
Harry Potter : Glory of the Purebloods

The so-called nobility is not only a symbol of privilege but also a symbol of our responsibility. Remember, my child, whenever you want to claim a privilege, you need to think about whether you have undertaken the corresponding Mc is reincarnated as the heir of the Gaunt Family ( family of Slytherin and lord no nose. ) The story takes a different turn on the topic of Pureblood and tries to change the Purebloods in a good way. Translation.

AshGod7 · Book&Literature
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42 Chs

NO! Not slytherin

Luke walked toward the Slytherin table with a smile on his face.

Harry and Ron looked at Luke's destination, feeling slightly complicated for a while.

Ron couldn't help remembering how his father, mother, and brothers were talking about the meanness and cunning of Slytherins in front of him since he was a child.

They always praise Gryffindor and even feel that even the naughty little lion has its own advantages.

Harry, on the other hand, recalled the first time he and Malfoy met in Mrs. Malkin's shop. While Malfoy slandered Hagrid in front of Harry, he made no secret of his recognition and yearning for Slytherin. After adding it, when Hagrid chatted with him, it was also clear that the people at Slytherin Academy were bad.

This made him full of rejection of Slytherin Academy from the beginning, but now, his friend, a very good friend, has been assigned to Slytherin Academy, which makes him feel that he may have to get to know Slytherin again.

Hermione looked at Luke's back and pursed her lips. She had seen the introduction about the academy from Luke and those books before.

Whether it's Luke's advice or the knowledge in those books, it tells her that it's better not to choose Slytherin, it's not discrimination, but Slytherin is really not suitable for a wizard like Hermione.

Luke sat beside the girl named Taylor and smiled politely at her, but the other party still lowered his head and seemed to ignore Luke.

Luke didn't care either, frowning lightly, but then he stretched out, he knew that he was not Leonardo Dicaprio, and it was impossible for everyone to like him.

So while interacting with the seniors and seniors who took the initiative to greet him, he waved to Hermione who was looking at him over there.

Hermione noticed his gesture, and her lips pursed a third tighter. But she still nodded.

Soon Hermione was already sitting on the stool, and the Sorting Hat was silent for a moment before calling out "Gryffindor".

Luke also gave Hermione a round of applause. He also acknowledged the fact that Hermione was a Gryffindor at the bottom of his heart.

Although Hermione is very smart and loves to read, her strong mobility and her desire for adventure make her a better choice for Gryffindor.

Ron was also assigned to Gryffindor shortly after Hermione, which was almost inevitable. After all, the children of the Weasley family seemed to have their own characteristics, but in fact, in their hearts their Persistence is similar.

And not long after that, Malfoy sat on the stool, the hat just touched his head, and he had already shouted his sorting result loudly.


There was warm applause from the Slytherin table again, but it was obviously down a notch compared to Luke's applause.

This made Malfoy pursed his lips subconsciously, and he looked at Luke over there with gloomy eyes. And Luke nodded at him with a smile, looking very friendly.

Malfoy didn't say anything after all, and walked over to Crabbe and Goyle with a gloomy face and sat down. His ugly face didn't make everyone care about him.

Instead, a few people who were going to talk to him frowned in unison after seeing his face, and then silently retracted the hand they were about to stretch out.

Luke didn't even intend to pay attention to Malfoy. because the sound of the system came from my ears.

[Ding dong! ]

[Side quest · 1: "The Sorting Ceremony" is completed, get the magic spell · Illusionary Charm]

[Start the series of side quests "The Secret of Hogwarts"]

Luke carefully checked this series of side quests. This is a quest set, there are many quests in it, but most of them do not even have the name "???".

Only a few are lit. In the summary of the lit part, Luke saw the two tasks of "Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets" and "Gryffindor's Remains".

He can have a clue about the task of "Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets", or is basically sure that he can complete it, but what is "Gryffindor's Legacy"? Is it about the big octopus in the Black Lake?

Luke clicked on the detailed introduction of this task with a little bit of wickedness.

[Side quest: Gryffindor's legacy]

[Introduction: The legendary Four Giants left something unique to themselves at Hogwarts. You already have certain qualifications/clues, please start your pursuit. ]

[Quest Reward: Unknown]

[Hint: "Godric Gryffindor! Be restrained! Stop making me angry!" - by. Salazar Slytherin]

Luke forcibly controlled himself The expression on his face did not let his doubts show on his face. The price is that his expression now looks a little stiff.

After that, his mood calmed down a little, he let out a light sigh of relief and gave a helpless smile.

"This kind of mission is really endless."

He whispered softly.

"Harry Potter!"

Harry walked over to the stool amid the crowd's gaze and murmurs. He envied Luke's attention-grabbing treatment at first, but when he was actually called, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be more attractive than Luke.

He put on a hat amid everyone's attention and expectation.

"Difficult, very difficult. Seems a lot of courage, and does not have a bad heart. Talented, oh my gosh, yes - you have a strong desire to prove yourself, then, interesting... I should put Where are you going?"

The Sorting Hat's voice sounded in Harry's ear. Harry was about to reject Slytherin subconsciously, but he seemed lost.

"I feel your confusion, boy, Slytherin can wish you great things and make you brilliant."

But at this moment, Malfoy's arrogant face, Hagrid's exhortation, Ron's emotion, and many, many more things came to Harry's mind.

"No! Not to Slytherin!"

he shouted in his own heart.

"Not going? Well, then—Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor table burst into cheers and applause as the last word came out. And this kind of cheers sounded all over the auditorium.

Even the little snakes applauded Harry. This scene reassured Luke somewhat. As long as the Slytherin House is not incurable, he feels that he can still transform everything.

At the same time, Luke seemed to see a sense of relief from Dumbledore at the top.

But he obviously didn't show any expression.

Bryce Shabini, who was last, was sorted into Slytherin, and Professor McGonagall left with a stool and hat.

Dumbledore then stood up and smiled and said: "Welcome! Welcome to Hogwarts to start the new school year. Before the banquet starts, I want to say a few words. That is an idiot! Cry nose! Scum! Screw!"

"Thank you, everyone!"