
Harry Potter By

A gamer system maybe

Zac_Millar · Others
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14 Chs


Chapter 09: A new family? The woman was absolutely beautiful. His hair was like the same night. His eyes were the same as the most precious onyx jewels that could exist in the world. His face, pale and fine as the most beautiful of the paintings, was a delight that would fall in love with any person indifferently of his gender and sexual orientation. She was an existence worthy of a fairy tale. Even though her face was full of endless indifference and wearing a dress whose nigerne tone was more typical of the witch of the story, she was the owner of enough beauty to steal the center of attention from any story and self-denominated herself as the princess. And yet, she was also a creature that seemed the very embodiment of nightmares. It was something strange. There was nothing terrifying in that woman; On the contrary, each part of it was simply majestic; There should be nothing in his person that could generate any kind of fear. But even so, the woman was simply terrifying. There was something about her that made the wind not sound, that the light did not shine, that the noise became silent; There was something about her that made the flame of life simply go out like a candle before a powerful and relentless gale. It was that simple. Like the feeling of an antelope before a lion, the woman made the senses of survival of any being who enjoyed the slightest portion of life shudder. She was the quintessential predator of living beings. His gaze stopped hearts. His breath skewed his soul. His touch was the anti-thesis of vitality. And however ... before all this that should plunge it into the deepest of dread ... Why? Why didn't he just feel fear? Was it because that woman's face, previously indifferent to everything, had been filled with one of endless joy when she saw it? Was it because that woman, completely scary in the full extent of the word, just seemed like a person full of sadness and loneliness? Or maybe, was it because he simply knew this woman from before? He didn't know and didn't care. Contrary to what each of the instincts shouted at her, he simply felt that she was her friend: that she simply was not going to do her anything that would harm her. And with that thought, he extended his hand to reach that woman, to reach that friend of a distant past and a distant future. And when the woman saw this ... ... she smiled sadly and pushed her hand away. - It's not the time yet - she said. He didn't hear anything she said and just watched silently as she moved her lovely lips. You are still young; Too young, in fact. You have so much to do. You still have to find my relics and get the gadgets of my brothers. As long as you don't do that and cross my veil by proudly carrying the symbol that you are my equal ... as long as you can't refuse me and stand like someone who is my fellow man ... she approached him; Being mired in the deepest of the shadows just like him, his footsteps were not noticed, making him look as if she floated like a kind of ghost. - ... I just can't have you here longer - she gave him a look full of an unparalleled love, typical of the one given to a lover -. I have taken more time than I am allowed to see you. So you better come back. The descendant of the immortal and the son of the sea wait for you. And of course, my favorite daughter, the one who looks the most like me, is also waiting for you to undergo her tests and see if you are worthy of her gifts ... So ... she extended her hand, and suddenly, the darkness died as the light came out. - Come back. Come back and show that lending you to my sister was not a mistake on my part - she smiled again, but this time the sadness in her expression was hidden by a feeling that was simply incompressible for him. A feeling that made his heart shudder. But before that ... She approached her fast and elegant, with an unparalleled speed as if the distance did not exist for her. She stood in front of him, and making a simple movement that did not diminish the dignity of her movements she crouched down, and ... ... kissed him on the forehead. - A gift for the stolen time - she explained -. It is not the big deal compared to what you will get when you get my relics, but it will allow you to be in the right place and time when necessary…. And while she said that, he felt the light filled every part of his being and how life was returned back. - Until the day of your apotheosis comes, the most loved of my champions. And with those words he ... woke up. Ping! [You slept on a bed. Your HP and MP recover 100% and the negative states have been removed] Harry looked around in confusion. - "Where am I?" - He asked confused as he put on his glasses, which were conveniently placed on the side of the bed where he was. Once he had his glasses on and the surroundings they went from being a blurred spot incomprehensible to being a slightly blurred and understandable stain, Harry gave an analytical look to his surroundings, wanting to know where he was. Machines, bandages, and other attachments to improve health combined with a closed room of a strong white color was what he saw, making him immediately give an idea of what kind of place he was in. As if all that was not enough, he also took a look at himself, to discover that he was joined by the arm to a kind of machine and that he was dressed only in a robe. - «Am I in the hospital? - he asked himself, even more confused -. What do I do here? " It happened that just at that moment he heard how the door was open. - Oh? Are you awake? - asked an adult man. Because of his clothes, Harry assumed it was some kind of doctor, a theory that was only confirmed when he saw that man's head above. [Gregory Healer - Doctor] [Lv 10] - How are you? - Dr. Healer asked as he approached him. Distracted as he was thinking about how fun and incredibly convenient it was for a doctor to be called Healer, Harry did not answer the question he had been asked until Dr. Healer asked it for the second time. - Good. Pretty good - he replied. In response, the doctor was silent and just approached him and wrote down things in a notebook he carried while analyzing it. As he still wondered what noses he was doing in a hospital, and it seemed that the doctor was simply not going to tell him, Harry threw a [watch] on Dr. Heler. Ping! [Gregory Healer] [Age: 33 years] [Title: Doctor Healer]. [Race: Human [Status: Live]. [LV 10] [HP: 650/650] [MP: 500/550] [STR: 10] [Vit: 10] [END: 10] [AGI: 8] [Dex: 14] [Mag: 1) [Int: 25] [Wis: 20] [Cha: 20] [Luc: 20] [Traits: Humanoid. Masculine] [a very intelligent doctor who is in many areas of medicine, including pediatrics. He likes to exercise and he also likes children like any adult, but he is very bad dealing with them, which is why he has not had children with his wife and why, fearful of causing a bad reaction in Harry, he is silent] [he is worried about Harry due to the severe symptoms of malnutrition he has, as well as the fact that Harry has just woken up from a 10-day coma The product of the Privet Drive explosion was plunged. He is also furious with the Dursleys, and is willing to do a castrating surgery without anesthesia if he gets to see them] although Harry was struck by the fact that Dr. Healer was angry with the Dursleys, all his attention was stolen from the party that said he had been in a coma and that Privet Drive had exploded. - "Let's