
Harry Potter : Changes

Harry Potter is fed up of people worshipping him one day and criticizing hin other day. He takes his destiny in his own hand. See what a new and powerful Harry will achieve. For orginal story FanFiction https://m.fanfiction.net › Apex Fanfic: Apex Ch 1, Harry Potter On fanfiction.net author name JustBored21

alex_fawley1234 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 20

''Morning Daddy." Selena hissed in greeting once Harry had woken up.

"Hi princess," Harry yawned. "how are you doing?" He asked as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"I am fine," Selena answered. "the house elves found me some spiders to eat. I am much bigger now." She added proudly.

"Yes," Harry agreed as he looked at Selena who was indeed a few inches longer, not a drastic difference from before but it was definitely a noticeable one. "yes you are princess, you're the prettiest snake around and soon you will be the biggest as well."

"Daddy!" She exclaimed, if Harry did not know better then he would think she was blushing.

"What?" Harry asked innocently as he petted her. "You are daddy's favourite and prettiest girl." Harry cooed.

"Thank you daddy!" Selena said as she pressed her head against his hand.

"You are welcome sweetie." Harry commented as he began thinking on his situation. He could admit to himself that he found the fact that he was cuddling and hanging out with one of the most dangerous beasts in the wizarding world funny. But quite frankly he didn't really care, if he was not worried about her life then he would let Selena come out and hang out with him everywhere, unfortunately if he let it be known that she existed then she would more than likely be killed.

Harry knew he was not like Hagrid, Hagrid could see a dangerous creature and think it was misunderstood or not as dangerous as others made it out to be. Harry on the other hand knew exactly how dangerous Selena was, Harry had fought an adult basilisk after all, even now she was more than easily capable of killing him. Yet Harry also knew that Selena would not harm him, he had read how they were very attached to their family members and they were family as far as Harry and Selena were concerned. Harry knew she was dangerous but he did not care, all that mattered to him was that she was loyal to him and Harry could be loyal to her without fear of betrayal.

Much like with Dobby and Kreatcher, the two would obey him and follow all of his instructions including his order to keep his secrets. Harry had Dobby's undying loyalty and Kreatcher, for now at least would act the same. Plus Harry knew that the elf was old so if he did become too much of a problem then it would be easy to fake a natural death, of course Harry did not really want to do something like that but was willing to do so if necessary. Harry knew that the old elf was more loyal to the painting of Walburga Black than himself but knew that he could eventually wean him off of her and be more loyal to himself. It did not really matter now as he was in Walburga's good books but it always helped to have more loyal people in your corner.

Harry looked up when he heard some hooting, he saw Hedwig on her perch. Harry grinned as he stood up and walked to her.

"Say hello to your Aunty Hedwig." Harry hissed to Selena, Selena hissed back before offering her head to Hedwig who gently tapped her head with her own. "Good morning Hedwig." Harry smiled as he stroked Hedwig, his relationship with his owl was far different from his one with Selena.

Firstly Hedwig was his first real friend after Hagrid, but for Harry the relationship just felt different. Selena was like a child for him but Hedwig always felt like an equal or at times a sister. Harry did not know if other people felt the same way about their owls or if it was simply another thing that made Harry different from others but he didn't really care. Hedwig and Selena were his family, anyone who did not like that fact could piss off.

"Hey Sirius, I am ready to go if you are." Harry said as he arrived in the kitchen, Harry was currently wearing black trainers, blue jeans, a grey shirt and a black jacket. As Harry looked around he saw that the Weasley's were all there, apart from Arthur who was at work, along with Sirius and Tonks.

"Wotcher Harry, you're looking snazzy today." Tonks said.

"You're one to talk Tonks." Harry softly snorted as he looked at the metamorphamaugus. She wore black shoes and black trousers along with a white shirt and an open brown coat, she had small diamond earrings and her hair was it's usual pink except this time she made it shoulder length. "And Sirius, you look...well regrettably you look like Sirius." Harry joked.

"Ha ha," Sirius rolled his eyes as he gave a fake laugh. "very funny Potter, just remember I know where you sleep."

"I will if you remember I know where you sleep." Harry responded.

"I will if you remember that I used to be one of the best pranksters, scratch that, I am one of the best pranksters of all time."

"I will remember that if you remember that that is only because I haven't taken up pranking and that I have two loyal house elves who can get dirty for me while you don't." Harry responded.

"Damn." Sirius said softly before he shook his head. "Anyway, let's go."

"I really think you should stay here," Mrs Weasley said. "it is not safe!"

"Yeah but Hogwarts is apparently safe, much like Privet Drive was apparently safe and I have been attacked in both of those places." Harry shrugged before he walked out with Tonks and Sirius.

"Alright Harry, where is this...'Fur' was it?" Tonks asked as she and Harry entered the Leaky Cauldron while Sirius had gone off to attend a meeting at Gringotts.

