
All Fun and Games Part Three

Harry moved in the direction of the room where the champions were sent after the drawing. There was a great deal of applause, most of it coming from the females members of all three schools. The green eyed wizard walked forward as he saw several eyes on him.

'I hate you, so very much,' Harry thought to Jaime through the bond link.

'Why, because I'm right?' Jaime thought back to him with amusement in her voice as he crept down the hallway she couldn't help but add. 'Actually, you shouldn't be so self-loathing Harry.'

'Yes, it's unhealthy,' Amanda commented through the bond link.

'Hey, no comments from the peanut gallery,' Harry remarked to her as he kept making his way to his destination.

Diana kept her attention on him and a smile crossed her face. She gave Harry a sympathetic smile although she was glad that she got to compete against someone that gave her a challenge. Not that she was saying anything against the other champions but Harry was on a different level and would actually allow her to have a challenge she could sink her teeth into. Her blue eyes followed him.

'So….this is unexpected,' Diana commented but the blonde, Fleur, turned her expression towards Harry.

Her expression was rather haughty and her gaze focused on Harry's, before she spoke in a completely thick and rather exaggerated accent. "What, do they need us at the Great Hall?"

Fleur looked towards him and Harry was about to explain what was going on. Vega, being on the inside track, knew it as well but the cartoonish figure of Ludo Bagman made his way inside the entry hall.

"Ladies…..I'm proud to introduce to you, as odd as it is to believe, the fourth and unexpected champion, Mr. Harry Potter," Ludo commented with a wide expression on his face and there was a moment where time seemed to stand still and everyone was silent.

Maxime and Karkaroff observed the situation, both Heads trying to wrap their heads around what happened. Dumbledore, Moody, Lucretia, and Minerva all showed up and Crouch slumped into the background.

Harry observed his surroundings, Crouch looked like that he had a bad case of the flu, although given some of the underhanded things that the man did in the name of advancing his career, it was hard to feel too sorry for him. Still he was there.

Fleur gave a musical laugh as she tossed her hair back. "Oh that is a very funny joke, Meester Bagman."

"Joke, hardly, Harry's name has come out of the Goblet," Bagman commented with a wide smile on his face, looking like Christmas came early.

Fleur's face fell and she was incensed beyond all belief. She had spent a couple of years preparing herself, training herself for the Triwizard Tournament, and trying to prove that she was more than just a pretty face. This was going to be her legacy, with the fame, the glory, and the prize money a cherry on top of the sundae.

She breathed a sigh of relief after Victor Krum did not get drawn into the tournament. He would have taken over a fair share of the spotlight but now….she was overshadowed by Harry Potter.

"Madam Maxime….they're saying that this leetle boy iz allowed to compete," Fleur commented in a half whiny voice.

She was a spoiled child; her father gave her the best of everything, before he succumbed to a magical illness about a few years back Everyone at the school followed her around like a lost puppy dog, the boys wanted her and the girls wanted to be her. Yet, she was out to prove herself and now….Harry Potter was there standing in her spotlight.

"Wait a minute, little boy?" Diana asked as she stood up to her full height, ready to fight her.

'I wonder if she needs a pair of glasses,' Faora thought through the bond link.

'She'd look good in them,' Karen commented and there was a few seconds where she smiled at the thought.

'She's being a snotty little bint, she needs an attitude adjustment,' Kara thought to them, angered beyond belief that she insulted her husband so much and she was not about to let her get away with doing so for even a moment.

Harry took it in stride, as there were some complains by the foreign heads.

"I can tell you that Harry was with me and Kara the entire day," Diana told them with a smile. "Therefore, maybe you should look into who's been tampering with the Goblet."

"Well it's obvious that someone wishes to give Hogwarts an extra bite of ze apple," Maxime commented with a shrug.

"I'd agree…."

"Yes, because we know you're an upstanding judge of character," Harry remarked as he kept his eyes on Karkaroff and the nasty man's temper flared up.

"Are you trying to accuse me of something, Mr. Potter?" Karkaroff asked.

It was Moody who responded. "Yes, because it's scum like who get away and think that you can hold some kind of moral high ground. There are certain spots…."

"Alastor!" Dumbledore stated in a commanding tone and Moody's gaze moved away from Karkaroff although there was an undercurrent of hostility that never left his eyes.

He might be more paranoid than the man himself, but it was obvious that he seemed to know more then what he was saying.

"So, my name came out of the Goblet, despite the fact that I didn't enter it," Harry remarked to them.

"That is correct, it's your handwriting," Lucretia commented quietly, as she realized the one fundamental flaw in magically binding contracts.

"Seems like someone could have gotten that off of a piece of homework," Harry told them in a calm tone of voice.

"Yes….well magical law indicates that you have to compete," Crouch commented in a rough tone of voice.

Harry's expression was not a happy one. If he calculated things right, that meant that he would have to stay at Hogwarts for far longer than he would have normally. The tournament rules stipulated that once a champion was drawn, he could not leave the premises of the school, holidays being the lone exception to this rule of course.

"So, let me get this straight, just because my name just happened to come out of the Goblet of Fire, I have to compete in this circus of a tournament," Harry remarked to them and Diana tightened her arm around him but he was not done. "So….if I got Draco Malfoy's name, in his handwriting, and entered him into an agreement where he would be forced to dress in drag and do the hula for our amusement, it would be binding, under penalty of losing his magic."

"Yes, it's a flaw but it's possible," Dumbledore commented, he was amused by the idea of Draco Malfoy dressing in drag although everyone else seemed disturbed.

Except for Lucretia, who seen it before and was desensitized by the entire thing because it was just another weekend at Malfoy Manor.

"Well, guess, I'm going to have to compete," Harry commented to them as he looked at the other two champions and Diana. "May the best person win."

Harry smiled on the outside but on the inside, he was frustrated beyond all belief. He could not believe that this happened.

"I believe you should give them instructions," Bagman stated to Crouch and Crouch nodded, looking rather pale.

"Right, right….the first task, well it will test your daring and ability to fight in the face of the unknown, therefore….you will not know what the task is going in," Crouch informed them in a low voice. "Due to the straining nature of the tasks, you will not be required to take your end of the year examinations."

'But I will,' Harry thought, he was not going to allow this tournament inconvenience him.

'You're nuts, I love you, but you're nuts,' Daphne thought to him through the link and Harry smiled.

'Family trait,' Harry thought back to them.

'For sure,' Faora thought as she sensed her brother's aggressions threatening to bubble through. The dark haired Kryptonian decided to give him an honest piece of advice. 'I would advise you to do something to exercise your frustrations before they overwhelm you.'

'Already on it,' Harry thought as he looked over his shoulder and strolled off without any more words.

He could tell that there was some celebrations but he made his way outside the school. The autumn breeze blew in his face as he kept walking closer to the destination of where he planned to do. His green eyes flickered towards the Whomping Willow.

He activated the knot which froze the limbs and he slipped inside, walking down the worn tunnel to the Shrieking Shack. His mind was still calm although the winds kicked up outside as an indirect side effect to his magic. His green eyes narrowed from one side as a frustrated flicker spread across his face. He strolled closer to his destination.

Harry was in the Shrieking Shack, he stood, with an all too gaze in his eyes.

He let it all out, his frustrations for being entered into the Tournament and being forced to remain at Hogwarts for about six more months. The furniture exploded as did the glass of the windows. The paint peeled off of the walls as the Shrieking Shack was ripped apart slowly, piece by piece. Nails came up, along with boards as his eyes flashed with power and anger. He kept his expression completely stoic but the actions around him told a different story.

He was calm, well calmer.

'Fucking idiots, can't even close up an obvious fucking loophole,' Harry thought, turning around to leave the carnage in his wake.

He left the smoking shrieking shack, slipping off into the night, frustration in his eyes but he was much calmer then he'd been before.

Fleur walked down the hallway in a haughty manner as her head was thrown back as she started to shake her head. She could not believe it but it was true. The blonde's face contorted into a frustrated expression.

She had to agree with Potter in a sense, although she didn't know why he annoyed her so much. Fleur crossed her arms, the fact that Harry Potter was nothing like she suspected was grinding at her nerves. The blonde's expression flickered with more annoyance yet as she could not help but think of his green eyes and his strong body.

Fleur snorted, despite being a Veela and not being starved for any attention, she had gotten very little in the way of action. The biggest problem was that most men….they devolved into a drooling mess next to her, thus taking the fun out of everything.

The blonde thought about her lot in life and what she needed to do to get some excitement in it, with young French Veela trying to figure out what she wanted to do.

The wind seemed to be blowing rapidly behind her causing her to pause, stop and stare. After scanning her surroundings for a moment and finding nothing, she turned back to continue on her way only for the wind to suddenly act up once more and then it stopped right behind her.

Fleur felt a draft as her robes her pulled up and she yelled as someone started to spank her hard and fast on the ass.

The blonde's expression was in shock and astonishment, she had no idea who dared to do this but she was panting heavily as the person in question sped off in the opposite direction. She was completely shaken by what occurred to her, not to mention extremely aroused.

