
Chapter 56: The Magician and the Bustling Classroom

In the middle of the field, Loki faced a critical situation. If struck by the Wind Arrow, he might be forced to forfeit. Yet, Loki remained composed. Raising his wand, he uttered an unusual incantation, "Kinmiice." A surge of massive magical energy erupted, unleashing an icy storm. The Shackles of Wind binding him shattered effortlessly. Loki stepped forward, the Wind Arrow grazing his left arm, narrowly missing a direct hit.

Malfoy, caught in the froststorm that engulfed the battlefield, was immobilized. Despite his speed advantage, he was powerless against the sheer range of the spell.

"You... you can already cast the Level 2 spell Ice Ring?" Malfoy's face was a picture of disbelief. It had been less than a month, yet Loki had already mastered a Level 2 spell? For anyone not directly involved, it was impossible to comprehend the difficulty of progressing from learning to mastering such a spell. To Malfoy, Loki's achievement seemed unfathomable.

"Just lucky," Loki replied, his tone calm and devoid of pride. "A few days ago, my meditation reached a breakthrough. I've advanced from a magic apprentice to a full-fledged mage."

"Fine, I concede. Facing a mage as a mere apprentice is asking for humiliation." Malfoy grumbled under his breath, waved dismissively, and walked off the field.

"Loki, your progress is remarkable," Augustus said, his tone measured. "But remember not to prioritize speed over balance. Strength is crucial, but a mage's mental state must match their power. Insight and mindset are key—only then can magical abilities reach their full potential. Don't put the cart before the horse."

Next came the duel between Malfoy and Lilian. Unsurprisingly, Malfoy lost to the intermediate-level magic apprentice. Lilian's fire-based magic, which focused on offense, overwhelmed him. Malfoy struggled to counter her relentless attacks and eventually conceded. However, his expression remained dark and brooding as they exited the Room of Requirement, clearly unwilling to accept the loss.

Monday Morning

News spread like wildfire that Colin Creevey had been attacked and was now lying unconscious in the hospital wing, pale as death. The school was immediately gripped by fear, with rumors flying and suspicion mounting. First-year students now moved in tight groups, afraid that straying alone would lead to an attack.

During this time, students secretly exchanged protective charms, talismans, and other self-defense items. This trend quickly swept through the school. Neville Longbottom, for instance, bought a foul-smelling onion, a pointed amethyst, and a rotting newt tail. However, the other Gryffindor boys reassured him that he was safe: as a pureblood, he wouldn't be targeted.

"They started with Filch," Neville said, his round face pale with fear. "Everyone knows I'm practically a Squib!"

Thursday Afternoon – Potions Class

The lesson began as usual in the dimly lit dungeon, with cauldrons bubbling on wooden tables, brass scales gleaming, and jars of peculiar ingredients lining the walls. Professor Snape prowled the room, criticizing Gryffindor students' work while Slytherins snickered in the background. Draco Malfoy, Snape's favorite student, kept shooting exaggerated sneers at Ron and Harry, knowing that any retaliation would result in immediate detention.

Harry, distracted by a more pressing matter, barely noticed Snape mocking his watery Swelling Solution. He was waiting for Hermione's signal. When Snape moved on to harass Neville, Hermione gave Harry a discreet nod. Quickly ducking behind his cauldron, Harry pulled out a string of Fred and George's Wildfire Whiz-Bangs, tapping them with his wand. The firecrackers hissed to life, sparking and sputtering.

He had only seconds. Straightening up, Harry aimed carefully and lobbed the firecrackers into Goyle's cauldron.

Augustus, watching from the sidelines, raised an eyebrow at Harry. What was this boy doing? Daring to cause trouble in Snape's class was unthinkable. Were they trying to distract Snape for some larger scheme? Otherwise, Harry's usual demeanor wouldn't align with such antics.

Goyle's cauldron exploded, showering the class with Swelling Solution. Chaos erupted as students screamed, dodging the flying potion. Malfoy, drenched, watched in horror as his nose ballooned like a rubber ball. Goyle stumbled around blindly, his eyes swollen to the size of dinner plates.

Snape roared for order, struggling to assess the situation. Amid the chaos, Harry noticed Hermione slip out of the classroom.

Augustus caught her exit as well, confirming his suspicion. The trio was up to another one of their wild adventures. Rubbing his forehead in exasperation, he turned to help Malfoy, casting a Minor Healing Spell. The burns on Malfoy's face and head faded significantly. Malfoy nodded his thanks but immediately started scanning the room, his expression fierce as he searched for the culprit.

"Silence! Quiet!" Snape bellowed. "Anyone affected by the potion, come to me for antidotes. Once I find out who caused this..."

Half the class stumbled toward Snape's desk, some with arms swollen like clubs, others with mouths too puffed to speak. Meanwhile, Harry saw Hermione slip back into the classroom, her robes conspicuously bulging.

Once everyone had taken the antidote and the swelling subsided, Snape stalked over to Goyle's cauldron. Using a spoon, he scooped up the charred remains of the Wildfire Whiz-Bangs. The room fell silent.

"Once I discover who threw this," Snape said in a dangerously low voice, "they'll be expelled."

Harry kept his face blank, feigning innocence. Snape's eyes bored into him, but thankfully, the bell rang ten minutes later.

Augustus watched the trio hurry out of the classroom, a faint smile on his lips. Snape letting them off without further investigation was a stroke of luck. Adventurous and daring, they seemed inseparable from mischief and excitement. Whatever secret plan they were hatching, Augustus could only imagine what kind of chaos they were diving into next.

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