see, Harry, what's the last thing you remember?" - He asked himself about that, a little anxious, and then tried to remember. If he did not remember badly, he had been fighting a crazy wizard named Vassago who wanted to kill him, had received the worst beating of his life (and that he had suffered several beatings at the hands of Uncle Vernon) and almost died if it had not been because Mrs. Johnson, his elementary school teacher who apparently also turned out to be a kind of undercover magical agent, had meddled in the fight and beat him up Vassago, helping him defeat him. Then he remembered chatting with Mrs. Johnson about why Vassago had wanted to kill him, and then, just when she had revealed that it was because he had killed a megalomaniac who had been responsible for killing his parents, a lot of strange marks appeared around him and ... everything was dark from there. Harry frowned. Probably the reason he didn't remember anything else was because he had passed out, but thanks to that he simply had no idea what had happened after that bunch of strange marks ("runes," he recalled that Harmusp called them that) had appeared. - "No way - he thought -. I will have to put on my best idiot face and fill myself with courage to ask the doctor what happened »Fortunately, Harry told himself, acting like an idiot was very good. - Hey, doctor, can you know what I do to ...? - The words died in his mouth, since the doctor had left the room and he hadn't even noticed. - "I guess this happens to me for walking immersed in my thoughts," he thought, sighing. Who else can I ask about what has happened? - he wondered. Immediately, the answer came to his mind. - «Harmusp! How could I have forgotten her? - He questioned himself, then asked the snake: -. Hey, Harmusp, can you know what happened here? » Harmusp did not answer. Given this, Harry frowned again, but, remembering what happened the last time he put together a scene of concern, he rolled up the right sleeve of his robe and looked at his arm to see if the tattoo that indicated Harmusp was merged with him was there. In the end, it turned out that the tattoo was not there. - «Where will Harmusp be? - He asked for a moment, before sighing, the answer reaching his mind immediately. Surely she is somewhere watching anime »Although Harry thought it was a bit inconsiderate on his part his reptile companion to go elsewhere while he was convalescent, he didn't blame her. For what he had discovered thanks to [watching], he had been in a coma for ten days. There was nothing strange that Harmusp wasn't with him. It wasn't as if she was going to stay there staring at him while he slept as if he were a kind of stalker. But still ... - «Thanks to that I have no one to talk to - he sighed again -. I guess I have no choice but to sit and wait for someone to come, right? » - He told himself. Fortunately, Harry thought, he had the perfect power to entertain himself while he waited. - Show me the news, Aissi - he said, taking advantage that there was no one and that the room was closed. -. Understood - It was the simple response of AI. And then ... Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! - "Wow, they are a lot of windows" - he thought, slightly surprised, and then grab one of the windows with his hand, expanding it. [A mission has been completed!] [The mission [Survive] has been completed!] [Objective: Survive the assault of Vassago (completed] [Hidden Objective No. 1: Survive without using the advantage [Spark of life] (Completed)] [Hidden objective No. 2: Finish with Vassago before Mrs. Johnson arrives.. 3: It is helped in the defeat of Vassago (completed)] [Hidden Objective No. 4: Prevents Vassago from destroying Privet Drive (Failed)] [Reward: You keep your life and discover part of your past. You win the book of skills: [Basic Charms]. You win 50rep with? And she gives you Vassago's wand as a reward] - "Eh? - Harry took a surprised look at the window -. Were there so many hidden objectives of this mission?» And besides that ... - «50rep? What is that?» - Understood - exclaimed Aissi -. The rep (abbreviation of reputation) are the points assigned to the [reputations system] of the game Harry still did not understand - "Reputations system?" Ping! [Reputations system] [Sometimes, the impression that people have on you plays an important role in life. It may be that a person who likes you a lot of a powerful article or gives you a mission of juicy reward, as well as someone who dislikes you very much kill you while you sleep. For those cases in which reputation plays a fundamental role, the [system of reputations!] [The levels of reputations of the [reputations system] are ...] [Hated: "If I could, I would kill him" (0/1000)] [I don't like: "I don't like it, but it's not like I wanted to kill him" (0/500)] [Indifferent: "I don't even go" 0/250)] [I like: "As long as I don't take risks I am willing to help you" (0/500)] [Honored: "He is someone very important to me. If this is the case, I am willing to sacrifice myself for him (0/1000)] »] [Adored:« It is the reason for my existence. My whole being is destined to serve him »(0/10000)] [(Note: the point count starts from [hated, meaning that it is necessary to complete the [hated] points to get to [I don't like] and it is necessary to complete the points of [I don't like] to get to [indifferent. In the case of [adored] both the competition of the [Honored] points is required. To get the value of [adored] [(note 2 in addition, although the points can go down, they usually don't go down from rank unless something very serious happens)) [Player's reputations] [Vernon Dursley: [hated] (100/1000)] [Petunia Dursley: [hated] (400/1000)] [Dudley Dursley: [I don't like it] (50/500)] [Marilyn Johnson (Mrs. Johnson): [Honored] (0/1000) [Damián. Hillis: [I like: (0/500)] [¿? (Mrs. Booker): [Like] (50/500)] [? (August Booker): [Like] (0/500)] [Harmusp: [Honored] (0/1000)] [Privet Drive Community: [I don't like it] (0/500)] [British magical world (light): [Like] (0/500)] [British magical world (Dark): [Hated] (0/1000)] [British magical world Neutral): [Indifferent] (0/250)] Harry's face filled with surprise to everything he saw. - "Was that there before?" He wondered, extremely surprised. - Understood. Quick response: No, the [reputations system] was not available in version 1.1 of the game - Aissi explained. - «" 1.1 "? - Harry repeated -. You mean the game was updated as if it were a kind of application? - he asked. - Affirmative, player. For a second, Harry waited for a window to give him extra points of [int] to appear. But to his surprise, that didn't happen. - "I guess the higher my int], the harder it is to upload it" - he reflected as he quickly analyzed his reputations. He noticed that his aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon hated him, to the point according to the game wanting to kill him; But that didn't impress him. For a while he knew that his uncles did not want him in the least, feeling that was shared by his person. He also noticed that he was in the [honored] rank with Mrs. Johnson, which filled him with surprise and a feeling of warmth. Although he knew it was important to Mrs. Johnson, he was surprised to know that she had him in so much esteem to sacrifice himself for him. Something similar happened when he saw the rank he had with Harmusp. He was filled with warmth and surprise at the same time. Of the rest there was not much to highlight. He didn't know who Damien was