Kara snickered as she rushed off in the other direction, the perfect crime having been gotten away with, well for all intents and purposes. She thought that Fleur would do well with being taught a lesson about that little crack she made earlier about Harry. Even if it was made due to her annoyance, rudeness was something that she felt she should discourage at all points, especially if it was directed towards her husband.

'They're going to have to surgically remove the smile off your face,' Faora thought through the bond link with amusement.

'Well, given what I just got away with, it's just as well,' Kara projected back to her as she kept up the pace as she switched thoughts. She tried to get a lock onto her husband. 'Harry, are you okay?'

'I'm fine,' Harry thought through the link as he took in a breath and let it out.

'That's good, I was worried for a second,' Kara thought in a fretful tone but Harry's grin spread across his face.

'No, I'm fine, I'm more than fine actually,' Harry thought as he made his way back up to the school. 'I'll be up to our room in a little bit; I've just got to calm my nerves down a little more.'

'That's good, that's really good,' Kara thought to him as she decided to go through the trunk on the ground and made her way through her things to find something to wear for Harry. 'I think we should celebrate Diana being picked for the tournament.'

Harry was glad that Kara mentioned Diana. His competitive spirit would not allow him to forfeit to his wife. The green eyes of Harry Potter swam with excitement, about her competing.

'Congratulations Diana,' Harry thought to her. 'See you in a little bit.'

Harry made his way up to the room, hearing the clapping of several people who were standing around in the hallway. He made his way to the location and Harry saw Rose in the hallway.

"Harry….I don't think that anyone truly thinks that you entered yourself into the tournament," Rose remarked to him as she stepped towards him. The red haired woman's smile crossed her face. "It wouldn't be you if you weren't in the thick of things."

Rose placed her hands on the side of her head before she gave a calm and cordial expression towards Harry. Her expression twisted into a slight smile as she added.

"I think that you'll be the highlight of the tournament, with all due respect to Diana and Vega," Rose commented as she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him as her lips connected to his with a searing kiss.

Harry returned the kiss, although he did wonder about many things. The Goblet's security was compromised but surely the guard would have noticed it. Unless….the guard himself was the one who was involved in the conspiracy.

"Be careful around Moody," Harry whispered as Rose backed off. "There's something…off about him."

"Shouldn't you let Dumbledore know about this?" Rose asked to Harry.

Harry's expression remained rather cool and cordial as his eyes kept locking onto Rose's before he shook his head. "You know, they say that Dumbledore and Moody were old friends. I would think that Dumbledore would know that something is wrong with his old friend."

'Unless he's gone as senile as people thinks he is,' Faora thought, as she smiled in amusement. 'The sooner you put him out of the misery, the better. It's kind of embarrassing to his own legacy.'

'Didn't know you care,' Harry remarked to her but Faora scoffed.

'I don't,' Faora commented to him in a dismissive tone.

'All heart,' Kara thought as she tapped her feet and waiting for Harry's return.

Harry entered the room along with Rose, he was thinking about the Moody situation but all thoughts of scarred paranoid ex-Aurors flowed straight out of his mind as he saw Kara sitting there, dressed in lacy black lingerie that barely covered what needed to be covered. Her breasts overflowed from the cups of the bra, her smooth stomach was ready for him to run his hands over. He saw the hints of her pussy lips out from behind her panties that were thong style. She wore black stockings and a seductive smile across her face as she licked her lips.

Diana wore the same thing, only it was blue. Harry could not take his eyes off of their bodies although he managed to push himself forward. Numbly, Harry walked over towards them and he grabbed them around the waist, pulling them into each other.

"Ladies, shall we begin our celebration?" Harry asked them with a smile crossing his face as his expression turned to Rose. "Rose, would you like to join us?"

Rose nodded her head numbly, a smile crossing her face as she walked over in a robotic fashion and Harry pulled her over towards him.

"I think you're overdressed," Kara commented as she waved her hand and stripped her off the clothes of the woman.

"Harry, I've been doing some research."

That was a sentence that filled Harry with a tiny bit of dread, especially when it was Hermione who said it. Call him crazy, but there were times when Hermione got going and she over thought some things. The brunette woman locked her eyes on Harry, as he stood with Diana, Daphne, Tracey, and Kara one day after class.

"It's about….house elves," Hermione remarked as she turned to Harry.

"Is this about what happened to that one house elf at the world cup when she was found by Crouch in the debris?" Kara asked to her.

Hermione's expression became bold and fairly determined; it was almost scary how she looked.

"Yes, Crouch decided to fire that house elf because she was scared and disobeyed an order," Hermione offered to the group as Daphne and Tracey exchanged a "here we go" look with them. "And….."

"Hermione, listen before you try and stir up some kind of revolution," Harry told Hermione and Hermione listened, even though there was a slight hint of annoyance through her eyes. "House elves….well I won't lie that some of them are mistreated by their masters. You don't need to look too further than Dobby."

"However, most of the house elves are treated well and the mistreated ones are the exception rather than the rule," Daphne continued to Harry. The Greengrasses had three house elves and all were extremely happy with what they did.

"But they're enslaved," Hermione argued.

"They did that willingly, because if they didn't, they would have died out a long time ago," Harry informed Hermione and the brunette's expression became wide eyed. "House elf magic without a binding….it's wild and unpredictable and it's too much for them to handle."

"A house elf's temperament depends on the person that they are bonded to," Daphne continued with a smile on her face. "Most house elves are the happiest creatures on Earth."

'And Kreacher was bugfuck nuts because our aunt was crazy,' Bellatrix thought in a serene voice.

'Is this a case of the cauldron calling the goblet black, Bella dear?' Narcissa thought through the bond in amusement.

'Okay ladies,' Harry thought to them.

'I don't know what you're doing but Lucius is sweating like a pig in an overcoat,' Narcissa projected to Harry and a smile crossed his face.

'I'll explain what's going on later, I need to educate Hermione,' Harry thought to her.

'I wish you the best of luck,' Andromeda thought to him through the link and Harry turned his undivided attention to Hermione once more.

"Hermione….I understand you want the best for them, and I think that there are people out there abusing their house elves," Harry told her and Hermione opened her mouth. "However, if you to try to do this in a heavy handed way, you're going to turn off people from the offset and they won't listen to a word that you're saying."

Hermione's eyes kept onto Harry's and there was a protest that was forming in her mind.

"House elves….I won't say it's a most ideal arrangement but that's the way their society has worked, that's the way their society has always worked," Harry told to Hermione. "There are books at the library about it, how house elves have unstable magic. It needs to be grounded. They realized that they would have died out and taken out people with them if they refused to do so."

Hermione's mind was going a few miles a moment and she opened her mouth with a protest, but Harry placed his hand on her mouth.

"If you wish to work to help the plight of house elves….the one that are abused, so be it….but we have to do this slowly and within their own broken system," Harry remarked as he looked at Hermione. "You're at a disadvantage already aren't you?"

Hermione hated to admit it but she was.

Daphne's gaze turned towards her. "Hermione, your people skills leave a lot to be desired. If you try and force sudden revolution and changes with house elves, you will get buried so deep that not even Harry will be able to help you."

"Most of them are happy, very happy," Tracey added with a smile on her face. "And those who aren't….well….exception to the rule."

Hermione had more than enough to think about and she was trying to get everything through her mind.

"You were about to make up badges and try and badger people with them, weren't you?" Kara asked to Hermione.

Hermione placed her hands up to her face as she had a sheepish expression on her face. The brunette witch felt embarrassment flood her body and she tried to keep things cool, even though she was kind of shaky.

"Oh Hermione," Harry commented to her in an exasperated voice but he could not resist it, no matter how hard he tried to do so "Honestly Hermione….did you think that would work out that well?"

Hermione opened her mouth to protest again but she could not say anything more than that. Her brown eyes swam with frustration.

"Prepare research that might contradict what I've told you but any books on house elf culture will tell you about the same thing," Harry remarked to Hermione and the brunette's expression became rather wide eyed but she nodded despite that fact. She thought that it would be best if she could keep an open mind even though it was hard because the magical world contradicted everything that she knew and then more. "I don't want to….I don't want you to do something that you might regret."

"I'll look into things…better," Hermione stated in a shaky tone of voice.

"That's all I ask of you, but don't….don't try and do anything that might piss people off," Harry told her. He was trying not to overtly upset the apple cart, it was better to subtly do things from the shadows, using their own damaged system against them.

Hermione's jaw was set with a frustrated tone but she nodded.

"I've got…."

"To go to the library," Kara concluded in a cheerful tone and Hermione's arms folded but Kara's expression contorted into a smile as she blew Hermione a slight kiss goodbye. "See you later."

Hermione walked off and Daphne turned to Harry.

"Did you ever think of sedating her?" Daphne whispered to Harry.

"I'm not sure if that would even prevent Hermione from studying," Harry said with a smile as he turned his full attention to Daphne.

'And I've got your businesses in order, before Lucius could get his hands on them,' Harry thought to the Greengrass female through the bond link and Daphne's face twisted into an excited smile.

