
Chapter 116: Christmas Day

The faintest shift flickered in Augustus's gaze. He had finally noticed it—Loki's affinity for elemental perception had reached an extraordinary level. For someone at his stage, such accomplishments were rare indeed. Even when compared to Thor's innate talent with lightning-based abilities, Loki's mastery wasn't far behind.

Draco Malfoy smirked as he approached the snow sculpture. "I'm curious to see what this legendary ghost looks like. This is the first time I've ever paid homage to such a terrifying creature. How thrilling."

He reached out and pulled off the cloak draped over the sculpture. Beneath it was Harry Potter's frozen, innocent expression. Draco's smile deepened, as though he had anticipated this. With one hand, he patted Harry's frost-stiffened face, then delivered a swift kick to his abdomen. Harry, encased entirely in ice, toppled into the snow like a statue frozen for a millennium, sending up a cloud of snowflakes.

"Harry!" Hermione ran toward him, her face filled with worry. Ron hesitated, glancing at Draco and Loki but making no move to intervene. Loki lazily flicked his wand, dispelling the frozen state around Harry. Supported by Hermione, Harry struggled to stand in the snow.

"Draco, long time no see. Did the ghost scare you so badly you're acting out in anger? Haha." Harry brushed the snow off his robe and looked at Draco with a mocking smile.

"Scared? Hardly. But your little friend Ron over there seems properly terrified. Look at him—he's too scared to move." Draco pointed at Ron, his gray-blue eyes gleaming with amusement.

Ron flushed a deep crimson, his hands clenching into fists. His knees quivered slightly, but he ultimately lowered his head, avoiding Harry's gaze.

Harry shook his head with a wry smile. Patting Ron's shoulder, he said, "He's just frozen stiff, that's all. Our bond is something you wouldn't understand, Draco. It's not something a heartless scumbag like you could grasp."

"Ah, the great Savior's knack for rallying others to his side is unparalleled. But I'd suggest you focus your concern on your oversized friend Hagrid. Buckbeak's end is near, after all. A Malfoy's wrath, whether toward man or beast, never ends well. Watch yourself, Potter. You might be next." Draco smirked, his voice dripping with malice. He raised his wand and gave a mocking wave before turning to leave.

Harry's eyes widened in shock. He hadn't expected the situation to escalate so drastically.

"Oh, right, Harry," Draco said suddenly, pausing mid-step. "Almost forgot—Merry Christmas." He spun around, aimed his wand, and muttered an incantation. A shimmering blue arrow of wind magic formed at the tip of his wand before streaking toward Harry at lightning speed.

Hermione, prepared for more trouble, had already raised her wand. "Protego!" she shouted. The icy-blue spell collided with the invisible shield, detonating with a forceful shockwave that sent Harry sprawling into the snow again. The residual wind magic dispersed among the falling snowflakes, exploding like festive fireworks in the sky.

"Not bad for a Christmas firework, don't you think?" Loki said, his amber eyes glinting with mirth. He turned and walked toward Augustus.

The blizzard continued behind them, forgotten. This Christmas had certainly taken on a unique flavor.

Elsewhere in the castle, the traditional grandeur of Hogwarts's Christmas decorations was in full swing, despite the relatively few students staying over the holidays. The corridors were lined with thick garlands of holly and mistletoe, and mysterious lights glowed from within the armor displays. As always, twelve grand Christmas trees adorned the Great Hall, their golden stars shimmering brilliantly. The mouthwatering aroma of festive feasts filled the air, so enticing that even Scabbers poked his nose out of Ron's pocket, sniffing hopefully.

On Christmas morning, Augustus was awakened by the piercing cry of a gyrfalcon. Throwing on his coat, he approached the window. The pure white falcon perched proudly, announcing its triumph. Beneath it lay an assortment of hapless prey—rabbits, mice, and other small creatures. The haul was impressive, a testament to the bird's unmatched hunting prowess.

Opening the window, Augustus was greeted by a world of swirling snow. The thick layers of snow piled outside reached two to three meters deep, an unusually heavy snowfall even for this time of year. Down below, Filch was awkwardly clearing the pathways with a shovel, struggling like a Muggle. Augustus smirked at the irony of a wizard using such mundane means, wondering how long it would take for Filch to clear the immense drifts.

Not far away, the Weasley twins and Harry had started a snowball fight, or rather, a snow-bound version of Quidditch. Amid the heavy snowfall, a makeshift Quaffle was being passed between them. Ron, predictably, fumbled every throw George made, often ending up with the ball hitting his face before he managed to grab it.

Closing the angel-etched glass window, Augustus turned back to the gifts piled by his bed. This year's haul was larger than usual. Among the more ordinary gifts, Ron had sent a knitted sweater in a pattern Augustus had no intention of wearing. Harry had gifted a beautifully bound book on Quidditch World Cup history, while Hermione, surprisingly, had sent an electric shaver—a Muggle device that earned an amused smile as Augustus stroked his smooth chin.

Other gifts included a massive, sharp two-handed sword from Thor, over two meters long and unquestionably illegal in the wizarding world. Loki's gift was more practical: a comprehensive tome detailing the spells and dueling techniques of legendary wizards throughout history. Draco, unsurprisingly, had sent a Chinese Fireball dragon model that spat fire whenever touched. Lilian's gift was a flower that constantly changed its form, transforming into hundreds of different bouquets before settling in Augustus's hand. Lastly, Cho Chang had sent a Chinese peachwood sword, said to ward off evil spirits, complete with a detailed note on its supposed protective properties.

With a small smile, Augustus settled in to enjoy the peculiar blend of gifts and the holiday cheer of this snow-filled Christmas.

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