the nose, and the magical world was without care at the moment. The only thing that if he caught his attention was the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Booker had question marks in their names, as well as the fact that Mrs. Booker had 50 rep. - "Is it that she is the mysterious person with whom she earns rep points for Vassago's mission?" - he wondered. Ping! [CONGRATULATIONS! You win 1int for having made a logical deduction!] Harry smiled when he saw the announcement, and then got rid of it and the window that contained his reputations. His attention returned to the initial mission window after doing that. - «Let's see. Here he says I got Vassago's wand and a skill book. Where are those things, Aissi? " - He asked the AI. -. Understood - this replied -. The skill book is in the [Inventory, while the individual's wand known as Vassago is next to the player's bed. - «Huh? Next to my bed? " - Harry wondered in bewilderment, then take a look at the stool that was next to his bed, which he had also grabbed his glasses. It turned out that the wand was there, and he hadn't even noticed. - "I really have a problem with my concentration" - Harry thought with a drop of sweat on the back of his neck. As he brought his gaze a little closer, Harry noticed that not only Vassago's wand was on the stool, but there was also a kind of letter with a black pen, similar to that of a crow, on top of it. Before using [observe] on any of the objects, Harry decided to read what he said in the letter. Dear Harry. This is a reward for the hard work you have done. Your performance, although improvable, was quite good. Keep improving and for the next one may be that the gifts rise in intensity. Sincerely and politely, Mrs. Booker. P.D: Don't forget to check the book you give you. Without knowing very well what to think, Harry threw a [watch] on the pen next to the letter. Ping! [Pen ¿?] [Quality: very rare] [Obtained from :?] [A pen from? in his raven form. It is lustrous as the most valuable of diamonds and is full of the? of ¿?. Somehow, it seems that it could be of some kind of utility in the future] [due to the strong? that emits the pen, everything close to it is invisible to the worldly eye] [the player has obtained it because? He left it along with Vassago's wand] When he saw what the window said, Harry frowned. - «If the letter and the wand was left by Mrs. Booker, does that mean this pen is also hers? - He wondered, and although he did not receive any confirmation of the game, Harry felt his answer was correct -. I know that Mrs. Booker is a kind of super powerful magic being, but does she have feathers? Of the feminine magical beings I know, only the harpies of Greek mythology have feathers, and they are supposed to be more like chickens than crows »for a couple of seconds, Harry kept reflecting. He didn't know why, but somehow he felt that something was escaping him. - ... My favorite daughter, the one that looks most like me ... Suddenly, he felt a severe headache, as if his scar burned full of fear? - "I think I'm starting to go crazy" - he said as he rubbed his forehead -. I better leave the investigation about what Mrs. Booker is for when Harmusp is by my side. She sure has more knowledge of magical beings with feathers »- and after thinking that, he grabbed Vassago's wand and gave him a [observe] ping! [Wand] [Quality: Uncommon] [Obtained from: A favor from ¿?, Who picked up the wand and handed it to you] [Compatibility: C] [Loyalty: ambiguous (your teacher is dead)] [It is a magic wand, a magical channeling instrument that allows you to perform certain types of magic much easier and more effectively. It measures 35 centimeters, is slightly flexible and somewhat temperamental, and is made of the wood of a yew tree with its core made from fibers of the heart of a dragon. It belongs to the series of wands made by Garrick Ollivander] [This specific wand owes its loyalty to Vassago Brown; But since he is dead, it is possible that another magician who is sufficiently compatible with her claims her. She can recognize Harry because he was indirectly responsible for the death of his previous teacher, as well as for the affinity to the [dark arts] that the advantage [?] Gives Harry] [as it is made of shuffleboard and its core is made up of the heart of a dragon, the wand improves the effectiveness of the [curses, the [enchantments] and the [dark arts] depending on the compatibility your user has with her. Also when used reduces mana spending by 40%] [was obtained because? He was kind enough to pick it up after Vassago fell, and why then? He decided to give it to Harry. Thanks to? You politely when you see her, lucky bastard, or could it be that? He got angry and sent you to the land of the shadows at once!] Harry wasn't sure how to take what he saw (especially the final part). There were many things to which he simply did not know how to react; But despite that, he could feel how he was filled with joy. Obtaining that wand was the first step necessary to perform magic as powerful as the one that Mrs. Johnson and Vassago (who apparently according to [observing] was dead, which he thanked) had done in their confrontation. As he also had a skill book of [enchantments], it happened that this wand fell like a ring to his finger. - «But I will concentrate on that later. Preferably after he leaves the hospital and does not run the risk of someone suddenly entering and seeing me doing magic »- he told himself, then conjure his [inventory] and put both Vassago's wand (now his property) as well as the pen that Mrs. Booker had left inside the dimensional space. Ping! [CONGRATULATIONS! For acting sensibly instead of how a strenuous idiot, you win 1wis!] Instead of smiling as he used to get extra statistics, Harry frowned. Was his imagination, or was the game becoming more sarcastic and unpleasant with his comments, almost as if he were getting his own personality? - It's his imagination, player - Aissi replied with the same monotonous tone as always, although Harry for some reason thought there was a kind of joking tone in his words. In the end, after deliberating for a moment, Harry preferred to pretend as if what had just happened did not happen. It was much better for his mental health. That way, he got rid of the window that had just emerged and continued to review the changes that had happened while he was sleeping. [Warning! Due to a series of unexpected events, the mission [escapes the Dursleys] has been canceled] immediately, Harry frowned, confused and worried in equal parts. - «What happened here? - he wondered -. Could it be that something happened to the Dursleys? That would be the only way for the mission to be canceled; By no longer having the need to escape from them »No windows appeared before him confirming his theory, but even so he could not help feeling that his theory was correct. Immediately a feeling of anxiety ran through his being. Didn't he have to worry about the Dursleys anymore? Wouldn't he have to endure more abuse? Could it already be faith ...? - «No - he interrupted himself exaltedly -. Don't jump to conclusions, Harry. Maybe it's not what you think. Maybe it's for another reason ... and besides, even if the Dursleys are no longer to bother you, that doesn't mean anything. Remember what happens with children without family….! » [A strong swell of negative feelings detected! [The player's mind] has been activated at its maximum expression!] And immediately, Harry