'Oh that's good,' Daphne offered to him as she could practically rub her hands together with glee but Harry was not done yet.

'Lucius Malfoy….foul person that he is, offered me numerous resources that I can exploit to make some people's lives a little bit more difficult,' Harry thought to all of his bonded that had jumped on through the bond link.

'And this wouldn't have to have anything to do with the fact that three known Lucius Malfoy supporters in the Wizengamot was arrested after evidence of crimes presented themselves,' Amanda commented through the link.

'You know it has everything to do with them,' Astoria remarked through the link.

'Good, fucker deserves it,' Ginny thought to them through the link as she crossed her arms together.

'Keeping that grudge alive," Amanda commented through the link as she placed her hands on her head from where she was sitting. 'Can't say I blame you, given what happened.'

'It's just the beginning,' Andromeda thought. She made good on her promise to ruin Lucius Malfoy and the fool thought that she was just messing around when she said something about that, giving him a baseless threat. No, Andromeda Tonks did not fool around, not even for a second. Slowly, one thing at a time, he was losing more and more of his power as time moved went on.

'He's losing his allies in the Ministry and his power structure is shaken,' Harry remarked to him. 'Couldn't say I'm disappointed by it at all.'

Harry had a plan, sure he had the rights of conquest based on what that twit Draco did during their first year. However, while he could take everything from Lucius in one fell swoop, he wanted to make it sink in and make him realize who he was fucking with.

It was thanks to Lucius that he got a Basilisk fang to a shoulder, it was thanks to Lucius that an eleven year old girl nearly died. Harry could not get over that, not that he did not try to do so. He reflected the thoughts in his head about that.

Slowly, his allies would disappear one by one. Either they were ousted out from the Ministry in disgrace, with their reputations destroyed or they would be picked off. Already, Bellatrix was making a list of Death Eaters that she would pay a cheerful visit to.

'I can't decide who I want to pick off first, Avery or Yaxley,' Bellatrix thought to herself along these lines.

'Well what one do you hate the most?' Astoria asked helpfully. 'Because I'd figure that you'd want to pop off the one that you hate the least first, make it a quick death. Then take the one that you hate the most second and make his end slow and agonizing.'

'Seems reasonable,' Faora thought through the bond link.

'I agree….it's a tough one,' Bellatrix thought to the rest of the group as she pondered. She magically sharpened a dagger and she had the schedule of both of them learned well as she pondered everything. 'Avery always cried like a little bitch, so fuck him. But….Yaxley wasn't that good, in fact he's got the better paying job, so he sold out more people. Therefore he's a bigger coward."

"So, Yaxley gets his death drawn out,' Harry remarked slowly and Bellatrix nodded with a wide and sadistic grin as everything dripped from her tone in amusement.

'Well, everyone needs a hobby,' Narcissa thought to herself as she set back. 'Do you wish to give the word for the goblins to start seizing the vaults?'

'No, I'll do the honors,' Harry commented through the bond link, with a thinly veiled smirk that he barely kept off of his face.

He reached into his cloak and pulled the communication mirror from it. The green eyes of Harry Potter flickered.

"Princess Sersi," Harry told her and the image of Sersi appeared on the communication mirror before him. A smile crossed her face.

"Yes, Lord Potter," Sersi remarked.

"Pull Malfoy Vault 12 and transfer all contents into the main Potter vault," Harry said as he smiled.

"You do realize that Malfoy vault 12 is…."

"Draco Malfoy's personal trust vault, yes I know," Harry replied with a wicked grin and he was doing this a couple of weeks before a Hogsmeade trip which might be considered a douchebag move to end all douchebag moves but he didn't care.

Dear Harry,

Security isn't what it used to be. Seriously, you really got hosed being put in the tournament like that but….at least you're good enough to make the most of its.

Stupid things like this are why my father doesn't like the British Ministry. I don't think he has ever had a kind word to say about them and it's obvious to see why, isn't it? They're a bunch of idiots, no two ways about it.

Although I'm trying to get my father to allow me to make the trip to Hogwarts so I can watch the tasks. Fingers crossed but he's kind of going back and forth after everything that happened at the world cup. I can understand it, my mother died, and I'm not sure if he was ever the same again. He's always so serious.

Could be worse though, he could be Sirius.

Yeah, I think that joke has been beaten into the ground so far that we could have struck it rich by now but that's just life isn't it.

Other than that, my lessons are good….you know the offer to join me after Hogwarts is still open. My father would be happy to have you, given that we're….well we might be married in a few years. Nothing says welcoming someone like the family in knocking them around in a mock duel.

Anyway, I know that you're preparing for the tournament, even though you've been dealt a shitty set of cards.

So anyway, best of luck, talk to you soon, all that good stuck.


Harry read over her letter, a smile barely fading from his face as he continued to look it over. Without another word, Harry began to indulge himself in the letter once again.


There are a few good people in this world but sadly they are threatened to be drowned by sheer stupidity. There's really not much more than I can offer it than that. Just got to deal with these things one day at a time.

I'm glad you're doing well with your father….don't get frustrated if his lessons are going to batter you from head to toe.

I wish that I had something more interesting to do here then prepare for the tournament. Granted, I know what the task is going to be. They're going to have to deal with a dragon. The good news is that Penny is coming here to help out as part of her internship credit. She's less than halfway there but she's at the point where they've weeded out the people who are actually serious about becoming a healer from those who are in it for a laugh.

So yes, just preparing for the tournament the best I can. Diana's intense about it but then again, that's her culture, training and competitions and all that stuff.

Will hope to talk to you real soon. And if I see you, I'll see you.



There were two more letters on the pile, it was like clockwork that they came in in spurts.


You must have come into a contact with a reverse four leaf clover with all of the bad luck you've been having lately. Oh well, it keeps you on your toes, doesn't it?

Not much to say in the old private school in Gotham City, which is strange considering where I am….you know in Gotham City and things like that. I suppose I got to keep my head up and my shoulders straight. Otherwise, they might get blown off, literally considering this is Gotham. I hope that things get interesting.

And by interesting, I mean something that doesn't get me shot at.

Pamela likely sent a letter but if she got buried on the class load she took on, I feel like it's my duty as a friend to tell you that she said "hi", if she didn't.

I hope you're doing well and good luck in the tournament. Not you need luck.

See you soon,


With that letter read, Harry smiled.


The tournament is what it is, I think. It keeps me at this school about six months more than I wanted to. Although the more I think about it, the more that the magically binding contract could be abused so much.

Then again, the Goblet of Fire is a one of a kind object, the likes of which that has never been seen since before it and likely will never been seen again. There have been a few vague references that it was actually invented by a wizard that even predated the Hogwarts founders and modified slightly for use of this tournament. Then again, you never know what is legit and what is bull.

Do not get shot, bullet wounds won't look good on you.

I got one from Pamela, but it's the thought that counts.

Yeah, I might not need the luck but the sentiment is appreciated.

Hope that you do well on your upcoming term of classes. I'm preparing to take those nasty NEWTs myself. Hermione is preparing to work herself into a dither about them. I'm contemplating making her take about six months off before having her head off to my old private school. Six months without any studying.

Think that might drive her nuts?

Talk to you soon,


Sure enough Harry had one final letter and Hedwig waited once again. He tossed her a treat and she looked at him with a prideful look.

'Sometimes, I think that owl shares your modesty,' Faora thought.

'It would technically be your modesty as well,' Harry thought with a smile as he prepared to open up the letter and read it.

Dear Harry,

Sorry if this seems hurried but….busy, busy, here. I can hardly catch my breath after everything that's happened around here these days.

The good news is, if you can call it good news, is that I'm the top of my class yet again this year. Granted, it's only been two months.

Someone bought the old Gotham City Botanical Gardens.

It was there where Harry's face contorted into a grin as Kara, Karen, Faora, and a few others who were in on what exactly was going on offered snickers through the bond link.

'So are you going to tell her?' Kara inquired.

'And spoil the surprise, what's the fun in that?' Harry projected through the bond link in thinly veiled amusement.

'You raise a good point,' Faora admitted but Harry returned to the letter that was in front of his face and prepared to read it.

And I really hope it isn't Lionel Luthor, because that would just be the salt in the wound. Knowing my like it's likely some pretty boy billionaire that has nothing but fluff between his ears.

Anyway, got loads of work. I'm sure you've heard this from both Barbara and Zee if they wrote to you, but good luck in the tournament, it might have sucked that you got stuck in this thing but hey….make the best out of a bad situation.

Love you,


Harry's smile was wide as he sat down and took in a breath. Then he wrote his response to Pamela.

Dear Pamela,

Don't know anything about the Botanical gardens.

'Liar, liar, pants on fire,' Jaime teased him through the bond link.

'Only when Kara's so impatient that she can't wait,' Harry remarked but he not resist teasing through the bond link. The last time that happened, well the Marauder's Map had an accident. Thankfully he was in the process of improving it better than ever so it was really a blessing in disguise. He, Hermione, Daphne, and Kara were finding ways to improve upon the foundation that the original Marauders created. Unfortunately, he could not check out to make sure any unsavory people were in the castle until it was ready. 'It's nice to see that my sister has the emotional maturity of a three year old as well.'

