
Runes and Innovation

With a shocked expression on her face, Appoline leaned towards 'Arry on the couch. "Wait what? You magically altered the runes on the bracelet with such specific results? Could you recreate such a thing? Could you create an Arithmantic equation explaining how you did it?... 'Arry... If you can do those things you can patent those changes and make a lot of Galleons. You've made an ingenious alteration to an existing magical item. It changes the nature of the item entirely. Instead of wearing the bracelet forever and being completely reliant on it, it has become a learning tool. It allows you to use your own knowledge supplemented by magic... Oohh wow, I love it 'Arry!"

Sometimes Appoline marveled at the young man sitting beside her while at other times he was just a normal fourteen year old with a lot of emotional baggage. She did love him though... Harry Potter was hard not to love.

Harry smiled even as he shook his head in the negative. "While I did successfully alter the bracelet, I'm not sure exactly how I did it... At the time, I just focused on feeling the magic inside of the Runes with my aura shroud and all of the changes I made were intent based on my part. I could definitely recreate the results, but so far at least, I wouldn't be able to explain how I implemented them. I did start studying Runes and Arithmancy this summer, but I'm still an extreme beginner. I hope to change my courses this year to join those two classes, but at the moment, I'm far from adept at them. If you think I should, I'll devote more of my time to those subjects within my Mindscape. If I channel more magic into my Mindscape, I can speed up time even more relative to the rest of the world and get a huge amount of work done."

"How fast can your brain move inside of your Mindscape 'Arry?" Appoline was extremely curious now because 'Arry was talking about having a lot of extra time.

"When I first started building my Mindscape I was moving three times faster. If I actively focus on channeling power into the Mindscape, I can go as fast as five. Over time, I'm finding time dilation within my Mindscape is becoming easier. In a night, if I'm pushing myself, I can have approximately forty hours of free time."

"You know what," Appoline exclaimed, while rolling her eyes. "I'm not going to make any more stupefied expressions over you doing the impossible." Appoline did look completely exasperated despite her words and she knew it. "Yes 'Arry, yes. I do suggest you devote some time every night to those two classes, so that you can write up the Arithmantic formula. Until that happens, keep what you've done a closely kept secret. It may mean early retirement for you. Oh and find me if you need an investor."

Appoline winked at the boy in front of her, but she was also being completely serious and she knew that he understood that. Harry was already coming from extreme wealth, but she knew that he'd want to provide for himself and his future family. It appeared that he was already an accomplished inventor and he just didn't know it yet.

Harry laughed softly at the idea that he'd have his own business, but when he came back down from It he nodded his understanding. "You'll be the first person I go to of course Appoline... You're family." At his slip of the tongue, Harry was a little surprised and bashful, even as his aura remained friendly. "You know... I've already said that to two other people this summer... With my magic brushing up against everyone, it appears I'm not as big a loner as I've always thought I was. I feel close to people for the very first time in... ever… It was scary to me at first, but now with familiar people I've come to enjoy it."

Glancing sideways at Appoline, Harry started looking nervous. "I'm not saying that to mean I like rubbing up against anyone inappropriately... I just enjoy feeling things, people and the life around me." Harry looked at his hands in his lap before he continued. "I had no idea I was floating adrift in space, until the bindings broke."

Appoline nodded and slid her arm through Harry's in a comforting fashion. "I wonder if that desire to feel the world around you is adding to your current problem? It's understandable that both you and your magic feel this way 'Arry. I think you need to realize that this new ability of yours is a part of you now. It's never going to go away. Once you can control your aura-shroud, you can use it with varying levels of intensity from extremely subtle to this intense mass of magic that we're currently sitting in."

Over the next few moments, Harry started beaming a smile at the very intelligent witch sitting beside him. "Appoline, you're brilliant and I'm certain keeping that in mind will help me. My magical core needs negotiation because it's become extremely stubborn. It screams at me what it wants instead of whispers some days, and I've done several very magical things at its insistence."

In response to his words, Appoline gave Harry a very questioning look.

Looking up at the ceiling, Harry cast out for a really good example. "Well... For instance, have you met my house elf? He's a perfect example of what I'm talking about."

"Indeed, he is special, very special," Appoline agreed, with a nod. "His speech patterns are that of a human's bilingual and sharp. He's highly intelligent and oddly elegant for one of his kind as well."

"Yes," Harry agreed. "Dobby's special. My magic was insistent that I keep pouring magic into him for about half a minute during our bonding ritual. He received at least a thousand times more magic than was required for him to become my family's house elf, and he's become extremely unique in the process. I'm not complaining of course. Dobby's a dear friend. Still... You get my point. Are these powerful acts of magic just me acting on instinct or is it something else?"


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