felt that everything that bothered him disappeared. But he knew that was just appearances. A simple soothing trick that would cause the sky of his heart to dispose of a second of the clouds of sadness, just so that they would then come out again if he neglected. It had been a short time since he had obtained [the player's mind], but he instinctively knew that worked that way. Although [the player's mind] was able to block the most powerful magic that affected the mind, he was unable to eliminate the root of his problem; He didn't eliminate what he felt, he just sealed it temporarily so that it didn't affect him. But even that he had a limit, he told him himself, remembering what had happened when Mrs. Johnson revealed that her parents had been killed. - «No. Bad Harry - he shut up himself. Don't think about that »and this time he paid attention to himself. He took advantage of the calm that [the player's mind] gave him and continued to see the announcements of the game. Ping! [CONGRATULATIONS! Through close contact with death you have obtained the ability [pneumakinesis]! Thank your experience of closeness with death!] Without knowing very well because, Harry couldn't help feeling that there was a kind of pun in that window. - "Let's see what it is" - he said to himself, wanting to forget what had happened a few moments ago, and then give a touch to the window. [Pneumakinesis] [lv 1 (0%)] [pneumakinesis] or [spirit control] is the ability related to the use of the astral ship (soul) to travel to different planes of reality. With it you can divide your consciousness when you sleep and achieve the impossible to "be in two places at the same time." It is a talent of the Egyptian magicians, and the divine spirits make use of something similar to this to divide their essence and be in multiple parts at the same time] [Effect (passive): It gives you a 3% chance to control the place where your conscience goes when you sleep. In addition, it also allows you the complete use (although diminished in the case of HP) of your skills in the world of dreams (astral world)] - «That ... that is super broken! - Harry thought to himself, excited. Now I could even train while I was sleeping! - "I even want to sleep to be able to raise it level" - he said jokingly as he got out of the window and conjured the last one left. [CONGRATULATIONS! Almost dying from an explosion of magical origin has allowed you to get the [Magic Detection] ability! Hooray for magical terrorism!] - "This really thing that is happening with his comments" - Harry thought with a drop of sweat slipping down his neck, then giving a touch on the window Ping! [Magical detection] [Lv 1 (0%)] [A skill related to spiritual consciousness and also typical of a great of beings of magical nature. It allows you to understand the frequencies of the waves of the magic energy particles of your environment and of the people who are in the] [Effect (passive / active): it gives you the ability to detect and understand the magical energy in a range of 5 meters around] - «HMN. That is incredibly useful; But, now that I think about it, isn't this almost the same as my [detection] ability? The only thing different is that [detection] does not detect magical energy »- Harry wondered. - Command understood. Proceeding with the fusion of skills [detection] and [magic detection] - "huh?" - Harry exclaimed, not understanding. Ping! [CONGRATULATIONS! The fusion of skills [detection] and [magic detection] has been completely successful! The ability [magic perception] is obtained as a result!] Ping! [Magic perception] [Lv 1 (0%)] [the upper version of [magic detection]. Combine the physical radar search aspects of [detection] and magic radar aspects [magical detection, allowing you to perfectly and automatically detect any movement made in a certain range. It is the ability par excellence of the magical beings of greater rank] [Effect (passive): you detect any way of life and the movements made by them in a range of 5 meters around] and immediately, Harry realized the change in obtaining that ability. It was as if he had discovered a new world hitherto unknown. As if he had had an extra organ all the time and simply had not used it. Thousands of things and sensations that were unknown until now were revealed in a moment. I could feel the flutter of mosquitoes. I could notice the breathing of the people passing through the hall. He could even "see" and "hear" as "colors" (which he assumed were the mana of the people) were fired from people's bodies, which in turn allowed him to get an idea of the form, constitution and appearance of people. He could even notice how the room he was in said goodbye to a certain amount of these "colors." In a sense, it was an overwhelming feeling. A human mind should simply not be able to accurately process all these sensations and should be overwhelmed. However, Harry was not at all overwhelmed. He wasn't sure of the reason, but he theorized that [the player's mind] should have something to do with it. It was so so, that if Harry simply wanted it, he could leave all those feelings in the background and process them as simply as if they were part of any of the five senses he was born with. And that was what he did: leave everything in the background for a moment when he felt that a kind of super colorful stain (which he understood as a huge amount of mana) was approaching. TOC. TOC. - I can come in? - Harry heard Mrs. Johnson behind the door. Eager to finally have someone to talk to and explain what had happened, Harry released a "forward" enthusiastically. And with the sound of the door opening, he saw Mrs. Johnson enter the room. - Hello, Harry - she greeted, looking smiling when she saw him awake -. I see that you are awake. Can you know how you find yourself? Do you feel right or wrong? - she asked, a little concern and could be noticed in her tone. To which Harry, feeling a feeling of warmth in his stomach when he noticed his concern, he replied: - Well. I feel well - and then, with all the delicacy and subtlety of the world, he asked: -. What happened? Why am I here? Before his questions, Mrs. Johnson let out a sigh. - What is the last thing you remember? - she asked. - I remember that you pulled my arm and then formed a kind of shield around us while lots of strange marks appeared in the middle of the street, and then a huge "boom" rang, and everything turned darkness - he said. - Good. That makes things easier - exclaimed Mrs. Johnson, a little relief in her tone, and then proceed to explain what had happened. These strange marks, as you tell them, are called [runes] and are a powerful magical language that is based on the model of the primordial rune alphabet that is supposed to be created by the god Odin. That specifically was the [Thurisaz rune], a [rune] that although it has many meanings, is mostly known for being the runic symbol of the god Thor, the Nordic god of thunder, the destructive power; The latter probably being the use that Vassago Brown gave to this [rune [: a lot of small but powerful devices full of explosive destructive power. Harry raised his hand. With a smile, Mrs. Johnson gave him permission to speak. - The truth is that I was asking him something else - Mrs. Johnson's smile staggered when he heard that - but this of the [runes] is a very interesting topic. Can you know why if Vassago was able to use something as powerful as that I don't use in battle? Mrs. Johnson's smile recovered when she