'Takes one to know one,' Jaime fired back in the most shameless way possible.

'Nymphadora even is more mature than that,' Andromeda commented dryly through the link.

'Yeah I am,' Nym commented but she paused and stopped. 'Wait a minute now!'

Harry snickered but he had a letter to finish.

'Good to see that you're keeping busy despite everything. I hope that you do the best on everything. Just remember to take some time to step back and smell the roses. All work can drive you nuts.

Thanks for the wishes of luck in the tournament, I hope to do well.

Love you too,


Harry made his way to Lucretia's class for the final period on this day. He, Diana, and Kara did what they could to help her prepare the other fourth year students for their OWL level classes next year. Daphne and Hermione helped as well.

"So, Harry, a word with you, please," Lucretia remarked as she waved him over and Harry followed her over, as the rest of the class got their ingredients out for the day. Kara, Diana, Hermione, and Daphne waited, although they technically qualified for later years. "Given that you're stuck here, would you mind filling in for two weeks of classes in the last two weeks of January while I take my Chemistry accreditation?"

"That'd be fine but…..I thought you needed a Potions mastery to teach the class," Harry remarked and Lucretia smiled.

"While I'm sure you'd get it no problem, all you need is a Outstanding NEWT in Potions to fill in," Lucretia remarked to him.

"You've got high hopes for me, don't you?" Harry asked her and Lucretia smiled to him.

"No more than you have for yourself but if you get anything less than Outstanding in all of your NEWTs, I will eat my brother's jock," Lucretia said in a swift voice and this statement caused Harry to pull a face.

"And there's another image that files into things that I never need to think about as long as I live," Harry remarked to her.

"Quite," Lucretia said to Harry. "So…."

Before Lucretia could say anything else to Harry, the door creaked upon and Colin Creevey appeared. He looked up at Harry the same way he always did, with a repulsive amount of awe and Harry's expression widened as he showed up.

"Professor Malfoy….Harry and Diana are needed for the Weighing of the Wands," Colin stated in a breathless voice as if he was about to wet himself from the sheer excitement.

And knowing Colin he would.

"There's a photographer there and everything," Colin added and Lucretia smiled.

"Very well, Diana, Harry, follow young Mr. Creevey to where the ceremony is, you're excused from today's class," Lucretia said.

Diana and Harry nodded as they followed. Colin lead the way, seeming thunderstruck.

'He looks about ready to kneel before you,' Faora thought in a teasing voice.

'Absolutely not,' Harry snapped back.

'See that's the difference between you and our father,' Faora commented as her expression twisted to that of amusement. 'Father obsessed with having other men kneeling before him, while you enjoy other women kneeling before you.'

'Harry's the one who has his priorities straight,' Amanda commented through the bond link with a wide grin.

'So Harry, what do you want for Christmas?' Astoria thought to him in an abrupt manner.

'That's a random question,' Harry informed her as he wondered what her game was.

'It's one that I need an answer for because….well it's a month away,' Astoria commented to him through the bond link.

'I don't know….Patil twins in a box, surprise me or something,' Harry remarked in a half distracted tone, as he found himself at the Wand Waving Ceremony.

Harry smiled at Fleur who was trying hard not to be effected by it. When she thought that he was not looking, the French Champion stole a few looks at her.

Harry hadn't really had a chance to check out the merchandise up close until now. It was obvious that he would make her sweat this out after her little crack at Halloween but eventually he would have her. Her blonde hair framed her face in an angelic manner and she had a pair of the brightest blue eyes, along with juicy lips which Harry figured were good for pleasure.

Her robes wrapped tightly around her body although Harry saw a hint of her delicious breasts. Her hourglass figure was a treat, she had a delicious looking rear as well.

'French Veela, a must have for anyone's collection,' Jaime thought to Harry in amusement.

'She's a Veela, well that's interesting, they can go for a long time,' Astoria commented in amusement.

'Let her stew a little bit,' Harry remarked to her as he grabbed Vega and gave her a kiss in greeting. It was the type of kiss that caused a woman's panties to become moistened immediately.

"Hi, Fleur, nice day," Harry commented to her with a smile.

"Hello," Fleur commented in a voice that she tried to be stiff but she was failing at it.

Vega was trying too hard not to be amused. Her Veela Allure was not even immune to the charms of Harry Potter. She could to see her eyes watering in her attempt to fight her very natural attraction or maybe her instincts to jump Harry right here and now.

It might have happened if someone had not cleared her throat. Harry and the rest of the crowd became rapt with attention as Ludo Bagman, overgrown cartoon character he was, stood, bouncing up and down with a smile across his face that grew even wider as he edged closer.

"Good day, good day," Ludo commented in an excited tone of voice. "Welcome to the Weighing of the Wands ceremony I'd like to introduce Rita Skeeter. She's here to do a small piece on the champions."

Harry smiled as he saw the attractive female with blonde hair, dressed in green robes. The robes wrapped around her curves and showed the hints of what was beneath. Her dark eyes looked from behind a pair of jeweled glasses with a wide grin on her face and they were fixed firmly on Harry without any shame.

"Maybe not that small, Ludo," Rita commented as she surveyed Harry with a thinly veiled grin crossing her face.

'Lady, you have no clue, do you?' Harry asked as everyone else smiled.

"Well at any rate, the expert will be ready in a moment so….perhaps we should get some photos or maybe…."

Rita's eyes traveled up and down Harry's body, he had a physique that was not too much unlike a Greek god. She never imagined him to be like this, although he was an object of affections to witches of all ages.

"Maybe a word with the youngest champion, to add some needed flavor," Rita commented, thinking that Harry Potter could revive her career which had been in a slump over the past couple of weeks. Given how fickle this world was and how they changed their tune more times than most people changed their underwear.

"Well, who I am to turn down such an opportunity?" Harry asked Rita.

"Lovely," Rita commented as she led Harry towards the nearest broom closet. "I find that a smaller, more intimate setting is more productive for meetings."

"Broom closets are nice but I prefer an unused classroom, there is more room to tackle angles from a multitude of different positions," Harry commented to her and Rita raised an eyebrow but Harry's smile crossed his face, rather knowingly and rather tellingly at this point.

"Interesting," Rita commented, for a few seconds she was completely distracted by these words but she shook her head.

Harry knew exactly what Rita Skeeter was. She had a way with words and there were a lot of people who followed the words that she said, regardless. Harry thought that could be a valuable tool in the right hands. He squeezed into the broom closet with Rita, making sure to form the proper time dilation spells discreetly.

"So, Rita, mind if I call you Rita?" Harry asked her.

"Not at all," Rita stated, secretly thinking that Harry could call her his dirty whore and she would not complain.

She shook her head, wondering where that thought came from. It must have been the cleaning supplies; yes that was it, the cleaning supplies.

Harry knew what he needed to do.

"So, Rita, I don't know if you heard, but several of the shareholders of the Daily Prophet sold their stock," Harry commented to her and Rita raised an eyebrow in surprise but she continued to keep her gaze towards him firmly, not backing down, not blinking at all.

"I've heard rumors but you know how fleeting they could," Rita offered as she turned towards him. "Anyway…."

"Lucius Malfoy lost control of the Prophet and the Ministry's control…..well they're not the driving force behind the paper anymore," Harry commented to her as he placed a hand on her thigh and looked into her eyes. "An aspiring reporter could find herself on the pendulum between rising to a new level and losing all sense of career if she was not careful."

"What does that have to do with…."

"Rita….I know what you intend to do but I think that I should give you a few options," Harry commented as he sat back and removed his robes.

Rita found herself getting hot and bothered and without thinking, slipped off her robes as well. Her tight green blouse stretched around her breasts, he looked down and saw her legs that were covered by sheer black stockings. Harry saw more and more tantalizing flesh and enjoyed the visual buffet that was presented before his eyes. He could not get enough of what was before him and he thought that he was going to give her everything that she deserved and more.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it?" Harry asked as he placed her hands on his legs and smiled.

"A long time since what…Harry," Rita stated as she felt her heart beat rapidly. She wondered what he was doing to her.

The warmth between her legs indicated that whatever was being done, she liked it a lot and Harry proceed to rub his hands down.

"I might have a spot for you in the new and improved Daily Prophet, if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours," Harry told Rita as he parted her legs and teased her thighs causing her eyes to grow shut. "And….I need to know, will you scratch my back?"

"I'll do anything, anything for you," Rita stated as she felt her inhibitions, not that there were many, being blasted away by Harry.

Harry thought that was music to his ears and he reached underneath her skirt before he found his treasure.

"Rita, I have your story and plenty of work for you," Harry breathed hotly in her ear.

"Yes," Rita breathed to him as Harry closed the gap before a smile crossed his face.

"Yes, what?" Harry asked her and Rita's expression fluttered in and out.

"Yes, master," Rita stated as Harry drew back, a pleased look on his face.