"Her name is 'Fleur'," Harry corrected as he quickly scanned the crowd, it did not take him long to see who he was looking for as nearly every male was either looking or constantly glancing in her direction. "There she is." Harry pointed to Fleur was sat in a corner and reading a book while doing her best to ignore everyone else. The was wearing blue high heels, a blue knee length skirt, a white shirt and a blue blazer, her beautiful blonde hair was done up in a bun.

"Whoa!" Tonks exclaimed as she looked at Fleur, thankfully she was not too loud due to the noise from the other customers. "That is not human! That is sex on legs!"

"Do not discount those legs," Harry said in a voice reserved for sages and scholars before he shivered with pleasure. "honestly the things she can do with her legs." Harry let out a small whistle as he felt his mind bombard him with a lot of very nice memories.

"That is more legs than human! You slept with her?" Tonks asked, her voice filled with disbelief and awe. "She looks like a Veela!"

"She IS a veela, also owner of my virginity unless blowjobs count."

"What if they did?" Tonks asked as she digested the information that Harry gave her.

"Then my virginity goes to a thirty something year old woman." Harry shrugged.

"What?!" Tonks boggled at his words. "How?!"

"That's a bit of a story," Harry said with a small smile. "anyway, what about you? I didn't know you were interested in women."

"I am not, or at least I was not until I walked in here." Tonks responded before she glanced at Fleur. "You really slept with her?"


"You have my respect." Tonks said, raising her hand which Harry gladly high fived.

"Come on then, try not to drool over her." Harry said as they both walked towards Fleur. "Hey Fleur." Harry called.

"Arry!" Fleur smiled as she looked up to see him. "I am glad to see you." She added as she got up and hugged him. "Oh and who is this?" She asked once she let go and looked at Tonks.

"Oh this is Tonks," Harry said introducing her. "she has no first name."

"Yeah, I don't." Tonks nodded in agreement while giving Harry a small smile.

"She's the best auror of all time, best in the country" Harry added.


"Best in Europe." Harry cut Tonks off.

"Really?" Fleur raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yes," Harry nodded quickly. "that why she's here, protection detail."

"Really?" Fleur asked again.

"Okay the fact that she is related to my godfather may possibly have something to do with it." Harry admitted. "Come on, let's get a room."

"Wow, mighty forward of you, eh Potter?" Tonks joked. "Already trying to get the two of us into a room?"

"Don't give me hope," Harry said with a dramatic sigh. "but seriously let's get a room to talk in. Do you guys want food now or should we wait until we get home?" Harry aked.

"I can wait." Fleur said as Tonks shrugged, Harry nodded before he walked off with the girls following him. "Hey Tom." Harry said to Tom, the barkeeper and owner of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Ah, hello Mr Potter." Tom smiled.

"Just call me Harry," Harry said, "do you by any chance have a private room available for us to talk in?"

"Give us a sec," Tom said as he began looking through a book. "alright, how long will you be wanting it for?"

"Not sure, about a couple of hours." Harry answered.

"Alright, follow me then." Tom said, he began walking with Harry and the girls following him, they eventually stopped outside of a room. "This one should be empty." Tom said.

"Oh thanks, and Tom can you do us a favour? If Sirius Black arrived then can you tell him to come up to this room?"

"I can do that Mr Potter." Tom smiled before walking off. Harry and the girls walked in to the room.

"So...Miss Delacour," Tonks said as they sat down.

"Please, call me Fleur." Fleur said.

"Okay, Fleur," Tonks amended. "did Harry really sleep with you or is he just chatting crap?"

"Have you been telling people Arry?" Fleur said to Harry with an amused look.

"I bring it up whenever possible, it is my greatest achievement after all." Harry replied without hesitation.

"I am flattered," Fleur smiled before turning back to Tonks. "yes, me and Arry have spent a large part of last year together."

"Oh, is he any good?" Tonks asked as she looked at Harry, expecting embarrassment but instead just got a smirk as Harry leaned back in his seat.

"Oh yes," Fleur nodded. "at first he was not very experience but he kept getting better, and I hope to make use of his parsletounge abilities again."

"Huh?" Was Tonks's eloquent reply. In response Harry stuck his tongue out and pointed to it. "Oh!" Tonks said as she realised what Fleur meant. "Yeah...I guess I can see the appeal."

"Arry, you have gotten a tattoo?" Fleur asked as she looked at his left hand.

"Tattoos." Tonks corrected. "He has more than one." Tonks explained when Fleur looked at her, Fleur looked back at Harry who rolled his sleeve up to show the tattoo on his right arm as well.

"Why have you got tattoos?" Fleur asked, her voice was not one of judgment, merely one of curiosity.