heard that - I'm glad you asked - she said -. Well, the answer is very simple, Harry: the [runes] are not as powerful as they may seem. There are two types of [runes] in the world: the [primordial runes] and the [runes] common and currents. The first are the 24 original Nordic letters that were carved into a formula so complex that they are a source of colossal power, and the second are simple imitations of these. The [primordial runes] are extremely powerful, to the point that an expert user can simply conjure them with thought and be able to alter reality with one of them. Harry couldn't help making a print grimace at what he was hearing. He supposed that he probably read what he was thinking: "So why did you defeat Vassago so easily?" Seeing him, Mrs. Johnson hastened to explain. - However - she said, raising a finger in an explanatory way - as powerful and powerful as they are, these [runes] are harmful and harmful to the human mind; A human brain cannot simply store this knowledge perfectly; It is the same as placing a program that exceeds the processing capacity of a computer: it is simply harmful and counterproductive. For this reason, a weaker but less toxic version of these runes was created, which are used by all the magicians and sorcerers of the world. The problem is that this version is, as I told you, much weaker than its original version and only works if it is recorded in advance; As if this were not enough, recording it is simply a strenuous job, to the point that if its effects are compared with a simple wand movement, it can be said that the use [runes] is totally impractical compared to that of a simple spell. Harry wanted to ask, "Then how Noses did Vassago do what he did?" But Mrs. Johnson was ahead of her question. - But still the [runes] are not simple useless gadgets - she said -. By itself, the weakened version of the [Thurisaz Rune] is as strong as a very small [explosive enchantment], but when used in mass it is possible to generate a synergy that gives an effect greater than the sum of its parts. This is how Vassago Brown could do what he did: he placed a lot of these [runes] in strategic points throughout the city. These points not only created synergy with each other, but also created destruction in places as convenient as tall buildings or highly flammable gas tanks. Mrs. Johnson paused, surely wanting to give her time to process what she had just heard. For his part, Harry thought about the luck he had of having survived before someone as prepared and Machiavellian as Vassago had been. But then, a question arose in his mind. - Excuse me, Mrs. Johnson, but how much was the destruction that Vassago generated? Mrs. Johnson's eyes were filled with sadness immediately at her question. She even seemed to think for a moment if she had to answer her question, before it seemed to decide that he had the right to know the truth. "A lot, Harry," she said regretfully. Almost all Privet Drive was destroyed, and although the number of deaths was fortunately not so serious, a large portion of the population suffered enough injuries and the material destruction was horrible: all the areas closest to our location were completely destroyed. It is a tragedy so terrible that most of Privet Drive hospitals are collapsed. We, in fact, are in a hospital in London for that same reason. - In London, he said? - Harry repeated, impressed at what he had just heard. - Yes, in London, Harry - Mrs. Johnson replied -. And we are not the only ones. Around 200 of the inhabitants of Privet Drive are in this specific hospital, trying to cope with the serious injuries caused by this tragedy - Mrs. Johnson's expression darkened for a second after saying this for a moment Harry did not understand the reason for his actions, but then he realized that it was what was happening. Mrs. Johnson blamed herself for what happened, since she sure thought she could have avoided in some way that Vassago caused so much damage. "You don't have to blame yourself," he said. You are not responsible for what happened here. You did more than enough: it saved my life. Besides that the only one who is to blame here is me; After all, if it weren't for my Vassago, I wouldn't have reached the extreme of exploiting Prive Drive - Harry said the last thing without thinking, almost unconsciously, guilt and self-reproach filling his tone. Immediately, Mrs. Johnson took her the opposite. - You're wrong, Harry. If there is someone who is not to blame for anything, it is you. You didn't ask what happened to happen, besides you are just a child. On the other hand, I, who am an adult with a supposed elite training, was useless. Apart from Vassago Brown, I am responsible for all this tragedy for not taking care of him. Harry wanted to tell him he was wrong. Yes, it was true that she was an adult and was much more powerful than him; But he wasn't stupid; He had easily noticed the change that Mrs. Johnson's fighting style underwent when he revealed himself to her. - "Surely he immediately concentrated on protecting me or something like that," he thought, a sense of guilt, preventing him from feeling joy when he thought of someone cared about him. However, Harry didn't tell Mrs. Johnson what he thought. In the end, no matter how much Mrs. Johnson treated him with love, there was a barrier that simply could not be overcome between them: he was a child and she was an adult; Everything he thought or said would be taken by her as "simple childhood worries" and that is why, despite the fact that in Harry's mind the words instilled by the Dursleys that he was to blame for all the bad things that happened around finally made sense, he did not tell him what he thought to Mrs. Johnson, but decided to change the subject to prevent Mrs. Johnson. - And, within the wounded, are my relatives not found? - He asked Mrs. Johnson's face again overshadowed, but this time Harry noticed that it was for a different reason. - Your "relatives," Harry - she pronounced "relatives" as if she were saying some kind of terrible insult or saying the name of a breed of particularly disgusting animals - they are indisposed for reasons other than being injured. I will not mind with the details, but I will only tell you that they are accountable to the law, and it is very likely that you will not see them for a long time. Harry blinked, thinking for a moment he had heard badly. But then he noticed Mrs. Johnson's seriousness expression and the strong swell of emotions he had felt a few moments ago he returned with renewed force. - Are you serious? D-I really find myself ...? - "Free," he said, but he bit his tongue and said something else. - ... alone? With her hard expression as stone, Mrs. Johnson nodded. - So what happens to me? Do I have to go a kind of orphanage or something? - Harry asked, while thinking about ways to escape from the hospital in case the answer became affirmative. It was as if his question fell like a ring like Mrs. Johnson's finger. - About that, well ... the good news is that you don't have to go to any orphanage - she was silent for a moment, as if considering what I should say next. - And the bad news is ...? - Harry inquired, a little alarm appearing in his mind when he saw Mrs. Johnson's silence. Would you have to live with Aunt Marge?! - "I'd rather live with that strange tramp," he thought, before Mrs. Johnson, noticing her alarm, spoke. - Well ... Well, Harry, I don't know what your aunt will have told you; But it turns out that