There was plenty of time to rest in the time bubble before they needed to leave. And Rita was going to need the rest after what Harry did to her.

"Well, since I'm here, and there might be this plot to kill you, why wouldn't I be your bodyguard?"

Nym's expression was one of playfulness as she hung onto Harry's arm and the emerald eyed wizard's shoulders shrugged as he looked at the young Auror hanging onto him.

"Well, who could argue a point like that?" Harry asked as they walked to Hogsmeade, the weekend before the First Task. Harry was not nervous at all, even though most in his position would be shitting themselves. To be perfectly honest, he was bored with waiting for the task to happen. He could do it in his sleep. Harry pulled her into him as he gave her a deep and blistering kiss which she returned.

Nym's expression was glassy eyed, Harry just got better and he started pretty fucking amazing. Her pussy soaked even thinking about it, and she had got nailed by him several times since she had been stationed at Hogwarts.

"Well, you have to admit, you do a pretty good job at guarding this body," Harry told her and Nym's expression was lust ridden as her gaze traveled down his chest.

"Yep, and quite the body to guard," Nym stated as she looked out into Hogsmeade. She always enjoyed traveling to the village even though for many people, the novelty did wear off after a few trips. "But, still, it beats playing solitaire with myself at the Ministry."

"Well at least you aren't playing with yourself at the Ministry," Harry remarked to Nym as he pulled her into him.

"Well, that's why I have you to scratch those needs," Nym stated as she brushed against him. They thought about going behind the Shrieking Shack and taking care of business but there was someone who greeted Harry.

"Harry, my dear boy, fancy meeting you out here!"

Harry's eyes widened as he wondered who called for him and he turned around to see him standing there. The face of Ludo Bagman stared right at him as he wondered what the Triwizard judge wanted to do with him.

"Mr. Bagman, fancy meeting you here," Harry commented in a crisp voice. He had run into the man a time or two and he looked like a bit of a scatter brained person. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, just preparing for the tournament like the rest of us and I'm sure you are," Ludo commented as he dropped all nature of tact as his eyes blinked and he leaned forward. "So Harry….do you….do you want any pointers, a tip or two? Just say the word and I'll give it to you."

Harry paused curiously as he wondered about this and even Nym raised an eyebrow. Then he recalled Sersi's claims of a person who got her tickets who was up to his neck in debts and everything was coming back clearly to Harry in a hurry. His green eyes flickered towards Bagman and he smiled.

"I don't know why you're offering me help, I've got a plan of what I want to do," Harry commented to him.

"Now, Harry…listen….could you excuse us for a few seconds please?" Ludo asked, not wanting to have word of this get back to Amelia Bones.

'How quaint, what did you do this time, Bagman?' Amelia popped up through the link, as she frowned.

'So, your link is on,' Harry told her.

'Yes, and thank you for the letter explaining it, otherwise I would have been disturbed of all of the chattering in the background, not to mention the show that you tend to give on a regular basis,' Amelia thought to him with a smile.

"Sure," Nym stated as she stepped off, amused.

'Well, I'll give you a more private showing next time I swing by the Ministry, maybe after I get my NEWTs done,' Harry told her and Amelia's expression was one of amusement.

'Promises, promises, Harry, Amelia thought to him through the bond link.

'Amy, you know I always back up my promises,' Harry thought to her as he sent an image through the bond link that made her flush.

'It's likely a good idea that I'm doing this in my office with no one around,' Amelia thought to herself.

"What do you have in mind, Mr. Bagman?" Harry asked, wondering if in particular this man had seen his grades. He did not think that he did. "It's almost like you have a financial stake of me winning the tournament."

Harry waited for the situation to pan out and his expression became one that was completely sour. It looked like he swallow rancid milk and that was quite the disgusting site. He kept his mood and expression rather straight and cool. His green eyes watched him and his reaction as Bagman started to shake his head rather wildly. It was almost amusing to see him back peddle so fast.

'Well, we can chalk that up to another person who is lacking in the subtlety department,' Faora thought to Harry in amusement and he snickered.

"Well….we….I need…..we need a Hogwarts victory, don't we?" Bagman asked to him as he tried to find his tongue.

'And I'm chopped liver, apparently,' Diana commented as she and Kara, along with a couple others made their way to Hogsmeade to meet Harry.

'Well it's not like you need the help,' Donna thought to her sister from afar though the bond link. 'You're going to win this tournament. I wish I was there to see it.'

'Well you can watch through the bond link, Donna,' Diana remarked to her sister.

'Not the same,' Donna remarked as she folded her arms. 'Better go, Artemis hasn't humbled me enough in combat.'

'At least she didn't humble you the same way that Harry did,' Kara commented with a smile.

'Am I missing some kind of inside joke here?' Daphne asked but the Alphas and Harry all laughed.

"Thanks Mr. Bagman but no thanks, I've got this one in the bag," Harry remarked and Bagman just nodded.

"If you think so Harry….but I'll be in Room 14 in the Three Broomsticks if you change your mind," Bagman remarked as he turned around and walked away.

'Why does it sound like he's trying to court you?' Faora thought.

'Mostly because he is, he's a real CLB,' Jaime thought in a combination of annoyance and amusement.

"Hey, Kara, Diana, Daphne, Astoria," Harry commented as he joined them at the edge of the village.

Kara greeted Harry with a tight hug and a kiss.

"Sorry, I took me so long, Bagman's being….well he's trying to help me," Harry said as he did the same to Diana, then with Astoria and Daphne. The kisses were hungry and it was almost like each girl was trying to outdo the other, all in the name of friendly competition.

"So, the Daily Prophet really was railing on the Ministry the other day," Daphne remarked to Harry, as she held the paper. The Triwizard Tournament article was fairly balanced, spotlighting all of the champions, along with their academic history and past accomplishments. The fact that Diana was a princess came out, so she had her share of fan boys and fan girls. She took it in good grace, although she had eyes for only one man. Although she did find some of their pursuits to be amusing.

"Are you trying to accuse me of doing anything underhanded?" Harry asked them, a smile crossing his face and there was an instant where Daphne's face just crossed into a smile as she kept her eyes locked onto Harry's and she nodded her head.

"Harry, the innocent act does not do you any good," Daphne remarked as Harry reached forward and made sure they could not be heard.

"Lucius Malfoy wanted to play games with me, to try and prevent me from gaining my heritage, by keeping me ignorant and try and steal what is mine," Harry remarked to them and they all nodded. "Well, I can play games just as well. He couldn't leave it alone and his demon spawn is just as bad. The two of them, they're the biggest cancer sores on the ass of this messed up world."

Harry smiled, this was a culmination of thirteen years, the moment he was sent to the Dursleys. Every single thing that was tried by Malfoy to undermine him, it made him stronger and more determined to be the best in the world.

That would be both of the Malfoys as Draco's little challenge in his first year had been an attempt to get him into trouble, to make him lose face. However, he listened to his father, who mentioned that Potter would be ignorant.

"Can't say the bastard doesn't have it coming," Astoria remarked to him, as she counted down the days.

"It isn't enough to kill them, I want to utterly ruin their names, to the point where no one would piss on them if they're on fire," Harry told them and the girls nodded their heads.

"When you do something, you do it all the way,' Diana remarked, she commended Harry on his bravery and the fact that he was willing to do things that no one else had the guts to do. She saw it burning in his green eyes, passion, insanity, and the belief that no matter what, he could accomplish anything, anything in the world. She reached forward as the drinks were brought to them.

Harry smiled, slowly the gold was drying up, galleon by galleon. Lucius found his connections either being disgraced or arrested, thrown away with the rest of the scum. The remaining Death Eaters, who lived up the high life whilst others were sent to Azkaban, were being picked off one by one. Accidents happened and Lucius had to be pissing his pants wondering when his number would be up next.

'Another one,' Bellatrix commented as she looked down and saw the massacred form of the Death Eater beneath her feet. There was a lack of empathy in her voice. 'He raped and murdered children, so fuck him.'

'Yes, I would have to agree,' Harry remarked, and given the potential of magic, a Death Eater could walk into the school, put everyone under the Imperius curse to do their bidding to deliver their sick and disgusting desires. Then they could wipe their memories and do it again after again, day after day.

'Oh, Bella, we're going to have to go hunting sometime,' Astoria thought.

Daphne and Narcissa, despite being at different vantage points, both shuddered at the thought of those two getting together and causing mayhem. That was not a fun thought to say the least but Harry at least pondered the possibilities. It was an enticing situation.

"So, the beginning," Kara remarked to him and Harry smiled.

"Yes the beginning of the fall of the House of Malfoy," Harry stated with a smile on his face that was both amazing and slightly unsettling to say the very least. His green eyes flickered with amusement as he placed his hands on the table and he thought about it.

The first task of the Triwizard Tournament was happening and the school was out in mass. Harry took a few seconds to let in and out a breath as he walked towards the tent.

"Hey, Harry," Penelope commented as she turned up, dressed in a professional Healer's uniform. It was tight white robes with silver trim that wrapped around her, although it looked quite good on her.

