
Harry Potter: Another Chance

An older Harry Potter dies after experiencing much hardship and defeating his worst enemy before being reincarnated in an alternate version of his world where his parents are alive and he is no longer the Chosen One. Now he used all his accumulated knowledge and skills to protect those important to him and defeat Voldemort once more. The upload rate is currently at 6 chapters per week, I may increase it in the future if I have more time. I do not have specific days or times for the uploads because my full-time job has an erratic schedule so I upload whenever I have the time. But you can expect 6 new chapters by the end of the week. Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope my readers understand. A.N - - No harem - There will be a lot of violence, so be warned. - The pacing will not be too fast, this is going to be longer than my previous fic so be patient.

Krio_Genix · Book&Literature
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340 Chs

Chapter 178: Private chat


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 178: Private chat

"Mister Potter, stay for a moment, please."

"Of course, Professor," Harry replied.

Hermione smiled, while Lavender and Parvati chuckled.

Once all the students had left, Harry approached the professor's table.

"What can I do for you, Professor Potter?"

Lily gave him a pouting face. "Call me Mom when we are alone!"

"I'd better get used to calling you professor, lest my tongue slip," Harry retorted.

"You are no fun… I wish you had reacted more like Lyra. Do you know how hard it had been to keep it a secret?" Lily complained.

"I can only imagine… Was there something in particular you wanted to discuss? I have an appointment with someone…"

Lily raised an eyebrow. "An appointment?... Do you mean a date? It's only the second day! Just how popular are you?"

"It's not a date…" Harry grumbled.

"And who is this 'appointment' with?" She asked.

"That is… private," Harry looked away.

"Fine. I won't meddle in your personal life… too much. But there was something I wanted to ask you."

"And that is?"

"How did I do?!" Lily exclaimed. "I mean, for my first class."

"Better than the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor," Harry told her.

"Well, that's not a great compliment…" Lily replied.

"You asked for my opinion, not a compliment. It's just the first class. You did a good job," Harry added.

"Mmm… perhaps you can help me a bit with the list of spells I have to teach. Maybe there is something you could think of adding," Lily requested.

"That's fine, but… we could have done this during the summer if you didn't insist on keeping it a secret."

"That would have ruined the surprise!"

"And?... How did Holly take it?" Harry asked.

"Well… you know… not great. But is not like she is staying alone. Mipsy is with her, and I had Dumbledore connect the Floo network to my office so I can go back home every day. I can also bring Holly for Hogsmeade weekends. I bet she is going to love that!" Lily said with excitement.

"Yes, I think she will," he agreed. The poor girl barely leaves the house. Going out a bit will be good for her.

"Well then… that's it for now. I won't keep you from your… 'appointment' any longer," Lily gave him a wink.

Harry wanted to roll his eyes.


As soon as he took the last turn, Harry spotted the two girls waiting for him in the corridor.

He approached slowly to avoid making any noise.

Astoria turned her head once he was a few feet away.

'Good senses…' Harry thought.

But she did not alert her sister of his presence.

Harry stopped right next to Daphne and placed an invisible hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry for the delay."

Daphne let out a loud shriek as she jumped in the air.

"Why do you always do that?!"

Harry removed his invisibility charm.

"You need to pay more attention. Your sister was able to detect me, but you didn't."

He would never admit that he enjoyed seeing her reaction.

"That's…," Daphne glanced at her sister. "Why didn't you say anything?"

Astoria shrugged.

"We should go inside. Daphne's shrieks are bound to attract some attention to this place." Harry unlocked the door to their usual meeting room and went inside.

"I did not shriek!" Daphne complained.

"Loud…" Astoria frowned.

He locked the door once the two girls were inside. They got comfortable on one of the couches, and Harry sat in front.

"I was surprised that you contacted me so soon. Did something happen?"

"Well, something did happen, but this meeting wasn't for me." Daphne tapped her sister's shoulder. "Go on."

Astoria looked directly at Harry for a couple of seconds before she bowed slightly.

"Thank you. For… saving me."

"Oh… you are welcome, Astoria," Harry nodded politely. He was not expecting this girl to thank him at all. In fact, he was wondering how much she even knew, but could not ask in front of her.

"How are you feeling?"

"…Good," Astoria said.

"She talks a lot more now," Daphne smiled.

"Yes, I have noticed it," Harry grinned.

"She will become more talkative as time passes, but let's just hope it doesn't reach Lavender's level."

They conversed for a bit longer and had one of the elves bring some dinner for them. Harry then offered to accompany them to their respective common rooms.

After leaving Astoria at the Ravenclaw tower, Daphne and Harry were left alone.

"I felt there was something else you wanted to discuss," he told the blonde girl.

"There is, but…" She looked around. They were in the middle of a hallway.

It was completely empty as most of the school was currently eating at the Great Hall, but you never knew.

Harry took her hand. "Here."

He led her through a nearby door and closed it behind them before applying a privacy charm.

"Harry?! Wait!" Daphne exclaimed.

"What? I put a privacy charm, so no one can hear us here."

"That's not the problem!" She now shouted.

"I know it's small, but…"

"That's not the problem either!" She shouted again.

"Then what is th-"

"Harry, this is a broom closet!" Daphne screamed as her cheeks gained a reddish tint.

A.N: - Remember to comment, vote, and/or leave a review if you have the time. Those things help me a lot and I would really appreciate it.

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You can also find images of some of the characters from the fic for free. Like Lyra, Holly, and the alluring Lady Zabini. 