you have more family than you might think and they are willing to take care of you. For a moment, Harry didn't know what to think. - I have more family? - It was what he ended up asking, doubtful. - Yes, Harry. You have more family - Mrs. Johnson nodded. To be more specific, an aunt and a cousin. Their names are Sally Jackson and Percy Jackson, and they are your relatives on your mother's side. Harry wasn't sure what to think or what I felt at what he heard. Did he have an aunt apart from Aunt Petunia and had a cousin apart from Dudley's hateful? I really didn't know how to take the news. That was all he had dreamed of for hundreds of nights: a new family member came and took him away from the Dudley. You should feel happy, but ... - «That was a dream; A simple fantasy - thought the -. In the real world, dreams do not exist. It is impossible that something like this is happening. There must be a trick or something like that. It is impossible for a relative that I have never met to suddenly be interested in you; You have to have a hidden motive. It is simply impossible that…. » But, a small voice in the back of his mind told him, why was it impossible? What was he not a magician, when magic was not supposed to exist? Compared to that, something like an unknown relative was interested in him was not a totally probable thing? But, Harry contradicted the voice, that was two totally different things. People were not like cartoons. Even those like Messrs. Booker and Mrs. Johnson had approached him for their own motives and interests, being only time and company which allowed them to develop ties with him. It was impossible that someone he had never known could be interested in him. - "But what if ...?" - He thought to himself. Doubtful, because although doubts and fear of the unknown eaten him, that was what he so longed for; He simply could not reject the possibility just like that. - Can I know when those people come? - Mrs. Johnson asked him, who had been looking at him quietly while he was thinking. Mrs. Johnson gave her a smile that should have been reassuring but ended up being wobbly. - About that ... well ... it turns out that right now your aunt is in the hall waiting to see you. Do you feel ready to see her now, or do you prefer me to tell her that you will see her at another time? - he asked. Harry's mind was paralyzed for a second. Right now?! Now of the verb "right right now"?! - "Calm down - he demanded himself, causing [the player's mind] to activate -. Maybe this is the best. You can see her at once and use [observe] on her to discover what her intentions are »Harry nodded for himself after thinking that. Addressing Mrs. Johnson, he said: - Tell him to pass. Sally Jackson wasn't sure what she was doing. It all started at the time Gabe, her husband ("couple," she corrected, disgusted for using the term "husband" and Gabe's name in the same sentence), called her, disgusted, telling her that there was a person of British social services calling her. Immediately, she was surprised by the news. She had not known anything about that country since she had abandoned him when she was a child. Quickly, curiosity and a little fear at the penetrating look Gabe gave her, she answered the phone. And what he heard was surprise after surprise. The woman of Social Services –– Marilyn Johnson, had told her the woman she was called - told her devastating news after another. Her cousin, Lily had died with her husband, the product of a car accident. The son she had had, Harry, had been mistreated on human levels by her other cousin, Petunia, as well as her husband, which is why the two adults were in the middle of a devastating trial that would probably end up with them paying about 30 years in jail. And to top it off, Privet Drive, the town where his cousin Petunia lived together with his family had exploded by a terrorist attack, which had caused his nephew, Harry, to enter a kind of coma. She felt sadness and disbelief overwhelm her to a point that should have made him go crazy; However, she maintained control of her emotions, the years of being next to a man who mistreated her and pretending that nothing happened so that her son, Percy, never found out anything allowing her to act in a masterly way. She kept listening to the woman until she was finally released the reason why they had called her. - Harry has no one to stay with. All relatives on his father's side are dead or in conditions that do not allow them to take care of him. Given what happened with Mrs. de Dudley, you are the only relative of Harry who is in a position to take custody. Are you willing to do it? For a moment, she did not know what to answer, the man with a surprising resemblance to a walrus at his side staring at her, causing her to instinctively remember the reason she was next to that man. She almost says no, knowing that even something as terrible as an orphanage was much better than the tragedy that could wait for her nephew to be next to her, but ... a memory ... - We will always be together, isn't it? - A little eight-year-old Lily Potter told her, looking at her with tears in her eyes, both being at an airport -. Whatever happens and no matter the distance, we will always be together, right? - Of course, silly - he recalled that she had answered him, the tears present also in his eyes -. Regardless of the distance, we will always be together! Best friends forever, right?! - Yes - answered little Lily Potter, smiling -. BEST FRIENDS FOREVER! And so, with a tear slipping down her cheek, she said yes. That was just the first step. Accepting the custody of his nephew Harry was not as simple as saying a "yes." As a matter of mere logic, she had to go to Britain to see Harry's condition, sign all the papers that were necessary, and return to her next to her nephew back to the United States. That was easier said than done. There were a lot of problems about that, but the main question of all was one: his son, Percy Jackson. Due to the tremendous little jewel of a couple she was loading, Sally knew it was impossible to leave Percy alone in the United States while she left for England. Leaving him at Yancy Academy was an option, but, knowing the nature of her son, she wasn't sure that Percy could avoid being expelled from the academy long enough for her to return. So she decided to take her son with her. Under normal conditions, that would lead to any problem. The social services woman had told her that social services would be responsible for paying the necessary expenses so that she and a maximum of 2 people could travel to England and return to the United States with Harry. (Which had surprised Sally. She didn't know that social services were so charitable). Sally shouldn't have any problem. But that would be in normal conditions. Sally Jackson's life was not full of normal conditions. She was aware of what would happen if she and her son boarded on a plane: in the best case they ended up transformed into animals and in the worst the plane exploded victim of a thunderstorm. Because of that, the option of traveling on a plane was a great and gigantic: "No!" That left him with the problem of how he was going to England. Fortunately, Sally thought, she had the solution to that problem: a gift from Percy's father, granted after she rejected her request to travel with him as her legitimate partner to her kingdom. A kind of ticket that allowed him to "ask" for a "special ship" and travel with him to any part of the world