"Well, you're being broken in, in style," Harry told her and Penny's smile grew wider as she watched Harry.

"Yes….can't believe the things you get yourself into half the time," Penny remarked to him and his green eyes flickered in amusement as he stared back at Penny.

"I've learned to accept it," Harry told her as he pulled her forward and gave her a teasing kiss. His green eyes watched hers and the two of them indulged themselves in their passions.

"After the task is over, I think it might be prudent to give you a full physical to make sure everything is in working order, Mr. Potter," Penelope commented as she put her hands on her hips and looked him over in a mock stern glare.

"I'm looking forward to it, Penny," Harry remarked as he kissed her one more time before he made his way out for the other champions.

Kara waited for him and Diana.

"So, are you two ready?" Kara asked and she got two intense glares. The girl stood there, dressed in a black robe and there was something on that was underneath but he could not really see what it was. He had a sense that it was a surprise so he was not going to press the matter at all.

Diana's face spread into a wide grin, going ear to ear as she locked eyes onto Kara's with a determined expression on her face. "Yes, I'm more than ready."

"I am too," Harry commented, he was about ready to win this one and saw Bagman move in.

"I guess that's my cue to lead, good luck, I'll give you moral support from the stands," Kara told both of them as she kissed both Harry and Diana goodbye.

Harry was ready to take on anything, as was Diana, and he could see that the other two champions were ready as well. It was one of those moments in time where everyone slowed down.

"Ready?" Diana whispered to him.

"Yes, I'm ready," Harry told her in a firm voice as he got on his tip toes and watched her eagerly. "The question is, are you ready?"

Diana's smile could not be beaten by any force on Earth, as she remarked in a casual and confident tone of voice.

"I was born ready," Diana told him and Harry stood up, as with Vega and Fleur. Both of them looked nervous now up close, which was to be expected.

Bagman prepared to go for the drawing and sure enough, Harry was going to go up against the biggest and the baddest of them all, the Hungarian Horntail, and it was going to be last. Harry was not surprised. That was just the type of thing that he went up against more often than before. His green eyes swam.

Vega was the one that went out first; they were called one at a time. Diana and Harry sat in the tent and awaited for Diana, who was second. There were loud oohs and aahs, along with some snatches of conversation. Diana and Harry did not think about it, in fact they blocked it out of their minds. They were in a zone of intensity and determination.

Harry hugged Diana good bye and whispered, "good luck." He could see everything that was happening through the bond link from Diana's perspective if he chose to switch over from the television screen in her mind.

However, Harry decided not to do that. He wanted to keep his mind on what he needed to do. His emerald eyes swam with intensity and he envisioned his victory. Keeping that thought in his mind was the thing that would cause him to win.

He heard the cheers of the crowd and Diana got her victory. Harry waited and watched, he had shut off everyone in his head. He wanted to be alone. He barely saw Fleur go out to face the dragon next. He stood alone, waiting for the seconds to tick by in solitude and silence, in solitude and in silence.

'Any second now,' Harry thought but he did not do nervous all that well. He succeeded with many things, far more nerve wrecking than facing a dragon.

Fleur had succeeded in the task and now, it was the moment of truth. Harry smiled as he exited the tent and stood to face the dragon.

The dragon was tall, ugly, and mean. It would make most men piss their pants in abject fear.

Harry's eyes went to the stands and saw Kara dressed in a cheerleader outfit. The blue material wrapped around her chest tightly, very tightly, it was about two sizes too small and showed a delicious amount of skin. The mini-skirt was a few inches above her knees and showed a lot of her legs that could stop traffic. The blonde bounced up and down, and Harry watched her, her breasts swaying back and forth. He could see even more of her than anyone else, he was sure, given the charms around her outfit.

Harry smiled, the sooner he defeated this dragon, the sooner he could peal this blonde babe out of this outfit and have his fun with her. He stepped up to face the dragon.

"Go, Harry!"

Harry smiled as he faced the dragon, who snorted fire on him.

"Smile, you son of a bitch," Harry whispered to the dragon so only the two of them could hear it and he corked a fist back.

The students were whispering in excitement and Bagman was talking a mile a minute.

"And here comes the youngest champion, Harry Potter, this is exciting, this is huge, this is the greatest thing ever. He's going to dazzle us with some extraordinary bit of magic, and he's going to put on a spectacular show."

Harry smiled as he stepped forward and arched his eyes towards the dragon. He whispered something in Kryptonian and raised his fist.

With a loud sonic boom, Harry punched the dragon in the face, knocking it to the ground and then with his next movement, caused the golden egg to summon into his hand.

The dragon was down for the ten count and the spectators were in numb shock. They could not say anything.

Diana rolled her eyes as she believed that they must have thought that he was some kind of jester for their amusement.

"You people, he went in there and did the task, excelling it I might add," Diana commented in a bold voice as she placed her hands on her hips. "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?"

The Amazon Princess had succeeded in essentially intimidating all of the spectators into cheering. Diana grabbed Harry, wrapping her arm around him, and pulled him into the mother of all hugs, pressing his chest against hers. Her lips met his in a kiss that was more amazing than anything that could be done in the task.

Harry wrapped his arms around Diana and cupped her ass through her robes, ramming his tongue down her throat. Diana breathed into the kiss, as she wrapped her legs around Harry. Both of them could see Fleur watching them from the First Aid tent, with a look of longing in her eyes, although she spun around and walked off.

The green eyes of Harry Potter swam with even more intensity yet as he marched Diana back out to the first aid tent, where Penny was waiting.

"I can make time pass a lot slower in the tent then outside," Harry remarked to Penny who blinked and nodded in astonished surprise. The dark haired woman placed her hands on her hips and leaned back against it. "In a minute, an hour of time will pass."

Kara slipped in before the time bubble was closed.

Diana was drenched in sweat from her efforts, which made her look quite lovely.

"First, I need to see if Mr. Potter is up to working and optimal performance," Penny remarked to them and there was a few seconds where the two girls smiled and nodded as she got to work. "Take off your shirt, Harry."

"Sure thing, Penny," Harry remarked as he pulled off of shirt and Penny's eyes saw his chiseled muscles. She found some drool forming on her mouth as her hands started to shake a tiny bit.

"It might be time for the healer to get some medical attention," Kara remarked in a teasing tone of voice as she shifted off to the side. She shook the pom-poms that she held, although that was not the only thing that she was shaking.

"I think we should get the pants off, it might improve the circulation," Diana commented and Penny nodded as she gripped his pants and pulled them off, to reveal his muscular legs and crotch. The dark haired woman was about ready to shake all over and she was about ready to slip between her legs but she controlled herself.

Penny ran her hands over Harry's body, with the brunette using her hands to roam over his torso.

"We need to check for any broken bones," Penny told him as she slowly ran her hands down his body as Kara sat on the chair, with her legs spread. It was now obvious that she was not wearing any panties underneath her skirt. "Are you feeling any pain?"

"No pain," Harry remarked as she ran her hands over him and she leaned forward, lighting straddling his lap. "I'm feeling a sudden rush of the blood from my head."

Penny smiled as she reached her hand down his pants.

"I must test to see if all of your muscles are in working order," Penny remarked as her voice became husky.

After he exited, Harry got his score.

Dumbledore gave him a solid ten for his performance, as did Crouch and Bagman. Maxime paused and gave him a nine.

Karkaroff had a nasty glare on his face and Harry knew he was about to be hosed big time. His eyes followed and he saw a two put up in the air.

'That bastard, you biased bastard,' Vega protested through the bond link. She got a ten and while she thought she did good, for the sheer force of getting things done, Harry should have gotten a twelve out of ten.

'Calm down Vega, points aren't everything,' Harry thought to her in a pacifying tone of voice, as he wondered if these points really mattered in the end, after the final task was done. He thought that he succeeded in the task and did not get a scratch on him. And the celebration was amazing, that was all that mattered.

Right now, he was ready for another round of celebration and Diana and Kara followed him to his room, with a few others joining the group.

"I'm glad you could stop by, Harry," Charlotte stated with a smile as she pulled the bed covers over her. Her naked sweaty body rested back on the bed. "I've been working hard lately….as you know."

"I've seen the performance reports," Harry said to Charlotte. "The Prime version at Hogwarts would like to tell you that presently Hermione is trying to study her brains out for her NEWTs."

"Yes, Hermione, well, I'm sure that she'll do the best that she can," Charlotte told Harry and his green eyes focused on her body before he got back down to business.

"She will, she always does," Harry remarked as he leaned towards Charlotte and pressed his lips onto hers. She returned the kiss hungrily, although she could not do much more given the intense round of sex they had. "She's returning home for some time off, but she's off to complete her mundane education next fall and then it's off to university for her when she gets that done."

Charlotte smiled; she was going to certainly enforce that order because she did not want her daughter to lose her mind thanks to the stress she was under. Her dark hair framed her face as she faded off to sleep.

Harry sped off, he was able to pop in between his last classes of the day, get some business done, and then run off. He did that as often as he could and Charlotte was always able for a quick pick up. There were some hot co-eds lining up and Harry could not wait to sample all of them. His emerald eyes swam with desire as he sped up his movements.

