better and he could continue to speak without the pain.

"Next time you decide to sell your honor, do try to make certain the john actually has the funds to pay you for your services. I'd suggest getting your payment upfront so this doesn't happen again."

"But then I'm not a whore so I don't know the rules of the trade as well as the three of you. But do try to get his proper name. It's so embarrassing to wake up in the morning and find he forgot to pay you for your services, don't you think? Even worse to discover you don't have the right name to track him down, isn't it? That's only good business sense." He dismissed them as none of the trio could manage to do more than sputter in outrage.


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