she wanted, being England his destiny for the occasion. And so, she, after a long and surprisingly calm 8-day trip, arrived in London, where she went to the hospital and met with the woman of social services, Marilyn Johnson. And that left her in the present, she thought, while the woman named as Marilyn Johnson told her to go to the room where Harry was. - "It's the moment of truth, Sally" - he told himself, then took a step and enter the room. And then, he saw it. He saw his nephew, his cousin's son who was also his best friend, Harry Potter. Wearing a hospital gown, he was a much thinner and smaller child than a ten-year-old boy should be. Her black hair was a kind of unmanageable crow's nest, and he looked completely like she supposed she had worn James Potter, her cousin Lily's husband. However, when he looked up, which was covered by lenses that from afar were noticed that they were not in the optimal conditions, she saw her eyes, beautiful emerald eyes that were the same in the eyes that her beloved cousin Lily had. But, even more important than that, she saw the look he had; She saw the feelings hidden behind the mask her nephew had, a mask equal to what she used with her son after she was beaten by Gabe; She ... she saw a lost child, only desperate, who tried to look strong because it was the only thing he knew how to do and it was the only way he could stand; She saw a boy full of sadness, pain, and a thunderous loneliness of the one who had never been given the privilege of a true family. And then, seeing that child put in a condition in which her own son could be, seeing her with those eyes so similar to those of her beloved cousin and looking at her with her eyes full of feelings that made her remember how she felt when her parents died, she got rid of all doubts. What was he doing the best? Wasn't he condemning an innocent soul to a destiny as terrible as that of the stories that his late mother told him? Wasn't there a better solution? - "None of that matters," Sally thought. I have already made my decisions. All I have left now is ... »She gave her nephew a hug. - "... give love to this little and desolate child" That was the only thing he could do, she thought. And yet, although she did not know, something as simple and small as her sincere and pure love was an extremely powerful force that not even the gods would be able to understand. After all, something as simple as the "love of a mother" was enough for ... Ping! [CONGRATULATIONS! The [Lily's [love shield] has been obtained as an advantage!] Overloaded by what was going on, Harry didn't lend him to the announcement. Right after he asked the lady to tell her supposed aunt to pass, she left for a few minutes, so that the door was then opened by the woman he assumed was her aunt. She was a young woman, although a few gray hair in her brown hair seemed to mean otherwise. She dressed in clothes that although in the sense of aestheticism left much to be desired, it was much better than the unpleasant clothes that Mrs. Johnson loved to wear. His eyes shone and exchanged color for light, so Harry couldn't tell exactly what his eye color was. However, for some reason, what called Harry the most was his faces, and it was not because he was attractive (which, by the way, was enough), but for a reason that even escaped his knowledge. Somehow, his face was familiar, almost as if he knew her somewhere ... but, that was impossible, right? Sending that silly idea of his mind at the same moment he arrived, Harry launched a quick [observe] the woman. [Sally Jackson] [Age: 32 years] [Title: The best mom of all]. [Race: Human] [Status: Live]. [LV 10] [HP: 820/820] [MP: 460/460] [Str: 5] [Vit: 8] [End: 8] [AGI: 8] [Dex: 13] [Mag: 1) [Int: 20] [Wis: 25] [Cha: 40] [Luc: 20] [Traits: humanoid. Feminine.] [Sally Jackson is a simple woman whose most precious thing in life is her son, Percy. She is married to Gabe Ugilano, who is simply crap from a person and who also hits and mistreats her terribly, being that she only supports him because thanks to him his son is out of danger. She is also an orphan father and mother, the product of a tragic plane crash] [She doesn't have a solid opinion about Harry, since she just met him; However, she loves him because she knows that this is the son of her beloved cousin Lily and because she is simply a person like no one] Ping! [CONGRATULATIONS! [Observe] has risen!] Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing. Did she bear to be mistreated to protect her son, and she already wanted him before he even met him? - «This cannot be possible! - He thought, exalted and not knowing very well because -. Such a good person simply cannot exist! " And then, while he thought that with a stir of feelings inside, his newly known aunt (which he now knew his name was Sally) hugged him. And Harry just didn't know what to do. The most logical thing was that he separated that trustworthy woman, right? After all, after having suffered for time at the hands of the Dursleys, Harry something like physical contact with a stranger should bring him unpleasant memories. However, Harry didn't take her away. If they asked him the reason, he simply couldn't give it. Maybe it was because that sudden hug had taken him by surprise, and he simply didn't have the ability to separate that woman even though a small and cowardly part of him wanted to do it; Maybe it was because for some reason that woman brought her a strange feeling, as if despite never having seen her in her life she was not an unknown; Or maybe it was because he was simply desperate to receive love and it turned out that this was the first hug he remembered received in his life. But in the end, as it always was when it came to feelings, the reasons didn't matter. He did not separate his recent discovery aunt even though it was completely unknown to him; Instead, he simply enjoyed the confused feelings that hug brought him. And that hug was simply ... - "... warm - he thought -. It is so warm, almost as if just hugging me, he told me that everything is fine and that nothing bad will happen. It is extremely rare, a feeling like no other that I have felt in my life ... and yet, ... it just feels good ... is it perhaps that is how a mother's love feels? " And then, while he thought that, something strange happened ... it wasn't really something spectacular. It was not as if an energy discharge through his body like that time he pronounced the name of Lord Voldemort, and it was not as if a sudden wave of force reached his body. It was not an abrupt change or something really remarkable. On the contrary, it was a totally insignificant thing. Something to happen in any other kind of situation he probably had ignored. However, emotionally overloaded as he was, he was in a state in which he was aware of all changes in his being, and therefore, while a "ping!" It sounded, he was completely able to feel him as a kind of additional pair of arms seemed to join for a second to the hug. As said, it was something small. Something that could simply blame the altered state of his mind; Nothing but a simple and strange mental illusion created by his state. ... And yet, Harry couldn't simply say that, because, even though he didn't know very well where, he thought for some reason that the feeling of those arms was familiar. And then, thinking that, a small memory that should not have a place in his memory came to him. - Oh. Can't you sleep, my little one? - asked a beautiful