He was back to the school and calm as he made his way there where he nearly bumped into Lindsey.

"Hey, Lindsey, how are you doing today?" Harry asked.

"Fine, fine, just preparing for exams," Lindsey stated as she let out a breath that she was holding with a sigh.

"You seem tense," Harry told her as he placed his hands on the back of her neck.

"Yeah, very tense," Lindsey muttered as Harry pushed his hands down on her neck and she sat down on the chair. He massaged her neck a little bit and the dark haired girl closed her eyes, feeling the pleasure, so much pleasure.

Lindsey thought about the young man behind her, he was everything that she hoped for. His marks were out of this world and she pushed back into the motions of his hands.

"So, Harry, my parents….they've got this ski lodge….do know how to ski?" Lindsey asked as she stopped herself from saying anything.

"Not particularly, but can you teach me?" Harry asked her as he ran his hands down the back of her neck. "I'll make it….worth your while."

Lindsey's eyes flickered with the thoughts of that. She could tell that his green eyes were swimming with some kind of mirth even though she could not look over her shoulder now.

"So…my parents…they'll be out of the country, so if you come by, it could be just the two of us," Lindsey remarked to Harry as she looked at him. "We can unwind…..and we can get to know each other better outside the walls of the school."

Harry tried not to smile. Another one had been lured into his trap.

"I'd like to get to know you better," Harry commented as he watched the beauty in front of him as she got up. She bent down a slight bit and Harry saw her lovely cleavage.

"Great, it's a date," Lindsey said as she leaned towards him and planted her lips onto his with a nice kiss as she turned around, pretty pleased with herself and her daring.

Harry enjoyed the preview and he was going to be ready for more.

"Harry," a young woman with dark hair and an enticing mixture of Russian and Arabic features stated as he passed her in the corridors and Harry's face spread into a smile as he faced her.

"Nyssa," Harry remarked to her as he kept his eyes locked onto the woman. Both of them stared each other down. "How are you doing today?"

"Fine Harry, I've been cracking down for the exams, as I'm sure you are," Nyssa told Harry as she watched him.

Harry got a good look at her, she was Lindsey's roommate, having moved in a few weeks ago. She had dark hair, beautiful green eyes that were slightly different then his own. She wore a tight black top that maintained modesty, but teased the assets that she had to offer. It was an amazing buffet of flesh and he could not believe that she had this much to offer. His eyes followed up and down her body, continuing with the tight pants that wrapped around her figure.

"Yes, lots to do, lots of stress," Harry informed her and Nyssa remarked.

"Lindsey's way too happy for her own good," Nyssa breathed to Harry but she paused and smiled. "I think that's her own way of coping with the stress for exams."

"I wouldn't be surprised," Harry commented to her with a grin crossing his face. His face spread into a smile as he thought about it. "So do you have any plans for the holidays?"

"I'm visiting family overseas," Nyssa told him, although said family was interested by Harry. His grades had stirred more than a few people up, he was a prodigy that came along once in a life time but he was also shrouded in some form of mystery.

"That must be fun," Harry remarked to Nyssa and the dark haired woman nodded her head as she smiled.

"It should be," Nyssa told him as she watched him. "Class starts in about five minutes."

"Right around the corner though," Harry commented to her and the two of them walked together to class. The two of them were ready to see what the final class before their exams would bring.

Harry knew that he was going to pass them, both sets of exams. As he spoke, his prime self was sitting his NEWT level exams. He'd find out how the exams went as his mind did the info dump at the end of the day.

Now he had other things to focus on.

It was the day before the Yule Ball, and Harry smiled at the thought of it. Officially, he was going with Kara as his date but they were only going to put the barest minimum of time possible at the ball.

He thought about all of the concessions that he and Diana had the people who arranged the ball make. He thought that it was an unfair thing to prevent the younger girls in his group from getting a chance to go unless they were asked. As it turned out, there was a lot of pull Harry had, both by being Harry Potter and also by the virtue of being the second Hogwarts champion.

Not to mention Diana had some influence herself, by virtue of being a princess of an island nation that the Ministry was quick to learn that they might be in over their heads dealing with and also the fact was that she was one of the Alpha wives of the head of an ancient and noble house.

"My businesses are all out of the hands of Lucius Malfoy, and well I have you to thank, don't I?" Daphne asked Harry as she walked along with him, alongside Hermione. The three of them had just got back from taking their respective exams. "I'm studying how to run them the best, I don't want to let my family down."

"And you'll do great, Daphne," Harry told her as he placed an arm around her waist and held her in tight towards him. "When I'm gone, I might need your help and the help of a few others to run the Potter interests."

"So, you'll truly be gone," Daphne said to him, trying to keep herself calm.

"I would have been out the door tomorrow if it hadn't been for this Triwizard mess," Harry commented to her and Daphne nodded as she placed a hand on her head.

"Yeah, I know, I don't think any of them will know what they've missed until they're gone," Daphne remarked to him.

"All I wanted was a bit of knowledge, some gold, and to tap lots of bitches," Harry remarked and Daphne threw her head back and laughed heartily.

"Well what more do you need in life?" Daphne asked him and Harry smiled, he could think of anything else.

"Not much, anyone, see you later Daphne," Harry remarked as he kissed her on the lips, which she returned. "Your sister wanted to give me her Christmas present in private."

Daphne gave a smile and she put her hands on her hips. She could only imagine what it would be, knowing Astoria, the possibilities were immense.

Harry, in the meantime, turned towards the unused classroom that Astoria offered to meet him at. The green eyed wizard walked with a purpose as he made greater strides. His green eyes flickered as he raised a hand and with another swift motion, prepared to knock.

The door swung open and Harry, entered. He was on his guard but the classroom had been decorated in Christmas decorations, with a couch and all of the desks moved up against the wall. Underneath the tree were a pair of boxes and Harry wondered about it.

He saw Astoria sitting on the desk. She was dressed in a red outfit with small strips over each of her breasts and her crotch. That was the extent to the fabric that was on. She licked the candy cane slowly, trailing her tongue up and down it as she locked eyes with Harry.

"Hello, Harry," Astoria stated in a lustful voice, as she licked her lips, sticky, although they will soon be sticky for another reason. "So, I'm sure you're wondering if I've been naughty or nice this year?"

She got on her hands and knees as she turned her delicious ass towards Harry, swaying it and a smile spread over her face. The smile got more intense and more sultry, with intensity dripping off her blue eyes.

"Well as you know, I can be very nice, at being real naughty," Astoria remarked with a lustful purr as she placed her hands on the desk and leaned back, showing him her cleavage. The outfit did not leave much to the imagination.

"You got that right," Harry commented as he placed his hands on either side of her waist and pushed her back on the desk. She locked her legs around him and stole a passionate kiss, their tongues roaming together in intensity and passion. Harry's green eyes locked on her baby blues.

She bit her lip in passion and scratched at his arm, as she roamed her hands up and down his body, breathing with a smile that contained lust and sexual energy roaming from her eyes. Astoria arched her hips up.

"I think you can unwrap me a little bit but first, why don't you take a crack at unwrapping what's underneath the tree?" Astoria asked to Harry and Harry turned around. Astoria licked the candy cane slowly and sensually as she rubbed it down her lips and kept licking it.

Harry stepped towards the boxes and prepared to open them. He could hear the faint traces of breathing inside.

With good grace, Harry stepped towards the packages and opened them to reveal two very interesting pieces.

The Patil Twins were gift wrapped underneath his tree this holiday season. Parvati was dressed in a festive green with her hands and legs tied with tinsel and a bow on her mouth. Padma was dressed in blue with much of the same.

Harry chuckled.

"And you got me the set, how delightful."

The strange thing was the Patil twins would have given themselves to Harry willingly, but that was not the way that Astoria rolled.

"So, I think you'd like to unwrap your present, my lord," Astoria commented as she leaned back. "The question is which twin shall you have first?"

Harry smiled; he was going to indulge himself in both of them eventually. Both of the twins looked at him with lustful eyes and his green eyes moved towards them as he removed the gags from their mouth.

"Harry, I want you to do me," Parvati stated with a lustful growl.

"No, Harry, me, I can make you so happy," Padma commented as she smiled. "Besides, you know what they say about smart girls."

Harry smiled, as he released the twins.

"First one to me, wins," Harry remarked to them and the race was on.

The Yule Ball arrived the next day and Harry and Kara arrived early. They felt that they wanted to be an example that the rest of the school would follow, given that they were the leaders of it.

"I can't believe it, it's over and I'll know the results after the first of the year," Hermione remarked as she walked forward towards the Yule Ball and she was rather nervous.

There was no guessing what Hermione was talking about and Harry's smile crossed his face as he grabbed Hermione firmly around the waist and pushed her back. Her date, Daphne, arrived on the other side before her.

"Hermione, you passed them all, if you didn't, I'd eat Malfoy's jock strap," Harry remarked to her and Daphne wrinkled her nose.

"Wow, you must be confident," Daphne remarked.

