
Harry Potter but AU???

You know the drill, I died and got wishes, than I replaced the main character and lived happily ever after... or at least that's what it is supposed to be like, so why, in instead of reincarnating in my favorite book I am stuck in this AU where I am not sure what's gonna happen? Good thing I love fan-fictions? I don't own Harry Potter, if I did Harry would never have forgiven Ron in years four and seven and the cursed child would have never been written

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Chapter 199- a mistake


With the dungeons at the Malfoy Menor being full with werewolves, Harry had Voldemort tell one of his Death Eaters knock Grayback out and bring him to his room before leaving.

With Grayback being a known cannibal, Harry felt no guilt with experimenting on him.

It took five minutes for the werewolf to be brought in and then Harry shot him with his knockout gun and make sure he is tied down with iron before activating his SWOR box.

The box opened itself more and more, spreading around the room before closing around them like a cocoon with a door for needed exit.

When it finished Harry could feel the disconnection from the world's spiritual realm.

No matter how many times he has been within, he didn't think he would ever get used to this feeling.

It felt similar how he imagined being is space would be like.

While gravity still worked, it was like an invisible pressure he lived gross life in disappeared.

His magic seemed to travel in his body fasted, and he seemed to be able to cast curses without a wand.

Yet not all was great.

Without the spiritual realm of the world many kinds of spells didn't work in this place, or didn't work as good as they worked on the outside.

There was no use of a rune system other then the one he invented, as he was the one that powered it.

Transfiguration spells had to be based completely on the knowledge of the thing they needed to make, and you couldn't transfigure inanimate things to animated, as they didn't have the world to guide their behavior.

The only thing that wasn't really affected was charms, as they seemed to really only be powered by your own belief.

Looking at Grayback, Harry saw he was shifting constantly between his wolf form and human form as if his body couldn't Decided what he is.

Knowing that time was sensitive, Harry took out a few robots he created and let them write down the ritual he prepared.

The ritual was created by using the part of the ancient animagus ritual that made it possible to pass along the ability to transform by changing the disease from a contagious one to inherited one.

It would make it so the DNA and spiritual realm of the werewolf isn't always in an unstable condition as it is now by completely changing it to one of a magical wolf.

While this won't actually cure the werewolves of the original problem of being one, and make a new problem that not only them, but their descendants will become a wolf forever, it will solve the disease from spreading and make the change painless as the transformation won't be of one's DNA, but of one's body.

Of course, with him already having a cure for the Blood malediction, it will mean he only need to solve the problem of having to create a spiritual bond between himself and the patients and the Lycanthropy would be a thing of the past.

Seeing that the preparations are complete, Harry pushed his magic into the ritual, activating it.

The affects were imminent, but not what Harry wanted.

Instead of changing into a magical wolf, Grayback's body seemed to change into a silver color and became smoke-like,

With only after that shifting into a wolf.

"What the bloody hell?!" Harry shouted

It took a second for him to recognize what Grayback changed into, and only because it should be impossible- Grayback changed into a patronus!

Feeling anxious, Harry left the SWOR as quickly as possible before taking it in its cocoon state and putting it into his expended bag.

With the SWOR ability to defend against the spiritual realm it has the ability to prevent anyone who doesn't have understanding of Goblin Forging from coming out without Harry's permission.

"What on earth happened?" Harry questioned himself. "Why did the ritual did this? How did the ritual did this? It shouldn't be the runes, with my creation of them there could be no mistake in my understanding of them. Could it be the disease fighting back? But it doesn't have Conscience, nor does it explain why it changed into a patronus instead of just exploding the body. Was it the arithmency? I had GAI double check it after my own checks, it should have not been problematic..." suddenly a metaphorical light bulb lit inside his mind. "Of course! The arithmency I learned was from other magical people, which was influenced by the world's spiritual realm, which was influenced by the people, if ancient wizard or witch convinced people that a wrong thing is right, the world will make it right! The magical math I learned until this moment is based on mistakes which work fine in the sphere of influence of the world's spiritual realm, but once it is outside of it, it is worthless.

I need to restudy Arithmancy, no, I need to restudy magic! And right from the beginning!"

With a new conviction, Harry called Dobby and returned to the Hogwarts castle, he had to create another SWOR before he was ready to start.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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