
Harry Potter: Crovius Malfoy

This not about harry potter but a someone trapped in a world with a wish that keeps esaping until he gains someone perfect

Maniacss · Book&Literature
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6 Chs


Hogwarts Express

In one of the compartments of the train, three friends were sitting and discussing their summer. They had been together in the summer but, the gossip in the train had its own charm. The golden trio were reading the Daily Prophet, this had a very concerning news.

Ronald Wesely, the redhead of the golden trio said," Hey do you know about Malfoy?"

"What about Malfoy, I know he was present during the attack." Replied Hermione already expecting a rant about the blonde ponce.

"No, not Draco. His brother. Corvius. He was apparently kicked out of the family."

"What? Why?" asked Hermione, acquainted with the blonde senior.

"Why are you so shocked probably something related to the Dark Lord, couldn't stomach him being an Imperfects. Though serves them right,"

"That is a very bad thing to say about someone and he has never done anything to us. He even helped me a couple of times. He is very knowledgeable. But what is an imperfictus. I know he is not healthy but why kick him out." Hermione spoke in a shrill voice. She knew about the blonde Ravenclaw. He was amongst the few people who would help her look for books in the library. He was extremely gifted with the theoretical stuff, but his practical was below average. Most of the Slytherin often mocked him but she had never seen him get angry.

"Yeah, he even tried to stop Draco a couple of times, when he tried to bully the first years." Harry also spoke, he knew about Crovius because he had seen him a couple of time guiding the first years. How he was related to the Malfoy's was a shock to him. He was always quiet and reading a book. Most of the teachers liked him. He had only ever seen him angry in his 2nd year but then he got ill and was out of the castle for a year.

"Yeah, he is a fine bloke but he is no longer a Malfoy, he shouldn't even be alive you know. I don't know much about imerfictus, but mum said they all died before 17 and he has turned 17. He probably is living on borrowed time." Ron told his friend, yeah, he was a nice bloke but what was he to do.

"Then why kick him out," Hermione asked the question.

"Well, that is something you would have to blonde ponce and his father. But it probably has to do something with their blood supremacy stuff. I wouldn't know."

The girl nodded hoping, to look into it.

In another compartment, the very boy was reading a book with fervor. After coming back from the bank, he had been working nonstop. He was about to complete his final project, initially his plan had been to publish it as it was, but now he had to complete it. His very life depended on it, he had grown paler and you could see that his body was barely holding on. Just when he was experiencing a bone breaking headache, the door to the compartment opened and entered someone who was among the few people who knew the truth about Crovius Malfoy.

Ana Zabini POV

She was a pure Slytherin born to the Noble house of Zabini. Her destiny was set, she was to go to Hogwarts, excel at studies, marry a pureblood and be a housewife. She hated it, she knew about the reputation her mother had, but they often forgot why she had it. Most pureblooded men were sore excuses of men, their marriages a form of slavery and torture, few could endure such humiliation.

She came to Hogwarts to find someone she could spend her life with, she was ready to leave her name and her family and then she met him. Crovius Malfoy, a Ravenclaw, the disgraced Malfoy. The half squibs. There were many such names for him. One of them, which she used was the damaged dictionary. He was perhaps the most brilliant student she had ever seen; his knowledge could put anyone to shame. Even the teachers were impressed with him but fate was cruel. He was going to die. Born an Imperfictus, he would not survive more than 17. Initially she had seen him bullied and battered by the Slytherin, never retaliating always calm. She considered him to be weak bookworm, but later once she had observed his prowess. He was weak. His magic mostly unstable but when under control she had never seen someone better with a wand.

She made her war through the Slytherin gatherings, gathering rumors about his disinherit Ent. Lucius Malfoy had done that so that the blemish of an Imperfictus would never adorn their family tapestry. His records would be wiped from their family book and he would be forgotten. She saw Draco Malfoy celebrating with her usual group of followers. He had always hated his brother and now he was without one. She made her way to his compartment and opened the door.

She saw him clutching his head, a book on the ground. By it cover it was an ancient book. He was whimpering and trying to open a vial.

She took the vial, opened it and handed it to him. He drowned it instantly and after some time sat up straight. She was distraught when she looked at him, both of them were friends. She was betrothed to a very reasonable fellow in France through his efforts. The three of them were pretty close to each other and were probably the only one who knew the truth about him.

He was pale, his eyes had dark circles surrounding them.

"Hi. Thanks for that Ana," he said while picking up the book

"How are you?" she asked.

"Surviving." He answered again reading through the book.

"I am sorry. I saw your brother celebrating with his merry band." She saw him flinch at the mention of his brother. " How long?" she asked him. He looked at her and gave her a genuine smile, something she had not seen in years.

"Probably a very long time." He replied the smile plastered on his face.

She was shocked, she knew about his secret project. It was very dangerous but it gave him hope. It gave someone else hope so despite its absurdity they had continued their work.

"I found them; I found the missing part. Now I just need to complete it. Hopefully I will have enough time."

"When, how. I don't care. This is great news. I don't know what to say."

"Say nothing, there are still some quirks to land out. I can make it work and then I will finally be free." He said with determination. He was weak yet when he said he would do something he would get it done. She smiles at her friend, after so long he again had hope. He did not need the Malfoy's for he will always have her and Montague. And someone very special.

"Have you written to her? You do know she was very angry with you. She is also coming to Hogwarts. She wrote to me about it yesterday." She asked him knowing his answer from his expression.

"Why don't you give her a chance. She knows what she is getting into. She said she did not care. You just push her away, and now that there is hope you should not do that."

"Alright we will see, but help me balance this array, we can talk about that later."

"I should kill him right now, I will not accept a blemish on my name,"

"No, Lucius it will be known to all. Plus, as the healer said he is not going to live that long."

He thought about it for some time and nodded, the boy would never be his heir. He will not live long and before his death, he would have him removed from family.

"Alright, but he will be separated from my heir. I don't want to see him frolicking around."

Narcissa nodded, tears still in her eyes for the fate of her child or the guilt that encased here heart, the reason unknown.


After Malfoy's birth, he was moved to a separate house. He was given a house elf. He was only about 7 at that time but Lucius had insisted to separate his heir from the faulty one. Some considered it mercy letting him live, but it was hell, knowing your parents yet not having them. It was not even his fault. Yet she would not speak against his Lord. She was quiet.

He remained in that house alone, with little hope that continuously faded away. A withering body. But hope nonetheless. It would often die, then rekindle, die again and then burst back into life yet it never became a wish for his wish was granted and then he was punished. Fate was cruel, it had struck against the abomination, cursing him for life.

The hope gave him nothing, yet the wish again came. Another wishes a wish for something that he had gained and lost again rekindled when he met her. Though not a believer of deities he wished again for a miracle. For a miracle to be there for her and so the hope became a wish that almost died down but was now rekindles in a burst, a burst of unprecedented prominence.