"Since when is Harry ever wrong?" Kara asked her in a challenging tone of voice.

Daphne raised her hands up from the older blonde and remarked. "Point well taken."

She knew by now not to question Harry and his abilities, he was able to do the extraordinary better than anyone else. Her blue eyes swam with mirth and amusement as she looked over her shoulder and saw Diana arrive, with Luna. She had taken the younger girl under her wing so to speak.

Funnily enough, between Diana and Astoria, people were deciding to leave Luna alone.

"Next year shall be one that will be a key step towards achieving your calling, Harry Potter," Luna remarked in a misty voice as she edged towards him. "I think that even if my time is short, yours will be long."

Harry smiled, there was something about Luna that made him think that he needed to carefully take each word she was saying and break it down carefully, to decipher it.

"I can't believe it….is there any way you can get that marriage agreement annulled?" Susan asked to Hannah as the two of them made their way to the Ball, talking in hushed voices.

Hannah was quick to defend although her heart was not completely in it. "Now Neville….it might take a while for him to come out of his shell."

"How long do you think it will take? Maybe he'll make a move six months after the honeymoon?" Susan asked as she lead Hannah into the ball.

Amanda showed up with Astoria and Emily showed up with Ginny.

"Ginny, what are you doing?"

Ginny turned around and saw Percy standing there. He leaned on a cane.

"Percy," Ginny remarked to him carefully and stiffly. "How are you holding up?"

'With a cane by the looks of things,' Faora thought through the bond link. 'What happened?'

'Idiot tried to pull his, I'm the great and powerful Percy Weasley and got trampled at the cup, nerve damage, even magic can't repair it completely,' Ginny informed Faora with a smile.

"You know, you shouldn't be here, if you don't have a date," Percy remarked to Ginny.

"I do have a date, Emily, you know, Harry's sister," Ginny remarked to him.

"Our mother would not approve of this," Percy remarked to Ginny.

"Mother is dead, and I kindly thank you not to bring up her memory to prove your point," Ginny offered to her.

Percy's face scowled, Ginny should learn to respect his authority.

Astoria meanwhile wondered if she would have to take drastic action with this one, although given the rate that many of the idiots were going down in the Ministry, she had a feeling that he would go down with the ship.

"So what's the deal with Neville?"

Susan threw her hands back as Harry asked this question. "Well, it's not so much of a deal, as it's….Hannah had her heart set on Neville asking her to the ball."

"Well, that's unfortunate," Harry remarked, he could tell that Neville were one of those people that was not going to appreciate what he had in front of him, at least until it's too late. "Maybe he'll see the light."

"Maybe," Susan remarked.

Harry and Kara walked off, they agreed that they would have that one dance and then sneak out for some fun of their own. The group had one last stop to go before it was off to Paradise for the rest of the holidays.

'Well, I feel like I'm left hanging after these NEWTs,' Harry remarked to Kara as he watched Vega show up, with Victor Krum, who slouched and looked to want to be here about as much as Harry wanted to remain at Hogwarts.

Perhaps it was his imagination but Krum was showing him more interest than he was Vega. This gave Harry a full body shudder.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Kara asked him and Harry smiled.

"No, it's just….nothing, really it's nothing," Harry told her and Kara's face spread into a smile as she shrugged and happily turned away.

Dumbledore appeared next to Harry and the emerald eyed wizard wondered what Dumbledore wanted. The Headmaster striding towards him was a cause of interest as Harry turned his attention towards him.

"Mr. Potter, I'm sorry to interrupt your evening with your date, but I'd like a work with you about…something private for a second," Dumbledore remarked and Harry looked to Kara.

"I'll save you a seat, love," Kara remarked as she leaned towards him and planted a kiss on his lips.

Harry followed Dumbledore and the two of them watched each other.

"Well, I'd like to congratulate you on successfully completing your Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests," Dumbledore remarked to him and he added. "It's been a long time since I personally took them but if I recall correctly, they would be as taxing as the name indicates."

"You would not be mistaken, Headmaster," Harry informed him but he wondered what Dumbledore was telling him.

Sure enough, he did not have to wait for very long.

"Before you leave Hogwarts, I have information to impart to you, and lessons to teach," Dumbledore said to Harry. "Before the both of us leave in fact."

Harry was taken aback by this revelation from Dumbledore and he remarked to him in a crisp tone of voice.

"So you're leaving as well at the end of this year," Harry told him and the Headmaster's eyes twinkled.

"Yes, I feel that it's time for me to leave the school in another set of hands, over fifty years as both a teacher and the Headmaster, it's more than sufficient for me," Dumbledore informed Harry as he leaned back.

Harry could see how old Dumbledore looked and knew that the end would be memorable.

"I'm going to enjoy a nice life of leisure, for the remaining years of my life before I embark upon that next great adventure," Dumbledore informed Harry and the emerald eyed wizard nodded. "But, before that, I need to inform you of things that you must know. Regarding Lord Voldemort and his motivations, along with the reason why he attacked you."

Harry kept a straight face, Dumbledore was late to the party but he wisely said nothing.

"They will start after the holidays, I believe I can arrange these lessons to be three times a week and I'm certain that other teachers will find use of your talents," Dumbledore remarked.

"So you intend to teach me all about Voldemort?" Harry asked him.

"Among other things, yes," Dumbledore remarked to Harry. "But we'll worry about the finer details after the holidays, it is now a time for celebration."

Harry prepared for that celebration and prepared to enjoy that one dance that he promised Kara and then the one he promised Diana.

Then it would be off and out of here.

Lucius Malfoy was miserable this holiday season.

People he knew, useful contacts of his, were either dropping dead or disgraced. That included former followers of the Dark Lord.

One by one, his contacts refused to honor agreements and his resources were depleted. The haunting words of Andromeda Tonks flickered through his mind but Lucius refused to be completely defeated by this.

He arrived back at Malfoy Manor and he was in desperate need of a drink.

There was a package that was addressed to him and Lucius took it, opening it up. Perhaps if he had been of sounder mind, he would have checked it.

He opened it up and there was a doll that was inside. The elder Malfoy took the card and read it. The handwriting was not handwriting, in fact the letters were made of newsprint.

"Merry Christmas. Enjoy it, it's your last."

Lucius held the doll in his hand and without thinking, squeezed the hand. The doll began to talk in a voice that was sweet and sinister. Its eyes moved towards him.

"My Christmas Wish is to see you rot in hell, you miserable bastard."

The doll exploded into dust which left Lucius feeling really light headed and suddenly he could not move. He was aware that there was things going on around him but he could not move. He could not blink, or close his eyes.

There was someone who led him over to a seat in front of a wall.

"Christmas should be a time to spend with the family….which means I've got to track down that useless spawn of a son of yours."

Astoria Greengrass walked in front of Lucius and she was carrying a blowtorch. She took a brief second to make sure Lucius was secured.

"I've got some entertainment for you, Lucy," Astoria commented as she shifted in the white robes that she was wearing. "So, how does it feel to lose everything? One galleon at a time, one ally at a time, until you're left with nothing but the robes on your back and your miserable excuse for a life."

Lucius couldn't say anything although Astoria read enough from his face.

"See, you made a mistake of biting off more than you can chew," Astoria remarked as she leaned forward and raised her hand. "There are three things that you need to know."

The blonde smiled and she slapped her hand across the face of Lucius, raking her nails across his cheek and drawing blood from it.

"Thou shalt not kill!"

Astoria smiled and slapped him again.

"Thou shalt not steal!"

The blonde slapped him again and more blood rolled down the cheek of Lucius Malfoy.

"And thou shalt not FUCK WITH HARRY POTTER!"

Astoria slapped him the hardest again all this one.

"And you broke them all Lucius but that last one, it's the most important one of all," Astoria commented. "And now where is the product of your semen?"

Astoria shuddered as she thought about that. She allowed Lucius to contemplate his face.

Draco Malfoy exited the room, with a smile on his face. He was completely nude from head to toe as he strutted around, dripping with baby oil that was rolling down his pudgy, pale, figure.

Astoria grimaced, but she quickly swooped in.

A second later, Draco was bound next to his father.

"Paralyzed, but don't worry, it won't kill you," Astoria commented as she watched both of them and the blonde's expression got more twisted. "The fact of the matter is, both of you have lived for too long and…..you're stealing oxygen from people who have a chance at life."

Draco and Lucius awaited their fates.

"And now I have some entertainment for you," Astoria remarked as she tapped her fingers on the wall and the wall disappeared to reveal a clear surface, which allowed both Malfoys to see into the next room.

Lucius could not widen his eyes or protest but if he could, he would.

Astoria's grin widened to the point where it was permanently fixed upon her face. Her eyes traveled over the captive audience that was the Malfoys.

"And now, the final curtain," Astoria informed them as a spark was lit.

The room would prevent any fire from spreading outside it.

Draco and Lucius could not even scream as they saw their entire lives flash before them. The searing embrace of fire edged closer to them, reaching Draco's oiled up body first.

The end was here.

The fall of the House of Malfoy was great.