woman with green eyes and red hair, the crying of a baby being the only answer his question received -. I see, so you want to sit waiting for dad next to mom? More sounds of crying and a kind of sensation as of being raised. The scene changes after that. - Heh heh. Are you curious about what mom has between her legs? - The beautiful red-haired woman said as she watched a kind of photo album -. You are just like your mother, a little little creature thirsty for knowledge ... Well, Harry this is an album. A-L-B-U-M. Al-bum A feeling like being tingling and some baby laughs. - In I keep photos. F-O-T-O-S. Fo-tos - more tickling and laughing after she said that. She then showed him a photo -. And this is the photo of my best friend. His name is Sally Jackson. She lives far away and I almost never see her, but she is still my best friend forever - a tone of melancholy escaped from the woman's lips, before she saw him and smiled. I'm sure you will meet her one day. After all, she is my cousin and therefore also your aunt. And then, the memory is over and the feeling of those extra arms disappeared. And although Harry was not completely sure who that woman was, an enormous sadness invaded her being to have seen her. A tear spilled down his cheek and small signs of crying began to travel his body, which he tried to suppress, to prevent them from being noticed, but ... -. Okay - said the woman in his arms. Let it out. I am here. And Harry hearing that ... He cried like he had never done since he was three years old. He cried out of rage at his situation. He cried for sadness at the feeling of loss that having seen that woman brought him and for knowing that his parents had been killed. And also ... he cried with happiness. Because, finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the dream I longed for was fulfilled. Because at last he had a family that really wanted it. This story will continue ... Player status ... [Name: Harry James Potter]. [Age. 10 years] [Title: The player (25% to the EXP gain up to level 10)]. [Race: Human ...? (1 MAG and 1 DEX)] [Status: I live? Spiritually merged]. [Lv 10. Exp 8.077, 375 / 12,150] [HP: 700. (Reg. 3.5 Sec.)] [MP: 432.1 / 432.1 (Reg. 2,5429085 Sec.)] [Str: 10 (-5): 5] [Vit: 10 (-5): 5] [End: 10 (5): 5] [AGI: 11] [Dex: 12 (2): 14] [Mag: 15 (-7.5): 10.5 (3): 10.5 (10.71] [Int: 15 (-7.5): 7.5] [WIS: 11 (-5.5): 5.5 (5,885)] [Cha: 10] [Luc: 10 (1.5: 11.5) [Points: 5] [Money: 14 £] Family status ... [Harmusp] [Race: Musanu (Magic Snake)] [Lv 11. Exp. 1.822 / 12,150] [HP: 650/650 (Reg. 6.5 sec.] [MP: 350/350 (Reg. 3.5 sec.] [ATK: 110] [Def: 110] [Atk Mag: 110] [Def Mag: 165] [SPD: 110] [Points: 5] Here is another chapter Super fast. Take advantage that I am inspired and I have nothing to do, because then I return to update every 2 or 3 weeks. They are warned (xD). I liked this chapter a lot as I look, it is my favorite so far. It has so many things that it simply lengthened in an incredible way, to the point that Percy did not even appear (but calm, that he walks around waiting to appear). I am going to give you a little explanation about the most outstanding points. First, the initial scene. I will not tell you who the mysterious woman is (because it is very obvious), but I can tell you that in her dialogues there are many clues about the plot of the story, the most prominent is perhaps that of "her favorite daughter". Someday they will understand everything, but for the moment do their theories. Then the wand and pneumakinesis. The pneumakinesis thing occurred to me a long time ago while reading the blood of Olympus and the red pyramid. It is a skill that will help Harry in the future, and will allow us to enjoy many scams. On the other hand, Vassago's wand has a very interesting story. I got into the wikifandom to analyze the details of the wand and I stayed that way. The yew is typical of those related to power and the dark arts (or evil in a strict sense) and is a very rare wood to use, with Ginny and Voldie being the only ones in the canon in having woods made of those wands; While the fibers of the heart of a dragon are a very powerful nucleus that is useful for enchantments and dark arts, and that respect power above all. The truth is that he was undecided with the wood, because he did not know whether to put elm or yew on it, since the elm means super resistance (with McGonagall in the canon possessing a wand made of this wood, and she being an example of this being able to resist four stunners), something that fit that Vassago was annoyingly resistant; But in the end I put yew because both Vassago and Voldie have the strange habit of dying victims of their own attacks (xD). There were other things that fit, but only those materials were "flexible" enough to allow Harry to use them. Others were very loyal…. Anyway it's just a temporary wand, in the future Harry will get his own. On the other hand, the conversation with Mrs. Johnson. I love how my OC is looking. At first he was a random character who would only save Harry; But I don't know why she ended up with spirit and now it's increasingly important. I love it because she is the type "I am the worst of the worst" but she does not cry for that but works hard "to be a better version of herself." In addition, the part in which Harry tells him that he is to blame please me too, because I believe that the hero complex he has in the canon is a byproduct of believing he is to blame for everything (although partly if he has it). It seems to me that it is logical, because all his childhood the Dursleys passed it by telling him that he was to blame for everything for being abnormal (bone, for being a magician), so from there I take the trauma. In addition, as Marilyn also believes herself responsible for all evil, those makes them compatible in a certain sense (but that does not mean that there is a ship between them). I already have an arc planned to bring out the mythological lore of Marilyn, where, of course, Harry will be very helpful (but that will be for later) then the part of the runes. There is not much to say, I was inspired by the concept of runecraft of the nasuverso, as well as the logic that Riordan uses in Magnus Chase for the runes. In the future, when Harry starts using them (because, of course, he will use them) delving deeper into it. And in the parts Sally-Harry there is not much to say apart from the fact that the two are a love. But yes, the part of Sally (and Percy) traveling by boat is important for the plot. I do that because I see that in the fics HP X PJO always ignore the fact that the plot of HP is in England (or somewhere in Europe for Hogwarts), while the plot of Pjo is in the US. I understand that it is because of the transfer and teleportation, but it does not fit me that it is so easy. So in this fic, as they assume they can't travel by plane and Muggles can't mix with magic (or at least mix more than they already are), Harry, Percy and Sally travel by boat. With that you imagine the stir that will happen (especially with a certain lady who loves courtesy around) and well, that was all. I am super long, so I hope at least one of you will read this author's note. The next chapter is called: "Chapter 10: The Book and the Ship" and I don't know when I will bring them to you, because I already returned to classes (insert sad face) I hope you liked the cap. I also await your reviews. Thank you all for reading! See you next time! Chapter 10: The book and the ship ❱