"Well, this is a reminder of my parents." Harry said as he tapped the lightning bolt scar on his forehead. "It's a reminder that they died, it's a reminder that I did not ask for." Harry paused and pointed to the tattoo on his left hand. "My mother was named Lily, hence the flower, and my father was an animagus that could turn into a stag. It's a reminder that I have chosen, it's my way of remembering them how I want to remember them. As for this one," Harry pointed to the Selena's tattoo form, "it's a reminder for all I have suffered and the fact that I am stronger for it, it's hard to explain but they just felt...right...you know?"

"Hmm...I don't." Fleur said honestly. "But I am not really bothered by them if that is what you are worried about."

"Good," Harry smiled. "anyway, Sirius is at a meeting in Gringotts, so he'll be here in about an hour."

"I have a full day of nothing to do." Fleur shrugged.

"Ah hello," Sirius said later as he entered the room. "ah and you must be the lovely Miss Delacour." Sirius smiled at Fleur as she offered her hand, he took it and placed a gentle kiss on it. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Thank you, I assume that you are Harry's godfather." Fleur replied.

"Yes, I am Sirius Black, call me Sirius." Sirius said as they all sat down. "I apologise for being late, but you all know what goblins are like."

"Fleur over here is working in Gringotts." Harry said as he gestured to Fleur.

"Oh really?" Sirius asked.

"Yes," Fleur smiled. "I had only gotten the job yesterday, shortly before I met Harry in Diagon Alley."

"Well congratulations." Sirius said.

"We were just talking about Harry's fight with that..." Tonks paused as she tried to remember the name.

"Apophis." Harry supplied.

"Apophis," Tonks said as if she had just remembered it. "I had seen a memory of the fight." She added to the Fleur.

"So did I, it was really impressive." Sirius said.

"Stop it, you'll make me blush." Harry smiled slightly.

"Actually, speaking of memories, guess what I had found in the Black family vault, a pensive." Sirius said with a small grin.

"Oh great," Tonks smiled. "we can use that to show everyone Harry's fight."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Well for one it would stop people from wanting to mess with you," Tonks said as she began counting the reason on her fingers. "the second reason is because it will show people how good you are, the third reason would be it giving you the ability to see where you can improve, fourth you might have missed something the first time and number five is because I want to see it again, it was awesome!"

"I would like to see it." Fleur added.

"Great, I had called Dobby and he took the pensive back home." Sirius said, "speaking of which, Harry how much to swap Dobby for Kreatcher?" Sirius asked in a hopeful voice.

"Not for sale." Harry said. "Get your own Dobby."

"Welcome to the Black family home," Sirius said when he arrived back with Tonks, Harry and Fleur. "it's not much at the moment because it's still being cleaned and all."

"You live here?" Fleur asked.

"I lived here when I was younger, at least until I was sixteen, at that point I had left and was staying with Harry's dad." Sirius said, smiling at his memories. "I've only moved back in here recently, thanks to Harry we have two house elves cleaning the place up."

"Hmm, it has potential." Fleur said as she looked around before following the rest into the kitchen.

"Dobby, Kreatcher." Harry called and the elves popped in. "Some food please for me, Tonks, Sirius and our lovely guest." Harry said, the elves nodded before popping away.

"Am I lovely too?" Tonks asked, making a show of fluttering her eyelashes at Harry.

"Of course," Harry said, playing along. "beyond lovely my dear, I still don't quite understand what a girl like you is doing in a place like this."

"Free food." Tonks answered immediately in a serious voice.

"Ah." Harry nodded in understanding as they sat down.

"Is there anyone else here?" Fleur asked.

"Yeah, you remember Granger and Weasley?" Harry asked, "The red haired boy and bushy haired girl that I don't like." Harry added when Fleur looked confused, realisation hit her face so Harry continued. "Yeah them and Weasley's family."

"Though I am getting very tempted to kick a few of them out." Sirius admitted. "I let them in my house so they would be safe and all Hermione and Mrs Weasley do is criticise me and try and order me around."

"I know," Tonks said. "they are..." The group would not learn what they were as Tonks was cut off by the sound of screaming.

"God damn it." Harry sighed before they all got up and rushed upstairs to where the screaming had come from. They came across the twins and Ginny standing outside a door. "That's my room." Harry said as they rushed past the Weasley's and into his room. Once they entered the room they saw Mr and Mrs Weasley along with Ron kneeling around Hermione whose body was shaking uncontrollably.

"What the hell happened?!" Sirius demanded as he, Harry, Tonks and Fleur entered.

"We were minding our business when we heard Hermione scream," Arthur answered. "we come in and see her fall down and drop a book."

"It wouldn't happen to be that book would it?" Harry asked as he pointed to his Potter family grimoire.

"Um...yes...I think so." Arthur replied. Harry stood perfectly still for several seconds before he rose his right hand up and face palmed hard.