
Harry Potter : Glory of the Purebloods

The so-called nobility is not only a symbol of privilege but also a symbol of our responsibility. Remember, my child, whenever you want to claim a privilege, you need to think about whether you have undertaken the corresponding Mc is reincarnated as the heir of the Gaunt Family ( family of Slytherin and lord no nose. ) The story takes a different turn on the topic of Pureblood and tries to change the Purebloods in a good way. Translation.

AshGod7 · Book&Literature
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42 Chs

Bye Hagrud.

"How could they be so kind to you?"

Hagrid asked curiously as he poured water for Luke.

George and Fred crouched by the fireplace, stroking the Hagrid'a dog teeth one after the other.

It can be seen that their movements are quite skilled, and the dog is also quite enjoying it. Luke don't know if the two of them have used this trick to please Dog in private before this time.

"Although it's a bit arrogant to say it, it's really innate." Luke took a sip from the water glass, and he didn't dislike Hagrid's stone like the water glass, but he didn't take a closer look to make himself unhappy.

"Talent..." Hagrid said with some understanding and some regret.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with such a situation. On the contrary, he knew very well that in the field of magical animal research, either you have extraordinary perseverance, or you have a natural affinity for magical creatures, or you have absolute strength.

Of course, the top researchers often have all three, such as Newt Scamander.

"Do you want to be a researcher of magical animals?"

Hagrid also took a sip of hot water and asked. There was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

If Luke answered yes, as long as Luke wanted, then he would immediately report to Professor McGonagall, and let Luke come once a week to help him patrol the Forbidden Forest.

Of course, it was actually Hagrid who was protecting Luke for observation and research.

After so many years in the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid knew very well that there were still many magical creatures in the depths of the Forbidden Forest that he had not discovered.

After all, Hagrid inherited the giant's magic resistance to a certain extent, and what's more, he has a younger brother who is closer to a giant than a human. These two brothers, in the Forbidden Forest, are not much lower than high-level magical animals.

As a result, Hagrid was rarely able to observe magical creatures such as invisible beasts, birds, and snakes. but unfortunately, They don't like to play with this big guy with the blood of a giant.

And if someone with a high affinity like Luke is neutralized, maybe things will be better.

Luke shook his head a little regretfully: "I really like magical creatures, yes, but I shouldn't have enough energy on it. You know, my identity is destined that I can't just do what I want to do. things."

When he said this, the other three people present looked at Luke with a rather awkward look.

Indeed, as a generation of patriarchs who needed to drag the Gaunt family out of the quagmire, he really didn't have that many options.


Hagrid said helplessly after sighing. Although it was a pity, he felt that what Luke said was right, and there was no reason to refute it.

When Luke saw Hagrid's disappointed look, the corner of his mouth raised an untraceable arc.

Then he patted Hagrid on the shoulder and said, "Don't be so disappointed, Hagrid, I will try my best to help you during weekends. I'm not sure how much help it will bring you, but I will try my best. "

" Really?! That's great!" Hagrid was clearly overjoyed after hearing Luke's response.

Luke smiled and said: "Of course, I can't give a complete guarantee, I can only do my best. After all, sometimes professors' homework may be difficult to bear."

"I can understand!" Highland smiled. , "But I think Luke, you must be fine."

Luke kept a smile on his face, playing drums in his heart.

He really can't say for sure, after all, the accuracy of the system is still guaranteed, that is to say, his knowledge of potions and herbal medicine is really low.

Of course, there are still subjects such as astronomy and Wizard History that did not give prompts.

Luke did not know the reason, but the system would not answer. so it can only be left alone.

So he although he is confident in doing his schoolwork, but not do that much.

"It's getting late, Hagrid, we have to go back first, there's a class to do tomorrow."

Luke finally decided not to think about these things, and after the main goal of the day was completed, he was ready to withdraw. After all, the body is still a child now, and it is good to maintain enough sleep.

"Oh yes, it's time for you to go back!" As he spoke, he looked at the twins who were looking east and west, as if looking for some more interesting material.

"Especially the two of you, don't follow along every time, tell me what you want, I'll give you what I can give you..."

From these tired words, Luke felt that Hagrid was tired of being tortured by the twins.

George and Fred put their hands behind Hagrid the moment he spoke. Then he said with a smile on his face.

George: "We'll tell you if we can."

Fred: "But there are some things that can't be given normally~"

Hagrid: "..."

Luke laughed and said, "Stop making a fuss. , time to go back."

No matter how mature the twins seemed in some ways, they were now only two years older than Luke.

"Received!" The two of them performed the standard Auror etiquette when responding to the superior's order, with a serious look on their faces, as if they had received an order to charge into the Death Eater's position.

Hagrid's amazed eyes shifted back and forth between Luke and the twins.

Although it is still a bit funny, but you can also see a trace of seriousness and respect.

How did Luke do it? ( by using the dumb brain of the Chinese author. )

And Luke also saw Hagrid's surprise. Such a scene was naturally what he expected. If other professors saw it, they would be equally surprised.

If some students are trouble in the eyes of their respective deans, then the level of twins must be trouble for the whole school...

But Luke didn't mean to explain, what could he say?

For him it is just, adding more money?

Under Hagrid's astonished eyes, the twins were scoffing and followed Luke out of Hagrid's hut.

"By the way, Hagrid, a rune snake told me that the Forbidden Forest may be dangerous these days. Be careful and pay attention to safety when you patrol."

Luke suddenly turned his head and warned.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Hagrid looked straight and didn't take Luke's warning on his head.

Luke nodded and hit the road again.

Hagrid looked at the backs of the three with a look of relief.

The twins have someone who can control them. This is not a bad thing.

Hagrid turned his head and surveyed his collection.

There are no fewer tail hairs from unicorns; no less than eggshells from birds and snakes... Why is there a little more?

Hagrid looked in the direction where the three left with some doubts, but the dark night would not respond.

A shallow smile appeared at the corner of Hagrid's mouth, and then he instantly restrained himself. He immediately walked to another cabinet and carefully counted it.

These are high-risk items, which cannot be exchanged for money.

"Fred, did you return the thing to Hagrid?" "

" Returned it, you talked about it last time, isn't it the eggshell of the bird snake? If Hagrid doesn't allow it, we won't be able to take out the hut. "

"That's different, the eggshell of the bird snake is very expensive!"

"Okay, you're right, now we're not short of money. We'll pay it back when we don't need it."

Luke listened to the conversation between the two behind him and smiled softly.